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7 captures

21 Dec 2016 - 12 Jan 2021


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Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings




방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS


Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin

Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin


Jeon Jungkook

Park Jimin (BTS)

Jung Hoseok | J-Hope

Kim Taehyung | V

Additional Tags:

Friends With Benefits

Porn with Feelings



Temper Tantrums

Anal Sex

Semi-Public Sex

Lace Panties


promise rings



cliche friends with benefits problems with slight twists of some sort


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

"Can we try something different sometime?"

"Diff — uhh! — what's different?"

"Just... something new. You down?"

"You had me sit my—" he pauses to throw his head back and suck in a sharp breath through clamped teeth "—my maths exam with a vibrating butt plug and vibrating nipple clamps once. C-can't be any worse than — hah — worse than that, right?" He gives a failed attempt at a giggle, erect cock twitching uncomfortably out in the open and elbows starting to ache under the burden of his own upper body.

"Hm," Jungkook pauses for a moment, observing the dark shades of pink he managed to pinch and squeeze out of each of Jimin's nipples with a faint smile on his lips. He begins rubbing down slowly on the erect buds with the tips of both index and middle fingers, his own cock twitching in his jeans under the weight of Jimin's back when said male lets out a breathy, high pitched whine. "Dunno. Ever tried taking two dildos up your ass at once?"

Jungkook chortles when Jimin chokes on his own spit, bringing his fingers up to his own lips to lick at before pressing them back down onto the latter's areoles.

"Two — up my — what? How do you even..." Jimin asks, tilting his head backwards almost uncomfortably to peer up at Jungkook through his lashes.

"I saw it in this porno once, looks cool—"

"Oh my god," Jimin mumbles in embarrassment. Jungkook pinches at Jimin's nipples and Jimin squeaks.

"Quit acting so innocent as if you haven't begged me to fuck your face and call you my kitte—"

"Shut up!" Jimin looks down, even more embarrassed, nudging Jungkook with a jab of his elbow at his thigh.

"It's okay, kitten, I loved every second of it," Jungkook smirks as he leans forwards to whisper into Jimin's ear, unnecessarily blowing hot air against it before licking a thin stripe just behind, the metal of Jungkook's tongue piercing making Jimin shudder. His head falls back against Jungkook's broad shoulders before it drops forward once again within an instant.

"Jungkook — Jungkook, wanna come. I can't, this isn't enough, please, please can I—"

"No, baby, you can do it. Keep your hands right where they are and I promise I'll fuck you so good afterwards. I'll have you limping for days from it, won't even make you beg for it — you can have it all, everything — I'll give it all to you," Jungkook coos, thumbs now flicking at Jimin's impossibly dark nipples at an insanely fast pace. He watches Jimin clench his fists, observes him with so much emotion radiating in his otherwise dark eyes when he throws his head back against his shoulder yet again. The smaller male's entire face is crumpled up, eyes screwed shut and nose crinkled, jaw tight and temples bulging.

"God — oh god, I can't, Jungkook, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck," he whimpers, turning his head to the side so that his forehead touches Jungkook's neck, his wet dick twitching on repeat pitifully.

"You can baby, you can," Jungkook repeats, licking his lips, his own eyes never once leaving Jimin's face — hypnotised by the way the ugly, milky lights in his room reflect off the beads of perspiration littered across Jimin's skin, like flakes of diamond— tiny little stars he leans forwards to taste, all tangy and salty on his tongue. "You're so close, look how wet you are babe, you're dripping all over yourself, look," he really urges, pinching Jimin's nipples hard. Said male lets out a yelp, eyes shooting open and instantly searching for his own cock. He bites his lip at the sight — thick strands of pre-cum dripping down slowly onto his own hipbone, Jungkook's speedy and skilled fingers never once letting up against his nipples.

"G-god, keep talking, f—" he gulps, "—fuck."

"You like it when I tell you how sore you're gonna be from my cock? Hm? You like me reminding you how wet and hard you are from just my fingers on your pretty little nipples, don't you baby? You're so good for me. Just wait until you come this time, I'll make you come again and again and again baby. I'll fuck you right open—"


"I'll eat you out until you come three times just from my tongue, baby, yeah? How 'bout that? You're so good for me, I know you'll come. You always do — you're so perfect like that, aren't you?"

"Jungkook! Jungkook, close! I'm cl-close, please, I want you, I want you so bad, I need—"

Jungkook removes one hand to yank Jimin's hair backwards, keeping his fist full of the blond locks as he leans in to swallow down every whine and moan and whimper Jimin has to offer.

Jimin comes with the cutest jolts of his hips, cum sprouting out all over Jungkook's carpet and his own thighs and abdomen, as he sucks Jungkook's lip piercings into his mouth. His long, drawn out moans and whines are spilled down into Jungkook's throat, said male drinking everything in with his eyes open, watching Jimin's thighs twitch when his cum just keeps spilling out of him. His fingers on Jimin's right nipple slow down, smoothing it around in small circles instead. When the younger eventually pulls back, Jimin's panting and he finally gets a better view of the tears that had made an appearance during the latter's orgasm, now trickling down to his jaws.

"Hey beautiful," Jungkook murmurs, absentmindedly letting one hand creep down to dip in the pool of cum against the latter's hipbone, swirling his fingers in it. His eyes bore into Jimin's face, watching him slumped lifelessly against his own body, all sweat and tears and red cheeks and swollen lips. Said male cracks an eye open to watch as Jungkook brings the cum covered fingers to his own lips, licking them clean. Jimin groans, bare thighs closing in on themselves. Jungkook grins.

"Tha's it, 'm done. Don' even wanna come again anymore. Hurts," he lisps, turning so that he can curl up in Jungkook's laps. Jungkook lets him, shuffling backwards so that his back touches the walls beneath his window, completely unbothered by the cum that would undoubtedly cover his dark jeans in streaks of white. He has a lapful of Jimin — naked, sweaty, beautiful Jimin.

"Selfish bitch, what about me," Jungkook whispers with a smile, fiddling some strands of blond hair between his fingers. Jimin shrugs.

"I would suck you off but that makes me hard, so—"

"Missed you," Jungkook interrupts. Jimin's scared his bare chest will show the way his heart thuds and spasms painfully in its confines, so he curls in on himself some more. "It was fun and shit — we should go together one time, just me 'n' you, to Barcelona — but I couldn't stop thinking about you. You were everywhere, in everything I done. Just... you were just there, but never really there, y'know? And—"

"Jungkook, stop—"

"No — listen, listen to me — I know... I know we said it's just sex but I'm so addicted, Jimin, you're so... god, I don't even know, but I want you all the time. I want you at night and first thing in the morning and while I'm showering and — I want to have breakfast with you and hold your hand while I ask you how your day went and — I just — you're so —"

"Jungkook, stop. I can't — we can't!" Jimin says, pulling away from Jungkook and trying to sit up. Jungkook's arms don't let up from around his waist though, and he eventually gives up, slumping down with a distressed mixture of a sigh and a squeak. "It's sex, that's all it ever was and ever will be! We've already crossed so many fucking boundaries but we both said we're not going to do this. We can't, we literally can't, Jungkook! And you're horrible for saying these words out loud because if I can keep them to myself why the fuck can't you, huh?"

Jungkook's eyes are wide and he's not saying anything or even breathing and Jimin wants to cry.

"I... I have to go, than—thanks," he gulps, sweaty hair flopping around as he reaches behind him to yank Jungkook's cool, rough hands off his warm, soft skin.

He springs up to his feet with his back to Jungkook, before a sudden wave of dizziness thieves him of his eyesight and his breath. He gasps sharply, a hand coming up to run through his hair and another reaching around blindly for support. Jungkook's on his own feet instantly, stepping forwards to wrap his arms around Jimin's middle. Jimin lets himself fall back against the solid familiar body, regaining his vision dot by dot.

"Easy now, careful," Jungkook whispers, sweet breath ghosting over bare collarbones.

"I'm... I have to go, I need to leave, right now," Jimin replies, feeling his eyes sting with the need to spill. Jungkook's arms loosen up from around his middle and the warm breaths against sweaty skin go missing.

"Right. Right."

Jimin emits a shaky breath as he bends down to pick up his shirt, vision now 95% restored. He finds his jeans too and then looks around for his boxers, turning around on the spot.

"Here," he jolts ever so slightly at the sound of Jungkook's voice. His big eyes hold Jungkook's stare for a while before he drops his gaze down to his black boxers, held out in the latter's hands.

"Thank you," he rasps, stepping forwards to take it from him. He half expects, half wants, Jungkook to pull him forwards and trap him in his big cosy hold, but nothing. He takes the boxers silently and then teeters over to the corner of the room to throw them on along with his shirt and jeans. He steals glances over at Jungkook every now and again, noticing that he's still semi hard and wishing he was naked so that he could appreciate him in all his glory. Jungkook never once meets his eyes, though no doubt that he's aware of Jimin's longing and almost regretful watch, instead busying himself with toeing at the floor, hands in his pocket. Jimin can see his thick, full eyebrows pulled together in a frown.

"I'll," Jimin clears his throat. "I'll get going now."

He wastes some seconds waiting for a response but Jungkook merely pulls out his phone with a jerk of his head that could possibly be mistaken for a nod or a sign that he heard Jimin. Which he did.

Embarassed, Jimin turns away, shaky fingers wiping at his hairline, as he scrambles around for the doorknob and flees down the stairs, leaving Jungkook all alone to throw himself on the bed.

They see each other the next day, Jungkook on one side of the cafeteria with his friends and Jimin and his group of friends on the other side.

Jungkook doesn't have to ask to know Jimin isn't mad at him — said male's anxious, longing glances aimed his way enough of a clarification.

So, the first thing Jungkook does is have him trapped against the brick wall, caged like he can never escape, as he kisses him long and hard and with raging emotions straight after both of their classes finish, round the back where they're the only two people that exist.

"You're a fucking bitch," Jungkook breathes against Jimin's cherry red lips afterwards. Jimin lets out a slight whimper, hands tightening around Jungkook's waist as he buries his face into the younger's chest.

"I know," he breathes. "I'm sorry, I really am, but—"

"Save it," Jungkook scowls, pulling away. "Don't need that bullshit, just—" he pauses to bury his nose into Jimin's perfectly styled hair, nuzzling until he fucks it up. He reemerges to breath out loudly through his nostrils in satisfaction "—you left me half hard yesterday, you know."

Jimin lifts his head up, eyes wide and cheeks flushed and lips puffy, his perfect hair already messed up in the way only Jungkook could be familiar with. Chilly autumn air has pinched his cheeks and the tip of his nose an adorable shade of pink. Jungkook kinda wants to lean forward and kiss them, but he stops himself just as Jimin opens his mouth.

"Let me suck you off, back at yours, and you can leave me half hard to make up for it if you want, and you can—"

Jungkook sighs as Jimin keeps blabbering, leaning forwards and resting his forehead against Jimin's. Only then does he shut up.

"I don't want that, Jimin. I don't want, like, your lips or your ass or whatever. Like — parts of you, no — I want... I want you, you as in all of you, I want your lips and your ass and you, just you, collectively, as a whole, not parts of you—"

"I'm not yours and I never will be."

Silence ensues and Jimin sighs.

"Jungkook? Jungkook, listen to me—"

"I try to spill out my fucking heart to you and this is all you can say? That I can't have you? You're really that much better than me, Jimin? That I can't never have you? You're not even willing to fucking try — it's like all you want me for is my fucking dick or something. That's all I've been to you, isn't it? A good ass fucking lay — a dick up your ass, right?"

Jimin panics, eyes wide and alert and eyes desperately searching for Jungkook's.

"Jungkook, baby, I'm sorry, I'm not—"

"You're not fucking sorry!" Jungkook just about roars, pulling away and fully exposing Jimin to the harsh autumn wind. "I told you already to save your halfassed fucking apologies, I don't fucking want them!"

"It's not!" Jimin protests, stepping forwards and reaching out for Jungkook only to have said male take another step away and push his hand away furiously. "It — it's not halfassed, babe—"

"Babe?" Jungkook laughs — breathy and sarcastic and so so mean."Babe? You wanna call me babe right after telling me you're out of my league? Do you—"

"It's not like that, I never said that! I said—"

"Only people in relationships call each other babe, and you don't even want me! You don't even like me in that way! You don't! You don't want me like I want you, I'm not..." Jungkook trails off, looking Jimin in his watery eyes with an unexpectedly soft expression.

"I'm sorry," Jimin whispers, bottom lip quivering. Jungkook shakes his head, putting his hands up, a good feet or two between the both of them. Then, he brings the both of his raised hands to his face, rubbing up and down angrily in distress. He removes them from his face with a sigh, looking away into the distance.

Jimin's breath catches in his throat. He looks even hotter pissed off. Jungkook looks like sin, like a fallen devil — so so bad but so so good. So bad for him yet so good to him. Standing there in his ripped jeans and tight shirt — piercings and all, bulging pecs and biceps and a chiselled jawline, muscular thighs and long legs. Two sleeves of tattoos, all mingled and twisted patterns that become nothing but blocks of ink. Jimin's wet dream, Jimin's nightmare.

"You still wanna go back to mine to suck me off?"

Jimin blinks, mouth falling open just a little. Jungkook observes his reaction with cold, hard eyes.

"Uhh... ye—yeah?"

Jungkook turns around and walks away without so much as showing any signs of acknowledging Jimin's answer. Jimin, momentarily stunned, just keeps blinking, before he squeaks and runs after Jungkook, catching up with him just as said male throws one leg over his motorbike. He chucks his spare helmet over at Jimin and Jimin only just manages to catch it with an exasperated squeal of 'uh!'.

"Get on," is all Jungkook says as he clasps his own helmet in place. Jimin quickly does the same with his before cautiously getting onto the back of the yellow and black motorbike. Just as warily, he places his small hands on Jungkook's large shoulders, wiggling into place. He hears Jungkook sigh in agitation before rough hands yank him forward and place the hands from on his shoulders around his waist. "Hold tight."

The motor roars to life a few times, a sound that never fails to make Jimin jolt, before it screeches forwards with so much force it has Jimin's head tilting backwards unwillingly. He gasps, soundless over the chaos of the engines, and clings on tighter, his cheek between Jungkook's prominent shoulder blades. There's butterflies in his stomach and the late evening sun pours over the sky, lighting the world beneath in breathtaking shades of orange and peach. The whirr and racket of the motorbike soon become background noise, the only thing that really distracts Jimin being the hard, firm back his head lies on and the tight, rock solid waist his arms are wrapped around.

He's surprisingly gentle.

Jimin expected rough yanks and harsh words, not soft touches and fond groans.

"Fuck baby, you take me so well, fuck," Jungkook breathes, repeatedly threading his fingers through Jimin's thick hair. He uses the back of his other hand to sweetly rub up and down the side of Jimin's face — so featherlight you could forget it's even there. Jimin looks up at him through his lashes, swallowing and swallowing as if he were a man starved of water and finally drinking after days without.

Jungkook has his bottom lip between his teeth, the side without the lip piercing, gaze penetrating as he looks back into Jimin's big eyes.

"Shit, baby, fuck, you're so beautiful. Fucking ethereal. Everything I've ever wanted in life, it's you — sh-shit!"

Jimin manages to get him to shut up just in time, now sucking greedily at the latter's balls. Jungkook blabbers during sex, says whatever comes to mind, and it's always this — always him complimenting and praising him and embedding hisself further into Jimin's heart. Jimin can't stand it — too much pain and buts sewn into each word.

"F-fuck, suck my dick baby, I'm getting close," he groans, voice thick with lust and need.

Jimin swallows him down again, sinking downwards inch by inch, until he can feel the head down his throat. He hasn't had gag reflexes ever since the thirteenth time they hooked up, after Jimin came back from his two week vacation, Jungkook smashing his throat until he came hard and thick in his mouth because they hadn't seen each other in so long.

Jimin shudders at the memory, dick twitching in his jeans. He pulls himself off and Jungkook's whine almost makes him whine in return. He licks kittenishly at the glistening head a few times before muttering against it: "Fuck my throat."

The way Jungkook gulps audibly and then groans loudly makes Jimin smile, and he has the audacity to be bashful about it.

Jungkook sits up from where he was half lying on the bed, looking so fucked out and beautiful. He clings onto a fistful of Jimin's hair and said male obediently suckles on the tip, watching Jungkook's face with the need to see every pleasured twist the flashes across it.

Jungkook goes gentle with the first thrust, sliding slowly and wetly into Jimin's mouth. But it's not what Jimin wants, Jimin wants it to hurt. He slides his lips off, taking a much needed breath before speaking.

"Harder, Jungkook — faster, tighter," he rasps. "Do it hard."

"Fuck — okay, fuck," Jungkook gets even more comfortable, holding on tighter to Jimin's hair to the point where said male whimpers at the pull. Jimin rests his hands on each of Jungkook's thighs, sucking the tip back into his mouth. Jungkook breathes out once, bracing himself, before he snaps his hips forwards. Jimin moans instantly, eyes squeezing shut at the impact. It doesn't stop there. Jungkook thrusts his hips in and out, moaning even louder when Jimin scratches at his thighs.

Jungkook comes as though it's his first time, his second hand joining his first and gripping tight onto Jimin's hair, his hips almost a blur with how fast they move. He cries out loud and Jimin whimpers and gags through it — just how Jungkook likes it. Cum trickles down to Jimin's chin and he's just about sobbing when Jungkook finally lets go.

Jimin slides off instantly, landing on his ass and coughing a handful of times whilst wiping at his chin. Jungkook, all fucked out, lies lifeless on his bed, softening cock twitching slightly on its way down. Jimin sits there awkwardly for a while, unsure of what he's supposed to do now.

"You know, I don't know when you got so highbrow to the point where you can't even cuddle with me."

Jimin's head snaps up defensively, a frown already in place, but then he sees the lazy smirk Jungkook wears. He smiles as he clambers up on the bed to lay beside the latter. The smile doesn't go away as he traces the twists and turns of ink against the smooth skin of Jungkook's arms with his stubby little pinky finger.

The partially opened blinds spill streaks of yellow over Jungkook's olive skin, covered in a light sheen of sweat. Jimin belatedly notices Jungkook is in fact asleep, and he takes this opportunity to sit up on his elbow.

A minute, maybe two or maybe five, is wasted as Jimin simply stares. Stares like he never wants to forget this face. Stares like it's all he ever wants to see. And then he leans forward, lips against lips, no tongue and no teeth. No lust and no rush. Just emotions and words that can never be said.

He pulls away with a shaky breath, eyes fluttering open and fingers shaking. He sits up fully. Runs a hand through his hair. Glances at the still unconscious Jungkook. And then shoots up, grabbing his phone and stuffing it into his back pocket.

"Jungkook?" He whispers, tapping at his hipbone. "Jungkook!" He whispers louder, steps forwards to poke at his hard abdomen. Jungkook groans, lifting his legs, that were dangling off the bed, up and curls in on himself.

"Wha's wrong?" He rasps, opening his heavy eyes and reaching around absentmindedly for his blanket. Jimin leans in to wrap the item around the latter's bare body.

"Gonna leave now, Jungkook, see you—"

"Wait!" Jungkook yells, sitting up sleepily. The blanket falls off from around his body and he rubs at his eyes. "Lemme get you off first," he mumbles, grabbing Jimin by his wrist and tugging.

"No, it's okay, it's getting kinda late and you're tired anyways—"

"You've never turned down an offer of me getting you off. I'm losing my touch?" Jungkook questions with a quirk of his eyebrows, a tired smile still playing at his lips.

Before Jimin can answer, he's pulled so hard he finds himself falling forwards against Jungkook.

Jungkook forcefully places both of Jimin's thighs on either side of his hips before a dry hand yanks his neck forward and his thick, soft lips come into contact with thin, chapped lips.

There's no going slow — Jungkook forces his tongue into Jimin's mouth instantly, one hand still on Jimin's nape and the other gripping tight onto a handful of thick thigh.

He stands all of a sudden, Jimin yelping and clinging onto him for dear life, and then Jungkook pulls away to give them both a chance to breathe.

"Shirt off," He commands, kissing down the side of Jimin's soft neck. Jimin nods, locking his ankles around Jungkook's hips as he unbuttons his flannel shirt one by one. Jungkook sighs and then lets go of Jimin's ass. Said male makes a strangled noise, arms wrapping around Jungkook's neck just in time.

"Cute," Jungkook sniggers. Then, he grabs the shirt and rips it open right to the bottom.

"Jungkook! Stop, you're going to —"

"Everything's in place, idiot. Shut up and snog me."

Jimin shrugs off the flannel just as his back makes contact with the cold wall beside Jungkook's bedroom door. Shivering, he places his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, small fingers digging into muscular skin. Jungkook's own hands hold Jimin's ass in them, tight like he can never get enough.

Halfway through their eternity of a kiss, Jungkook stuffs his hands down both Jimin's jeans and his boxers, now flesh against flesh. Jimin whimpers into the kiss when Jungkook slides a finger between the two cheeks, rubbing at the hole insistently. Jimin grinds his hips slowly up onto Jungkook's middle as said male pushes up that much closer into him.

"You're so hot, fuck," is the first thing Jungkook says when he detaches his lips from Jimin's before he dips his head down to kiss along his collarbone. He has Jimin throwing his head back at the rough drag of dry lips against smooth skin.

"Jungkook — Jungkook, fu-fuck me, right here against this wall. Fuck me, Jungkook," Jimin whimpers, hands travelling all over Jungkook's body with the crave to feel and feel and never stop feeling.

Jungkook's just pulling his hands out of Jimin's pants when the distinctive sound of vibrations become audible. Both males stop, looking into one another's eyes.

"Is that yours?" Jimin breathes, eyes flickering down to Jungkook's red lips. Jungkook shakes his head.

"My phone's dead—" Jimin gasps "—who cares, just ignore it—"

"No! No, shit, put me down! Jungkook, really, put me down!" Jimin orders, pushing at Jungkook's shoulders a handful of times. Jungkook, puzzled and reluctant, places Jimin down on his feet and watches him, still puzzled, as he rummages around on the floor for his phone.

"Mum!" He says as soon as he accepts the call. Jungkook, finally understanding the situation, smirks grimly as he snatches his boxers from on his bed and gets into them. "Yes, no, I'm fine just got out the shower, that's why... no? No! No I'm not mum, I stayed back to do extra practice after class, that's why!.. Yes, sorry mum... what?" Jimin suddenly looks up at Jungkook with big, distressed eyes. "Mum, I don't want to, you already know — no! I'm not! I'm not a baby anymore mum, you don't have to go around and find possible girlfriends for me, I can do it myself!" Jimin yells, voice shaky. Jungkook quickly slumps himself down beside Jimin on the floor, pressing his ear to the phone and listening in as Jimin's mum's silky voice blabbers calmly. She talks about this girl, saying how she's "just right for you, Jimin honey, exactly your type! A religious girl too, so poised and perfect and pure. So intelligent too, you know!"

Jimin looks over at Jungkook for help, which Jungkook looks away and bites his lip at.

"Fine, I'll do it. This Wednesday? O-okay, I'll get one of my friends to drop me off or something. Yes mum, bye mum."

"This Wednesday, huh?" Jungkook scowls, side eying Jimin. Jimin looks at him and nods, bottom lip trembling. Jungkook panics, moves in closer to wrap an arm around him. "Hey, hey! What's wrong? It's just a date. You can say you didn't like her and it'll all be dandy after that!" Jungkook says into Jimin's hair, kissing it.

"It's not — it's not going to be dandy, Jungkook!" Jimin replies, hands on his lap and facing downwards, but Jungkook already knows he's crying. "She's so — she just drains all hope from me, Jungkook. I can't be like her. I can't be the perfect, religious son that I'm expected to be. I just — I can't Jungkook, but I have to and I just—"

"You don't have to, Jimin. Why the fuck do you have to? You're telling me there's not a single chance you could take? Really? There's not one thing you can do to—"

"That's easy for you to say!" Jimin throws Jungkook's arm off him, looking up finally with tears tumbling down from his eyes. "You're a fine one to tell me I'm just being stupid about this or something! You've never had parents, you wouldn't know their burden!"

Belatedly, Jimin realises what he said. He gasps so sharp it hurts his throat, slapping both hands over his mouth. Jungkook isn't even looking at him anymore, now observing his tattooed fingers as if Jimin hadn't just bought up the one thing he probably hates the most.

"Get out."

"Jungkook — Jungkook, oh my god, Jungkook, baby please I—"

"Get the fuck out of my house Jimin, go home."

"No! No no no, please please!" Jimin whispers, getting on his knees and shuffling towards Jungkook. He grabs Jungkook's big hand with both of his smaller ones and brings them to his lips. "Jungkook," he mumbles against them. "Jungkook, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I'm just trying to say that you can't understand. That's all! I swear, please Jungkook, I didn't — I didn't want it to come out like that, look at me baby, please — I'm begging!" His tears brush against the back of Jungkook's hand, and Jungkook snatches them away. He gets up, rummages around his bedside table for his packet of cigarettes before flinging his bedroom window right open and sticking his head out, lighting the cigarette up. The room, dimly lit, is dark and dull and Jimin feels like he's suffocating.

He watches Jungkook for a while more, sniffling and clutching his jeans as he cries silently. Jungkook looks so beautiful, the fumes from his tab puffing out and around him; muscles tensed up and thick thighs on show, skin glistening with the slightest sheen of sweat and his dark, curly hair all messed up so perfectly. God, Jimin can't ever get over him.

"Come over here," Jungkook's gruff voice suddenly breaks through the sounds of distant traffic. Jimin jolts, shivers a little, and then gets up, walking with careful steps over to Jungkook.


A mouth covers his for the third time this day, now tasting of that bitter cigar — so heavy and sickening on Jimin's tongue. He makes some muffled sounds, hands clasping around nothing above his shoulders before he tangles them in Jungkook's hair. Jungkook puts the cigar out on the window pane outside before his hands are on Jimin's hips, pushing him all the way back until he's slammed against the wall. Jimin groans and Jungkook goes deeper, tonguing down Jimin's throat.

Jimin barely registers the hands forcefully unzipping his jeans until they're halfway down his thighs. He clings onto Jungkook's hair harder, and pulls back, a milli breath away so that he's panting hotly against Jungkook's lips and tongue. Jungkook's hands slide down under the jeans around his thighs and push down, successfully getting them to Jimin's knees where said male kicks them off. He's left in nothing but his boxers, just like Jungkook, and the cold air whooshing in from the windows make the hairs on his body rise and his nipples perk.

"Hah — Ju-Jungkook!" He whines when said male rubs his hand over Jimin's rising bulge. His hips buck up desperately and his eyes are closed, unaware of the sparkle in Jungkook's eyes as he watches him coming apart. "Jung-Jungkook, I'm so-sorry, please, I didn't mean to—"

"Shut up Jimin, just..." Jungkook rests his forehead on the wall beside Jimin's head as he pulls Jimin's cock out from its confines. "Shh," he says, stroking Jimin to full hardness. Jimin throws his head back against the wall with a dull thunk, teeth clenched around his throaty groan.

"F-fuck! Fuck me Jungkook, finger me, I don't care just—"

"Turn around," Jungkook's voice is husky and Jimin couldn't oblige quicker.

He semi bends over, opening his legs up and wiggling his ass slightly.

"Shit, fuck, don't do that," Jungkook grunts before falling to his knees and pulling the boxers down until they pool at Jimin's ankles. He uses one hand to pull at one cheek, exposing Jimin's fluttering hole. His other hand pulls out his own erect cock and strokes slowly.

"Please," Jimin breathes, looking down over his shoulder at Jungkook on his knees. And he doesn't look away as Jungkook traces around his rim with the tip of his pierced tongue. Jungkook maintains eye contact too, looking Jimin in his eyes as he plunges in deeper with his tongue, feeling around the insides of Jimin's tight heat. Jimin whines, so breathy and high pitched, and he's so overwhelmed he can't look at Jungkook anymore, so he turns away, cheek pressed flat against the beige wall.

Jungkook alters between tongue fucking Jimin until he's crying out and licking broad stripes up and over his tight hole until he's whining, tongue piercing catching on the rim numerous times.

"Spread your ass out for me," Jungkook mumbles against Jimin's wet rim, his other hand still pumping himself leisurely. Jimin reaches behind him to do so, spreading his legs a little wider at the same time.

With his free hand, Jungkook reaches around to grasp Jimin's weeping cock in his hold, tugging at it in unison with each thrust of his tongue.

"G—god, Jungkook, oh god I'm close I'm getting close!" Jimin whines, fingernails digging into the soft meat of his own ass as his eyes squeeze shut.

Jungkook presses his tongue piercing around the rim and tightens his grip around Jimin's length, stroking him as fast as he can. Just as he presses his tongue back in does Jimin come, hips twitching and grunts of satisfaction and total bliss spilling out of his mouth. Jungkook tongue fucks and strokes him through it, hand on his own cock speeding up as he seeks his own release.

When Jimin finally regains his vision and sense, he slides down the wall, before turning around and removing Jungkook's hand on his cock. He replaces it with his own hand instantly as he kisses him messily.

Jungkook comes biting down hard on Jimin's bottom lip, streaks of warm white spilling out onto the back of Jimin's hand. Deep groans vibrate against Jimin's other hand where it rests against Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook lies down on his side as soon as he's done, slumping down bonelessly with a groan. Jimin observes the cum on his hand and bites down in his numb lower lip, unsure of what he's supposed to say or do again. He has to make sure they do this over at his next time — it's less awkward on his own behalf.

"'M sorry too."

Jimin lifts his head slowly and looks over at Jungkook, sees him sitting up with his head resting on one hand help up by his elbow. He's already looking over with his big beautiful eyes and Jimin fights back the need to shiver.

"Hm?" He asks, voice light as he tilts his head to the side. Jungkook scoffs.

"You heard me," he says, smiling. Jimin lets himself smile back. He crawls over to the box of tissues on the bedside table to wipe at the cum on his hand and on his thighs and abdomen before crawling back over to Jungkook and wiping at his own cum against the wall, some on the floor. "Uh, it's a Friday night," Jungkook carries on, now sitting up fully and shuffling to lean his back against the wall, right beside Jimin.

"... Yeah?" Jimin says as he leans back against the wall too, shoulder to shoulder and looking over at him with expectance in his eyes.

"You could—" Jungkook licks his lips "—you can stay the night, if you want."

A cold draft of air blows in through the wide open window, making Jimin shudder. A tattooed arm wraps around his shoulders and has him pressed against a tattooed chest, where he allows himself to curl up and snuggle just slightly. It's cold.

"You already know my answer, Jungkook," Jimin lisps lazily. He waits for the reply, slightly squeezing his eyes shut as he anticipates.

"Yeah. Okay."


Jimin has Hoseok take him to his mother's house. He would've asked Jungkook, but the latter has barely so much as even looked at him ever since Friday night. He even went right up to Jungkook on Tuesday, catching up with him just as he was putting his helmet on. He looked Jimin up and down, something in his expression that Jimin couldn't quite put his finger on, and then revved up his motorbike engine, screeching away without even considering Jimin's smile.

Jimin supposes he should be nervous, or feeling something — anything — but he's more worried about the way Jungkook's been acting than having to face his mother. And so, his smile when she opens the door is more worn out than it is fake.

"Jimin! Sweetheart, come down here and give me a kiss!" Her mother chuckles, and Jimin obliges, leaning forwards to plant a kiss on the back of her hand. She holds his cheek for a moment or two, just staring, and Jimin feels himself go red all over. "Oh, Jiminie! My sweet little boy! You've lost so much weight, darling! Oh — silly me — come in come in!"


"Sit sit, sweetheart, I've missed you so much," she says, placing a hand on Jimin's back and nudging him forwards to the living room. Jimin laughs halfheartedly, letting his mother guide him. "We have so much to talk about, first of all—"

"Mum, I have to tell you something—"

"Of course you do of course, it's been so long since you visited your old mother," she tuts jokingly as they sit down, face to face, and Jimin frowns.

"It's not like that, I was busy with — mum, listen to me. I want to tell you something."

"Yes — okay, darling, speak," Jimin's mother finally quietens down, leaning forward to pull Jimin's hands into hers as she smiles warmly.

Jimin breathes in deep, looking down at his hands engulfed in his mother's clutch. The smell of vanilla invades his nostrils and sickening nostalgia dominates his senses. He takes a moment to just trail his eyes around the room, every item hitting him with memories of a strict childhood and a bellowing father, tears and migraines and depression and trauma. He hates this place.

"Mum, there's..." Jimin's voice trials off weakly just slightly, his eyes dropping down once again to his hands in his mother's. Inhale, exhale. "There's something I really, really need to tell you and you should've known this so long ago, in all honesty, but you'll understand — I'm hoping you'll understand — why it's so delayed and why I'm only just telling you this know when I do tell you because my intentions were never to just—"


Jimin looks up, eyes wide and mouth open a little. He blinks and then shakes his head, squeezing his mother's hands.

"Right, sorry," and then he maintains eye contact as he says: "I'm... mum, I'm g-gay!"

And Jimin breaks, yanking his hands out and right away from his mother, slapping them over his face as he sobs out, hot tears already cascading down his face. His mother's as silent as can be and the only sound in the quiet room is Jimin's ugly crying, repetitions of choked out and barely audible "Sorry, I'm so sorry!"s.

Then there's an arm around him, and then another, and he's pressed against a chest that smells like lavender and oranges. His sobs die down just slightly and he removes his hands away from his face, sniffling.

"—Jimin! It's okay, oh dear god, it's okay! I knew it already — I knew it myself, I really did! I knew all along sweerhe—"

"Mum? Mum — m-mum, what?" Jimin shakes, fingers twitching as he pulls his mother's arms around his head away to look her straight in the eyes. "Mum, I'm — I'm gay, mum! I like boys, I like men, not pretty, intelligent, religious girls! I'm ga—"

"I know! I know, baby, I know, I heard you," and there's tears in her eyes now. "I'm so sorry son, my beautiful boy, I'm so sorry for being this type of mother — the type that you didn't even dare tell that—"

"N-no, mum, no! It's not like th-that, mum, I'm so — I'm so happy!" Jimin cries, burying his face in his mother's chest again as tears of joy spill from his eyes, sob after sob.

"Calm down son, calm yourself, it's okay, everything's okay now," Jimin's mother's sweet voice coos, smoothing down the back of Jimin's head with her small, soft hand repeatedly.

When Jimin's sobs finally comes to an end, she sits back down, Jimin holding on tight to her hand as he beams.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" She chuckles, Jimin going bright red as he looks down to his laps. He thinks of Jungkook, thinks of how they can finally be a couple, a couple. He can stay the night and whisper "I love you" against thin chapped lips as they make out and he can hold his hands and kiss his fingertips and wake up to him every morning and—

"Well, he's not... we're not official but... there's someone," he says shyly, peering up at his mum through his lashes.

"Oh!" She cries, bringing a hand up to her face as more tears well up in her eyes. "Oh, my beautiful son. My beautiful son and his beautiful soon-to-be boyfriend. Tell me, how smart is he? What does he do? How old is he? Oh god, I can already imagine him. A smart young boy, so sweet. A gentleman to treat my boy right!"

Jimin's face falls.

"Hey, little one."

The sleepiness in Jimin's eyes disappears momentarily. He stands up a little straighter, stopping mid eye rub.

Jungkook stands before him, glowing in the dull orange luminosity of the streetlights — as high and mighty and as gorgeous as ever, leaning against the door to Jimin's apartment like he owns it. He's wearing black lace up military looking boots, laces undone, with dark blue ripped skinny jeans and an oversized short sleeved black shirt tucked right in to showcase a brown belt gripping tight at his waist. His arms are crossed over his chest, inked up patterns looking oddly aesthetic over tanned skin and his biceps popping. His hair's a mop of curls, undone and messy over his eyes — his eyes that sparkle under the streetlights, his lips curled into a pretty smirk. He looks good. As always. Stunning. Breathtaking.

"Jungkook?" Jimin murmurs, a questioning lilt in his tone although they both know he could single Jungkook out amongst a herd of millions.

"That's my name, don't wear it out."

Jimin would probably be in fits of laughter if he wasn't so drained and tired — so confused and conflicted and in pain.

"Move away from my door, I wanna go in and sleep," he slurs, readjusting his bag over his shoulder with a minuscule jump and taking a step forwards.

"How was it?" Jungkook asks with true concern lacing his voice. Jimin mumbles something inaudible and then moves even closer towards his door, body brushing against Jungkook's as he rummages around for his keys. "You what?"

"I said," Jimin's tone is exasperated as he flips his hair out of the way to look up at Jungkook. "I said it was fine, okay? Everything went great."

"Wait what?" Jungkook grabs a hold of Jimin's wrist, successfully earning a whiney sound and a huff from Jimin but also his full attention. "The date? You had a date, and it went great? With a girl? How?"

"Jungkook, we'll talk tomorrow please I can barely keep my eyes open," Jimin gestures towards his tired face and droopy eyes. He catches Jungkook smiling softly at him but looks away and squirms his wrist out of the latter's grip.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Hey, how about I come in? I could like run a hot bath for you and make you something to drink, you look really tire—"

"You've been ignoring me for almost five whole days straight and now you wanna appear at my door at midnight and act as though nothing happened and we're boyfriends or something?" Jimin snaps just as he swings his door open. He looks up at Jungkook, expectancy in his gaze and his mouth shaped into a bitter sneer.

Jungkook looks down, a little bit of hurt and maybe a bit of regret in his eyes. He opens and closes his mouth before he licks them and drops his gaze to Jimin's mouth.

"I'm sorry."

He says it so simply, like it's that easy and like he knows he can get away with everything without even trying. Jimin smirks, huffs out a sarcastic laugh as he turns away with a shake of his head.

"Save it," he jeers just as he looks back up, planning on brining the argument to a cool and swift end on his behalf as he steps into his apartment. But alas, Jungkook remains as stubborn as ever.

He sticks his foot in just as Jimin's about to close the door completely, jamming it in there and refusing to give up. The latter groans out frustratedly, swinging the door back open and stepping forwards into Jungkook's personal space.

"Jungkook, go fucking home!" He cries out, pushing Jungkook's arm off from where it was resting on the wall beside his door.

"Ow!" Jungkook laughs, his elbow having scraped against the wall on its way down. Jimin's frown deepens.

"What the fuck is so funny? Why are you laughing? Is this funny to you? Really?" Jimin pushes at Jungkook's chest.

"No! No no no! Listen hear me out," Jungkook manages even though he's still chuckling. "The situation itself isn't funny — believe me when I say I hate myself too but it's just you, you're funny, becau—"

"You're an asshole, Jungkook! I don't find any of this fucking funny and you're such a dickhead! I hate you so much!"

Jungkook's expression darkens.

"Do you?" His voice drops to a low mumble all of a sudden, this time him being the one that's invading Jimin's personal space, pushing him towards the wall where his elbow once rested against and towering over the smaller male. "Do you really hate me, Jimin?"

Jimin squeezes his eyes shut, turning to the side and placing one balled up fist softly against Jungkook's chest.

"Jungkook — I know what you're here for but I have class at 8 in the morning. Please just go home, I can't do this right now. I'm so tired," his voice is soft and gentle now — careful.

"You know what I'm here for? You jump to a lot of conclusions, baby. I'm here for you. Let me come inside," Jungkook pushes the tip of his cold nose against Jimin's cheek, his tone and voice as equally gentle and soft. Jimin bites the inside of his opposite cheek.

"Jungkook, please stop," he says, fists tightening around Jungkook's shirt.

"I just want to—"

"Go home Jungkook."



Jungkook grunts — loud and fierce — pushing himself away from Jimin and punching the wall in a fit of burning rage. Jimin gasps, eyes falling open as he looks over at Jungkook. He's already paced up to eight steps with his hands on his waist. And then he whips around and marches right back up. Jimin holds his breath.

He slams his palms flat against the wall on either side of Jimin's head, breathing loud and unevenly. Jimin looks him back dead in the eyes, refusing to submit to his rage.

The cold air curls around the both of their bodies, nothing to be heard except from distant traffic and Jungkook's ragged breathing.

"Fine. Fine, okay. Fuck you, Jimin. Fuck you. I fuck'n' hate you."

Jimin maintains eye contact even with the back of Jungkook's head, not backing down until he takes the turn around the corner and completely disappears from Jimin's sight.

Only then does he let out a shaky sigh of relief with a trembling bottom lip, running a hand through his hair and clambering into his now cold and forever empty apartment.

Thursdays are tiring and demanding.

Jimin squeezes his eyes shut, half bent over as he rests his hands on his knees and tries to gain control over his breathing.

"We can stop for a bit now you know, we've almost got the entire thing down to a T anyways," Hoseok suggests, looking over at Jimin worriedly whilst wiping at the sweat clinging to his forehead and neck.

"Nah, I'm fine I just need some water and I'll be ready to go again," Jimin stands back up, semi limping over to his bag.

"Okay my bad, I worded that wrong, I meant we are going to take a break right now. Jimin, you're killing yourself!" Hoseok stomps towards Jimin, who was struggling to unscrew his water bottle lid and snatched the item from his hand. Jimin smiles sheepishly.

"Thanks but I'm fine, really, I've done more than this, I can handle it," he insists. Hoseok hands the bottle back to him with a sigh.

"Jimin, has something happened?" A hand rests on Jimin's sweaty back, between his shoulder blades, as he chugs the water down. He opens his eyes, frowning slightly at Hoseok's words as he removes the bottle from his lips, wiping away water that trickled down to his chin with his wrist.

"Why would you ask that? No, nothing's happened and everything's perfectly fine. Why would me wanting to dance for longer means something's happened?" He replies defensively, slightly shrugging Hoseok's hand off.

"Jimin, you're literally the one that told me dancing is your coping method."

Jimin huffs, screwing the lid back onto the bottle angrily.

"Well, I lied, because everything is fine and, actually, I have my life more under control than I've had it in the longest time," his voice raises in volume and pitch slightly, making the latter wince.


"Honestly hyung, I can't believe I've been living my life in such a mess lately. But I'm going to stop it now, watch, I'll be the happiest man alive and we'll—"

"Jungkook asked me."

Jimin's neck almost cracks as he snaps his head towards Hoseok so fast he goes dizzy. Hoseok can't meet his eyes.

"He asked me about whether or not you talk about him, Jimin. You're... you're dating Jungkook?" Hoseok finally looks up, disappointment in his eyes. Jimin opens and closes his mouth, eyes looking around restlessly. He feels a pang of unexplainable betrayal in his chest.

"We're not... we're not — it's not dating, hyung, don't look at me like that," Jimin murmurs, twisting his fingers around each other.

"Then what? What are you two? Jimin, are you... no. Don't tell me you're—"

"It's nothing to do with you, Hoseok!" He shrieks, looking up as angry tears fly out at the impact. Hoseok looks shocked, stunned to silence and Jimin feels so bad. He takes a deep breath. "I... appreciate your concern, hyung, but this is my problem and the last thing I wanted was anybody else to get involved. I'm trying to fix this, me and Jungkook, so there's no need for you to—"

"Jimin, you're doing this to yourself again. You can't do the whole friends with benefits bullshit — we established this the last fucking time!"

"I can!" Jimin interrupts. "I can do it — I was doing it — but then Jungkook starts saying all these stuff to me. He's the one that can't do it, not me!" Jimin yells, wiping furiously at his cheeks with his wrists. "And, and my mum! Hoseok, my mum knows I'm gay! She... I told her, hyung, I told her and she's okay with it! She supports me!"

"Wait, wait wait wait wait!" Hoseok brings an end to Jimin's rambling. He steps forwards, grabbing a hold of Jimin by his shoulders and looking him dead in his red, blotchy face. "Your mum — as in you, Park Jimin — your mum knows that you're gay? And she's okay with it?" Hoseok asks although he heard perfectly clear the first time. Jimin nods eagerly.

"Yes! Yes, she knows, I literally told her and she, hyung you won't believe, she's so supportive! She said that — she asked me if I have a boyfriend and said she can't wait for me to—"

"So what's wrong with Jungkook? If she's so supportive and she's even asking about your love life, why can't you and Jungkook be a thing?" Hoseok smiles softly, squeezing Jimin's shoulders beneath his palms. This time, Jimin shakes his head, dropping his gaze back down to his fingers.

"I can't, hyung, I can't. My mum wants a gentleman, a sweet boy — and that's everything Jungkook isn't. She'll be so so disappointed if I bring Jungkook home to her, what with all his tattoos and piercings and she'll ask me what he's studying and when I say art she'll look down and shake her head — I can already see it, hyung. I can't. I just can't," Jimin sniffles, more tears slowly trickling down his face. Hoseok laughs breathlessly and Jimin snaps his head up, frowning just slightly but more in confusion rather than anger. "What?" Jimin whispers, suddenly feeling stupid.

"Are you being serious?"

"... Yes?"

"Jimin — oh my god," he moves his hands away from Jimin's shoulders and squats down on the floor, holding his head between his hands and laughing breathlessly again.

"What?" Jimin repeats, crossing his arms over his chest and sniffling as he looks down at Hoseok.

"Jimin," Hoseok stands back up, throwing his head back and cackling shortly before whipping his head back down and looking at Jimin with the most serious expression. "If your mum is okay with you being gay I'm damn sure as hell she'll be okay with Jungkook! And you do dance, for god's sake! I'm sure she hates dance more than she hates art!"

"I don't want to disappoint her again!" Jimin yells, pushing a hand through his sweaty hair so angrily he probably snapped a few strands straight from the root. "I want to find someone sweet and nice to make her happy. That's all I want, hyung. I just want her happy," Jimin finishes off, slumping to the floor. He tucks his knees under his chin and leans back against the wall. He hears Hoseok sigh.

"You're so unbelievably stubborn and difficult sometimes, honestly. I'm not even going to bother anymore. If you're stupid enough to deny yourself of — you know what, never mind. I'm heading home, you can stay here or come back with me if you want," Hoseok mumbles, grabbing his backpack from the floor and fixing his hair in the mirror.

"I'll stay here," Jimin mutters back, and then the double doors of the dance studios creak open and slam shut. When Jimin raises his head, he's alone.

Jungkook's at his door again, sitting down on the dirty floor and playing some game on his phone. He has a bandage wrapped around his right hand — more specifically around the knuckles. Jimin remembers him punching the wall in his fit of fury last night and he would feel bad if he wasn't currently blinded by anger.

Instead, Jimin's clenching his fist and his teeth, eyes zeroing in on him. He strides over and Jungkook jumps up with a smile as soon as he looks up and spots him, sliding his phone away into his back pocket.


He's cut off by his own wince of pain when Jimin pushes him square on the chest, his back hitting the wall behind him forcefully.

"Fuck — Jesus Christ Jimin, what the fuck?" He groans, rubbing his pecs. Jimin lurches forwards, grabbing Jungkook by his collars and bringing their faces forwards until the tips of their numb noses touch.

"Why the fuck did you tell Hoseok?" He grits out, voice hushed and low as if he's trying to hold himself down. Jungkook's face is blank for mere seconds before he grins, eyes and nose crinkling up.

"About that, babe—"

"Shut up, Jungkook!" He yells, fists tightening around Jungkook's shirt. "Why the fuck are you doing this? Don't call me babe and don't act as though we're dating. I don't even want to fucking see you anymore, you — twat!" He yells, face almost scary due to the sheer amount of anger displayed on it.

"I want you," Jungkook replies, smile long gone and voice deep and dark. His hands grab a hold of Jimin's hips and smash them against his own.

"Don't — get off me!" Jimin removes his hands from Jungkook's collars, squirming in his hold and hitting his chest. "I don't want to do this anymore, Jungkook! I don't want to fuck and I don't want to talk to you or see you or anything!"

"Why, Jimin?" He asks, vice grip on Jimin's hips not budging in the slightest. He leans in some more to place his forehead against Jimin's and Jimin can taste Jungkook's breath in his mouth — that foul taste of cigarettes he became oddly addicted to, though only from Jungkook's lips. "We don't have to tell anyone. It can be just me and you, it'll basically be just like before. All I want is something solid. I just want to know that you belong to me and that I belong to you. I want to look at you and think yep, he's mine. I want to have you all the time, in every way. I want you so fucking bad, Jimin."

Jimin stopped squirming. He's looking Jungkook in the eyes, exactly how Jungkook's looking into his, before the latter licks his lip. Jimin's eyes drop down immediately — intrigued by the movement in the otherwise still moment. Reflectively, he licks his own, and then looks back up to Jungkook's eyes.

"Jimin, please. Let me—"

"You can — you can fuck me."

Jungkook blinks.

"I don't want to just fu—"

"Fuck me."

Jungkook looks stunned yet again for another moment, eyes wide and blinking. He opens and closes his mouth a bunch of times and Jimin prays he won't say anything. His prayers are answered when Jungkook's lips hesitantly latch onto his, everything gentle apart from the way he bites down onto Jimin's bottom lip instantly. Jimin whines, fists clenching and loosening in the latter's shirt, pushing himself closer.

Jungkook turns them around, pressing Jimin to the wall and licking across his rapidly swelling bottom lip before he dips his pierced tongue in, pulling out a high pitched, breathy moan he swallows up so eagerly.

Simultaneously, he grinds his hips into Jimin's, pulling his lips away to bury his head into Jimin's neck. Said male grabs a hold of Jungkook's large shoulders, digging his nails into the hard skin. He moans again when Jungkook rolls his hips, long and slow. Jungkook chuckles against his neck.

"You're so fucking loud, baby. Quieten down. What will your neighbours think when they hear you moaning like this for me?" He murmurs. Jimin gasps. "Also, you stink. Did you come straight from dance?" Jungkook pulls back with a face. Jimin grits his teeth and groans, glaring at Jungkook.

"If you're going to complain you can leave," he says despite rutting against Jungkook's thigh like his life depends on it.

"I mean, I'll complain, but that doesn't mean I don't want to fuck you—"

"Jungkook!" Jimin hisses and Jungkook looks confused. "Shut the fuck up, everyone can hear you!"

At this Jungkook laughs and shakes his head.

"You're right, I really really need to lower my voice. God forbid I whine and moan loudly right out in the open—" he's cut off by Jimin's agitated whine.

"Fuck, I'm going to fucking cream my pants if you don't do something," Jimin then gasps, head thrown back and his hips already starting to ache with how fast they're moving against Jungkook's thigh — which said male pushed up between Jimin's legs to help him out.

"I wanna fuck you so bad," Jungkook breathes, watching Jimin. Jimin brings his head down, smirking. His hips slow down so that he's rolling his hips sensually against Jungkook.

"Weren't you just saying you don't want to just fuck me?"

"Weren't you just saying you don't want to see me at all anymore?"

Jimin glares, stops rolling his hips, turns his head to the side and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Seriously, Jimin? How old fucking are you?"

Jimin doesn't move — doesn't even consider Jungkook's words — and sighs instead.

"Why are you being so fucking difficult lately? You're the one that asked me to even fuck you — I was here to talk — so if you wanna get fucked I suggest you fix that damn attitude up."

At this, Jimin bites his lip, arms falling from his chest as he looks down. He doesn't want to give in to Jungkook's words but he's so fucking hard now — there's no way he'd be able to get off without someone fucking him. Specifically Jungkook.

He nervously rolls his hips once, peering up at Jungkook through his sweaty bangs. Something about that must have made Jungkook twitch because he groans deep and whispers out a low "fuck". Jimin smiles.

The smile is soon wiped off when Jungkook stuffs his hand down Jimin's grey sweatpants, tugging hard at his cock. Jimin squirms and cries out, his ass clenching around nothingness and he wishes so bad that he had something up there.

"Your dick, Jungkook, oh please — fuck, I want your dick," he breathes, eyes glued to where Jungkook has his ink covered arm down his pants.

"Fuck — right out here? Fucking hell Jimin," Jungkook groans deep in his chest and Jimin nods a little too eagerly. "Shit, I don't have any lube or nothing though," he says, pulling Jimin's cock up from in his pants until the head is peaking out from the elastic of the clothing. Just as he does that, Jimin shrugs off his bag, unzipping it and pulling out a tube of lube.

"Here," he says, looking around a little and chucking his bag away to the side.

Jungkook stares at him for too long, has Jimin whining yet again, before he finally takes the tube from him with a laugh and a shake of his head.

"You're unbelievable."

"Shut up and fuck me."

Jungkook unscrews the tube of lube, coating three of his fingers and then yanking Jimin's pants down until it's around the middle of his thighs whilst kissing him.

He hooks one arm beneath Jimin's knee, lifting it up and rubbing two lube slick fingers at his entrance. Jimin groans at the feeling, trying to lift his leg even higher to accommodate.

"Fucking look at you. Getting fingered right in the open in your own damn neighbourhood," Jungkook spits, lips moving against Jimin's as he speaks. Before Jimin can say a thing, Jungkook's inserting his first finger, groaning at the hot tightness his middle finger is engulfed in.

Jimin gasps as Jungkook feels around, swirling his finger. Jimin opens his eyes to find Jungkook staring straight at him. He manages to hold the stare up until Jungkook begins frantically moving his finger, the impact causing Jimin's ass and thighs to shake and jiggle obscenely. He cries out, voice cracking and eyes screwing shut.

"Jungk — oh! Fuck, Jungkook!" He damn near screams, and Jungkook hurries to slurp Jimin's bottom lip into his mouth to shut him the fuck up. He adds his index finger next, drinking down Jimin's cries and sobs. Hot pain sucks in every joint in his hand — from his wrist to his knuckles, licking up faintly to his shoulders — but to hell with slowing down or stopping anytime soon. Jimin's practically sobbing, hands everywhere; holding his face, gripping tight in his hair, clutching onto his shoulders, yanking him forwards by the back of his neck, trailing up and down his back. It's every shade of desperate and it's everything Jungkook wants from him.

"Gonna finger you fucking loose, baby, gonna have you so fucked out and soft and easy for me to fuck again when we get inside," he murmurs, panting, against Jimin's lips, licks across it. Jimin lets out another sob, cock dripping strands of pre-cum down onto Jungkook's blue jeans.

"Please! Please please please please, wanna come! I wanna come, please touch me — I'm so cl-close! Oh please!" He sobs, and Jungkook hums, adding another finger and kissing at the tears down Jimin's cheeks before he trails the hand that was holding onto Jimin's waist down towards his cock.

He lets his hand ghost over Jimin's cock for too long, it seems, because Jimin really cries now. His bottom lip trembles and he's opening his eyes — big droplets of tears rolling down his already damp cheeks and the wetness clumping his beautiful, long lashes together.

"Shit," Jungkook curses under his breath, lactic acid building up in his muscles and creating an unbearable burning sensation of pure fatigue throughout his entire right arm. But still, he refuses to slow down, wrapping his other hand around Jimin's dick and using the pre-cum to glide his hand smoothly up and down the flushed length.

It's no surprise when Jimin comes after merely 6 tugs at his dripping cock, both his hole and the hands in Jungkook's hair tightening. His mouth drops open in a silent scream, head tilted backwards as thick spurts of cum spill out all over Jungkook's hand and onto the sleeve of his leather jacket.

"Hah — oh god, oh my god — fuck," he whines when Jungkook carries on lazily feeling around inside him, rubbing softly at the head of his spent dick with his thumb. He licks his lips, opening his eyes and tipping his head forwards to watch his cock twitch at every movement of Jungkook's fingers. He only removes his hands, wiping them down the back of his jeans, when Jimin's whimpering becomes too pitiful.

"My turn?" Jungkook asks, half afraid Jimin won't do anything about his throbbing dick. He watches as Jimin bites his lips, peers down at his more than obvious erection and then looks back up with a nod. Jungkook sighs out in relief, his lips curling up into a smile.

The kiss they then share is so soft it hurts. An ache embeds itself right into the middle of Jimin's chest and spreads throughout, his heart beating irregularly fast — thrumming so hard against his rib and begging to be freed. Jungkook holds his face carefully in his rough palms, tongue curling languidly around his own.

"Jungkook, let's go inside," he pulls back eventually, tongue flicking over Jungkook's lip piercings. He pulls his pants back up and over his cock, wincing at the uncomfortable stickiness. Jungkook kisses at his jaw, nodding.

"Okay," he mumbles. "Okay."

Jimin clears his throat as he bends down to pick up his bag, running a hand through his hair and reaching into the pocket of his hoodie for his key.

He expected hands on him straight away; on his hips and down his thighs, up his abdomen and around his waist. Instead, Jungkook's respectfully taking his shoes off, placing them neatly to the side and standing back up to full height with a cute grin and his cock still fully erect in its confined. Jimin is confused, and it must show quite clearly on his face if Jungkook's reaction is anything to go by.

"Gosh, stop looking at me like that — I can be a sweetheart too, what the hell?" Jungkook almost fucking huffs. Jimin's seen it all.

"Gosh? Hell?" Jimin utters. Jungkook rolls his eyes.

"Let's go to your bedroom," he smiles, and before Jimin can question why specifically his bedroom when Jungkook can just fuck him right there against his door, the latter has already wrapped an arm around Jimin's waist and is guiding them up the stairs and towards Jimin's room.

The hand around Jimin's waist doesn't let up even when they're in Jimin's room. He guides the both of them to the bed, plonking down — arm and waist still attached — and has Jimin sit down slowly on his laps.

"Jungkook, what are you—"

"Kiss me."

It's not a question or a request — it's a demand — and so Jimin complies.

He leans in, open-mouthed already because he guesses Jungkook's cock would be aching by now right? But, instead of mirroring Jimin's desperateness, Jungkook tenderly places a hand on Jimin's jaw — getting Jimin to slow down and close his mouth — until he's mouthing softly at Jungkook's lips the way Jungkook is mouthing at his own.

Jimin sighs into the kiss because this is nice; sweet and intimate and warm and everything they barely ever normally are — normally have allowed themselves to be.

But it doesn't take long before Jimin becomes desperate, lust still hot in his veins, and he begins impatiently squirming in Jungkook's laps, nipping at his bottom lip. Jungkook's hands, resting on his waist, go up to stroke featherlight at his jaw before he pulls away.

"Not so fast, not so fast," he chuckles slightly, pressing soft kisses to Jimin's bottom lip. Jimin whines.

"Why? I wanna kiss you properly—"

"Well, I wanna... Jimin, I want to — to make love to you. We've had like every type of sex possible but — but we've never... never made love, you know? Just, like, took it slow and really appreciated each—"


Jungkook startles, blinking up at Jimin. Jimin bites his bottom lip, looking away. He really shouldn't give in — making love. It's basically the same as fucking, ultimately, but there's so much more to it. So much more weight to it, more meaning. But if this for real is going to be the last time he lets this happen, he wants just that. Slow, hot, deep — love.

"You... you really wanna?" Jungkook asks, the corners of his lips lifting up just at the thought. Jimin nods, finally meeting his eyes again.

"Yeah. Yeah I do. Just — let me shower first, yeah? Just a quick 10 minute shower. Won't be long."

Jungkook laughs breathily in disbelief, lifting up to place a fat kiss on Jimin's lips.

"Yeah, you do that. I'll wait here, take as long as you want," he says, lightly pinching the both of Jimin's cheeks. Jimin giggles, shaking Jungkook's hands off him as he climbs off, leaving the room. He turns just before exits, cheekily slapping his ass and laughing when Jungkook groans exaggeratedly.

Jungkook sighs out, head spinning as he plonks back down, both of his hands behind his head. He smiles at the ceiling, hearing Jimin hum as he gets his shower going.

He closes his eyes, taking himself away to a world where this is the norm. Jimin's taking a shower after a long day of dancing after he came home to his boyfriend and made out with him for a bit.

Sighing again — a little more drawn out, a little sadder and a lot heavier — he shakes his head free of them delusional thoughts. He sits up abruptly, running a hand through his hair and listening to the pitter pattering sound of the shower running along with quiet, velvety singing.

Cute, he smiles.

His cock's still half hard in his jeans and he groans ever so slightly as he drags it down and over his boxers, shaking them off. His jacket's off and he's just about to remove his shirt when Jimin swings the door open, in nothing but a towel around his waist. Jungkook bites his bottom lip as he smiles at him, Jimin's demeanour hunched as though he's shy despite both of them having seen each other fully naked countless numbers of times.

"Jungkook," he breathes, hands clutching onto the towel in a death grip — knuckles white with the ferocity of it — and Jungkook chuckles.

He removes his shirt, throwing it to the side and stands, taking long strides towards the latter.

"Look at you," he says, barely a breath between them. "God, you're so beautiful. So gorgeous," his thumb drags down from Jimin's right temple straight to his jaw, the softness of it making Jimin's eyes flutter shut. "My baby, my little Jimin," Jungkook's voice is so tremulous — so shaky and real and genuine that it hits Jimin square in the chest, making him weak. He turns his head to the side, eyes still shut, and presses his lips to Jungkook's palm.

"Jungkook," he sniffs, dropping his head down and quickly wiping at his damp eyes with his wrist, before raising his head to look the taller male in his eyes. "Jungkook, I — I love you," he whispers. He drinks in Jungkook's soft, fond expression before he nods. "I love you, Jungkook. I really do — I love you so so much—"

"I love you most, baby," he whispers back, ducking his head down a little and holding Jimin's face in his palms. "C'mere," Jungkook says, clasping his hands around Jimin's wrists and pulling him over to the bed.

He slumps down, looking up at Jimin through his lashes as said male stands between his spread legs. Biting his lips, he slowly starts tugging at the towel wrapped snug around Jimin's waist, adoring the gasp that falls from his lips.

"Perfect — you're so perfect, you know? You're so beautiful," he compliments, rough hands gripping onto Jimin's now bare hips, his thumb dragging back and forth over supple skin.

"Jungkook," Jimin breathes yet again, hands going up to cling onto the latter's broad shoulders.

Jungkook responds by leaning forwards to press thin lips against smooth skin. He kisses down from the middle of Jimin's chest to his abdomen and then right back up again, taking his time.

"Wanna kiss you everywhere — want my lips all over you, baby," Jungkook's voice is so thick with so many emotions that Jimin gulps.

"D-do it," Jimin voices tautly. Jungkook stops kissing down the ridges of Jimin's fading abdominal muscles to stare up at the latter until he turns pink and bites his lip. "Jungkook, I want you t-to kiss everywhere. I want your lips everywhere — please."

Jungkook breathes heavily through his nose, wrapping one arm around Jimin's hips and letting the other graze slowly up his spine, making Jimin shudder and his back arch slightly as he lets out a high pitched sigh. Jungkook carries on kissing at Jimin's chest before he stands and picks the elder up with him.

Jimin closes his eyes when he's placed gently down on his bed, Jungkook towering over him. He can feel his stare, and so he keeps his eyes closed, but his bottom lip trembling is enough of a give away.

"Don't cry baby, don't cry," Jungkook says, lifting both of Jimin's arms up and over his head — pinning them down gently by the wrists. "We're gonna make love, yeah? You shouldn't cry during love-making, hm? Look at me, angel," Jungkook urges, tickling up and down Jimin's left side with his free hand. Jimin shakes his head no and Jungkook sighs.

Jungkook starts off at Jimin's forehead, kissing with a light smack of his lips against Jimin's skin. He kisses a strip right across Jimin's hairline, and then just beneath Jimin's hairline, and then right above his eyebrows and so on. His other hand trails down to engulf Jimin's cock, stroking at it slowly and making Jimin keen lightly.

Jungkook's lips stop at kissing at Jimin's jawline, said male's eyes still shut and his cock slowly hardening, before Jungkook raises his body to kiss at the small, soft fingertips on Jimin's left hand. He graduates all the way down Jimin's arm and towards his shoulders before Jungkook shifts and does the same thing with Jimin's other hand, thumb now sweeping over Jimin's hardened cockhead.

Kisses are scattered across Jimin's collarbones, down his chest — pausing to roll hardened nipples between his top and bottom lip for a bit — and all over his abdomen. Jimin keens — precious squirming and whimpering that draws animalistic groans from Jungkook in return.

"Ju-Jungkook, baby, enough. Enough kisses, please — kiss me, kiss my lips," Jimin lisps, finally opening his eyes to look down at Jungkook and only slightly trying to wriggle his wrists free from said male's grasp. Jungkook shakes his head, mouthing along Jimin's hipbone and narrowly avoiding his cock. Jimin moans and whines at the same time, feeling Jungkook's smile on his skin.

"Your toes are so cute," Jungkook sniggers against his ankle, having bent Jimin's knees up so that he could still keep a firm grip on said male's wrists. Jimin whimpers, watching as Jungkook trails his kisses down the length of his foot and shivering slightly. He blushes when Jungkook pecks at each toe, subconsciously wiggling them and biting down on his bottom lip.

"Jungkook," he whines, wanting so bad to feel Jungkook's hand on his cock again. "Please touch me, babe, please — pretty please."

"Mm — not yet," Jungkook replies, shuffling over to the next foot and pressing kisses against it. Jimin whimpers. "This is what you wanted — I'm treating my boy like the prince he is."

Jimin shivers when Jungkook begins placing kisses down the underside of Jimin's thighs, gradually migrating towards his ass. He whimpers when Jungkook doesn't stop, now littering open-mouthed kisses all around his left ass cheek.

"Jungkook... yes, Jungkook, keep — keep going," he pants.

"Keep your hands where they are, alright baby?" Jungkook says, breath fanning over the saliva he left behind on Jimin's skin. Jimin nods even though Jungkook can't see and muffles a groan when said male rubs his thumb over his pebbled nipple.

Jungkook's other thumb is used to spread Jimin's ass cheeks apart slightly, exposing his loosened hole. Tentatively, he runs his tongue over the entrance, humming out at the taste. Jimin lets out a strained breath of relief, resisting the urge to lift his hips off the bed.

Jungkook licks broad stripes up and over Jimin's hole, eyes gazing up to watch every twist and turn of pleasure across his face. Jungkook smiles to himself — so smitten and adoringly that it would've made Jimin's heart palpitate if he wasn't so busy squeezing his eyes shut and licking across his lips.

"S-so good, feels so nice — oh, baby," he cries out when Jungkook begins to graze around either side of his hole with his teeth, biting and nipping gently — all whilst pinching a nipple between his thumb and his index finger.

"Yeah? How good does it feel?"

"So so fucking good — mm," Jimin presses his lips together and arches off the bed when the latter licks right into him, hissing when he sucks gently.

And then he's whining when Jungkook promptly sits up, losing all skin to skin contact from him. He watches with hazy eyes as Jungkook, knowing all too well where it is, reaches down to get the lube from the drawers beneath his bed.

"My pretty baby boy," Jungkook whispers and Jimin's breath hitches — he's never been called that before.

He mewls when Jungkook presses two fingers at his entrance and enters slowly and languidly.

"Kitten. You sound like a little kitty. So goddamn pretty."

Jimin's all loose and easy and soft for Jungkook as said male swirls his fingers gently, watching the way Jimin's cock flops around slightly when Jimin begins working his hips down and around on Jungkook's fingers.

"Baby — don't do that. Let me do all the work, okay?" Jungkook smiles, placing a firm hand down on Jimin's hips and ignoring Jimin's pleas.

"Jungkook — it's okay, please, that was so nice, I wanna do it again," Jimin croaks but Jungkook merely shakes his head, shifting slightly from where he's splayed out around Jimin's legs.

Only then do the fingers inside Jimin speed up — pumping into him and making him shift up on the bed slightly.

"Oh — oh my god!" Jimin shrieks, subconsciously lifting his legs up from the bed and gripping the bedsheets from where his hands rest above his head.

Jungkook comes to a sudden halt and Jimin is left with his chest heaving up and down as he pants, tears making an appearance in his eyes.

"So beautiful — you're so loose and soft for me, baby. All for me. Gonna be so good for me to fuck again and again and again — I can never get enough," Jungkook whispers into his hip, kissing and tasting the slightly salty taste of the beginnings of sweat.

"Jungkook — can I," Jimin pauses, licking at his lips and unsuccessfully suppressing a whine when Jungkook licks up at the small puddle of precum against his abdomen. "Wanna s-suck you off, Jungkook, please," he just manages. Jungkook looks up at Jimin with a soft smile curling at his lips.

"Yeah? Okay, baby boy, c'mere."

Jungkook positions himself on his elbows, laying on his back, and hisses at the sight of Jimin sitting up and getting on all fours to crawl between his legs. He looks so fucking alluring — the human embodiment of sin and lust and love — all things wrong but so, so fucking good.

"Kitten," he breathes, eyes staring into Jimin's when said male blinks up owlishly at him.

They stare just like that for a while before Jimin breaks off with a coy grin, looking down and arching his back downwards when he gives a lick at Jungkook's boxers. Jungkook breathes out heavily through his nose and Jimin can feel his piercing, burning gaze against his skin — lighting up a trail of goosebumps everywhere.

"Fuck — kitten," Jungkook whines, throwing his head back and waiting for Jimin to actually do something. "C'mon, stop making me wait."

Jimin pulls his boxers down, licking his lips when Jungkook's cockhead peeks out from the top of the tight black briefs. He leans in to suckle on the head, closing his eyes and moaning obscenely around it. He feels fingers thread through his hair and he knows Jungkook is itching to grab a hold of him and piston into his throat. He smiles.

"Gonna work that throat for me, baby boy? Fuck, baby — got me so fucking riled up right now, come on," Jungkook whispers, looking back down into Jimin's eyes. He's never been like this. Asking — downright fucking begging. Jungkook wants, Jungkook gets. So, Jimin's more than chuffed with his given power right now.

He flicks his tongue into the slit, bringing two hands up to scratch down lightly at both of Jungkook's sides — "Kitten got claws" — before stopping to grab a hold of his hips. Using his teeth, Jimin tugs at the bottom of Jungkook's briefs until they're midway down his thighs. Speaking of thighs, Jimin pauses for a moment to press his lips against the latter's muscly thighs, biting down around a chunk of meat and hearing Jungkook hiss. He sucks around the skin and lets go with a loud pop — humming when he sees a dark, crimson shade of red, almost purple, bruise blooming against the tanned skin of Jungkook's thigh.

Jungkook's panting and sweating when Jimin finally decides to take his dick back into his mouth, after a few more hickeys of course, and this time Jimin doesn't hold back.

He swallows Jungkook all the way down, frowning at the uncomfortable but familiar pressure pushing at the back of his throat, until the tip of his nose presses against Jungkook's abdomen. Jungkook lets out a long, guttural groan.

"Fuck yes — fuck yes," he murmurs, carding his fingers through and through Jimin's hair, one arm under his head as he lays back with both eyes closed.

One hand grips the base of Jungkook's dick and the other clutches onto his hips as Jimin sucks up and down the rock hard length, relishing in the gasps and soft moans Jungkook emits. He only stops when his jaw begins to ache and the sucking sounds become too obscene even to his own ears. He rises off with one last slurp, panting for breath. Maintaining eye contact, Jimin lets his tongue flop out of his mouth, staring at Jungkook as he slaps the soaked cock against his tongue. Jungkook almost sobs.

"Baby — oh, my god — enough baby, get up here. Gimme a kiss," he whines, making grabby hands at Jimin.

They kiss forever, deep and slow and breathless. Jimin has one thigh draped over Jungkook's hips and the other beside Jungkook's thigh and fuck — he tries so fucking hard not to grind down onto it but shit he's so so hard, he just needs that little bit of—

"Woah there, little one. Eager?" Jungkook grins but Jimin just cries out, breathing into Jungkook's mouth.

"It's not — not enough. Please, just f-fuck me now. I need you."

Jungkook has Jimin sprawled out in his arms, sitting up with one hand curved around to reach into Jimin's ass. He starts with two fingers and bites back a groan when there's no restriction around his fingers whatsoever.

"So loose. Wide open and soft, just for me. Just for me to fuck again and again and again. Fuck you numb. Fuck you 'til you pass out from it — shit."

He's contemplating putting in a forth finger when Jimin begins sobbing into his chest, shaking his head and clenching around all three of Jungkook's fingers.

"Stop! Stop, please — oh g-god! Gonna c-come—"

Jungkook's never pulled his fingers out faster.

"Kitten," he whispers, tilting Jimin's head up with his clean hand and bringing his other hand up to his lips, licking and sucking up the three fingers that were up Jimin's ass mere seconds ago. Jimin makes a wrecked, broken sound right from the back of his throat.

Jimin asks to ride him and Jungkook lays back, holding his breath. The latter sinks slowly down onto his raw length, letting out a lewd mewl. Jungkook emits a sigh at the feeling of Jimin wrapping warm around him with his ass flush against his hips.

"So so fucking good — oh fuck. You fill me so good — I love riding you," Jimin blabbers, two hands against Jungkook's chest while said male rubs up and down his arms.

"Yeah? Who's gonna love you like I do, baby boy? Who's gonna fill you — ah, shit — fill you up like I do?"

Jimin shakes his head, dropping his head down low and letting out gasp after gasp. Jungkook stops rubbing up and down Jimin's arms in favour of linking his fingers up with Jimin's — giving him something to stabilise himself on as he slowly gets to work riding him.

"Slow down, kitty. Take it real slow for me, okay?"

Jimin grunts, nodding and still gasping desperately as he lifts his ass up slow and steady — sinking back down just as slow and steady.

"I c-can feel you — so deep, oh god — feels so nice, I'm so cl—" he gasps, "—close."

"Hold it in for me, baby boy, hold it in. So pretty, riding me like this, you're so fucking pretty," Jungkook grunts, watching with sharp eyes as Jimin's breaths hitch with each rise and fall of his hips. "Look at me," Jungkook mutters and Jimin shakes his head. "Jimin, look at me. Raise your head, baby."

Jimin unscrews his shut eyes and lifts his head up. His bottom lip's trembling when he locks eyes with Jungkook. Jungkook's own eyes are twinkling, a soft smile lifting at the corners of his lips as he examines Jimin's flushed face.

"I'm so fucking in love with you."

And so Jimin cries, breaks down into tears and sobs against Jungkook's chest. Said male presses his head against his chest with one hand and smoothes his other hand down Jimin's back soothingly.

"Sh sh, baby — they better be tears of happiness, alright? C'mon, don't cry. You're killing me, kitten, don't cry like that," he whispers gravelly — clearly trying to hold back his own tears.

"I... I'm — J-Jungkook, I—"

"I know baby, it's okay. There there now, look up for me. Let me wipe your tears away babe," he taps at Jimin's jaw and said male obliges, sniffling and trembling lightly. Chapped thumbs wipe tenderly at Jimin's cheeks, before a pair of lips replace his thumbs until they land at Jimin's own lips.

Lips still attached, Jungkook wraps his arms around Jimin's middle and thrusts upwards, their groans mingling and becoming one.

"I'm sorry for ever hurting you, I — sh-shit — I'm sorry for ever making you angry or stressing you out or burdening y-you—"


"Babe, l-lemme speak," Jungkook grunts, tugging lightly at Jimin's hair to get him to sit up. Jimin looks down at his hands sprawled out across the latter's chest rather than at said male. "I — I know I'm not ideal for you, I know y-you can get so much better—" he starts slowly rocking his hips up, drawing yet another gasp from Jimin, "—but I swear nobody can love you like I do. I love you so fucking much it hurts every single second of every single day. I wake up in cold sweat from nightmares, nightmares about l-losing you completely. Jimin — I hadn't cried in years before I met you, but then you came along and suddenly I cry every single night. Y-you can't see it in my eyes? C-can you not see the love? Do I not show it properly? Because I swear it's there, Jimin. Baby, I — ah! — b-babe, I know I'm probably annoying and all and I know all I seem to do is stress you out and frustrate you, but w-why can't you understand that I can't — I can't let you go, Jimin. I'm never letting you go. There's no way I'm gonna let myself get over you. N-not that it's a choice, b-but — it'll kill me to see you w-with somebody else. It'll tear me the fuck apart, Jimin. H-how — don't put me in that situation, baby. Don't hurt me like that. Let me have you. Let me hold you. Let me breathe you in — all the time. Just — be mine Jimin. Please. Forever."

Jimin shook violently on top of him and Jungkook gulps, panic rising in his chest. He strokes his thumb along Jimin's hip, his own hips still rocking up so slightly.

"Jimin — it's not — don't cry, kitty. It's okay. There baby, look at me now. Don't cry."

"J-Jungkook I-I don't know how to — don't know what to s-say," he stutters, head still hanging low so all that Jungkook can see is his slightly damp hair dangling and swaying as he speaks. "I love you t-too — h-ah — b-but... but—"

"It's okay. I understand—"

"But, Jungkook—"

"Talk later, okay? Lemme — raise your hips baby, on your knees."

Though it seems later never comes, because after flipping them around and fucking deep and slow into Jimin until they're both making a mess of sticky white all over the sheets and their own bodies, Jimin's out like a light.

When Jimin wakes up the next morning, butt naked and his whole room and he himself smelling of sex (fucking amazing sex too), he decides that he'll really give Jungkook a go. Fuck his mother, fuck disappointment. He'll live for himself now.

But alas, fate decides not. Jungkook goes missing for over a week and Jimin meets Taehyung. Literature student. A funny guy; breathtakingly good looking, gorgeous eyebrows and the best voice. No piercings. No tattoos. A boy that a mother would love.

And so, filled with pain and reluctance, he flirts — much like how he done with Jungkook — and tries to dismiss the pang of disappointment he feels in himself. Like he's cheating. He's not cheating.

Taehyung catches on quick enough, though not as quick as Jungkook did. The first time they fuck, Jimin cries. Cries because he can't get rid of that feeling — that feeling as though he's cheating. And because Taehyung's hands are too big to be Jungkook's, his voice too deep and his moans too breathy.

He buries his face into the blankets and fakes his orgasm — not because Taehyung isn't good enough, but more because he needs to end this as soon as possible.

Taehyung pats his ass and thanks him, stumbling out the door with a call of "call me tomorrow morning yeah?" just as the door closes.

He misses him.

Jimin misses being begged to stay a little longer, misses that insistent nipping at his ear when he's trying to sleep, misses having to almost very literally kick Jungkook out. Misses Jungkook. Misses deleting every one of his texts as soon as they send and staring at his phone when he calls until the latter eventually gives up. Misses Jungkook.

He swears he can still feel Jungkook's lips everywhere against his skin, brittle and thin but gentle and sweet — and it hurts so bad.

Cold and sweaty and sad and snotty, Jimin unlocks his phone and stares at Jungkook's contact, his bottom lip trembling at the sight. His finger hovers over the call button for way too long and he eventually gives up, chucking the phone away and burying his head into the blankets to scream and cry some more.

"Hey, Jiminie?" Taehyung asks one night. Jimin didn't protest when he lay down beside him and curled his naked body around Jimin's naked body, and now they're playing with one another's fingers.

"Hm?" Jimin hums, forcing his eyes open.

"Can I take you out on a date?" He asks, nosing down the back of Jimin's neck. Jimin finds his lips curling up slowly into a lazy smile. "Feel free to say no if you want, of course. But I really wanna like — build this relationship up a bit more. I really like you."

Jimin turns around and buries his face into Taehyung's chest, kissing once at his collarbone.

"Sure Tae. That would be nice."

Taehyung grabs a hold of Jimin's face and kisses him sloppily on the lips mid-squeak.

His mum calls him a week later.

"So, Jiminie. Tell me," she speaks excitedly through the phone. Jimin smiles. "When will I meet this someone you talked about last time, hm?"

Jimin blushes, picking at his jeans for no reason.

"H-his name's T-Taehyung mum. He's a — a literature student."

Without his consent, tears well up into his eyes. Because that's the wrong person. He's a liar. Taehyung isn't that someone.

"Taehyung! Oh, what a lovely name! I'm so proud of you, my son. I'm so happy."

"M-me too, mum."

Jungkook calls.

He's cuddled up on the sofa watching Titanic with Taehyung when his phone suddenly makes him jolt out of his thoughts. He groans at the sound, not planning on picking it up.

"Pick it up Jiminie, it might be important," Taehyung nudges at him, mumbling.

Sighing, Jimin sits up to slide his phone out of his back pocket. He gulps at the name, big and white and menacing on his screen.

"Who's't?" Taehyung tries to look over his shoulder but Jimin accepts the call before he sees anything.

"It's Hoseok hyung! One second, I'll take this to the kitchen," he smiles before teetering off and trying to steady his breath.

He hears Jungkook calling out into the phone and the sound goes straight to his heart — well, his eyes first if he's honest. They sting unbearably and then a wave of fresh, hot tears flood over.

Sobbing almost inaudibly, Jimin brings the phone to his ear.

"—ello? Jimin, you're worrying me the fuck out right now, ans—"

"Over a whole month. One whole fucking month. You decide to call after seven whole weeks," Jimin speaks, voice thin and brittle. "How could you? How? I've," he lets out a quiet, choked sob, "I've been waiting and waiting but you ne—"

"Come outside."

Jimin opens his mouth to protest but the line goes dead, and he finds himself just staring at his home screen through the blur of his own tears.

Without even thinking and as if in a deep daze, Jimin walks to his door. His fingers shake for no real reason as he jams the keys into the keyhole and twists. He closes his eyes when he turns the door knob, holding his breath.

Flowers. Red roses to be precise — so annoyingly fucking cliche. And a smiling, sincere looking Jungkook behind them.

Jimin wants to cry again, and so he quickly steps out and shuts the door quietly, pushing Jungkook away and round the corner of his house.

"Minie — what you doing? Where are we — hey, quit poking me like that!"

The sound of his voice has Jimin's blood boiling, yet calms his racing heart down at the same time. Pushing Jungkook against a wall, he takes some time out to really appreciate him before he goes off on him.

He's pushed his hair up and stripped his ears free of earrings, a big loud coat on, no doubt in replacement of his leather jackets to keep him warm in the now icy weather, that travels all the way to his knees. And the bouquet of roses.

Frowning, Jungkook's just about to open his mouth to ask Jimin what the fuck that was all about, but Jimin speaks up just in time.

"You good for nothing piece of absolute shit! How — how are you going to 'make love'," he wiggles his fingers in the air to make inverted commas, "to me one night and then disappear for, what — forty-nine whole nights after that?" He yells, quickly wiping at each tear that rolls to his cheeks.

"Hey, look, I sent flowers—"

"Flowers? I didn't get any flowers! I don't need flowers — goddamn it, this isn't even about flowers!" Jimin huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose and causing more tears to fall from his eyes when he squeezes them together. "You're a liar! If you really loved me like you said you did, you wouldn't just leave me like that!" He flails his arms around, voice shrill and strident. "You wouldn't just suddenly disappear and make me feel like I done something wrong—"

"Oh, shut up! What, you're telling me you didn't do anything wrong now?" Jungkook fires back and has Jimin's eyes widening before they squint instead.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questions, voice considerably quieter now.

"You know what it fucking means. That night, I gave you all of me. Every single fucking piece of me was gift wrapped the fuck up and placed into your palms — yet you were straining to just fucking say I love you back to me. You — don't fucking talk over me! — you never consider how I feel, Jimin. You're only ever concerned about yourself, and stop shaking your damn head like that, it's true. Hoseok called me the day after and told me everything. You put how your mum views you before me and my damn fucking heart. And for the first time ever, I truly hated you. I was willing to bend and break myself in half to keep you happy yet you could barely tell me that you love me. What kinda — how am I supposed to feel about that, huh?"

Jimin sniffles as he wipes at his nose, his head dropped down low. Jungkook sighs.

"Hey," he says softly, bringing a hand up to Jimin's cheek and stroking his thumb across it, wiping tears away whilst doing so. "I'm not — not mad anymore. I went away for a bit to see my brother and I let myself think about it. I... I understand you now, I think. And I'll give you one last option, baby. If you want me to, I'll stay here with you as your boyfriend forever. If — if not, I'm packing my bags and I'm leaving here for good. Gonna stay with my brother, okay? Is that fair?" He asks and just as he does so, Jimin whips his head up and shakes his head once again.

"Ju — Jungkookie," he whispers, hands still shaking as he holds onto Jungkook's and brings them to his lips to kiss at slightly, the latter smiling at him as he does so. "Please, I'm s-so sorry — l-let me explain—"

"Hey — what? No no, I told you I'm over that, there's nothing to explain—"

Jimin cuts him off by crying harder, dropping Jungkook's hands and crying into his own hands now.

"Jungkook — I," he sniffles, rubbing at his eyes before trying to calm himself down. He pulls at his sleeves and then looks up into Jungkook's concerned eyes. "I... have a boyfriend."

Jimin doesn't manage to really process what's happening when he's suddenly pushed aside and finds himself running after Jungkook into his own house half a minute later.

"—In here, isn't he? I was wondering why the fuck you were pushing me around like that — should've fucking known!" Jungkook bellows, clambering up the stairs furiously. Jimin tries to catch up with him, calling out "Baby! Don't do this — let's talk about it!" behind him. He hears the sound of a — a roar and then the sound of Taehyung yelling out just when he reaches halfway up the stairs. He gasps, panic coursing through his veins and pushing him up those last handful of steps into the room.

"Jungkook!" He screeches at the sight of Jungkook covering Taehyung's body from the waist up with his own, hands tight around the boy's neck, the latter now doing the same thing. "Stop it! Stop it, please! Please, don't do this!" He sobs, running forwards to pull at Jungkook's arms, scratching at Taehyung's fingers as he does so. "Jungkook!" He screams, punching at his shoulder repeatedly.

He's flung to the wall when Taehyung promptly jumps up, gaining the upper hand and pushing Jungkook onto his back. With a grunt, Taehyung lands a blow to the side of Jungkook's face. Jimin shrieks.

"Get off him!" He screams hoarsely, running up to push Taehyung onto the sofa. Taehyung looks stunned, eyes wide. Jimin turns around just in time to see Jungkook getting back up to his feet, the fire in his eyes almost at full blaze. He rushes to throw himself at Jungkook, circling his arms around his waist and sobbing into his hard chest.

"J-Jungkook, please. Please stop, don't do this," he repeats, over and over and over. He feels Jungkook's hot breath fanning over his scalp and his heart thrumming in his chest against one side of his face.

"Jimin..." Taehyung gets to his feet again reluctantly, reaching a hand out towards Jimin's arm. A growl escapes Jungkook's lips and Taehyung narrows his eyes at him as Jimin visibly tightens his arms around the latter. "Jiminie... who — who's this?"

"T-Tae..." Jimin gulps, arms loosening from around Jungkook as he turns to face the man. His bottom lip trembling, he opens and closes his mouth a handful of times but he can't seem to make a sound. Just as he takes a step forward, a hand clings onto his elbow and holds him in place. Jimin turns to look up at Jungkook, only to see him gritting his teeth with his eyes narrowed at Taehyung. "Tae," he starts, turning away again to face said male. "I'm sorry b-but — I need you to leave. I'll... I'll call you," Jimin nods as though reassuring himself more than Taehyung.

Taehyung — sweet, understanding Taehyung — takes a moment to just stare back into Jungkook's eyes before he nods.

"Are you sure?" He eyes the hand clasped around Jimin's elbow. Jimin nods vigorously. Taehyung sighs. "Right. Okay. Call me, Jimin."

Jungkook and Jimin are still, barely breathing, as they listen to the sound of Taehyung grabbing his coat, zipping it up, sniffing and trudging down the stairs before opening the front door and shutting it with a slam.

Jimin yanks his arm out of Jungkook's hold and turns to face him, lips pursed.

"That was fucking unnecessary. Taehyung hasn't done anything wrong here — he didn't even know a Jungkook exists up until about five minutes ago," he huffs, crossing his arms over his chest and only being able to look Jungkook in the eyes for a millisecond before he snapped his eyes away. There's a long, uncomfortable, weighty pause as Jungkook just stares and stares.

"My offer's still there, Jimin. I'll give you a week, yeah? Don't — don't talk to me again until that time," Jungkook states, almost robotically. Jimin, looking up at Jungkook through his lashes, nods. It's a fair deal.

Jungkook sucks in a breath through his teeth and then kisses his teeth, before he turns to leave. Jimin sighs out and plops down on his sofa when—


Said male whips his head up to see Jungkook standing there at the door to his living room, with his arms wide open. Jimin cocks his head to the side and narrows his eyes at him.

"Do I not rate even one hug?" Jungkook half grins, lopsidedly, at the latter.

Jimin giggles wetly, standing and allowing Jungkook to embrace him tight and warm as he does the same. Jungkook places a firm kiss to the top of Jimin's head and rubs up and down his back with one hand. He sniffles and Jimin freezes up.

"Jungkook? Are you — you're crying!" He gasps, pulling his head away to stare up at Jungkook with big round eyes. Jungkook chuckles just slightly and then sniffs, blinking furiously to stop any tears from escaping.

"Yeah, I guess. Surprise!" He smiles but there's still tears in his eyes. Jimin, still in shock of seeing Jungkook cry for the first time ever, just stares until he reaches up on his tiptoes to cradle Jungkook's head in his hands. Jungkook lets out another breathy laugh, rubbing up and down Jimin's sides before placing his hands on top of Jimin's and leaning in for a short, sweet kiss on the lips. "A week, okay?" He whispers and Jimin finds tears welling up again in his eyes at how weak Jungkook's voice sounds and at the idea of not being able to talk to the latter for another whole week.

"Okay," he mumbles, pulling himself away and standing awkwardly with his hands behind his back. "Miss you."

"I'll miss you too, little one. I'll not drag this out anymore. See you later, Jimin."

And then he's out the door, leaving a trembling Jimin to run his hands through his hair and plop down to the floor.

"Taehyung," Jimin tries to smile but it's hard. He pulls at his sleeves nervously and looks away. "I'll — I'll tell you the truth," Jimin assures and Taehyung remains expressionless. He takes a deep breath.

"You see... for about like four years now, m-me and Jungkook have been... well," he giggles in anxiety, peeking a glance up at Taehyung and swallowing when he sees the stoic face he wears. "W-we've been friends with — friends with benefits, kinda thing. My mum only found out I was gay recently — I was raised in a pretty strict Christian household — so we promised that it wouldn't be anything more than just that. B-but that's impossible, right? Like, think about it. Four years you see the same guy, day in day out. You — well, I caught feelings. And he did too, I guess. When I... when I told my mum, about being gay, she was happy for me," Jimin smiles down at the floor, "and in return I wanted to make her as happy as I could but — Jungkook just... Jungkook didn't cut it for my mum's expectations and so I tried to end things between me and him. That's when he disappeared for a while and — y-you," he twists his fingers together, "came along and — Tae, you're perfect. My mum would love you s-so much and that's all I could think about," Jimin pauses for a breath, shuffling closer towards Taehyung on the sofa. "I'm s-so sorry, Taehyungie — it was such an inconsiderate thing for me to d-do and I fully acknowledge that — but... b-but I love Jungkook more than anything in the world, and it's taken me too long to let myself admit this for me to turn back n-now—"

"It's okay."

Jimin clamps his mouth shut and tilts his head slightly. Taehyung chuckles.

"You're cute," he declares, pinching at Jimin's cheek. Jimin feels so small. "I... I guess I was using you too, if I'm honest. You see, I've been trying to get over someone. A certain someone. And well, you came along with your cute little eyes and your adorable laugh — you're really quite the opposite of him. Not that he's not cute but, you get me right?" Taehyung nudges him for affirmation and Jimin, still very much confused, replies with jerky nods of his head. "I really did like you and I really could see us working out if we tried but — what are we but mere puppets at the hands of fate, ay?" He chuckles. Jimin rolls his eyes but he's giggling.

And there's warmth blooming in his chest. And his heart feels light and the world is suddenly so much brighter and his smile feels genuine and he can finally finally finally allow himself freely think about Jungkook and. Oh, fate.

Jimin decides it's been the longest week of his life. He doesn't see Jungkook not once at uni and his heart feels a bit heavier with each passing day — knowing that he and Jungkook, together as one, is so so close yet still too far away — not close enough.

He still stares at Jungkook's contact in his phone but instead of crying, he smiles. He doesn't contemplate calling him or texting him like before, but finds peculiar comfort in it just knowing that it's there.

Thursday comes round and Hoseok compliments him a total of seven times, asks Jimin who's dick he's been taking lately because he wouldn't mind some of that. Jimin laughs with his whole body — something that feels weird and kinda silly doing after so long but familiar and comfortable — and taps his nose twice with a wink.

Friday. Friday, Jimin takes the day off uni to get ready to see Jungkook that night.

And he knows it — he knows he's just being stupid now but he can't help it.

He bathes the whole morning away in a hot tub, filled with rose petals from the roses Jungkook dropped at the top of the stairs seven days ago.

He digs out a pair of lacy, cream coloured thongs Jungkook bought him so long ago but he was too shy to wear, along with a matching silk robe. And then he takes some deep red lipstick and bites his lip, twisting it up and marvelling at the colour as he sits at his dressing table. It's not something Jungkook has ever directly asked him for but he guesses a horny teenager won't exactly complain.

He blots it at the centre of his lips but nothing really happens so, with a pretty firm hand, he presses down and swipes. He gasps at the streak of crimson red against his bottom lip before smiling. He takes it from the corner of his lip and presses down evenly to the opposite corner of his lip — a giggle escaping his half coloured lips for no reason in particular.

His lips fully crimson, he stands and smacks his lips together a few times, turning in front of the mirror to examine the dainty silk robe hugging his body just right. He turns back to his front and tugs at the straps tight around his waist, peeling the robe from his figure slightly to sneak a peek at his lace thongs and fuck — he's gave his own self a semi just from looking at himself.

Before he has any time to appreciate himself further, Jimin hears the grumbling of a motorbike and a swarm of butterflies attack his chest and his stomach. He hasn't had butterflies like this since his panic attack a while ago — fuck. The confidence he bestowed in himself suddenly is no more and he rushes to tie his robe back together. Wiping his palms down his sides to stop himself from running his hands through his styled hair, he unnecessarily tiptoes over to his bedroom window to take a look.

And there he is, climbing off the motorbike and unclasping his helmet. Jimin breathes in and out after taking a step away and leaning his back against his wardrobe, steadying his frantically beating heart.

Three knocks at his door.

Sparing one last glance at his reflection, Jimin takes a deep breath and rushes down the stairs. Another deep breath and he's swinging the door open.

He drops his head low, coyly, and misses the way Jungkook's eyes shoot open.

"Fuck — uh. Wow. Is he home?" Jungkook asks, audibly gulping. Jimin bites down on his smile.

"N-no. He left the day after the... that happened," Jimin giggles, finally raising his head to look at Jungkook and shivering — either because it's cold or because of the way Jungkook's eyes are glowing with something hungry when he catches sight of the red against Jimin's lips.

"Can I come in?" He finally says, eyes barely managing to look back up to Jimin's eyes. Jimin jumps a little.

"Oh!" He giggles. "Yeah, sorry, come in."

Jungkook inhales as soon as he steps into the house, eyes closed and a small smile playing at his lips. He looks happy, genuinely.

"Let's go to the living room, Jungkook," Jimin tugs at his wrist and Jungkook nods, letting himself be pulled away.

"This is distracting," Jungkook mumbles a handful of seconds into their sitting, scooting closer until their knees are touching. He leans in, cold fingers brushing against Jimin's jawline and a thumb pressing lightly into his bottom lip. Jimin keens, nails scratching at the fabric of his sofa. The latter leans in some more, breath fanning warm and familiar over Jimin's lips. Jimin's eyes flutter shut, one hand coming up slowly to hover over Jungkook's cheek — but then the warmth disappears and he jumps just a little when Jungkook clears his throat. "N-not now, Jimin. Let's talk," he says with a strained voice and Jimin holds back a whine and just nods.

"So..." Jimin trails off awkwardly, side eyeing Jungkook who has his elbows resting on his knees and his head between his hands.

"Jimin — you can't expect me to do all the talking again. I have nothing to say. I told you about my offer, and now it's all up to you. Do as you please."

Jimin blinks. Nods. Gulps.

"Jungkook," he scoots closer again, knees touching again, holding Jungkook's hand again, "there's no Taehyung anymore. We — he moved out the day after, well, after that happened. A-and I'll have you if you still want me," Jimin whispers the last part, staring at his small hand in Jungkook's large palm.

"I've never wanted anything or anyone more that I've wanted you, babe," Jungkook replies, turning to take Jimin's face in his hands. He breaks into a grin. "You're gonna have to come home and help me unpack my bags."

Jimin laughs, throwing his head back and coming back down with a sigh.

"You're my boyfriend?" Jimin asks promptly, heart feeling light and body tingling with the immense rush of happiness coursing throughout him.

"Yours," Jungkook smiles, trailing a hand up and down Jimin's side while the other stays rubbing up and down his cheek. Jimin sighs. "Now tell me — what's this?" His voice drops low and he tugs at Jimin's robe, biting his lip and tilting Jimin's chin up.

"A present," Jimin whispers, getting up and pulling Jungkook to his feet with a giggle. He turns away and walks languidly to his bedroom, swaying his hips too insistently for it to be accidental. Jungkook breathes in through his nose and follows him just as languidly.

Jimin turns just before entering his bedroom door to bite his bottom lip coyly at Jungkook, fingers playing with the hem of his robe. He giggles when Jungkook cautiously steps closer to him, reaching out to hold his face again but Jimin's quicker — slipping into his dimly lit bedroom and resting his back against the wall.

Jungkook slips in right after him, caging him against the wall and studying his face with starving eyes.

"God — fuck, I missed this. Missed you so much," he groans, leaning forwards to nose against Jimin's neck, pushing the silk robe off his shoulder whilst doing to. He kisses at the newly exposed skin and laughs breathily when Jimin shudders softly. "My pretty little one."

"Yeah," is all Jimin can say pointlessly, sounding like a pathetic cover up of a whine more than anything else.

Jungkook slides his hands under Jimin's thighs to lift him up, head still buried in Jimin's neck — said male squeaking adorably at the action.

Jungkook throws him into the bed with a bounce. Jimin sits up on his elbows, Jungkook's eyes never leaving his as he hastily rids himself of his shirt, throwing it to a corner of the room and clambering onto the bed. He cages Jimin's hips with his knees and leans forward, lips rubbing against each other and breaths mingling into one.

"You done this all for me?" He asks despite the answer being more than obvious. Jimin nods, keening beneath Jungkook. He lets out a long whine when the latter still doesn't close in that gap, leaning in to do it himself but only having Jungkook lean away as he does so with a chuckle.

"Easy there, baby. You look too good for me to ruin you," Jungkook softly runs his hand down Jimin's front — Jimin going pliant as ever under his touch until he's lying on his back — stopping at the hem of the silk and sneaking his hand under the clothing to feel up Jimin's thigh. His breath hitches when his fingers come into contact with lace. "Fuck — baby, are you..."

Not able to hold himself back any longer, he almost rips the robe off Jimin's frame, groaning at the sight of the head of Jimin's cock peaking out from the side of the lacy panties — that cover up little to nothing. Jimin blushes, red rising up from his chest to his cheeks.

"It's th-the one you bought me that time, babe," Jimin just about squeaks, trying to close his legs together under the weight of Jungkook's piercing stare.

"Is this the first time you've worn it?" Jungkook asks warily. Jimin frowns.

"Yes, it's the first time I've worn it," he says firmly, understanding what Jungkook is getting at.

"Right — yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't — that was a stupid question, ignore me," Jungkook mutters, making patterns on Jimin's inner thighs with his thumbs.

"I don't want to ignore you — Jungkook, kiss me goddammit!" Jimin kicks lightly at Jungkook's sides and giggles when Jungkook's eyes go wide and he rushes to lean forward.

"This is so pretty," he groans, pecking softly just at Jimin's bottom lip once or twice. "I didn't know I'd have a thing for this but fuck. So beautiful. Makes me wanna destroy you," he says just as he captures the bottom lip between his teeth, pulling at it until Jimin's whimpering.

"Y-yeah, destroy me," Jimin parrots, voice noticeably higher. Jungkook sniggers before pressing his lips properly onto Jimin's, said male sighing out into his mouth.

Jimin places his hands on Jungkook's biceps, anchoring himself. He squeezes at the bulging muscles when Jungkook slides his tongue into his mouth, nails digging in slightly.

Jungkook kisses him so deep, so purposeful and representing so many unspoken words. And Jimin keens, so overwhelmed and so heavenly that he finds himself close to tears for no reason in particular.

Jungkook pulls back with scarlet on and around his lips, and Jimin can only imagine what a mess he must look like. Something quite arousing, if Jungkook's groan is what he's going by.

"So messy," he smiles, swiping back and forth over Jimin's wet lips with his thumb before the latter takes it into his mouth greedily and sucks on it, maintaining eye contact.

"Jungkookie — I'm s-so wet," he whimpers, letting the thumb slide out of his mouth. Jungkook hums before leaving a trail of saliva from his thumb, all the way from Jimin's chin and down to his chest, where he presses down on the smaller male's perky nipple. Jimin gasps, shivers and arches his chest upwards for more.

"You're right baby, you're so wet," Jungkook coos, pinching the nipple between his thumb and index finger and letting his other hand hover over Jimin's crotch. He licks his lips before pressing a thumb between Jimin's balls and massaging. Said male's thighs twitch at the unexpected action and he gazes down at Jungkook with his lips parted. "Wanna keep this on you. You're so sexy."

"Come on, Jungkook, come on," Jimin lisps, the tip of his index finger slotted between his parted lips.

"How are you so cute and sexy at the same time?" Jungkook wonders out loud, right before he leans in to lick at the wet head of Jimin's pink cock, humming and savouring the taste on his tongue. Jimin emits the most beautiful, wrecked sound that comes out broken yet melodious all at the same time.

He carries on mouthing at the lace panties, sucking and licking until the material is soaked and Jimin's covered in a light sheen of sweat. Only when Jimin's whimpers sound a little too pained does Jungkook pull Jimin's cock out of the side so he can properly take it into his mouth — Jimin sighing when his cock is engulfed in warm wetness.

"H-ah! Y-yeah, baby, like that — mm," Jimin moans shamelessly, Jungkook taking him into his throat so easily. Jimin doesn't break away from Jungkook's stare, no matter how hot and bothered it makes him feel.

The taller male slurps lewdly around his cock and has Jimin's hip twitching up, little huffs of desperateness escaping his hips because it just isn't enough.

Jungkook seems to understand and rises off, replacing his lips with his hand to jerk Jimin's cock as his lips get to work around Jimin's nipple — biting and sucking and his fist speeding up to an insanely fast pace, until Jimin's sobbing.

"Close?" He asks, nosing up to Jimin's neck. Jimin can only nod, eyes unfocused and thighs twitching repeatedly. His finger's still jammed in his open mouth, saliva beginning to trickle down from one side as his eyes flutter, out of it and in a complete daze.

All too suddenly and much too soon, Jungkook's hand retracts, making Jimin scream out shortly, hips lifting off the bed and cock jerking painfully and out of control a handful of times.

"I'm sorry baby — I'm so sorry," Jungkook repeats again and again into his skin, feeling so bad because Jimin looks so desperate and disappointed and sad and vulnerable. "I promise you'll only feel loads better in a bit, I swear," he kisses up Jimin's jaw and pulls the saliva soaked index finger from within Jimin's lips to slot into his own lips, looking straight at Jimin as he sucks around the single digit. Jimin's bottom lip trembles.

Jimin doesn't really know why, but he feels particularly dependant. Particularly fragile and emotional and so, so needy. He gulps, blinking back tears and slowly pulls his finger out of Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook smiles and then wordlessly gets to his feet, unbuckling his belt and throwing it to one side. Leisurely, he pulls both his pants and his boxers down, kicking them away. Jimin groans at the sight of Jungkook's cock, curling up and slapping against his abdomen.

"Turn around baby," Jungkook smiles, "hands and knees for me."

Jimin gets into position, turning his head as his eyes search for Jungkook. Said male crawls on the bed, covering Jimin's body with his own to kiss him wetly on the lips, Jimin chasing after his lips when he pulls away. But Jungkook's too busy pulling the hem of Jimin's robe up to reveal his ass, and consequently the thin strap of his thong. He inhales sharply at the sight, running a middle finger down it.

"Keeping this on — shit," he grunts, making Jimin squeak out a yelp when he bites a chunk of his left cheek into his mouth and sucks. Jimin's elbows almost give in, fingers digging into his duvet to keep him steady.

"Jung—kook," he cries out brokenly, head tilted backwards. Jungkook lets the chunk of meat go with a pop, a pretty bruise forming already.

"Lube," Jungkook whispers, leaning forward to fetch the tube from Jimin's bedside table. He gets to work unscrewing it and spreading a dollop on three of his fingers.

Tentatively pulling the strap away, Jungkook suppresses a whine at the sight of Jimin's hole. He presses one finger down on it, rubbing insistently at it just to see Jimin shudder and stutter.

"Yeah baby? Is that nice? You like that?" He asks, voice gravelly, slipping in his middle finger before Jimin could reply.

He curls the single digit, only brushing against that one spot. Jimin moans, back arching delicately.

"Another one — another finger please, baby," he pleads, pushing back pointlessly on Jungkook's touch. "C-come on, hurry."

"There's no need to rush, little one. Lemme take good care of you," Jungkook replies calmly, pulling a whine out of Jimin. Sighing, he gives in, sliding the second finger beside the first. "Is that good love?"

"Yeah," Jimin breathes, licking his already wet lips, red stains surrounding it and making him look so deliciously ruined. Jungkook can't help but lift himself up to suck on his bottom lip, fingers still working inside him. "Another, come on, pl-please," Jimin urges against his lips.

Jungkook kisses at the back of Jimin's neck as he adds the last finger. He twists all three of his fingers, stretching Jimin out and making him whimper. Sitting back on his haunches, Jungkook begins ramming his fingers in and out — Jimin damn near screeching. Said male falls forward on his elbows at the force of it, dribbling all over himself and his bed. His cock too leaks thick strands of precum all over, getting his pretty lace panties all dirty.

"Messy baby," Jungkook chuckles quietly. "How's that kitten?" He asks, one hand pulling a cheek away to watch his fingers disappear and reappear from in Jimin's ass. "So hot."

"Fu-fuck, so g-good — you do it so good," Jimin whimpers, voice pitched and scratchy. "I'm g-gonna — Jungkook! J-Jungkook, gonna come! Stop!" Jimin sobs desperately, shaking his head and letting out strained gasps and pants.

Jungkook pulls his fingers out promptly, Jimin curling in on himself after being denied for the second time. He falls forward on his elbows, knees close to collapsing beneath him too. However, Jungkook keeps a vice grip on his hips to keep him up.

"So good baby — gonna fuck you real nice now, yeah? Gonna fuck you delirious baby. You'd like that wouldn't you?" Jungkook kisses at his lower back, pushing it down until Jimin's lying on his stomach completely and smoothing a hand up and down his sides. Jimin can only nod and whimper in response, drooling all over himself.

Jungkook sits up on his knees as he lubes himself up, hissing at the friction he's finally getting. Jimin tilts his head to one side to watch, drooling at the sight of Jungkook's cock.

"Missed your cock so much Jungkook — ah," he whines when his hips twitch and his cock rubs against his duvet. Jungkook doesn't reply, too busy pulling Jimin's ass cheeks wide apart to stare at his pretty, pink, stretched out hole. Licking his lips, Jungkook leans in to swipe his tongue around the hole and then in — Jimin emitting a broken sob.

Not letting himself get carried away, Jungkook pulls off after kissing at it once, lining his cock up. He takes his rock hard length into his hand to slap at Jimin's hole and on his ass cheeks — thrusting between them.

"Sh-shit," he gulps and even he can't put up with his own games anymore, entering Jimin's hole with one smooth thrust. Both parties cry out at the familiar feeling.

Jungkook begins a steady pace, watching Jimin arch his back beautifully — his robe sticking to the perspiration on his skin. Jimin turns his head to the side; blush high and mighty on his cheeks, lips puffy and parted and Jungkook's breath hitches. He can't help but lean in to shove his tongue into Jimin's open mouth, curling his tongue around Jimin's and tasting his moans and whines for himself.

"My kitten — you're so gorgeous. I can't believe you're all mine now," Jungkook's voice breaks and he kisses across Jimin's cheek, up to his temples and thrusts deeper. "I d-don't even deserve you but fuck I want you. I'm too selfish to let you go, baby. I'm sorry," he whimpers into Jimin's sweaty hair, grabbing his hands and pulling them up so that they're on either side of Jimin's face — something for him to anchor himself with.

"Ju — a-ah! Deeper, baby, please, w-wanna feel you," Jimin's voice is quiet and sounds so gentle that it hurts Jungkook — makes his heart feel like it's shrivelling up and his ribs are suddenly too tight. He has an angel underneath him; an angel that wants him and belongs to him and is begging for him.

"I've got you angel, I'm here," he whispers right before sitting up, arms tight around Jimin's chest to bring him up with him.

Jungkook positioned on his haunches and Jimin on his knees, Jungkook starts up the steady rhythm again. Jimin gasps and mewls with every thrust and Jungkook peels the robe from his skin, bringing it halfway down his back so he can kiss at the sweaty skin, arms wrapped tight around Jimin's middle.

"Close!" Jimin gasps, voice still so soft and tremulous.

"I know, love. Come, sweetheart. Come for me," Jungkook coos, wrapping one hand around Jimin's cock and tugging whilst the other hand pinches at Jimin's puffy nipples. "So pretty — my baby boy. So beautiful — ah!"

Jimin comes with a cry, Jungkook tightening his hold on him as his body surges forwards with the ferocity of it. Jungkook fucks him slowly through it, bringing up his cum covered hand to his mouth, sucking noisily right beside Jimin's ear. Jimin shakes violently at the sound and in oversensitivity, hands forming fists and eyes squeezing shut. Droplets of sweat collect at his hairline and all the way down his back and Jungkook watches him — just watches — and comes with a gruff grunt at the sight before him.

They're so filthy in the most pleasant of ways and they fall right into the bed, neither one of them finding it in themselves to care about the mess.

They curl in on each other and warmth spreads throughout both of their chests, travelling to the very tips of their fingers. They're smiling, breath steadying and heart beats calming.

"Jungkook," Jimin whispers.

"Jimin," Jungkook whispers back.

"Let's get promise rings."

Jungkook feels Jimin's eyelashes flutter against his chest, his fingers tracing patterns on his back. Jungkook hums.

"Anything for you, angel."


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lmaoitsriley, cutekookie, minicupiduo (RedPantsOnTheFloor), RFT, umigay, ladyxghost, definitivegaze, Jiminshighnotes, moti, Aiyless, jimkook, jimingotmelike, jiminslove, mintyoongiJPEG, militiaofthelost, LovelyCactus, annastubb, jangmi, babyboy_m, jiminiekookie, beautygurupjm, juliafrommars, melanic, vitrine, hikigane, morgasim, KageHina_OTP, Lisa_D9, bluepony, eternallygrapeful, Wallflower_passion19, wubbybunniex, crystaldee, moonxpotato, starrynacht, Hoeforjikook, haneuli, simple_ton, kyungsoosus, parksungah, andsu, DulcetSmiles, valensky_hyo, rebeans, Itchigolay, Jiha_hahahaha, omgliterallysokawaii, peachmin, Multifan, Savinhpsygy, and 220 more users as well as 181 guests left kudos on this work!

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