Chapter 4

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Maki Nishikino's POV

I looked at the night sky and was disappointed when I didn't see any stars. I let out a sigh and turned my  attention to the big bonfire in front of me. It made me kinda sad when I didn't see any stars. Honoka must have noticed the glum look I have on my face because she gently touched my hand. I looked at her and she asked, "Maki-chan, is there something wrong?"

I gave her a soft smile and shook my head. "Nothing's wrong, Honoka. I just miss gazing at the stars. I guess this world doesn't have any stars.." I said. Honoka removed her hand on top of mine and I saw that she looked above. 

"You're right. There are no stars here. I haven't even saw any stars before since I was born in this world. Let me guess, the human world is full of stars, right?" Honoka said. My eyes met hers and once again, I smiled at her.  

"You never stepped on the human world, Honoka?" I questioned her. She just shook her head and looked at the bonfire. I realized that I might have said a sensitive issue.

"I was a human before." Honoka muttered. She was still gazing at the fire when my eyes fell on her. I kept quiet as I watch Honoka stand. She gave me a slight nod and walked away. I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion.

"What's wrong with her?" I breathed out. Kotori patted my shoulder, making me look at her. The color of her eyes changed into red and told me all about Honoka's past.

Third Person's POV

A little, ginger haired girl ran all throught out the house, with her two best friends right on her tail. Laughter echoed as the three girls played tag. When Honoka turned to a corner, she slipped and nearly fell down the stairs. It was a good thing that Umi, the blue haired girl, grabbed the back of Honoka's shirt, pulling her into a protective hug. Kotori, their other friend, asked them if they were okay. Honoka gave her a wide smile and said, "Umi-chan managed to prevent me from falling down the stairs! Thank you so much, Umi-chan!"

As months pass by, something terrible happened. Demons and vampires invaded the place where Honoka, Umi and Kotori were living at. Honoka's parents were killed right in front of their daughter. Honoka felt weak in the knees as she watch a demon murder her parents. She cried and cried and the demon took notice of her. Honoka was about to be killed but Umi stopped the demon from doing so. Kotori helped Umi to carry the crying Honoka and brought her to a place where vampires rested.

Honoka soon found out that her two friends are daughters of vampires. Although the two came from different clans, Umi and Kotori's parents agreed that the two clans should merge so that they can help each other defeat the demons. Honoka's friends asked her if she wanted to be a vampire with them. It took her a while to decide. Finally after a year of thinking, Honoka decided to become a vampire.

Soon, she became one of the strongest vampires that ever lived. But memories of her parents being murdered right in front of her eyes makes her blood boil. Honoka wanted to kill the demon that killed her parents but couldn't find any trace of the demon.

Maki Nishikino's POV

Oh. So that's what happened with Honoka before. Having your parents killed right in front of you is really painful. Believe it or not, the same thing happened to my parents. I just stood there, crying hard. I was almost raped at that time but I managed to run away.

I can feel tears welling up at the corner of my eyes. I blinked a few times but it wasn't enough. Tears came streaming down my face. Some vampires noticed me and started to whisper. I don't care if they whisper about me. They don't know how I feel deep down. 

I stood up and ran away. I can hear Honoka's shouts, telling me to come back but I ignored it and kept running. My vision became blurry because of my tears.

I tripped and fell into a hole. I groaned in pain. A shadow appeared in front of me and grabbed me forcefully by my collar. Two dark red eyes locked onto my amethyst ones and a moment after, I became capitavated by those eyes.

"What's a vampire doing in my territory? You not allowed here, you bloodsucking monster!" The figure growled. Then it threw me to the ground, causing me to yelp in pain.

"What's the matter huh?! Can't fight, you wimp?!" It growled once again, much more angrier than the first one. It was about to pounce on me but was stopped mid-air when I raised my right hand. I was stunned at first because of this unknown and powerful ability.

I slowly stood up, my hand still raised. I can feel power flowing through my body as I walked around the creature. It was a very hideous and scaly monster which I cannot verify if it's a demon or something else.

"I command you to obey me, you lowly creature. You should obey my every order or else I will kill you without hesitation." I said, without taking my eyes off of it. A low growl came from the creature but stopped struggling to get free. I lowered my hand to release it. Its body began to change shape which I found interesting. When it was done, the creature resembled a human. A human girl to be exact. But this wasn't a human at all. It was a demon.

"Tell me your name, demon." I ordered. It or rather she kneeled down on one knee, her red eyes looking at me straight.

"Nico Yazawa, the form changer demon."

Since I heard that you like this story, I decided to update once again. I promise that I will find time to continue writing my stories. Till next time, everyone!


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