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Few days later Lily came again to my shop, we sat opposite at the counter table, having a little chit chat accompanied with my Calendula tea, just like usual.

"Your tea is the best, Tae," She said after sipping on her tea, "I think this can replace my addiction to coffee."

"Yeah, it's better for your health too," I smiled, pouring her cup with some more warm tea.

"The Calendula extract can relax and calm your nervous system, it's good for your skin too." I explained to her.

"By the way, my Butterfly Peas are starting to grow," Lily said excitedly, "I can't wait for it to bloom."

"Great ! Don't forget to water it everyday and put it under the morning sun, so it grows healthily." I said, giving her a few tips.

"You're such a gentle guy, Tae." She smiled at me, "A guy who takes such good care of flowers must be a soft hearted one."

I smiled softly at her. I looked at her and I saw she was playing with her teacup, her eyes looked gloomy. She let out a sigh and I knew she must've had some burdens on her mind.

"What's wrong ?" I tilted my head to her, "Got something to tell me ? You can share your problem with me." I said again.

"Nothing.. It's just.." She shook her head slightly.

"What do men see in a woman ?" She finally said, giving me a questioning look.

"Umm, her beauty ?" I said, making her frown at me, "And her personality of course." I hastily added.

"Then I'm not pretty or good enough for him, I guess." She sighed, leaning back on her chair.

"What do you mean ?" I frowned at her.

"I think my boyfriend is cheating on me, Tae." She said, playing with her teacup with a somber look.

"I saw some flirty messages from some girls on his phone. I always knew he's such a player, but I thought he would stop when we got together. But I guess I was wrong." She said again.

I felt my blood boiling inside me, how dare that bastard made my beautiful Lily so blue like this. Her precious smile was replaced with a gloomy face, something that I didn't want her to be.

"Have you confronted him about this ?" I asked her.

"No, I'm not sure if I want or ready enough to know the truth." She gave me a weak smile.

I looked at her with a pain in my heart.

Lily, Lily, why did you have to be sad like this ? He didn't deserve your sadness.

You better be with me, Lily. I'd never make you sad, I'd always put a smile on your beautiful face.

I couldn't stand seeing her like this, I felt like I wanted to comfort her.

"Lily, do you know what your name means ?" I asked her as she just stared at me blankly.

"Lily is a special flower that symbolizes femininity and admiration, just like you." I said.

"You are special and admirable, inside and out. And if your boyfriend can't see that, it's his loss, not yours."

"Don't be sad Lily, your suspicion isn't necessarily true, right ?" I smiled at her, trying to cheer her up.

She looked at me for a while, permeating my words.

"Thanks, Tae. I really feel better now." She gave me a slight smile.

"You really are a gentle guy, I bet your girl is very lucky to have you." She said, "By the way, do you have a girlfriend ?" She frowned at me.

"My girlfriend is flower." I said unclear.

Lily flower. You.

"You really live deep in your botanical world, don't you ?" She chuckled on my answer.

"Aish, it's a pity that your future girlfriend has to compete with all these beautiful flowers around you." She said, giving me a teasing smile.

I just smiled back at her as I poured some more tea into her cup.

Don't worry, Lily.
All these beauties cannot compare to yours. You'll always be my favorite among them all. 

And don't forget to put on those beautiful smiles of yours, that suits you perfectly. I won't let anyone or anything take it away from you.


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