Ship Sweet Ship

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After surviving the "game" in the Bermuda Triangle (don't want to talk about it), I found myself adrift. But, not for long. Finally, a familiar shape appeared on the horizon. But...what was it doing here? 

It was the Doghouse, my base back home. It's supposed to be underground. What was it doing in the ocean? I knew it was capable of this, but still...

It was definitely the alien outpost the Sirians left on Earth long ago. I recognized the red paint. The classic dog-house-roof. I saw the circuitry along the sides that pumped the purple energy into the ship. I spotted the advanced light blue rocket boosters that allowed the ship to travel in space; now they seemed to be used to propel the ship through  the water. Someone also extended the platform. The Doghouse has multiple deck/balcony locations.

"Ahoy, Captain," said a familiar voice. It belonged to Danny. "Enjoying your swim?"

"Not really."

As he pulled me aboard, I realized how the Doghouse had gotten here. It wasn't my Doghouse. This was the Doghouse of this world. A quick glance into Danny's eyes and I realized this truth. This was not my friend from my world. This is the crew member/friend of the Joe Rover from this reality.

"Mr. Smith," came another familiar voice. Brain stepped out of the main part of the Doghouse. "How many times must I remind you to dump the ion-engine waste daily?" He stopped abruptly when he saw me. "Captain!" he said, giving a salute.

"Oh, enough of that," said Sally joining us. "You know you don't need to do that with Joe."

Brain lowered his hand before heaving a disappointed sigh. "We are nothing without rules, Miss Pine."

Sally sighed exasperatedly and rolled her eyes. She made her way over to me where she pluck a piece of seaweed off my shoulder. "How'd you end up in the water? Did you take a long walk off your own plank?"

"Long story," I said.

The trio brought me inside. This version of the Doghouse looked very similar to mine. I could see our kitchen, our living/relaxation area (complete with game console). I took a moment to finger through this Joe's collection of books, movies, and music. I was surprised to see we had similar tastes.

The bathrooms were in the same spot. Brain's lab was in the same place--looking as neat and tidy as ever (minus the times something explodes). Danny's workout/training room was the same. It even included his football uniform and hover disc. Sally's area looked the same: corkboard with notes, documents she was going over, and her latest article on the holographic screen.

The armory and hangar were the same. The hangar housed the same vehicles: the Dogcar, Dogfighter jet, and Mutt-Cycle. The armory stored my extra gadgets (aka Dog Toys) and uniforms. The Fabricator finished printing out a couple of tennis bombs and a pair of stink shoes.

If I didn't know better...I'd say I was home.

And then the brown and white parrot landed on my shoulder.


Words: 500

Entry for the "Master Gunner" prompt from Tales of the Sea Treasure contest

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