Chapter 7: Pain

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Felicity's P.O.V.

As we raced through the woods, our hair whipping behind us, I wondered-not for the first time that day-what made these men come for us, and only us?

At that moment, my thoughts were knocked out of my mind as I tripped on a large tree root, and fell eagle-spread on the ground.

"Ahh-OOF!" I cried out, startling Harmony who was several paces in front of me. I had been next to her, but when I fell it gave her time to get a little in front of me.

"You okay? I could help if you need me...," Harmony trailed off, not knowing what to say or do. She compromised by sitting down on the ground next to where I was still laying on my stomach in the dirt, although I had turned my head to the side.

My head pounded, and my arms, legs, and knees ached from the fall. I just groaned. I think that was sufficient enough from Harmony, because then she said, "Here..." And helped me into a sitting position.

My world spun, the trees and dirt whirling around me. My muscles went loose, as I was unable to control them, and I feel back.

The pain became more eminent. My head ached more than ever, and my ankle ached even more. Harmony peered at me, and my vision swam. The next thing I saw was blackness.

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