Chapter 1: A New Land and A New Life for Infinite.

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"After the war, everyone starts rebuilding the city. Sonic confirmed that Infinite disappeared when Sonic the Hedgehog, Blizzard Avarius, and Gadget the Wolf were going to take him down on the final blow. Sonic, Blizzard, and Gadget believed that he is dead. Everyone believes he is dead, but this time. This is about something else, and it will soon be time for"

Infinite is alive and he has been hidden away from the citizens. He decided to turn over a new leaf, but he knows that everyone will kill him, but his Phantom Ruby is taken away and is not on his chest, and he thinks that he won't get the chance in the city where he defeated Sonic, so he goes to a new land to have a new life. When he arrived at the new land, he saw a few cities with the most advanced technology. Infinite starts off as the new him is by making friends, but he believes that everyone in this new land heard of his evil doings and decided to hide. One night, he heard a female voice calling him to find her.

      "How can I make friends? They probably heard of my evil doings and I don't know where to start", Infinite said. Infinite walks away from the city to a field of flowers. He has been wandering around and searching for some people. Suddenly, it starts raining and Infinite goes running looking for cover, then he found a cave, but he has to rock climb to get in there. He starts trying to climb until he slipped and bruised himself. "Agh, it hurts", he said in pain. Infinite tried again and he made it. He laid down and rest. In the morning, he goes off again looking for people, but there was nothing but more grass, then he found a jungle. "A jungle. I'll be able to find food there", Infinite said.

     He goes into the jungle. He looked around for food, then he found some nuts. "Nuts! Wait, as I remembered those are Brazil nuts! They have protein", Infinite said. He climbs the tree to get the nuts then when got on a tree branch, Infinite reached out for a nut, then a white bird came in and grabbed the nut that he was going to grab. "Hey! I was getting that!" Infinite said. He tried to grab the bird, but he stopped and looked at the bird and it took off the shell and is giving it to Infinite. "Thank you", he said. Infinite eats it and the bird gets on his shoulder. "You wanna be with me?" Infinite asked. The white bird nodded.

    "Okay" he said. After Infinite gets down from the tree, the white bird wants Infinite to follow. "Hey, where are you taking me?" Infinite asked.

  "Infinite, you have a purpose", the white bird said. "What the!? You can talk!?" Infinite said in shocked. "Yes, I am Spiritlight, I am a soul phoenix", Spiritlight said.

   "You said I have a purpose?!" Infinite said. "Yes, you do, because there's somebody who is like you and I want you to follow me to meet her", Spiritlight said. "Her? Her who?" Infinite asked. "You were called here weren't you?" Spiritlight asked. "Yes, I was", he responded.

    Spiritlight starts to sing a song called The Voice by Celtic Woman. (I don't own the song)

During Spiritlight's singing, she led Infinite to a valley and there under the tree is a white jackal. When Spiritlight finished singing, he looks at the jackal. The jackal has two long light blue ponytails and a purple bang with a white tip. "She is the one who will be your friend", Spiritlight said. She leaves Infinite alone to talk to the jackal.

     Infinite goes up to the jackal and sits next to it. He sees that the white jackal is a female and has her eyes closed. "Hi", the white jackal said. "Hi", Infinite replied. The white jackal opened her eyes and reveals her eye color is light blue.

   'What should I say? She probably heard of me', Infinite thinks. "I never heard of you", the female white jackal said. "You can read my mind?" Infinite asked. "Yes, I can read minds. What's your name?" She asked. "I'm............. Tyler, Tyler the Jackal", Infinite lied. "I'm Viola Spirit Flame the Jackal", Viola (Vee-o-la) said. Infinite or Tyler and Viola doesn't know that Spiritlight is watching them. Spiritlight facepalms. Viola gets up. "Viola, where are you going?" Infinite/Tyler asked. "I'm going into the Amazon", Viola said. "Wait the Amazon?" Tyler asked. "Yes, we are on the gateway to the Amazon. I'm going to find a cousin of mine", she says. "What's his name?" Tyler/Infinite asked. "My cousin is a girl, her name is Spitfire Light Flame, she's here on a fishing trip. She loves fishing in the Amazon", Viola explained.

    "Cool, maybe we can be friends?" Tyler/Infinite asked. "Do you have any other friends? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, I'm just curious", she's said. "No I don't have any friends", he said. "I'll be your friend", she said. "Really?!" Infinite or Tyler said. "Yeah, I love to be friends with those who felt like outcasts or doesn't have any friends", Viola said. "Thanks for accepting me to be your friend", Tyler/Infinite said. "Tyler, wanna come along with me? I brought 7 fishing rods just in case one breaks, some hooks, and metal leaders, plus a bow with 3 packs of arrows", she said. "Sure, we can learn more about each other and why did you bring metal leaders?" He asked. "The rivers of the Amazon is infested with piranhas", Viola explained. Tyler/Infinite and Viola goes into the Amazon Jungle.

Viola and Infinite or Tyler are friends now. What obstacles will they face in the Amazon? Find out in Chapter 2: The Jackals' Adventures in the Amazon Rainforest.

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