Huh, that's Deep.

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Usually where the unknown lies. There is no knowing or way to react to it.


There's a strong meaning behind it. So strong that tears may be shed or tempers may be flared.


A time where words cannot express a response. Only pitiful looks and shared sorrow can do partially anything, if not nothing.


It cannot be understood. Some try to. Some only worsen matters. Some call it off as too personal or weird. Friends that say such things are not good friends. They must try to give any assistance, as the most minimal will suffice.

There are gaps in human nature. Only a few go through certain experiences, as others go through many of the same. There's normal and abnormal. Normal and weird. Normal and crazy.


The general consensus of a population that go through very similar experiences is referred to as normal. They share their laughs and woes, and relate to another. It's not serious; maybe some school hardships and all that. Maybe an annoying viral video or whatnot. Something widespread among society and experienced by many. That's normal.

What's abnormal?

Something that people don't know. They're scared to know, so they just cast it off as weird or strange or unwanted. Perhaps grief at an earlier age than necessary, when Death decides to do his bidding at an earlier time. Not the natural rate, but his pick. He likes to steal lives from time to time. It appeases his boredom.

It's hard to relate to abnormalities as such. Grief, mental disorders, mature themes. People just don't want to think of those things because they want to be happy and think of their own things, like school or sports. They don't want to think about dead parents at an early age, or seeing nightmares all the time. They just want to relate to their own stuff.

Get some help. See a doctor. You may be ill.

All of that stuff they may reply, irritably, like they don't have the time to speak to this desperate person.

Well, that only worsens the problem.

These people want to be heard. They want others to know their pain and suffering. Not with a dismissal of the hand. Not with a roll of the eyes.

But with seriousness.

Like this problem could easily become that of the normal person. Like it could be a nightmare one day, but reality the next.

It's hard to define normal. Many people are not normal and have their own experiences. Not everybody is the same; they're unique for a reason. We're humans and do our own things and embark on our paths. We seek guidance and have our hand taken at times. That's just life.

But as humans, we must help another. We must become the guide to pay respect for those that had guided us in the past.

We must be put ourselves in another's boat and truly see their pain and woes. It's a lot, but it means more than you may think.

All of you are probably reading this and thinking:

Huh, that's deep.

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