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"There you go," San was smiling at them, hands upon his tiny waist as they stood in a room below the deck where lots of tiny beds were there. "We aren't equipped with enough beds, to be honest, we just have 10 beds here. We all use 1 each and Hongjoong-hyung sleeps in his cabin so we have 3 extra beds. You all don't mind sharing, do you?"

"No, it's okay," Beomgyu gave him a smile in return. "We're just thankful for you giving us a free ride."

"Woo's friends are our friends," San waved him off, looking extremely happy as he spoke. "And his friend's friends are also welcome here! There's 8 of us, so it might take you some time to be able to recognise us, but it's okay, I'm going to introduce you to everyone later."

"Thanks for all your help," Soobin bowed to him, trying to show how grateful he was. When he straightened up, he saw San giggling silently while Kai was looking away and Beomgyu had an eyebrow raised at him. "What?"

"You're too polite," San pointed out, grinning at him. "I'm a pirate, nobody ever bows to me. It's just weirdly nice, and you're cute."

"Oh," Soobin promptly blushed, never having been called 'cute' by anyone in his entire life ever since he was a child (except for Yeonjun). "You... too?"

This time, all of them laughed and Taehyun nudged him with an amused smile before wrapping an arm around his wrist.

"Let's go out on the deck," he said to the older boy and who was Soobin to deny? He let him drag him outside and knew that Beomgyu was following them to make sure there wasn't anything between them. The thought made him smile.

Once outside, he looked around but couldn't see Yeonjun anywhere on the deck. It was dark inside the cave and he couldn't wait to actually go out on the sea but right now, he just wanted to see the pink-haired boy that made his heart skip beats and his stomach do flip-flops.

"Binnie!" Yeonjun's voice rang from somewhere up and Soobin looked up with Taehyun to find Yeonjun waving at them from the crow's nest with Wooyoung beside him, both of them smiling widely at them. His stomach lurched at the sight of them together, and he berated himself inwardly for feeling so jealous of the silver-haired boy when he hadn't even known Yeonjun for more than a few days.

He really fell fast and hard, huh? Soobin shook those thoughts out of his head and swallowed thickly as he painted a fake smile on his face as he waved back.

"You two are so obvious," Taehyun murmured from the corner of his mouth and Soobin turned to face him, his jaw dropping open as he stared at the red-haired boy. "Don't look at me like that. Please, you can't be more obvious about your feelings. I don't know if anyone else noticed but I like to observe and this was just too obvious to overlook."

"Oh my god," Soobin buried his face into his hands, embarrassed beyond belief. He sunk to his knees, absolutely mortified about his feelings being so–

"Soobin?" Yeonjun's voice floated above him in concern and Soobin's head snapped up, his eyes wide, cheeks flaming from his crouched position. Yeonjun's head was tilted as he looked at him. Soobin snapped up straight and rammed into Yeonjun by mistake. Yeonjun nearly fell back but Wooyoung caught him and Soobin rubbed his head as he looked at the other boy in alarm.

"Hyung!" He cried, inching closer to him. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, does it hurt? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, oh no, hyung, are you, is it– I mean, oh my god, call a doctor!!!"

Soobin's screech towards the end was interrupted by San, who threw himself between Yeonjun and Soobin. San looked at him seriously, grabbing him by his shoulders.

"Soobin, calm down," he said, all trace of the previous smile gone. "Yeonjun's gonna be fine. But if you keep shrieking like this, none of us will be."

Soobin looked around him to see Wooyoung having his hands cupped around Yeonjun's face as he talked to him and blew on his forehead.

How did he manage to push Yeonjun away from him and into Wooyoung's arms so dramatically and literally?

"I'm Hongjoong, captain of the ATEEZ pirates," the blonde-haired boy with a mullet said with a thin smile. "It's good to have you all on-board. We learned that there are guards roaming in the town so we're gonna leave tonight. I don't know if anyone told you, but we have to make a pitstop at Ludic port. It will take us three days to reach the Kingdom of Naname."

The five of them nodded to let him know that they were slightly aware.

"I have to get preparing for tonight so please excuse me and San," he said with a nod before gesturing the other boy to follow him. The rest of the unknown people just turned to look at the five of them, some looking at them carefully, others with hints of a smile.

"So!" Wooyoung clapped. "Let me introduce you to everyone. You already know San and Hongjoong-hyung introduced himself so, this is Seonghwa-hyung, he is our chef.  Ah, Yunho is our navigator, and he has to leave now so, you can go now."

The nice-looking blonde boy smiled at them before following to the cabin where Hongjoong and San left.

"I'm the first mate," the dark-haired boy leaning against the side of the ship spoke up. "Song Mingi."

"I'm the shipwright," the red-haired boy sitting beside the white-haired one spoke up. "Jongho. And this is our look-out, Yeosang-hyung."

"And that's everyone," Wooyoung gave them a smile again. "Seonghwa-hyung and I are going to cook tonight's dinner right now, so if you don't have anything to do, you can join us there and we can get to know each other!"

"Sure," Taehyun said quickly, probably eager to get to know fellow pirates. Yeonjun murmured about going to Yeosang so Soobin decided to join Taehyun and get to know more about Wooyoung.

He didn't want to hate the other boy, but he can't help but be jealous. Might as well get to know him and find out if there really is something between them...

The kitchen was a wide space with two long benches in front of it for people to sit on. The kitchen itself wasn't very large but the sitting area made it seem wider and bigger. Seonghwa, the taller boy from before, made way directly to the kitchen tools hanging from the wall and picked out a knife.

Wooyoung made way to the island in the middle and pulled out a sack from beneath.

"Sit down on the tables if you want," Wooyoung offered. Soobin sat down closest to the door and farthest away from him and Beomgyu slid next to him. Taehyun on the other hand, sat close to where they were working. "You're Taehyun, aren't you?"

"I am," Taehyun confirmed, a small smile on his face.

"I heard from Yeonjunie that you want to be a pirate?" Wooyoung seemed intrigued as he washed some potatoes and carrots.

"I do," Taehyun confirmed. "Have wanted it since I was 15. That's when I met the Bangtan Pirates."

Wooyoung gasped and nearly dropped the bowl holding the potatoes and carrots. "You have met them?" He was in awe at Taehyun's words. "You have met the Kings of the Eastern Seas. Wow. Do you know how much I look up to them? I am so jealous of you!"

Wooyoung's voice was nearly a whine and Taehyun laughed at the childish look on his face. His face turned soft and dreamy though, as he continued speaking.

"It was a stroke of luck," he said. "But I like to think that it was fate. That me working at a bar near a port town where they stopped by is a play of the universe to lead me to my true calling.  It was a dark time in my life and when I served them their food, they were so nice to me. They were concerned because I was only 15 and looking like I didn't have a life. I really didn't, back then, but I was mesmerized by them. They glowed, you know? Despite the fact that their mere existence is not allowed in this land, they didn't care about it."

Wooyoung nodded, rapt attention on his face as Taehyun spoke about their idols. Beomgyu had his face resting on his palms as he watched and listened to Taehyun, soaking all the information in with a gentleness and curiosity. Soobin was interested to listen to Taehyun's story as well.

"They showed me the light," Taehyun seemed to not be in them anymore. He was fully into his memories now. "I felt alive with them. The sea had always been my safe space, the one thing I loved beyond anything. And if I got to live there with them, I would have everything I could possibly want in life. I begged them to let me be a part of them."

Wooyoung gasped again, his knife that was chopping the potatoes paused in the movements as he gaped at the younger red-haired boy.

"Jungkook-ssi laughed at me," Taehyun's smile didn't drop, "not unkindly, but with this amusement and challenge in his eyes. He told me that I was too young. That if I had it in me, to grow up and find them. And then they might consider taking me in."

Everyone there was speechless, even Seonghwa, who was just silently listening to them all while doing his work.

"I think 18 is old enough," Taehyun grinned. "I want to find them and become a part of the Bangtan Pirates. I don't know if they remember that lanky boy from the bar who wanted to join them, but I will make them see my worth. I will make them let me in."

"You will, Hyunnie," Beomgyu nodded, his eyes trained on Taehyun like always. Taehyun looked at him in surprise, almost as if he wasn't aware they were there. "I know you can. And I will make sure to help you do it however you want. You can trust in me, yeah?"

Taehyun didn't say anything for a few seconds, looking at the boy with eyes wider than usual before he smiled warmly at Beomgyu for the first time since they met. "Yeah."

Wooyoung had dropped his work and instead sat next to Taehyun and shook his shoulders to get his attention. Taehyun turned to him and the two started talking about the Bangtan Pirates again, this time more animatedly and intensely.

Beomgyu's eyes narrowed at Wooyoung's hand that was still on Taehyun's shoulder. He seemed angry but he didn't have to say anything for Soobin to understand what he was going through. He was going through the same feelings of jealousy after all.

"Wooyoung seems to be very charming," he remarked dryly. "He's got everyone wrapped around his finger."

"I agree," San's voice came from behind them and Soobin whipped around in alarm, embarrassed at being caught speaking ill about the one who was helping them. San had a knowing smile on his face as he spoke the next words, "My boyfriend is very charming. And on the list of the people who he has wrapped around his finger, I assure you, I'm the number one."

It took a few seconds for Soobin to absorb the words and when they sunk in, it was with a load of relief. Wooyoung had a boyfriend. He couldn't possibly like Yeonjun then.

"He's just incredibly friendly and touchy," San continued, the knowing smile still not going away as he spoke from where he was leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. "You don't need to worry about him taking away your boyfriends. He loves me too much to actually leave me for someone else."

Beomgyu visibly sighed in relief while Soobin was mortified once again, hating that he was so obvious even to a boy he had met just the same day. He blabbered, "We're not, boyfriends is not the right, I mean, it's not like that–"

San just waved him off as walked over to Wooyoung, who was too busy talking to Taehyun to have noticed their conversation, and dropped a kiss on his cheek. Wooyoung looked at him happily as he pressed a kiss back before continuing what he was saying.

"You don't have to worry then, hyung," Beomgyu nudged him and Soobin buried his face in his hands once again, lamenting about the fact that everyone knew about his feelings for Yeonjun– except Yeonjun himself.

"We will have to share beds?" Yeonjun asked, eyes flitting between the three extra beds. Two of them were at one end and the third one was at the other end of the room, the one beside the wall of the ship. San nodded.

"Sorry man, but we don't have any extras," he muttered. "I would have shared with Woo, but he kicks in his sleep and I actually want to sleep tonight so..."

"It's not a problem," Kai said cheerfully.

"I'm sharing with Hyunnie!" Beomgyu announced immediately. Soobin glanced at Taehyun, sure that he would start protesting or ask for a single bed but instead, Taehyun just blushed and looked away. Oh my goodness... Soobin smiled to himself as looked at Yeonjun. What if they could share a bed? That would be intimate, closer than they've ever been, and the idea made his blood pump faster than ever.

Soobin looked away, because what if Yeonjun didn't want that? What if he wanted to sleep by himself? He shouldn't get his hopes up. Soobin turned to look at Kai who was giving him a funny look.

"I want a bed for myself!" Kai announced without letting either Yeonjun or Soobin speak. "You don't mind sharing, hyungs, do you?"

The two shared a glance before shaking their heads, confused at Kai's sudden announcement.

"But, don't you like to sleep with others?" Yeonjun asked, baffled by his sudden change of mind.

"Well, not for the next three days," Kai said mysteriously before secretly sending a wink to Soobin and claiming one of the two beds that was near the door. Beomgyu had already settled on the one beside it which meant that Yeonjun and Soobin would have to take the bed at the other end of the room.

"Alright then," Yunho clapped his hands, giving them a wide angelic smile. Soobin couldn't believe that this guy was a pirate. He did not give off any pirate-y vibes AT ALL. "Glad we have that sorted out. It's getting late so if you want to sleep, please go ahead. We've just left the town behind but we can't go far in the night without light so the ship will stop soon. You can have a good sleep then."

"Thank you for everything," Soobin gave him a nod, though he wanted to bow but he didn't want anyone laughing at him again.

"Don't mention it," Yunho chuckled before leaving the room with San. The only ones remaining in the large room were Jongho and Wooyoung who were both busy with their own things so Soobin decided to drop his belongings on their bed for the night. Yeonjun followed him quietly, not saying anything.

They had left the town two hours ago and had dinner once they were out of range so they were all ready to be done for the night. Soobin wondered if they might get attacked by another pirate ship, or worse, by some marines. That would be dangerous for them all.

"Binnie, which side do you want?" Yeonjun asked, using the nickname once again. It felt just natural to hear that from Yeonjun's mouth now, but it still made Soobin feel warm every single time.

"I'm okay with anywhere," he said softly.

"Okay, then you take the left side by the wall," Yeonjun said without looking at him as he straightened the sheets of the bed. "I'll be on the right side. I don't like to be trapped between things and this way, it will be better for me to move quickly if something goes wrong."

"Okay," Soobin paused then voiced his worries, "Will something go wrong?"

Yeonjun stopped in his actions to look at Soobin and gave him a small smile. "Hopefully not. But we can't be careless. If anything does happen, stay with me, okay? I'll protect you."

Soobin didn't bother mentioning that he doesn't really need protection. He knew how to use a sword if he could obtain one but the protectiveness that oozed out of Yeonjun's voice and body language made him happy beyond belief.

Once the bed was ready, Soobin crawled over to the left side and laid down. Yeonjun murmured something about lanterns and went away for a few minutes. When he came back, he blew out the lantern hanging on the wall beside Soobin at the end of the bed and shrouded their corner into darkness before slipping under the thin blanket that they were both sharing.

Soobin decided to show his back to the wall and face Yeonjun instead, wondering how the older boy looks when he's peacefully asleep. But Yeonjun didn't close his eyes or fall asleep; he turned to face Soobin as well. It was dark in their corner and Soobin could see the two other lanterns in the room glowing behind Yeonjun but even in the shadows, Yeonjun's face looked beautiful.

They just looked at each other silently, neither saying a word until–

"Do you–"

"Can I–?"

"Sorry," Soobin flushed, tugging the blanket closer to his neck in embarrassment. "You go first."

"No, no, it's okay," Yeonjun assured him. "What were you saying? There's no rush, I can tell you what I wanted to say after you tell me what's on your mind."

"Okay," Soobin whispered. There was barely a foot of distance between their heads and Yeonjun's warm breath was fanning across his face whenever he spoke. The proximity and the situation was making Soobin feel dizzy but he continued to speak in whispers, not wanting anyone else to hear what he is saying. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on," Yeonjun whispered back, his eyes running over Soobin's face, drinking in every feature that seemed to glow because of the lantern light far away. Soobin gulped, wondering if he was crossing a line by asking this but, he needed to know...

"Do you like Wooyoung-ssi?" Soobin asked finally, his voice shaking and low in a whisper because his heart was beating so fast, scared that he had indeed crossed a line between the two of them. His hand fisted around the blanket as he hurried to explain himself, "I just, thought you seemed happy with him and then I learnt from San-ssi that they are dating. I didn't want you to get hurt. You don't have to, have to tell me anythi–"

"No," Yeonjun whispered, his left hand raising and falling on Soobin's cheek. Soobin's breath hitched at the contact, at the warmth that blossomed under Yeonjun's touch. "Wooyoung is just a friend. I don't like him like that, I just missed him. And I know they're dating, it was the first thing he told me when we were alone. He has been pining over San for so long now, it's kind of relieving to see it finally happen."

"Oh," Soobin was breathless. He didn't know if it was the way Yeonjun was looking at him, almost with pleading eyes or the way his hand was splayed across Soobin's cheek with a gentleness he had never felt or because Yeonjun didn't like Wooyoung the way he worried he did. Yeonjun smiled at him, his hand leaving Soobin's cheek to go back under the blanket. Soobin missed the touch the very second it left but he didn't voice his thoughts. They were silent again for a few seconds. Then, "What did you want to say, hyung?"

"I," Yeonjun's eyes fell down to Soobin's neck, as he pondered over how to say this. "Soobin, I trust you. A lot. I don't know if you trust me just as much but..."

Soobin opened his mouth to say that he does but Yeonjun stopped him with a look.

"I wanted to tell you why I am searching for the Lily," Yeonjun whispered. Soobin's grip on his blanket tightened again as he stopped breathing for a second. "It's a long story, but it's also short. It's my secret, the one thing even Kai doesn't know. Wooyoung does know, but that's because he saved me. And I want to tell this story to you because I feel like I should tell it to you. I want you to know this."

Soobin gave him a small nod, his eyes showing that Yeonjun can tell him anything he wants to. Yeonjun's hand slipped on top of Soobin's and he squeezed the younger's hand.

"Do you know what exactly happened 12 years ago?" Yeonjun asked quietly, his voice so low that Soobin had to inch even closer to catch it. There was barely half a foot of distance between them but Soobin didn't notice it because of Yeonjun's words. 12 years ago was when everything changed.

"I do," Soobin whispered, trying to keep his voice super low so that no one will hear even a single word. Behind Yeonjun, one of the lanterns doused and shrouded even more of the room into darkness. "The true rulers of the Kingdom of Crocus, the Choi family, were assassinated. By the official Choi Soojung and his accomplices."

"Yes, well, my story is tied to that one," Yeonjun swallowed, his eyes finally meeting Soobin's. His gaze was intense and Soobin couldn't look away. "My real full name is Choi Yeonjun, the prince that was supposed to have died 12 years ago."

The words were lower than any whisper but they rung in Soobin's ears as if Yeonjun had screamed them from the top of a mountain. Yeonjun was the prince of the Kingdom of Crocus. The one who was said to have died, killed by Choi Soojung, who was now ruling over the throne and the kingdom.

"You, you're the prince?" Soobin's was weak and barely there but they were so close that Yeonjun caught his words just barely. He gave a small nod.

"My parents were killed by that man," Yeonjun's voice didn't shake but Soobin could see the hurt and anger flashing in his eyes. "He killed them but they died protecting me. My mother managed to make me escape and instead of me, the son of our loyal servant was killed. You know that all families and officials on the side of my parents were killed in the assassination. A lot of the servants died as well.

"That boy, whose life was taken instead of mine, lost his parents to that assassination and bravely took up the task. But he told me that I had to avenge him. I had to avenge his parents. I have to avenge my own parents. I was given the chance to live so that I can punish the man who took the lives of so many simply because of his greed."

Soobin's eyes were blurry, unescaped tears gathered in them as Yeonjun spoke in a voice lower and deeper than any other time.

"But I'm alone," Yeonjun continued. "I don't have an army behind me to fight this battle. That's why, that's why I want to find the Lily. To gain the strength and the ability to do this on my own. That's why, I have to find the Lily. I can't give up on it. I have to do this, I want to do this. I want that man to suffer for his crimes, to suffer for every life that he took. I hate him so much, from the bottom of my heart that I want to kill him in the cruelest way possible."

"Yeonjun," Soobin's voice was breathless and he couldn't say the honorific either, the true depth and horror of the situation sinking into him.

"I barely managed to escape," Yeonjun continued, closing his eyes. "I lived on the streets, not knowing what to do, how to live. I had no one, nothing, until Wooyoung found me. He took me to his orphanage. They took me in, and gave me a place to sleep, food to eat. I stayed there for a few years but then I had to leave. I travelled around the kingdom, disguised myself with various hair colours, styles, anything I could get my hands on. I worked odd jobs to gain money to live my life and finally, I'm stable enough to actually search for the Lily."

Soobin was squeezing his hand this time, the tears finally escaping his eyes as the older boy continued speaking. Yeonjun's eyes opened, the pleading look from before appearing once again.

"Do you get now how important the Lily is to me?" He asked. "It's my only chance."

"I do, hyung," Soobin whispered brokenly, his voice choked by the rock in his chest and the tears in his eyes. Determination blazed in his eyes as he rubbed the tears in his eyes. "I will help you. I will stand by your stand. When you have gained the ability to do it, you won't be alone. I will help you however you want to get you your throne back. To help you avenge the lives of so many wonderful people that that monster took away."

"Soobin," Yeonjun's voice was broken too and his face was drawing close, his hand running up Soobin's arms to his shoulders. "Thank you."

And then his lips collided with Soobin's, the younger responding to it by pressing his own against his as the last lantern in the room was doused. Yeonjun's lips were soft and Soobin's brain was hazy, everything felt like a dream. When Yeonjun finally broke it, he didn't say anything, just rested his head against Soobin's and laid on their pillow with his eyes closed.

Heart beating fast but still more at peace than ever, Soobin closed his eyes and let sleep overcome him, let his dreams be plagued by the sight of a young boy crying, having lost his everything.

Soobin felt warm. A soft, gentle warmth that was spreading from his chest to his fingertips. He opened his eyes and was met with an empty left side of the bed. Soobin sat up, the sunlight filtering in from the small round windows making the empty room look bright. Was he the last one to wake up?

Soobin drowsily got out of the bed and quickly folded the blanket before placing it on his pillow. He needed to find the others. He made his way out using the trapdoor at the ceiling and walked out to find a deck full of people.

Taehyun was up in the crow's nest with Yeosang, the two of them talking about something as Yeosang pointed at the horizon. Beomgyu seemed to be climbing up to reach the nest as well and Soobin watched him tumble into the space. If he thought Taehyun would be irritated, he was sorely mistaken.

Taehyun giggled at the older boy who also started laughing along with him. The sight was cute but Soobin turned to look at the others. Hongjoong and Yunho were at the wheel, talking about something rapidly.

Mingi was talking to Jongho, who was polishing a broad sword out in the open. The two paused in their chat to wave to Soobin, who nodded at them before walking past them to reach Seonghwa, who was wiping the inner side of the ship. He stopped when he saw Soobin approaching him and straightened up, a smile on his face.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked the younger boy. Soobin nodded.

"Where's Kai and Yeonjun-hyung?" Soobin's was deep and a bit hoarse from just having woke up. Seonghwa pointed at a room that was above the deck, just beside the kitchen where they had had dinner last night.

"Kai is with San," Seonghwa answered, leaning against the side of the ship as he eyed Soobin with amusement. "San's a magician and Kai seemed to be excited because of that. He started firing him with questions so San took them to his workspace so that he can work and answer him."

Soobin had learnt during dinnertime that San was the doctor of the ship but he didn't know San was a magician. And Kai was probably trying to figure out a way to make his own magic work.

"And hyung?" Soobin asked, looking around once again to see if the pink-haired boy who had kissed him the night before had appeared.

"He's in the kitchen with Wooyoungie," Seonghwa answered, straightening up as he grabbed the rag  from the floor again. "They're going to cook breakfast and lunch for us, and have asked for complete privacy. I would have been worried about my kitchen but I trust Wooyoung to know that he will be dead by my hands if he lets his friend destroy it."

"Oh," Soobin didn't know what to reply to that so he continued to stare at the black-haired pirate. Seonghwa seemed to have taken his silence as the end of their conversation because he returned to scrubbing the sides of the ship again. "Do you– do you want some help with that?"

Seonghwa paused in his scrubbing to look at Soobin, an eyebrow raised. "If you're offering, sure, why not?"

‘Why not?’ was a question that was best left unanswered because as it turned out, Soobin wasn't that good at cleaning. Seonghwa seemed to be stuck between wanting to cry and wanting to laugh as he stared at Soobin's ‘help me’ face.

"You need to apply more pressure," Seonghwa explained to him after assuring him that it was okay to have made a mistake. "And if you can't do that, then maybe you should take to just sweeping the rooms and the deck."

"I'm sorry," Soobin mumbled once again and this time, he made sure to apply enough pressure as he scrubbed at the side. It worked and Seonghwa nodded satisfactorily before leaving him to his own devices.

Soobin's brain started whirring as he thought about the night before. What Yeonjun had said was a shock to him but the kiss was at the foremost of his brain. It was his first kiss ever, and he liked the older boy a lot so it meant a lot to him. The mere thought of it was making him giddy with happiness and Soobin couldn't wait to talk to Yeonjun about it.

Yeonjun was avoiding him. At first, Soobin thought that maybe he just wanted to sit with Wooyoung during lunch when Yeonjun situated himself at the end of the table with Wooyoung next to him, but when Soobin tried to grab the older after lunch, Yeonjun dodged him and without looking at him, murmured about doing the dishes before locking him out of the kitchen.

Soobin was confused and heart-broken. If Yeonjun didn't want to talk about it, did that mean that he thought it was a mistake or something wrong? Did that mean that Yeonjun didn't like him like that?

Soobin couldn't stop the overflowing negative thoughts that seemed to plague his mind at Yeonjun's actions. He needed answers from him and did not let Yeonjun's avoidance during lunch defeat him.

When they stopped at Ludic city, Yeonjun escaped with San to go somewhere in the city under the pretense of helping him but Soobin knew that it was because Soobin had said that he will stay back on the ship. When they came back and left immediately, Soobin decided to try again.

He kept trying to catch the boy with something or the else but Yeonjun kept making excuses or going away somewhere on the ship with Wooyoung, who seemed to be casting Soobin apologizing glances since evening.

Soobin wondered if he should corner Yeonjun somewhere but that was unlike him. He didn't want to force it out of Yeonjun. When they all sat down for dinner once again, (Yeonjun sitting in between Wooyoung and Jongho) Soobin decided to talk to him when they went to sleep.

They shared a bed, after all, and Yeonjun would have to come there to sleep. He couldn't escape from there. Satisfied with this method, Soobin decided to not let these thoughts plague him anymore and instead enjoyed the dinner Seonghwa and Wooyoung had made with Yeonjun's help.

After dinner, Soobin realised that Taehyun was giving him weird glances and so asked him, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing," Taehyun assured him but he wasn't very convincing. "I'm going to watch the stars. Want to join me?"

Soobin agreed and the two of them silently stood next to each other as they leaned against the frontmost tip of the ship. It was a gibbous moon that night and the deck seemed bright under the moonlight. Taehyun didn't say a word, just stared at the sea with that familiar gentleness in his eyes.

Soobin looked at the sight as well, watching the dark waters reflect back the shining moon and the stars. He felt more calm and at peace than the entire day. His thoughts drifted to Yeonjun again and he wondered if Yeonjun was running away from his feelings.

Maybe he needed some space, some time to realise what he felt towards Soobin. Maybe it was because he had never felt emotions like this before, but Soobin hadn't either and yet... And yet what? It was all new to Soobin as well, but he didn't want to shy away from it like he did to anything new. He didn't want to let his fear take over this aspect of his life as well.

Soobin sighed. Taehyun gave him a side glance but still didn't say anything. Soobin looked at the red-haired boy.

"I'm going to sleep," he said quietly to him. Taehyun nodded, not at all looking troubled or surprised at his words. Soobin left him behind at the deck alone and passed by Beomgyu who was silently watching the younger boy look at the sea. Beomgyu gave him a nod and mouthed ‘goodnight’ so Soobin returned the gesture before going to his bed.

Yeosang was asleep in his bed and Kai was jotting down something in a brown leather-covered book. Kai whispered a soft, "Sleep well, hyung." before going back to his writing.

Their bed was empty but Soobin slid into the left side, and once again let his back face the wall as he watched the trapdoor, waiting for Yeonjun to enter. The room's middle lantern was out as Yeosang was asleep but the lantern near the trapdoor that was attached to the staircase was burning as Kai wrote beside it.

Soobin seemed to wait for a long time, as Beomgyu and Taehyun soon returned, their hands brushing against each other's as they prepared their bed for the night. Taehyun seemed to look at Soobin for a few minutes but Soobin chose to ignore it for once, just staring at the trapdoor, waiting for Yeonjun.

The lantern near the door was doused by San as well when he saw Taehyun, Beomgyu and Kai sleeping in their beds. San was accompanied by Mingi, who both went to the own beds. Mingi, who slept in the bed next to Soobin and Yeonjun's, asked him, "Can I douse the lantern?"

"Sure," Soobin's eyes didn't move from the trapdoor even once. Then the room was in complete darkness, save for the moonlight streaming in through the circular windows at large intervals.

Soobin didn't know when he fell asleep, he couldn't remember anything past Mingi's question. He couldn't remember the fact that when he fell asleep, a certain pink-haired boy came and pressed a light kiss on his forehead and gave him a sad smile before falling asleep in the same bed.

How much time and space does a person need to sort out their feelings? Soobin didn't know, he had always found himself aware and in-tune with his own feelings. He didn't understand what Yeonjun needed, what he was thinking and he was miserable because he was trying to understand but failing at it.

Everytime Yeonjun turned around and walked the other way, or gave him one line answers and responses before running away, Soobin felt deeply hurt. Why, why, why? What went wrong? Why was he avoiding him? Was it something he did or said? Was it something that Yeonjun had a problem with? Just why was he doing this?

"We'll reach by tomorrow morning," Hongjoong announced in the evening. Yeonjun hollered a thanks from where he and Wooyoung were sitting and Hongjoong smiled at him.

Because Yeonjun had been avoiding him, Soobin had taken to getting to know all the ATEEZ pirates. They were nice to him and the rest of them, and Soobin was glad he got to know them.

His entire life, he had thought pirates were horrible monsters who are heartless and cold, but getting to know them had been almost life-changing for him. They were simply trying to survive in the world, using whatever means they thought necessary. They just wanted to explore the world, search for hidden treasures and experience new things. They just wanted to be free.

He had heard stories from Mingi about adventures they had had, the monsters they had fought and the troubles they had gone through. He had learnt a basic few techniques of providing relief and cleaning wounds from San. He had seen the most beautiful view from the ship in the crow's nest with Yeosang by his side. He had had fun with all of them during lunch and he loved spending time on the ship.

And to think that all of this will be no more by tomorrow morning. It made Soobin's heart ache, but even then, it was accompanied by the longing for Yeonjun to come and talk to him. To atleast tell him what was going through his head.

It was during dinner that Soobin realised just how badly he was affected by the elder's actions. He had found himself looking at Taehyun and Beomgyu with envy as he saw Beomgyu feed Taehyun tidbits from his own plate that Taehyun, albeit blushing, accepted. When had they become so close?

Kai nudged him out of his thoughts and whispered to him, "Aren't they cute? I think Hyunnie likes Beomgyu-hyung as well."

"They are," Soobin replied, his heart sinking as he saw Taehyun subconsciously lean closer to Beomgyu, who seemed delighted by the proximity. Soobin wanted them to be happy, to be together, but why can't he have that? Why can't he have someone who enjoys his presence so much, who gives him so much happiness? Why not him?

He didn't realise at first when dark brown orbs met his own. Taehyun had caught him staring at them so Soobin hurriedly looked back at his plate, pretending to be eating. When he chanced a look at them again, he saw the red-haired boy speaking to Yunho who was sitting next to him.

Relieved that the crisis had been averted, Soobin decided to just finish dinner quickly and to go to his bed. He wanted to just sleep, to stop thinking about Yeonjun, to stop feeling miserable and sad because Yeonjun wasn't talking to him.

But that was not in the universe's plans, it seems, because Taehyun cornered him as soon as dinner was over and beckoned him out of the kitchen.

"I want to talk with you," he said to him and Soobin was too tired to fight him on that. He let the boy drag him outside and watched him speak to Beomgyu.

"Promise me you will go to sleep," Taehyun was saying queitly. "You aren't going to join us or eavesdrop on us."

"Okay, okay," Beomgyu raised his hands, looking serious. "I will go to bed but I'm not going to sleep. I will be by the trapdoor. Call me if something goes wrong, okay? Call me."

Beomgyu squeezed his hand once before letting him go and walked over to Kai. The two left to go to the room below the deck and the pirates seemed to have dispersed as well, Yeonjun doing the dishes with Seonghwa as the two talked.

Soobin sent him one last glance before following Taehyun to the raised part of the ship where Hongjoong was steering. He glanced at the two of them and did something with the wheel before saying, "I'm going to my cabin. I won't be back for quite some time so can you pay attention to this?"

"Yeah," Taehyun nodded, taking Hongjoong's spot. The older boy nodded back at him before leaving to go to the kitchen. The deck was silent and empty, save for Yeosang, who was up in the crow's nest once again. "I didn't want to make you talk if you didn't want to. But I have seen the push-and-pull game you and Yeonjun-hyung have been playing and I can't bear to watch you be this level of miserable that you can't even hide it from your face."

Soobin's face immediately shifted as he tried to make it into a convincing happy one. Taehyun snorted at his attempt, not letting his eyes waver from the horizon.

"Don't try, I already know it anyway," Taehyun's words made Soobin sigh. "Tell me, hyung. What happened between you two? You were all sickly cute with each other until we came on this ship. Is this about Wooyoung-hyung?"

"No," Soobin said quietly, leaning against the rail that was a few feet in front of the wheel. He could see the light from the lantern in the kitchen burning through the small windows. "It's.... It's about something that happened between the two of us."

"Did you fight?" Taehyun was patient, his voice calm and even; a contrast to Soobin's mind that was running in circles, trying to make sense of it's occupant's actions.

"No, not at all," Soobin's voice was low but Taehyun seemed to catch it because he made a noise of confusion. "In fact, we kissed."

"Ah..." Taehyun closed his eyes, his hands resting on the wheel as he seemed to think over his words. "What happened then?"

"Nothing," Soobin's voice was troubled. "That is the problem. Nothing. Yeonjun-hyung just keeps avoiding me, not saying anything, giving me more questions than answers and I'm just left behind, trying to hold onto this sand called Yeonjun that seems to keep slipping from my hands."

"Hmm," Taehyun just hummed, didn't say anything for a few seconds. Soobin collected himself in that time, thankful for the silence and the sea breeze that was kissing his cheeks. "Have you thought about what Yeonjun-hyung might be thinking?"

"I have," Soobin affirmed. "And it's driving me crazy, not knowing what could be so bad that he can't even talk to me about it."

"Maybe he just can't explain it to you," Taehyun said, his voice gentle. "Maybe he's scared of confronting you, of what the outcome will be."

"What's there to be so scared of?" Soobin mumbled. "I like him. If he likes me back, then shouldn't he say so? If he isn't saying anything, if he keeps avoiding me, don't you think he must not like me the way I like him?"

"I don't think it's that," Taehyun said finally. "I think he does like you. And that's what scares him more."

"What?" Soobin stared at him, confused. "How can that scare him?"

"It scared me," Taehyun said simply, a mysterious smile on his face. "In fact, it still scares me."

"You...," Soobin was surprised. "But... why? Beomgyu loves you so much, I'm so envious of you. I think you're so lucky to have someone who looks at you the way Beomgyu looks at you."

Taehyun didn't stop smiling, his eyes holding something Soobin couldn't quite name.

"Treasure him, Hyun," Soobin said painfully. "He's... You're not going to get another one like him again. It takes immense luck to have someone like that. Take him before someone else comes and sweeps him off his feet."

"You think I don't know?" Taehyun sighed, his eyes holding a different kind of sadness. "I want that, but then again, I don't. I want him to go away, yet I want him to stay."

"But why, Taehyun?" Soobin wanted to know. He wanted to help his friend to make sure he gets the happiness Soobin couldn't get. Taehyun closed his eyes for a second before he focused his glassy gaze on the horizon once again.

"When I was 8," he started, "my mother died due to the plague that had just started to spread. My father was never a good man. He was an alcoholic and spent all day either drinking or sleeping or hitting me. My mother used to protect me. When she was gone, it was like the light had gone out of my life."

Soobin's heart dropped, feeling the pain of Taehyun of losing a mother. Soobin's mother had died when he was young as well...

"Life after her death was even more hell," Taehyun continued steely. "I had to learn at a very young age to cook and do my own chores and live and survive and fight back and to dress my own wounds. Because of my father, I had to work in a bar at the very start of my adolescence.

"When I was nearly 15, my father died due to an overdose of alcohol. I could have saved him, I think, but my feet were frozen and I didn't want to. He died then. I still can't find it in myself to regret it, but it sent me into a moral downward spiral because my mother was the kindest person I knew. And she would never want me to be like that."

Taehyun took a deep breath as he paused in his story for a few seconds to gather his courage. Soobin didn't speak, didn't interrupt, not wanting to make him stop. It felt like Taehyun was opening up about this for the first time in his life.

"You heard about my meeting with the Bangtan Pirates. That was the turning point in my life. That was when I felt happiness again for the first time after my mom's death. And the only thing that has made me as happy as that... has been Beomgyu-hyung. Beomgyu-hyung is like the sun. He shines so brightly, he stands out from everyone else like he was born to do that. He's the most beautiful person I have ever met.

"And to think he loves someone like me. A heartless murderer. I don't deserve him, hyung. He deserves someone much much better than me. I am afraid that he loves me so much that one day he'll realise that I'm not worth that much. I am afraid that I'm not enough to encompass the light that he is. I want to be a pirate hyung. My first love is the sea. It's my home. A pirate's love is the sea, I will always choose it above anything else. I might choose it over Beomgyu-hyung even if he gave the world to me."

"Taehyun," Soobin finally said after Taehyun went silent for a few seconds, his head hung low, his dark red hair falling into his eyes. "If you ask me, Beomgyu will follow you to the end of the world. If you want to be a pirate, I'm sure he will join the crew you're in, all because he wants to be with you. Don't you think so too? If he can follow you to joining us on a journey to a land he's probably never been to, he can follow you on a ship of deadly pirates as well."

"I know he can," Taehyun's voice was shaking for the first time, and Soobin saw a drop fall onto the wooden floor of the deck. Tears were streaming down Taehyun's face as his lips quivered in their frail smile. "Which is why I don't want him to be with me. Being a pirate is not a safe life. I won't be able to forgive myself if something happens to Beomgyu-hyung because of me. It was okay when I was alone, but now I'm not. Now he's following me, ready to follow me to anywhere in the world, and I have never had someone like that. I'm scared that this is all a dream, a fiction that will end up burning if we spend more time together. I'm, I don't want to lose him hyung. But if I don't, I might just lose myself."

Taehyun finally broke down, collapsing onto his knees as he covered his face with his hands and cried silently, his shoulders shaking wildly. Soobin instinctively reached an arm around his shoulders, just holding him there to let him know that he's there. That he will be there even when he's done crying.

When Taehyun finally stopped, the moon was way up in the sky and they realised Hongjoong hadn't returned.

"I'll, I'll just go and get Hong–" Taehyun tried to say but Soobin shook his head.

"No, I'll do it," Soobin said gently. "You calm down here, okay? I'll get him and then we can go sleep."

"Ah, I'm such an idiot," Taehyun sniffled, wiping his cheeks. "We were here for you, but instead we ended up talking about me–"

"And that's okay," Soobin interrupted him, squeezing his shoulders gently. "I think I know what I have to do. But you, you should stop being scared. Talk this out with Beomgyu. You being scared isn't going to help your situation. That's what I have learnt in the past two days, Hyun. Keeping your problems in won't help. You need to talk it out. Promise me, you'll speak with Beomgyu about this."

Taehyun didn't reply for a few seconds and Soobin worried that he wouldn't promise but then he said, "I promise. I will, hyung, I won't make the same mistake as Yeonjun-hyung. Thank you, hyung."

"Thank you as well, Taehyun," Soobin rested his forehead against Taehyun's, feeling a sort of brotherly love deep inside him as he spoke. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me your story and thank you for making me understand that there's no limit to what a human can be scared of and worried about."

The two just stayed in each others arms silently for a few minutes before Soobin got up and walked over to the kitchen, which was dark and empty now. He knocked on Hongjoong's cabin and the boy opened the door, a quill in his hand tipped with ink as he looked at Soobin up and down.

"You two done talking?" He asked, a small knowing smile on his face as usual. He always seemed to know what was going on without anyone saying anything and Soobin didn't know if he admired that or was scared of that. "It's quite late in the night now, go sleep. You have to depart early morning tomorrow."

Soobin nodded and muttered a thanks. He took Taehyun by the hand and led him to the trapdoor, making sure to enter without making a sound. Everyone in the room was asleep it seemed and when Taehyun reached his and Beomgyu's bed, he had to stifle his giggles as he saw Beomgyu sleeping while sitting, probably asleep after waiting for them for so long. Taehyun nodded to Soobin and so he made way to his own bed, knowing that Taehyun was fixing Beomgyu's position behind him.

He found their bed occupied by Yeonjun, sleeping on the left side even though he had said that he hated feeling trapped. Soobin slid into the empty space next to him, soaking in the warmth of the blanket and Yeonjun as he stared at the other boy quietly.

"I wish that kiss had never happened," he whispered, more to himself than to the other boy, half of him wanting Yeonjun to hear it, the other half hoping he hadn't.

Someone was shaking him.

Soobin's eyes opened blearily as he searched for the one who was shaking him gently. His eyes found an out-of-focus pink head staring at him and Soobin squinted his eyes to make the image clearer. Yeonjun seemed a bit nervous but otherwise calm as he spoke, "We're reaching the port town of Tsuki in an hour or so. You want to get fresh and pack up?"

"Hm," Soobin sat up, his morning voice sending shivers down Yeonjun's back. Yeonjun shook it off and straightened up, giving one last glance to Soobin before walking back to the trapdoor and out of it. Soobin looked around and saw that the room wasn't empty today.

Beomgyu was packing up his stuff into his bag and making their bed. Soobin decided to follow suit and quickly made their bed before starting to pack his stuff. Yeonjun's stuff was gone so he assumed that the elder was ready with his things.

"I don't know what you two talked about," Beomgyu said from behind him, making Soobin turn around, "but whatever it was, thank you. He's been acting a bit different since the morning and he looks a bit more calmer and happier."

"You don't need to thank me," Soobin said, returning to his bag as he chucked in the washed clothes Seonghwa had placed at the table opposite their bed. "Friends help each other, Beomgyu. We simply helped each other figure out what we need to do."

"Thanks anyway," Beomgyu said quietly before suddenly back-hugging him. Soobin was surprised but didn't push him away; instead he patted Beomgyu's arm around him as he smiled slightly. "Remember when I said that I just know what a person will mean to me when I meet them for the first time?"

"Hm?" Soobin egged him to go on.

"I knew you would be a good friend," Beomgyu said after swallowing thickly. His grip tightened a bit and he dropped his head on Soobin's shoulder before he continued, "That's why I had the courage to join you guys. Because I could feel that we would get along very well. So thank you for being my friend. You're my first friend ever and I'm glad that it's you."

"Beomgyu...," Soobin's voice broke off after that, feeling something expand in his chest as the younger boy continued to hug him. "I'm glad to have met you as well."

Before Beomgyu could say anything, another voice interrupted them.

"We're waiting for you two on the deck," Yeonjun's voice was sharp and strained, his eyes trained on Beomgyu's empty bed as he spoke. Soobin turned around when Beomgyu let go to look at Yeonjun and find him glaring at the bed.

"We're coming, hyung," Beomgyu reassured him. "Soobin-hyung, do you want me to help? We'll get it done faster this way."

"No, no, I'm nearly done," Soobin mumbled before grabbing his pouch from the table and dropping it in the bag. He tied the bag close and quickly made their bed with Beomgyu helping him. "Okay hyung, we're ready to go!"

Soobin and Beomgyu took their bags with them as they climbed up the staircase and out of the trapdoor. Mornings on the ship were always beautiful, with the sky being a wonderful shade of light pink and light blue. The sun was shining down on them and the wind had a chill in it that was comforting rather than one that made them shiver.

Taehyun immediately flanked on Soobin's one side and Kai took his other hand, the two dragging him to the kitchen, where four plates of breakfast was waiting for them.

"We're gonna eat before we reach Tsuki," Taehyun explained. "Kai and I waited so long for you two! Soobin-hyung, you sleep for too long."

"Sorry," he said sheepishly as he sat down. "I couldn't sleep well last night after our talk and I... I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Kai nudged him playfully before digging into his food. Beomgyu started his usual chatter, talking about what the port town of Tsuki could be like and the other three joined him in the discussion.

Soobin felt like Yeonjun should have been there with them but he shook those thoughts out of his head and just laughed at Taehyun's witty jab at Beomgyu, who whined about how Taehyun was too harsh and didn't know how to joke.

"Well, I guess this is where we part ways," Hongjoong said, for the first time his smile looking a bit sad. "It was fun having you guys on board. I hope we can meet again soon."

"Perhaps you can drop us off back to Crocus when we are done with our quest," Soobin joked, but the 8 of them seemed to really consider his words.

"We are going down to the southeast for the next month or two," Hongjoong said thoughtfully. "If it takes you that long, then perhaps we can do that. We'll come by here once we're done with travelling the southeast."

It was the way all 8 of them seemed eager to meet them again that made the five boys feel touched. Soobin went to all of them, giving them either a fist bump or a hug and saying goodbyes to them individually. The other four also said their own goodbyes and the last person Soobin came across was Wooyoung, who brought him into a tight hug. When he let go, he looked at Soobin with a small smile.

"Soobin-ah," Wooyoung said quietly, his eyes gazing into Soobin's intensely. "I know what has happened between you two. And I know you might not really be happy with Yeonjun right now, but as his friend who wishes only the best for him, I want to tell you something."

Soobin stopped breathing for a second as Wooyoung took a pause before saying–

"He's an absolute idiot. For all his smartness, he's stupid when it comes to any kind of relationship with anyone. But deep down inside, he's a good person. And I just want to tell you that no matter what Yeonjun does to push you away, don't let him. Please be there for him. Please don't hate him."

Wooyoung's plea could be heard in his voice and seen in his eyes. Soobin chuckled in half a breath.

"Of course, Wooyoung-ssi," Soobin answered him just as quietly. "I'll be there. And... even if I tried, I couldn't hate him so much to leave him alone."

With that, Soobin gave him a pat on the shoulder and Wooyoung nodded satisfactorily before letting him go. Soobin saw the way Yeonjun was eyeing them from the corner of his eye but chose to ignore it and instead went over to the side of the ship where Kai and Beomgyu had already climbed down. He followed them, Taehyun on his tail. When Yeonjun had joined them as well, they waved to the ATEEZ pirates together, who shouted at them to wait there for them for a couple of months.

"To think that we spent only three days with them," Beomgyu lamented. "It felt like so long yet so short."

"I would love to meet them again," Kai said, hand on his hips as he watched their ship move away from them. "You have great friends, hyung."

"I do," Yeonjun's voice was soft, his eyes gentle as he saw Wooyoung wave his arm vigorously at them. Yeonjun waved back just as vigorously.

"I liked them," Taehyun said, his eyes unwavering from the ship as they watched it sail away.

"Me too," Soobin smiled as well, watching their dark flag flutter in the wind against the bright yellow of the morning sun.

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