never enough

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Open letter;

To those who cross oceans for people who wouldn't even jump sn a puddle for them, you should know that you deserve so much better. I can assure you that cutting ties with those type of people will not be a loss but rather a gain.

You don't have to put up with their shit. You deserve that freedom of turning off the "private session" option in your spotify account. You deserve that freedom to dress however way you like. You deserve that freedom to eat cheap ass food that make you moan. You deserve to watch tv series that you really like instead of those mainstream ones whose plots you think are completely wacko. You don't have to save "memes you don't even understand" to your pinterest board just to get more followers.

Stop going out of your way to be friends with people who gives wayyy too much of a damn on what brand you shop at. Because truth is? Brand doesn't matter. If you know how to walk and talk with slayin attitude, you could wear "insert low class brand name here" and still look like a 10/10.

POINT IS: Real friends would want to get to know the REAL YOU. Cliche saying but... just be yourself. And who fucking knows? Maybe you'll find some crazy ape-shit people who you'll instantly click with.

I know you hear/read these types of messages online but let this open letter FINALLY be the one to open your eyes and make you stand for yourself. PLEASE.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro