pussy a1, just like his credit

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방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS


Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin


Jeon Jungkook

Park Jimin (BTS)

Additional Tags:

Rape/Non-con Elements

Alternate Universe - High School

Hate Sex

Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot

Vaginal Sex

Boypussy Park Jimin (BTS)

Anal Sex

Multiple Orgasms

Spit As Lube

Loss of Virginity

Rough Sex

Sub Park Jimin (BTS)

Dom Jeon Jungkook

Top Jeon Jungkook

Bottom Park Jimin (BTS)


Semi-Public Sex


pussy a1, just like his credit



Jimin's being manhandled when he shifts his eyes to look around, realizing just how quickly one of their classmates could step out of the room and find them here. His skin crawls at the same time tears begin to well up in his eyes. He doesn't know what he'd do if someone found him in this position - ass up, face down as Jeon Jungkook fucks him into the school grounds.

(or jungkook skips first period to fuck the hostility out of jimin in the hallway.)


Both are 18, setting is a mix of Korean and American school cultures, and the title is from WAP because Jimin has a WAP.

Work Text:


"Morning, Park."

Jimin's vexed by the greeting, doing little in containing the irritated grunt his throat produces. He reasons that there's no need for him to hold back. A conversation with Jungkook is the last thing he wants on the first day. He gives no actual response, flying past the tall quarterback to get to his classroom. Jungkook kisses his teeth but doesn't say a word, surprisingly.

After a rough junior year of pointless arguments and distasteful teasing from the jock, Jimin has carefully thought it over and decided that Jeon Jungkook no longer deserves his time of day. Not that he ever did - he tends to get on Jimin's nerves, and Jimin is far too stubborn and firm of a Scorpio mars to ever let things go. Jimin's time is precious to him; he likes to spend it shoplifting at the mall, stealing jars of expensive face creams, and throwing parties with his friends. Engaging with Jungkook is just a waste of his time.

Being an honor student, that automatically makes him a candidate for valedictorian. Jimin does quite well in school and he's not afraid to admit it. Jungkook says he's the 3 P's - prissy, proper, and prideful. It irritates Jimin like no other, always having to dodge the jock's stupid remarks about how well-behaved he is. Jimin knows he has every opportunity to bring the topic of Jungkook's wealthy privilege into the conversation but always bites his tongue for the sake of keeping calm.

So he ignores Jungkook for the rest of the hour, sitting pretty with his dainty legs crossed, skirt hiking up higher than he's aware of. Mr. Lee has just dove into a subject he's quite passionate about - the eight most popular forms of poetry - when Jimin feels a hand grip the hem of his skirt.

His head jerks fast, eyes landing on a large hand with inked knuckles. He remains still, blinking hard. The fingers pull hard at the fabric so it covers more of Jimin's skin before they let go and retreat back to their owner. Jimin knows if he lifts his head to meet eyes, he'll regret it right away, which is why he chooses not to.

For the rest of the morning, he pretends Jungkook doesn't exist. It isn't much of a difficult task, fortunately only having two classes with the kid this year. It's a small thing to rejoice over, but worthy of it nonetheless.

It isn't such an easy feat when lunch rolls around and he can feel the ghost of a figure hovering over him at the lunch line. He doesn't even have to check to see if it's him, because he could recognize that scent from a mile away. No one else smells like gym lockers and baby powder. Jimin hates that he isn't repulsed by it.

Luckily, he seems to be skilled at this new job, excelling at paying no heed to the boy while he follows the person in front as the line begins to move. He subconsciously lifts a hand to smooth the hem of his skirt down, worried that Jungkook will pull another move.

"Mashed potatoes, please," his soft voice speaks out to the lady, handing her his plate. When she asks him what else he'd like, he tells her that's all he's having. There's a frown on her face now, and Jimin can almost hear the one on Jungkook's as well when he cuts in.

"You're joking," he says. It's not a question.

Jimin cranes his neck to look him in the eye, and he's surprised to see how much emotion they hold. Jungkook has only ever spoken to Jimin to mock him and make fun of his fixed ways of living. Jimin can't understand why he looks so wronged. "No," Jimin "I'm not - ?"

"Come on. We had English at 7 and, knowing you, I highly doubt you were able to eat before then." He leans in closer when he says it and it's enough to make Jimin's skin tingle. Knowing you. "They've got tonkatsu today. Isn't that your favorite, princess?"

Favorite. Jungkook knows Jimin's favorite. Doesn't matter if it's something so mundane like food - Jungkook is too observant and it bemuses Jimin.

"Don't call me that-"

"He'll have a tonkatsu with rice, please." Jungkook cuts him off, handing Jimin's plate back to the lady with a polite smile. It's an odd thing to see, considering the only smile Jimin's ever seen from him was a taunting smirk. He knows he won't be smiling so much when he realizes Jimin was only laying off the food because he's got $5 to his name.

Jimin gets pushed forward when the line starts moving again and it takes him to the cashier. The lady hands him the plate and informs him his meal is eight dollars more than his budget. He's sheepish, slowly scratching his neck as he turns to face Jungkook with an apologetic smile, and no more words are needed before the jock reaches for his wallet.

The action makes Jimin's breath go shaky, watching Jungkook pluck a twenty dollar bill out of the thick, fat thing before handing it to the cashier. He's sure it barely made a dent. "For both," he says, pointing at their plates. The lunch lady eyes them with a knowing look and it flusters Jimin to no end.

"Are you going to use this as blackmail against me?" Jimin asks.

"Who else was going to pay for it?"

"I only wanted my mash."

"I've seen you devour enough plates of fried pork to know that's a lie, Park Jimin."

That shuts Jimin up because he knows Jungkook's right, but that doesn't make it any better. Now he feels somewhat indebted to him which should be enough to tell him how nasty the rest of the year is going to be like.

When Jungkook is done with his transaction, he stalks off to find a table, both plates in hand. Jimin watches him go before he quickly catches up. His legs may be long but Jungkook's are much longer.

"Hey," Jimin calls out, "my food?" He motions toward the plate that rests in Jungkook's left palm, and the ink that covers his forearm is suddenly all Jimin can see.

Jungkook gives it some thought, eyes also scanning the platter of tonkatsu, rice, and mash before he starts walking again. He's back to finding a vacant table.

Jimin huffs. "Hello? Give me my food and I'll be out of your hair."

"Why would I want that?" Jungkook replies, eyes darting across the room in frustration. There isn't a single table without a crowd of rowdy kids and couples sucking on each other's faces. He turns for the cafeteria doors, Jimin quickly following behind.

"Excuse me?"

"Today's been boring, Park. Why don't you keep me company to make up for lost time?"

Jimin groans because Jungkook's starting again. He's ticked. This is exactly what he'd been trying so hard to avoid all day and it's barely even begun. "What the hell are you on?"

The boy's stubborn nature is one of the things Jungkook finds annoying the most. "Sit with me and you won't have to pay me back," the jock's words are demanding, instantly making Jimin feel small. It's awful - he doesn't want to sit and have lunch with someone he can't stand. The worst part is, Jungkook doesn't even wait for him, just sits at one of the picnic tables by the field as if sure that Jimin's just in tow.

And he's right. "You can have it. I wasn't hungry anyway," Jimin's words are bold when spat and yet he doesn't move an inch. Jungkook sits there, already beginning to dig into his lunch as Jimin hovers over him like a lunatic.

Jungkook doesn't acknowledge his words and it makes Jimin feel even worse. Unknowingly, the notorious brat in him pushes out a small whine and the spoonful that had just been about to enter Jungkook's mouth comes to a halt. Jimin still hasn't caught on, too focused on making sure his eyes are able to send daggers right through Jungkook's stupid broad back with his fists clenched.

"Did you just...whine? Like a cat?"

Pure mortification appears onto Jimin's face in the form of wide eyes and a parted mouth, fingers instantly relaxing at his sides, though he can't say the same for his heart. He just whined.

"What - the more nonsense you say, the more I despise you." Jimin stutters out. He can't even bear to look at Jungkook anymore. "Why do you keep making fun of me?"

"I wasn't making fun."

The conversation ends when Jungkook starts scarfing his food down, almost as if he were late for his next class. Jimin wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. He cleans his plate up in record time, the smaller boy just watching in a trance. Then he's getting up from his seat with an empty platter in his hands that looks as if it had been licked clean.

Jimin thinks he's about to walk off without a word, ready to roll his eyes at the jock until he realizes Jungkook's pulling something out from the pocket of his jacket. He plops it onto the table next to Jimin's plate before wiping his hand on his denim. It's a strawberry shake.

"I'll 'get out of your hair,'" Jungkook says, with air quotes to match that mock Jimin. "And before you say anything, I ordered a green smoothie this morning and they gave me that instead. Idiots," he spits. "So do something useful and be a waste disposal for me, Jimin-ah." His inked hand comes up to pat Jimin softly on the arm before he's gone.

He bounces on his feet as he strides back into the building, Jimin making sure he's still in ear-shot as he shouts curses at the jock. Then he's left alone by a picnic table of food and drink for himself, students on the field gawking at him for yelling. He turns away sheepishly, eventually sitting down to start on his food.

He's three bites into his tonkatsu when his eyes drift to the pink bottle that's three seconds from falling off the edge of the table. It would've been a nice gesture, he'll admit, if only Jungkook hadn't opened his mouth.


After a peaceful week of no altercations with Jungkook - save for when he got Jimin caught shoplifting at the mall on Wednesday - Jimin realizes his skull might not be as thick as he'd thought. He assumes Jungkook has taken the hint that he's done with this shit. He has to understand by now.

His assumption is confirmed when he walks into English on Monday and Jungkook doesn't even spare him a glance. This should be considered a small feat for Jimin, but he finds that it's lacking the satisfactory value. He raises a brow, walking to his seat while his eyes refuse to leave Jungkook's hunched figure.

When he's sat down, he sees that the boy's typing away on his phone. Jimin used to think Jungkook had the most fun teasing him, but it seems like even that is the least interesting to him now. He shakes the odd feeling off, opening his textbook to subject his attention to the small box of perfume samples he'd conveniently stored inside it. He takes one of the vials out, spraying a bit onto his wrist to test it out. He grimaces when the scent hits - too floral.

The next one he tries is too sweet and makes his stomach growl. The third reeks of musk and trees, making him grimace. He immediately rubs his whole wrist against his skirt in an attempt to rid the smell, but it only makes it spread.

There's a groan from beside him. "God, did you get with a girl or a dude? What the hell am I even smelling anymore," Jungkook sounds pissed and Jimin can't even blame him. His wrist smells like the cursed cosmetics section of a department store.

"Sorry," Jimin croaks out, putting his samples away.

"And for fuck's sake - stop wearing skirts that barely cover your ass. I don't care if you get off on it, but I assure you not all of us want to see cheek at ass o'clock."

Jimin can't help the gulp he makes when Jungkook's done with his spiel, quickly shrugging his jacket off his shoulders to place it over his legs. "Shut up," he spits pathetically.

And just like that, he's back to typing away on his stupid phone. Jimin wonders what must be so interesting enough to replace his significance in Jeon Jungkook's life this fast. It's going to take a while to get used to this much peace, but it's what he wanted anyway.


At one of the school's football games, Jimin finds out. He spots him sitting near the railings of his section, legs crossed with a small sign that says Jungkook's name on it. Kim Taehyung - the jock's new toy. Jimin definitely didn't spend all week trying to find out who it is Jungkook's been talking to so much. It's just everything the school's been talking about, that's all.

He thinks nothing much of it, gets pulled by one of his friends to follow them to their seats. But the game's about to start and all he can see is the mop of fluffy brown hair down five rows upfront. Even his neck is pretty...

His attention is caught by the pull of his sleeve by the person beside him. He looks to find his teacher. "Ah, seonsaengnim," Jimin greets politely with a small smile on his lips.

Mr. Baek is undoubtedly one of the most attractive teachers in the school. He's always seen sporting a handsome grin and his wits always get his students swooning over him. Thirteen-year-old Jimin wasn't an exception. "Look at you, all grown up. I could barely recognize you, Jimin-ah. Feels like just yesterday when you slipped a candy bar onto my desk," he recalls in a queer tone, as if he's being taken back to that exact moment.

The memory makes Jimin wince. "You-you saw that? This whole time, you knew?" He groans when his teacher nods with a chuckle, mortification flooding his body. It's more displeasure than sheer embarrassment that he feels. A stupid freshman giving his teacher a bar of chocolate on Valentine's.

He's quickly consoled by his teacher as a long arm is suddenly wrapped around his shoulders, a soft hand rubbing up and down his arm. It makes Jimin's eyes go wide in surprise, never having been this close to Mr. Baek before - and surely if this were to happen three years ago, he would've swooned all the same, but not now when he hasn't seen the man in ages.

Then a whistle goes off before music plays, signifying the players' entrance. The crowd cheers as each player files out of the locker rooms, Jungkook being the only one without a shit-eating grin on his face. He's always like this, too focused on the game to think of anything else. Mr. Baek's arm has yet to let go of Jimin.

When Jimin's eyes drift to all his brawn like they always do, he sees 58 in big, black font right smack on the player's chest, and then his eyes slowly dart to the boy in front. He's wearing a jersey just like it, tucked into a white skirt. Jimin scoffs as he looks down at the skinny jeans he'd worn for the day since Jungkook apparently despises him in skirts so much. Seems like he doesn't mind his boyfriend in them though.

The game goes by pretty fast, their team being one of the best in the country and especially with Jungkook's guidance. Football has always been one of the only things he was serious about. Jimin knows only because they were partnered up for a Getting To Know Each other task in one of their classes during freshman year. When he thinks about it, he wonders if there was anything he could have done to prevent their indifference towards one another. Every time that happens, he manages to scold himself for wasting his time overthinking the past.

He and Jungkook are like fire and water - they just don't mix.

He's already feeling sour by the end of the game, having to put up with the Taehyung kid screeching obnoxiously each time Jungkook scores a point. There's no reason for him to be so loud when Jimin knows it'll only distract the players. At some point, it gets too much.

"Could you be any more annoying?" He yells out.

The boy whips around, pure scandal written on his face. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Pipe down."

Taehyung scowls at him, and Jimin will admit it's a pretty one. His features are sharp and his face is sculpted, but everything else from his hair to his clothes are soft. "I'm cheering my boyfriend on."

"No one cares, not even him." Jimin retorts, he's never really had a filter. "You're getting on everybody's nerves so quit shouting."

The other boy rolls his eyes and sits back down with a thump, flipping Jimin off without even looking back. That makes Jimin and his friends all laugh and flip him off despite him not being able to see.

So Jungkook likes handsome brats, Jimin ponders. He's back to being sour but he passes it off as disappointment in the jock. Why couldn't he just be normal and date someone with a good heart and a sense of self? He could find someone so much better than whatever this was. Taehyung hasn't really done anything else besides piss Jimin off but it's enough for his disapproval.

Everything comes to shit when their team wins and everyone's ablaze in victory. Taehyung jumps from his seat to call for his boyfriend, and Jungkook immediately runs up the bleachers to kiss and twirl him around in his arms. It's not the action itself that sets something in Jimin on fire, but the way Jungkook's eyes open to peek at him from the side.

He doesn't tear his gaze away, just keeps looking, even when Jungkook looks right at him as he grabs a fistful of his boyfriend's ass before closing his eyes to deepen the kiss.


There isn't a single ounce of shame in Jimin's body about his behavior at the game, not even as Jungkook torments him in class the next day.

"You got a problem with my boyfriend, Park?" Those are the first words spoken to him ever since that day with the perfumes.

"Piss off."

"No, no - that's not fair. I'm sorry but in case you weren't aware, the world doesn't revolve around you. Why are you going around being a prick to strangers?"

Jimin may be a brat but he's smart enough to know his place. He went too far at the game, he can admit that. But not to Jungkook. "He's not even really your boyfriend."

"I - what?"

"Do you love him?" The question catches Jungkook off guard, Jimin's eyes finally meeting his.

"That's none of your business-"

"So you don't?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because you should only date someone if you're in love with them," it's wrong, he knows it is, but he can't let Jungkook win another argument - even if that means having to talk out of his ass.

It's not shocking when that makes Jungkook laugh. "You got a handbook for relationships now? You're just a prissy virgin, Jimin."

"Who said I was a virgin!" Jimin spits out a little too loud, alerting the entire class before storming out of the room. It's an inappropriate thing to say in a class etting, already worried about the consequences.

He's walking down the silent hallway while everyone's in their rooms. It's still and dark, you'd be able to hear a pin drop. He can hear Jungkook's footsteps nearing him and it gets him walking faster.

"Hey, I didn't mean it that way. Come on," Jungkook pleads. "There's nothing wrong with being a virgin-" he tugs on Jimin's arm when he finally catches up. Jimin stops in his tracks, unmoving as he breathes deeply.

"How would you even know if I was... you're so weird, Jungkook," he rasps, turning to face him with a frown. He's not wrong, but he wants to know. Does he act like one? Does Jungkook think he's a loser for it?

"I, well - I overheard some guys in the locker room once."

Jimin's stomach drops. "What? What did they say?"

Jungkook grimaces, thinking back to it. "That you wouldn't put out for them."

It has Jimin thinking back to the guys he's fooled around with, not surprised to know they've talked behind his back for something so ridiculous. He gives them the head of their lives and they're still ungrateful. "It's not because I don't want to."

"Then what?"

He's not ready for that conversation. Jimin starts trembling, especially when there's a sudden gust of wind that passes by, a breeze rushing past his thighs before he squeezes them together. There couldn't be a worse time to flash Jungkook. He gulps when he sees Jungkook's eyes dart to his skirt before reaching to hold it down while waiting for the wind to pass.

The jock tuts. "What did I say about these dumb skirts?"

"You're awfully protective over someone who isn't your boyfriend. He wears them too, you know."

Jungkook hisses. "It's not being protective, I just have respect for myself and would rather not see your bits." There's a bit of venom in his words as he spits them and Jimin would believe them if only his face matched too. He's gone bright red now, arm straining as it grips onto the fabric of Jimin's skirt.

Jimin's fuming because Jungkook is utterly confusing. He says one thing and does another, it's pathetic. Cowardly, even. He gets back at the jock by lifting one foot before stamping it down onto Jungkook's. That makes him let go of Jimin's skirt and yelp as he bends down to clutch at his sole.

"What the fuck, Park?"

"That's for being such an asshole," Jimin snaps, smoothing the hem of his skirt down. He dusts himself off and turns to walk off again. He hears Jungkook getting close before his weak body gets pushed to the ground, sending him falling flat on his ass. He cries out, landing much harder than anticipated.

He squeezes his eyes shut from the pain, leaning to the side to rub at his sore cheeks. The ground is cold against his skin and it only adds to the pain. It's only when another breeze passes that it hits him. His eyes shoot up to see Jungkook looking like a deer in headlights. He's standing a few feet away, eyes transfixed right on Jimin's crotch where a small article of clothing should be covering him - but there isn't any.

It's too late to hide himself now, but Jimin still has enough shame to pull his skirt down and position his legs to save the last amount of dignity left in his body. "Stop - don't look at me," he pleads. The way he says it is pitiful and only makes Jungkook want to defy him even more.

The tall boy walks up, leering at Jimin. "So this is why you're still a virgin," he laughs, slow steps taking him closer. "Scared little boy's got a pussy." He's crouching over Jimin's body now, face too close for comfort.

"Tell me, Jimin-ah," Jungkook's eyes flit all across Jimin's face, digesting the look of mixed fear and anticipation on it, knowing Jimin wants this. He knows the boy wouldn't have come to school without any panties on if he wasn't expecting anything. "What's gotten you so wet?"

He proves it by dragging a finger up Jimin's precious slit and making the boy hiss, only to lift it up to his face with a bead of clear fluid on the tip. Jungkook curses under his breath, touching his thumb to his index finger to watch the wetness turn into a string of slick. "This tells me you like being put into place. Don't you? Maybe even a little too much," he whispers, lips grazing the boy's jaw before planting a kiss on his pulse point.

Jimin's breath shudders as he completely melts like butter in Jungkook's arms. It's pathetic how easy it is for Jungkook to have Jimin falling apart in no time when he has always prided himself in taking control over others. He whimpers when more kisses are left on the expanse of his neck, subconsciously tilting his head to give more access. It's got him feeling like a cheap whore but he doesn't care enough to stop.

Jungkook leaves Jimin wanting more when he pulls back to hover over his small figure. He shamelessly drags calloused fingers down Jimin's legs, smooth and milky like the rest of him. He sucks a breath in as he ogles at them. "Do you know how much trouble these have put me in?" He pulls a hand back before slapping it against a thigh, watching the skin jiggle like jelly. "I got a C in History because of you, Jimin-ah."

There's less of an accusatory tone than Jungkook probably thinks, losing Jimin in his admission to being distracted by his legs. Maybe getting a wax once a month hasn't been such a waste of time. He bites his lip, avoiding Jungkook's gaze.

"So fucking pretty," Jungkook breathes out and Jimin thinks he's still talking about his legs. "You've got the prettiest face I've ever seen, princess." The praise has Jimin preening, looking up at Jungkook through thick lashes. A tiny part of him wants to live out his dream of being in a shoujo manga and asking Jungkook, you really think so? as he blinks up at the boy, but he suppresses it for the sake of keeping his dignity.

Jungkook finds it cute how easy Jimin is, as if skimming through a book he's read before. He's watched the boy closely for a while now, confident in knowing Jimin's weaknesses at this point in time. He knows Jimin feeds off of praise, that he doesn't like the attention on him, that he stares a little too long at Jungkook when he thinks he's not looking. Maybe that's why Jungkook feels no shame in doing what he wants to the boy.

He spreads Jimin's legs with barely any resistance from the boy, a sinful smirk makes its way onto Jungkook's face. He doesn't comment on it, if only to gape at Jimin's wet center. His pussy glistens from the streaks of sunlight coming through the windows, so much slick already collecting at the pink entrance.

"You're just pretty everywhere, aren't you?" Jungkook sneers. "Not like I ever doubted it."

Jimin almost chokes on his spit at the compliment. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to Jungkook speaking so nicely about him but it makes his heart triple in size. He has the gall to feel bashful when Jungkook's tongue darts out to lick at his lips as he stares at Jimin's cunt, pushing the small boy to close his legs altogether. Jungkook looks up at him in disappointment.

"We - we can't do this here, Jungkook," Jimin mumbles. He may not always go by the rules, but school has always been a top priority to him. He's got a scholarship that he can't afford to lose and he's not about to lose it now.

But the slender fingers that grab his chin make him want to eat his words. All Jimin has to do is lunge forward and he'll feel those pink lips against his. "If you wanna keep that pretty face, you're gonna have to listen. Got it?"

Jimin can't think of anything besides the fact that Jungkook has called him pretty more times than he can count. He nods anyway.

Jungkook grins, showing him a full set of perfect pearly whites. He leans down to kiss at the junction where Jimin's neck and shoulder meets, soft lips pressing against skin that smells like peaches. "Smells good," Jungkook hums. "Is that one of your samples, baby?"

A shaky breath leaves Jimin's lips before he nods slowly. It was the fifth vial from the box of samples he took from the store, one of the only ones he didn't get to try in class because Jungkook had snapped at him.

"Perfect. How about-" Jungkook starts, hands going to the buckle of his belt as he gets up onto his feet, leaving Jimin on the ground. "-I fuck your cute mouth and get you that scent?"

He switches up so fast it frightens Jimin. He'd been so sweet just a minute ago, calling Jimin every nice thing in the book. Jimin thinks it's fascinating how fast a person can change, his Psych101 class paying off when he ponders on it. But all he can do is swallow the spit that's gathered at the back of his throat, nodding and adjusting his position up onto his knees.

"Such a good boy." The words make Jimin swallow, feeling incredibly vulnerable as Jungkook stands over him in all his big, buff, muscular glory. He's always been handsome but watching him undo his belt to whip his dick out feels too much like a fever dream. Almost a wet dream, even. Jimin can't lie and say he hasn't had one about the jock before.

Jimin sits on his calves waiting patiently like the good boy Jungkook says he is. His palms stay splayed over his thighs - which are as thick as ever and doing a marvelous job getting Jungkook all the way hard - as his eyes focus on the white tiles of the floor. It's an ugly shade of white, he uselessly thinks, trying to distract himself. If he looks anywhere at Jungkook, he might want to pounce him. Good boys don't pounce, they wait.

Then he hears the sound of a zipper and it's enough to elicit a Pavlovian response out of him - slick dribbling out of his cunt at the thought of what's to come. It worsens when Jungkook calls his name and he's forced to look up at him, seeing him with his stiff cock in one hand while the other is lost in Jimin's blonde locks.

"Come, baby," he says, stroking the shaft of his cock shamelessly, that same smirk still on his face. Jimin focuses on nothing but the nine-inch pistol that now dangles in his face as Jungkook's other hand resides in his hair as well. It's even bigger than Jimin imagined, girth impossibly thick as he tries to wrap his chubby fingers around it. It's useless, he realizes, as they fail to even meet at the base. It gets Jungkook chuckling at least.

It spurs him on to perform well enough to make up for his stupid fingers, tongue darting out to lick at the tip like a kitten would drink out of its milk bowl. It only has Jungkook laughing harder, hand gripping Jimin's hair back. "Here," he says condescendingly as he feeds the boy his cock, tip barely even making it past his lips before he moans around it. It's so big. "Shit," Jungkook blurts out, Jimin's mouth hot and wet as it sends vibrations all throughout Jungkook's body with a single noise.

Jungkook goes on to feed him his shaft, getting lost in the way Jimin's plush lips look wrapped around his dick. He truly is a sight to see, he thinks as the conversation from the locker room re-enters his mind. He huffs once he's fully sheathed in Jimin's jaws. "I've heard great things about this mouth," he says, pulling out briefly to slap his fat cock against plump lips.

Jimin whines, sticking his tongue out and keeping his mouth open as an invitation for Jungkook's cock to come back home. His fingers are itching where they rest to touch Jungkook - doesn't matter where, he just needs to touch him. The motion goes unnoticed, Jungkook proceeding to slide back into his mouth without a care. Both hands are in his hair as they push the boy further down his cock until his nose hits Jungkook's pelvic bone. He gags, barely making it alive as he feels the faint touch of little hairs against his face.

He gurgles around the thickness, staying still and watching the expressions on Jungkook's face change a mile a minute. He looks blissful. "Fuck," he mutters out, Jimin failing to resist squeezing his eyes shut and sliding a hand underneath his skirt. He barely touches his slit before Jungkook takes notice. The jock pulls out quickly and lands a harsh slap against Jimin's milky cheek with his calloused palm.

A sharp gasp leaves Jimin's mouth as he takes it in. His breath is shaky and rough while he rubs a hand against the cheek that stings with a pain he's never felt. The pain mixes with pleasure and goes straight to his throbbing clit.

"I never said you could touch yourself. Greedy slut," Jungkook snaps, grabbing Jimin's face with a rough hand and it's almost comical how small it is in his hold. His face gets throttled as Jungkook handles it roughly, forcing his mouth open to spit into it. The action is brutal and obscene and it sends Jimin reeling. They haven't even kissed yet, but this will have to do. "You want that perfume or not?"

He doesn't let the boy answer, just thrusts back into the wetness of his mouth. Jimin leaves his jaw slack so Jungkook can use it properly like how he wants and it earns him a grazing thumb to the cheek. "That's my good boy. I'll be gentle," Jungkook says, but a part of Jimin doubts that he can trust those words.

He's proven right when Jungkook grabs his face harshly and pulls it back before pushing into the soft mouth with a brutal force. Jimin gags, hands clenching into fists with nothing to brace himself on. Jungkook repeats the motion, small curses making their way past his lips and mixing into the obscenity of Jimin's noises. Spit gathers in the corners of his mouth as tears begin to appear in his eyes.

The weight of Jungkook's cock rests heavy on the pad of Jimin's short tongue. The texture of the wet muscle feels heavenly against the vein on the underside of his cock, making the jock hiss out in pleasure. Jimin tastes, feels, and smells nothing but Jungkook and he's never felt more elated. A tear escapes the corner of his eye as he hums around the thickness, clit throbbing in tandem with the cock shoved into his mouth. He can barely make any noise, Jungkook moving so fast that all he can do is wince with pleasure each time his nose hits the boy's pelvis.

"Fuck. I've wanted this for so long, Jimin-ah." Jungkook admits. "Been wanting to know how good your mouth feels, wanna leave a trace of me forever. Want you to -shit- to only know what I taste like," he does as he says, fucking into Jimin's mouth like he's trying to erase every guy that's ever been in it. He releases his frustration with the ruthless force he uses to pound Jimin's face like it's all he was made for.

He watches the boy suffer with each thrust, tears fully streaming down the sides of his face now. He looks beautiful like this - mouth full all the way as he chokes on cock, cheeks blotchy with speckles of red underneath the liquid shame that leaves his eyes. Jungkook thumbs a tear away before ruffling Jimin's hair; it's a sweet contrast against the angry piston of his hips. He just finds it unfair how Jimin gets to walk this earth looking as pretty as he does while allowing everyone to witness his beauty. Jungkook believes he's the only one worthy enough.

With one final thrust, he pulls out and watches Jimin choke as he tries to fill his lungs with as much air as he can. It's a pitiful sight, one that only makes Jungkook's cock throb harder. Jimin's given no time to compose himself before he's shifted onto his hands and knees. "J-Jungkook, wait-"

"Be quiet." Jungkook scolds, hands already lifting the boy's skirt up. His pussy's awfully wet for someone who wants to object. He's punished with a finger dragged up his folds, a hiss escaping from his lips. "Not that hard to listen, right, princess?" Jimin barely nods with a shaky breath feeling the finger drag up and down his pussy. He's always dreamt about Jungkook taking him apart, but not like this. Maybe he should have thought it through before coming to school with no underwear on.

He can only gulp as Jungkook doesn't stop with his fingers, only doing more by spreading Jimin's pink lips apart to gaze inside his untouched cunt. The jock laughs, a mocking sound. "Such a tight little hole. All for me," he spits, leaning down to lick at the wet center. Jimin gasps, head turning to face him. He can barely see Jungkook with his face buried in Jimin's crotch. When he comes up to look at Jimin, his chin is glistening wet with what Jimin assumes to be a mix of spit and his wetness, making his breath shudder.

"Forget the perfume. How about I fuck your pussy and then you won't have to be a sneaky little thief ever again? Hm?" It's a dirty proposition. So dirty, it makes Jimin feel cheap and disposable. He's not a prostitute.

And yet he nods eagerly. Not only does the thought of being Jungkook's new toy get him excited, but the idea of never having to worry about spending a single cent has him sold.

Jungkook chuckles knowingly, as if he hadn't been expecting otherwise. It's scary how much he knows Jimin. "So obedient, my good boy." He smacks Jimin's ass cheek and it makes a loud pop echo through the halls before Jimin's own voice joins in a whine. "I love how you always sound so girly," the jock snickers.

The small boy whines some more as Jungkook positions his hips where he wants them, forcing him to arch his back at an impossible angle. It's a good thing Jimin's trained in ballet. When he thinks Jungkook couldn't get any rougher, his head gets pushed to the floor, forced to face the side as his cheek makes contact with the cold tiles. The hand on his face is unkind as it stays fixed to keep him there.

"I'll be gentle," that same promise is made, but Jimin knows better now. He feels the boy push into his cunt painfully fast, making him scream and thrash around on the ground, but it doesn't stop. The pain just keeps going, Jungkook's thick cock splitting him open and tearing him apart like he's nothing but a hole. He doesn't think he's ever felt pain like this, his insides having to make way for the foreign intruder.

"W-Wait, it - it hurts, Jungkook-" it's true, the pain is so extreme it's almost unbearable. But Jungkook doesn't listen as he drills his cock further into the irresistible heat to the point where the pain numbs into a pleasant thrum of content in Jimin's belly. The small boy gurgles, his bangs falling into his glassy eyes from the force with which Jungkook pounds into him. His body jerks with each thrust, Jungkook's hand refusing to let go of his face as it gets pushed into the ground. Jimin's too overwhelmed to even put up a fight.

"Just relax, baby. It'll hurt less that way," Jungkook mutters under his breath, cockhead hitting Jimin deeply. "Your virgin cunt's so slutty, Jimin-ah. Got you all dripping wet... so easy to fuck into." Eventually, Jimin's cries fade into whines of pleasure as he loses himself in the feeling of the boy's thick cock spearing him open. Jungkook's filthy mouth doesn't help, the small boy's pussy leaking slick with each word that leaves his lips.

Jungkook's cock drives into Jimin's core, shaping the walls of his pussy to create a new mold. Jimin's moans are music to Jungkook's ears, the jock drinking them in as he inhales through his nose. A mix of their scents filters through his nostrils, creating a heady smell that gets Jimin all dizzy.

Jungkook watches the fat of Jimin's ass bounce against his thighs every time their hips meet. He sucks his lip in between his teeth, unable to resist the smack he makes against Jimin's pink cheek. The boy cries out, arching his back to where his chest meets the ground and his body has almost become one with it, and the sight is something Jungkook wishes he could capture.

He's struck with the idea, hips slowly coming to a halt as he fishes through the pocket of his jacket. He fumbles with the object, shortly resuming his thrusts and making Jimin yelp from the sudden force. Then there's a shutter going off that alerts him.

Jimin gasps, worry flooding his body. "Jungkook! J-Jungk-stop, stop!" He pleads pitifully, body failing to cooperate and resist against the jock's movements, only being jerked across the floor even more. "Fuck, fuck-"

There's more shutter sounds, and eventually, a flash. Then he hears the sound he knows to indicate the start of recording - Jungkook's filming this.

"Stop! Stop recording-ngh-please, Jungkook," his begging is useless, only managing to encourage Jungkook's behavior. This is his biggest fear; pictures and videos of himself in such a vulnerable state getting leaked and his entire life falling into jeopardy because of them. "Please, please, I-I'll do anything-"

"Shutting it would be enough." Jungkook hisses, merciless along with the motion of his hips.

Jimin's heart drops to his stomach. He's helpless - doesn't know what else he can do to save himself. "Please - please delete them, I-" he chokes on spit, tripping over his words. "The school... the school will find out!"

Jungkook brings the phone down to record where they're connected, capturing the mess of their joint fluids mixing together in the sloppiest way, all in 4K. Sucking in a breath, his eyes flit between Jimin's pussy on the phone screen and his body jolting across the floor. He looks unbelievably sinful and Jungkook takes the time to acknowledge his lucky position. There was no way he could resist keeping the moment forever.

His pathetic pleading warms Jungkook's heart but not enough for him to quit. "Silly little slut," Jungkook spits harshly, "you think I'd let anyone else see you like this?" Jimin's fragile voice squeaking unintelligibly is able to soften Jungkook's stone cold heart enough for him to lean his frame over the small boy's figure, chapped lips lingering close to his ear. "You're all mine, Jimin."

It has Jimin gasping, pussy clenching down on Jungkook's cock against his will. "Unless... you're scared of someone in particular finding out about this?" Jimin knows Jungkook's referring to them even without him saying so. "A teacher, maybe? What was his name... tall guy, long hair, big muscles-" Jungkook squeezes the fat of Jimin's ass cheek when he says the last words, "-ah. Mr. Baek, was it?"

Jimin seizes his breath at the mention of his teacher, though he has no clue what he's got to do with him. If only he didn't choke on his own spit and start a coughing fit, he could have properly defended himself for the sake of his own dignity.

"That's your type, hm? Older, bigger guys who could snap you in half with two fingers?" Jungkook is overtaken by the fury that sets his skin on fire at the thought of Jimin's preference in men. At the thought of Jimin with other men. "Well that's a shame, isn't it? You're so tiny, I can't help but be gentle with you." His words are contrasted by the roughness with which he handles the blonde, short yelps being pulled from Jimin's body by Jungkook's slow, slamming thrusts.

Jungkook is reminded by the view he'd seen at the football game that day; Jimin sitting three rows behind his boyfriend, and right next to Mr. Baek. The rage that took over the jock's body that day had been uncharacteristic, all thanks to having caught sight of the older man's arm wrapped tight around the blonde.

Jungkook mutters a curse as he vividly remembers it, lips planting a soft kiss onto the flesh of Jimin's earlobe. "Nothing to worry about, baby. I'll keep these locked away for when I can't have you all to myself. Hopefully, that won't happen too often," he says before picking up the pace and relentlessly pounding into Jimin's cunt without a care for their surroundings. "Right, baby?"

Jimin's barely hearing anything right now, his mind oversaturated with lust and Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook. Jungkook makes an inquisitive hum at the same time he gives a particularly harsh thrust, getting the boy's attention. "Mn-what-I, I can't-"

Jungkook kisses his teeth in disappointment, earning a whine from the boy. He's supposed to be good and listen well. "I'll always have you to myself, right?" The words take a while for Jimin to fully process before he's nodding away, but Jungkook isn't satisfied. "Say it, Jimin."

"Ah! Yes, yes, I - you'll always h-have me," he mumbles when he's ordered to. Jungkook smiles to himself, leaving another kiss on Jimin's skin before lifting himself off the boy's small frame. His palms grip his waist, now bare with his shirt ridden up his torso. He has the courtesy to quickly unbutton Jimin's skirt, throwing it to the side. His hands are big enough to where they can almost enclose around Jimin's small waist, the lewd image only pushing him to grab the boy and forcibly fuck him onto his cock himself.

Jimin's being manhandled when he shifts his eyes to look around, realizing just how easy it is for them to be spotted, how quickly one of their classmates could just step out of the room and find them here. His skin crawls at the thought as tears well up in his eyes. He doesn't know what he'd do if someone found him in this position - ass up, face down as Jeon Jungkook fucks him into the school grounds. He's not sure he'd ever be able to live it down.

His eyes dart around to make sure they're still alone, and thankfully, they are. Each second that passes feels like an eternity as he lays there, unable to move as his body gets pounded into. The idea of someone watching on as he gets used scares him, but makes something else burn inside too. He wonders if they'd take one look at the two and immediately call for help. Maybe they'd be stunned into place while they watch the scene unfold, feet refusing to take them away and report to the authorities. It lights Jimin's entire body on fire and has him unknowingly pushing back against Jungkook's thrusts.

"Shit... knew you'd give in eventually. Look at you taking me so well," he laughs. "Got myself a cockslut." Jimin's lewd reaction earns him another slap to the ass cheek, skin rippling in waves and satisfying Jungkook's needs as the ass man that he is. He's always loved Jimin's perky ass - rather appreciates the fact that the boy knows his assets and chooses to accentuate them with his clothing. But he doesn't appreciate it when they've got a test and all he can think about is the flash of plump cheek he'd seen when Jimin leaned over Mr. Lee's desk to ask him a question that morning.

He picks up the pace because of that, the sound of skin slapping against skin growing louder as his hips smack Jimin's. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he mutters out as he feels the familiar sensation bubbling at the pit of his stomach. Jimin's noises, which had only been mere cries, begin to ascend into louder pleads as his voice raises in pitch. He sounds lovely, Jungkook thinks, while he pistons his cock into the boy's dripping cunt with more power. "Can I come inside? You want my load, princess?"

Jimin is alarmed by the question, all life that had left his body suddenly returning to try and push Jungkook's hips away. "No! Not inside, please-" he attempts to pull away from Jungkook's hold but it's futile. The football player is much too strong to put up a fight against. He wonders if this is safe, if the consequences of being inseminated are truly as awful as they say. He's never pondered on it much before, never expected to be tainted this soon, but his mind begins to drift off into dangerous territory, already imagining the feeling of Jungkook's thick, hot cum burning in long ropes as it fills Jimin to the brim.

He doesn't have to wonder for too long before the real thing happens, Jungkook spilling a load and a half into his poor cunt. It has him squealing as he feels it flood in gradually, each spurt of warm liquid filling his walls and making him squeeze around the fat cock. "Jungkook!"

"Fuck," Jungkook curses long and low as he rides out his orgasm with the slow, steady rock of his hips. They don't stop moving until his cock has been milked completely, the soft press of his lips littering Jimin's neck with sweet kisses. "Did so well for your first time, baby. Just born to take cock, weren't you? I'm sure you enjoyed it as much as I did."

They lay there, just a heap of heaving bodies as they catch their breath. Jungkook leans down to nip at the patch of Jimin's skin that's accessible to him above the collar of his shirt, licking at the flesh before slowly sucking it into his mouth, eventually leaving a decent-sized mark. It's an ugly color of red and purple but Jungkook thinks it goes nicely with Jimin's pale skin. The sight makes a lick of arousal run up his spine, at least - satisfying a sick proprietorial instinct.

When Jimin thinks he's finally being spared, he's proven wrong when Jungkook starts gently thrusting into him once again, cock still rock hard inside him. He whimpers when he feels the cum slosh around in his womb like a silent reminder of this mistake. "Y-You already came, why-"

Jungkook reaches a hand around Jimin's waist to slip a finger between his legs, rubbing at the clit which throbs incessantly. Jimin weeps from the sensation, the pads of Jungkook's fingers moving along the sensitive bud in circles before they slowly move in figures of eight, heightening the pleasure. "Oh, oh fuck-" Jimin feels the stimulation on his clit while Jungkook continues to thrust into his cunt, albeit slowly. When his voice pitches higher and higher, Jungkook lets go of his hold on the boy's wetness, making Jimin's pleasure drop immensely.

"N-No, what-"

Jungkook hushes him with the rapid change of pace in his thrusts. "I'll have you come on my cock first, baby. You can do it," he rasps, gripping onto Jimin's waist with one hand and pushing the boy's face back down onto the ground with the other. He's even faster this time and his fingers clutch onto the milky waist so tight, his knuckles turn white. His gaze falls on the smooth pink hole exposed between the fat of Jimin's cheeks.

The curiosity gets the best of him, pushing him to splay a palm over the crack of the boy's ass. Jimin feels the ghost of Jungkook's hand resting right above his rim and it has him twitching. He sucks in a harsh breath when he feels the thick pad of a fingertip toy at his entrance, squeezing his legs together in shame.

A rush of adrenaline fills Jungkook's entire body as his thumb slowly pushes into Jimin's tight little ring of muscle, laughing to himself at the way the boy shudders as a result. "You like that, hm? Want me to defile you here as well?" To his surprise, Jimin whines out a confirmation before both his hands stretch out over his head as he arches his back further, showing Jungkook just how much he wants it. "Shit... yeah. I'm sure you'd let me do anything to you."

His thumb pushes in all the way past the rim, the tightness feeling incredible as Jungkook feels it tighten each time his cock pushes into Jimin's wet cunt. Having both his holes filled has Jimin reeling, hand coming down to feel at his belly where there exists a slight bulge of skin. He presses down, and it only heightens the pleasure when Jungkook hits his sweet spot just right. "Fuck! J-Jungkook, yes - yes, right there!" He begs, turning his head down on the ground so he can stare at his tummy as Jungkook enters him. "Oh my god-"

It's filthy - from their noses, to the sound of their skin meeting, to the way Jimin's pussy squelches from the thrusts, to the outline of Jungkook's cock in his stomach. It's a miracle that nobody has found them yet, not even a faculty member. Jimin has the decency to take the time to thank his guardian angels for watching over him, though he's not sure they'd be very happy.

Jungkook keeps his thumb hooked on Jimin's rim as he fucks him with a purpose, making sure to angle his hips and hit Jimin's spot, grunts and whines being punched right out of him. He loves the sounds he makes, reaches for his phone once again, this time recording a voice note. He could listen to his noises forever, and now he definitely will. Jimin feels the cockhead brush up against the small bundle of nerves that make his legs tremble. He melts into a puddle on the ground, Jungkook pushing down on his waist with one hand to reach into him even deeper.

"Ah-ah!" The poor boy cries out as his body gets dragged up the cold tiles. His shirt has completely ridden up his body and exposed his nipples, making them chafe against the ground and add to the mix of painful pleasure. Goosebumps litter Jimin's skin all over from all the stimulation. His body completely freezes, pussy seizing around the stiff cock inside him.

In all of Jimin's eighteen years, he comes for the very first time with a cock in his cunt and a finger in his ass. His orgasm hits him hard out of nowhere and has him coming with a muted scream, the breath getting knocked out of his lungs as he fails to withstand Jungkook's barbaric strength.

Jungkook feels Jimin clamp down on his shaft, cock rubbed sore by the tight walls of his pussy. He mutters a string of profanities as he halts his thrusts to watch Jimin's body shake and tremble from his orgasm, even hears the boy hiccup faintly. "You good, baby?" Jimin's legs spasm while he takes the time to catch his breath before slowly nodding his head.

Then the football player begins to hear the telltale sound of a class nearing its end. The volume of their chatter within the classroom increases by the second and he's hit with a wave of panic, quickly pulling out and reaching down to pick Jimin up from the ground. He carries his back with one arm and places the other under the boy's knees, remembering to grab his phone and Jimin's skirt before dashing to one of the utility closets. He makes it just in time before the students begin filing out of their rooms.

He heaves a sigh once he's put Jimin back down onto his feet, quickly catching the boy before he almost stumbles to the floor. "Hey, hey, still with me? Jimin-ah," he asks softly, eyes darting all across the boy's face. It's completely flushed all the way down his neck with beads of sweat rolling down his chest. Jungkook gently pats them away and fans the boy with his hand.

Jimin regains composure when he feels himself being positioned over a small desk, knees not given enough time to breathe as they're made to kiss the cold ground once again. He hears Jungkook spit - onto where, he's not sure. But then there's the squelching sound that tells him the boy's stroking his cock and it gets Jimin's skin tingling all over again. Pure excitement filling all parts of his body like he's got no limits. Jungkook's refractory period might be the death of him.

"You've been such a good boy for me, Jimin-ah, and you know all good boys deserve a treat. It's time for yours," That's all he hears before he feels warm liquid on his rim, Jungkook's spit slowly dripping down his crack. Jimin whimpers, shaking his head but he can't find the words to oppose the jock's actions. He's not sure he really wants to.

Jimin feels the slap of Jungkook's cock against his ass, yelping in surprise. Jungkook hisses, slapping his fat cock against sore cheeks before dragging it through the boy's messy folds. His pussy's never looked more inviting, absolutely wrecked as it shines in the light with Jungkook's cum dribbling out of the sloppy entrance. Jungkook plans to mess his tight hole up just the same.

His desire only deepens watching Jimin suddenly wiggle his ass from side to side. "Come... Come," the boy pleads out of nowhere, it's uncharacteristic. Lust can really change a person. With the bite of a lip, Jungkook surges forward, pushing the tip of his cock into Jimin's tight ring of muscle with pleasure. The boy cries out as the thick cock stretches him out painfully slowly. Jungkook adds more spit to it all as he pushes in more and more. The fullness is unfathomable, leaving Jimin speechless while he waits for what feels like forever. He already feels full to the brim and Jungkook hasn't even stuffed him entirely. It takes a couple moments until he feels the other boy's sticky hot thighs against his.

Jimin babbles and mumbles, words indecipherable as Jungkook leans over his frame to kiss at his nape. "Good little boy," he whispers against his skin. Jimin shudders, doesn't know how his legs can even take his weight when there's barely any strength left in him. "Perfect bitch made to be fucked."

The boy whimpers at the harshness of his words. "Yes! God, I was-mmh, fuck-was made to be fucked. So please, please just - fuck me, Jungkook," he mumbles, turning his head to face the jock. He's so much bigger that it pleases something sick in Jimin. The small boy gathers all his strength to press a kiss onto Jungkook's cheek before leaning over the desk, both hands reaching behind him to spread his ass cheeks apart.

"Fuck. What a dumb whore spreading yourself open like that. Don't you have any shame?" Jungkook sneers. But Jimin asked so nicely, he couldn't help but listen. He pulls out slowly, taking his time to watch the way the rim almost stays glued to the shaft - a sign of just how tight Jimin is. It makes Jungkook curse under his breath before he pushes back in gently.

They groan in unison, Jimin moaning long and loud as the pleasure completely dulls the painful stretch, Jungkook's balls hitting the supple flesh of Jimin's plump ass. He's never felt a fullness quite like this before - never thought he would anyway. He hangs his head between his shoulders while Jungkook repeats the motions. He'd always wondered how good it must feel to be fucked in the ass, the girls in the porn films always looked like they were entering another realm. He understands now... scared that he'll ever be able to get enough. "Oh, Jungkook - please, please-"

"What? My cock not good enough for you now?" The jock grunts, thrusting into Jimin harshly until he's bottomed out. The small boy wails from the sudden movement but it's cut short when his body begins jerking from Jungkook's merciless pace. He's back to being fucked like a lifeless doll. "Yeah, take it, baby. Such a good bitch."

Jimin feels his rectal walls get stretched out an impossible amount, voice raising in both pitch and volume, ultimately having to be muffled by the jock's rough palm. His cries fail to cease, albeit subdued. Jungkook's grunting in his ear with colorful language that goes straight to the throb of Jimin's sore clit.

"Being mounted like this riles you up that much? You're such a dumb little slut, fuck," Jungkook's laugh is condescending as the snap of his hips pushes a sob out of Jimin's body. "Maybe I should've stayed and had my way with you out there for everyone to watch and see how sleazy their top student is. How easy it is to get his pussy all wet and sloppy, how he just let someone he hates take his virginity."

His big hands grip onto Jimin's wide hips, holding onto them for stability as he really fucks him. His balls slap against Jimin's fat mound as he drills his cock into his hole, Jimin's clit able to feel some sort of stimulation from the brief touch. It drives him crazy, has him reaching a shaky hand down his center to rub at his cunt and lose himself. He screams out in pleasure, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Jungkook growls in his ear, reaching down to suck at the skin on Jimin's neck. He's only made a single mark from earlier, and he's not sure he'll be able to stop now. He sucks the flesh into his mouth, tongue laving at the smoothness. When he pulls away, there's remnants of the Jimin's peach scent lingering on his tongue and it has him wanting more. He digs his nose into the boy's neck, sniffing him up like a horny dog.

"Mnh, fuck," Jungkook mutters, hips turning uncontrollable as they piston his cock into Jimin's hole, everything about the small boy becoming so irresistable to him. Jimin yelps from the force, feeling the pleasure building in his stomach rapidly.

Panic floods his entire body as he breathes out a long whine. "Jungkook! I'm - I'm gonna pee! W-Wait, ah-" his fingers attempt to grip at the thick meat of Jungkook's thighs. They fail, his body being jerked far too much for him to get a proper hold. The pleasure doesn't stop growing, thrumming in his belly like a warning.

"You're gonna come from my cock, princess. Come all over my cock, that's right-" Jungkook takes a hold of Jimin's arms, using them as leverage to pull him back as he pounds into him rough and hard. He's anticipating what's next, ready to have Jimin experience what might just be the most pleasing relief of his life. He hears his cries go silent for a few moments before there's the sound of flowing liquid splashing onto the ground.

The squirting doesn't stop and neither do Jungkook's thrusts, Jimin's pussy gushing out liquid in long streams. He wails from the sensation, his whole entire body feels like it's been set on fire as his cunt squeezes out more juices. He starts full-on crying when Jungkook's thrusts become too much, diamond tears streaming down his pretty face in a rush.

Jungkook's hips come to a screeching halt when he realizes, quickly planting a kiss onto the crown of the boy's head. He lets Jimin sob for as long as he needs, feeling his pussy twitch around his hard cock. It's painful but he can wait. "Shh, baby," Jungkook hushes, arms coming to wrap around Jimin's lithe frame. "That felt good, didn't it? You did amazing." His rough hands rub up and down the boy's arms, doing his best to soothe his cries.

He turns Jimin around to face him, hands quickly coming up to wipe his wet cheeks. He knows it's inappropriate but he can't help but find Jimin's crying face cute too. He chuckles to himself, the small boy unable to stop the sobs that rack his fragile body. His limbs tremble as he hiccups, fists rubbing at his eyes. Jungkook does his best to hold him in his arms and rock them back and forth to calm him down.

Eventually, the crying subsides and Jimin's left sniffling. He's so incredibly overwhelmed he's not sure what to focus on. Then suddenly there's a pair of lips on his, drinking in the last remaining cries. Jungkook's lips are smooth and soft against Jimin's, his tongue licking into Jimin's hot mouth for a second before he pulls away. "Feeling better?"

Jimin's dizzy, both cockdrunk and hazy from such a soft and gentle kiss. His pupils dilate as he nods his head, willingly leaning in to chase after Jungkook's plush mouth, making the jock laugh. They kiss in silence for a while, exploring each other's mouths as if starved dogs. Jimin thinks out of everything that's happened, this might be his favorite.

But then he pulls away, eyes immediately flicking to Jungkook's crotch. "You-" he pauses to swallow and clear his raspy throat, voice barely even there. "You didn't come," he points out.

Jungkook has the decency to start putting himself away, hands about to tuck his cock back into his pants before Jimin stops them. "No! I - I want to..." he doesn't bother finishing his sentence. It makes Jungkook's heart soar, a grin appearing on his handsome face.

"You wanna finish me off?" He asks gently and the sheepish nod Jimin gives, with eyes barely able to meet his, almost has him cooing. He positions himself properly, leaning back on the closet wall, waiting for Jimin to come and service him like he wants. "All yours, baby."

The look on Jimin's face is adorable as he fumbles his way to the jock's lap, quickly grabbing the stiff cock. It still amazes him how long Jungkook can stay hard for. He wonders if this is normal or if Jimin is somehow special. "I-I'm in charge now, Jungkookie." He saves that thought for another time, choosing to dip his head and swallow the tip of Jungkook's cock into his mouth. The boy hisses when Jimin swirls his tongue around the head, suckling on the tip like it's a gourmet lollipop.

The head he'd given earlier wasn't his true potential, with Jungkook being in charge and everything. This time he can really show off and make the boy squirm, turning him into putty in his hands like it's nothing. It's already working so far, his suckling making Jungkook produce the prettiest noises. Then he pops off to tongue the throbbing vein on the underside, putting just the right amount of pressure to have Jungkook's toes curling.

"F-Fuck, baby," the jock stutters, a hand flying to grab onto Jimin's soft hair. It pats him there, a soft little gesture that tells him he's doing a good job. Jimin hums, wrapping his lips around the cock once again and taking more of it in. He doesn't gag this time, confident that he won't at all as he makes sure to breathe through his nose. He sucks up and down at the same time his hands twist and tug at the base, making Jungkook's hand fist his hair. He loves the feeling.

Jimin's fingers reach to fondle Jungkook's balls, drinking in the praise and sinful noises the boy makes when he does it. His mouth is so hot and wet feels so good around Jungkook's cock, he really deserves the acknowledgement for his head game. Jungkook watches on inawe as Jimin's cherry red lips drag along his thick shift, turning more pink by the second. "Look at me," he orders, and he doesn't think he'll ever get tired of the image of the small boy looking up at him with a mouthful of his cock. "My pretty little cockslut. I'm close, where do you want my cum, baby?"

The question makes Jimin come up for air fast, wide eyes shining up at Jungkook. "W-Wherever you want," he says cutely.

Jungkook snorts. "I thought you were in charge?"

The snobby tone has Jimin whining, squeezing a hand around Jungkook to get back at him. The jock yelps, pushing Jimin's hand away.

"Fuck! Okay, okay, I'm sorry," he laughs as he winces in pain. He takes the time to shrug his jacket off, tattoo sleeve on full display now. It has Jimin's mouth watering, not having seen the tattoos in a while. They're as sexy as ever as they litter Jungkook's golden skin. His inked arm flexes as his hand grips his cock firmly. "Lick and soothe me first."

Jimin's usually domineering with his hookups, doesn't like being told what to do, but with Jungkook he's ready to be objectified, manhandled, and ordered around. He does as he's told and leaves soft kisses across the shaft, melting when he hears Jungkook sigh. It's not long until he's back to bobbing his head up and down the boy's cock, his pace picking up when he hears Jungkook's moans growing louder.

And then he's being shoved off Jungkook's cock, his mouth replaced by the fast jerk of the boy's own fist. The squelching is incredibly obscene with the speed of his hand and Jimin can only watch in amazement. He's always found cocks so fascinating, given that he doesn't have one.

"Shit, Jimin, ahhh- " Jungkook mumbles, eyes squeezing shut as he nears the edge of his pleasure. Then they open up to land on Jimin's face, brows furrowed as he says the next words. "Gonna blow my load all over that pretty face, princess."

Jimin's face flushes from the warning, back straightening as he lays in Jungkook's lap, waiting. Jungkook looks gorgeous as his face contorts into a look of pure bliss once he's pushed off the edge, the tugging of his cock coming to a halt when it spurts out white strings onto Jimin's cheekbones. There's more and it lands on the boy's nose and the corner of his eye, some of it dribbling down onto his chin. "Fuck," Jungkook grunts.

"J-Jungkook-" Jimin says, barely able to open one eye with all the cum spread out onto his face. Jungkook's busy reaching over for his phone before he opens his camera to snap another photo, this time, of Jimin's messy cum-loaded face. He snickers as he slaps his cock against the boy's cheek for good measure, smirking as he looks at Jimin's wide eyes through the phone screen. "Pretty."

Then he puts the device away, quickly leaning down to collect the cum with his tongue. The action's so filthy, Jimin can't resist the gasp he makes as he feels Jungkook's wet tongue drag across his face. Once he's done, he forces Jimin's mouth open, slowly transferring the semen into it with his spit. Jimin does nothing to refuse, mouth staying open like an obedient puppy. Jungkook seals it with a kiss before he pulls away, watching Jimin swallow it all without hesitation. "So filthy..."

The boy blushes, hand swiping the spit and cum off his chin, even though the rest of his face remains dirty. Jungkook doesn't care, leaning down to press his lips against the boy's cheek before meeting his lips in a kiss. They stay like that for what feels like an eternity before the sound of the doorknob turning alerts the both of them. They both hold their breath expecting one of their classmates to find them in this mess, but then nothing comes.

"Hey, Kim! Not there - the other closet!" Someone shouts from outside, and the doorknob stops turning. They release their breaths, staying quiet for a moment before they burst into a fit of giggles.

"You didn't lock the door? You're so stupid." Jimin shoves the jock's shoulder, shaking his head.

Jungkook laughs fondly before shamelessly shutting him up with a kiss. "I've missed you like this."


Jimin had knocked out seconds before Jungkook could even bring him out of the utility closet, exhaustion having taken over his body. When he regains consciousness, he opens his eyes to a bright light shining into them. He's almost loopy enough to voice his thoughts about death until he hears hushed voices around him.

"Tell everyone the showers are off-limits for the day. You better not let anyone in or else I'll have your head as the ball for the next game."

"Relax, Jeon, of course. The stuff you asked for is on the bench. If you need anything else, I'll be right outside."

He hears a sigh. "Thanks, man."

Then Jimin hears footsteps shuffling before the sound of a door opening and closing, and then it's silent. He turns his head to the side but the action quickly makes his neck sting, making him hiss at the pain.

He hears another set of footsteps rush near until Jungkook appears before him. "You're awake." The look on his face screams shy young boy but his bare torso proves that he's nothing of the sort. His eyes avert from Jimin's and the behavior he's showing is so uncharacteristic that it makes the blonde curious.

But "no shit," is all Jimin replies.

He cranes his neck to inspect his own body, and he finds out the reason behind Jungkook's bare state. "Why am I wearing your shirt?"

Jungkook's face blazes red as he tries to find the words. "Well, I - your shirt um, it broke. Like, the buttons, you know, they popped...popped off. So I had no choice but to-" he pauses to swallow, "-to put you in mine."

Jimin fails to recognize what about that is so odd to Jungkook as he looks at him with a frown. "Are you stuttering?" He sees one of the sleeves has slipped off his shoulder and quickly fixes it and even goes so far as to button the shirt up. Jungkook's sharp intake of breath is visible with his broad chest puffing slightly, eyes going wide as he uses them to look closely at Jimin's movements.

It really isn't a big deal. Or maybe it shouldn't be, but to Jungkook, it is.

Seeing Jimin in his clothes makes something strange, something unusual go off inside of him. Something he needs to control so as to not get his dick pumping and wanting to go another round. There's something so possessive in him that feels pleased seeing the small boy getting swallowed up by Jungkook's shirt that can barely even close when it's on its owner.

Jimin's eyes have always been curious, only proving so when they scan the room and land on the smoothie that rests on the bench, along with a few other snacks that he'd be able to recognize from a mile away - they're all his favorites from the vending machine. Gummy bears, a packet of barbecue lays chips, a granola bar, and some water. It makes him feel uneasy. "Where's my-"

"Here's your skirt," Jungkook cuts him off. The short piece of clothing hangs in his hand, soaking wet with something Jimin doesn't even bother to ask what.

"Do you have any spare clothes," the blonde mumbles, awfully shy for someone laying half-naked on the shower room tiles.

The skirt is laid onto the bench carefully before Jungkook gives the boy a small smile and disappears behind the lockers. He comes back with a set of clothes in hand. "You can wear these after I clean you up."

That's right. It's the least he can do after what he's put Jimin through. But for some reason it makes Jimin feel even queasier.

He doesn't say a word, just waits and watches as Jungkook kicks his pants and boxers off before joining Jimin in the shower and ridding him of his shirt too. If Jimin wished it, he might as well serve as dead weight while Jungkook tries to manage him in such an intolerable state, but his heart isn't stone-cold enough for that.

Instead, he lets the boy run his head under the shower, wetting his locks and scraping soft fingers through his scalp with sickeningly sweet strawberry shampoo. Out of everything that Jimin had expected from someone like Jungkook, he finds being proven wrong that the jock uses 3-in-1 shampoo is the most pleasing lesson to have learned today.

A chuckle sounds softly behind him where he feels the vibration on his back. "You like that?" Jimin isn't sure if Jungkook is referring to the shampoo, the scraping of his scalp, or the hard edges of muscle he can feel against his back, but he nods anyway. "You're so cute, you know that?"

Jimin has kept his eyes closed shut for the duration of the shower, and does so when he turns his head to face Jungkook and shows him a gentle smile and a proud nod of his head.

Jungkook hums. "Course you do." His fingers are firm and tender as they caress Jimin's crown, massaging the skin of his scalp all the way to his temples, sending pleasant vibrations thrumming through Jimin's body.

"I'm... I'm really sorry, Jimin."

The apology catches him off guard, and Jimin is unsure what exactly it's directed to. Jungkook has a lot to apologize for and Jimin has every right not to forgive him. He remains unmoving and Jungkook's fingers follow.

"For always getting in your way, for pissing you off, for all the things I've said, and especially for today. I'm - I'm so sorry for today, Jimin." He's about to let go of Jimin's hair when the boy immediately stops him, indirectly ordering him to keep going, and so Jungkook does. His fingers work at his scalp once again. "You have no reason to believe me, but I... I can do better. If it's for you, I can, just know that. You don't have to say anything-"

"Stop talking," Jimin pleads, voice hoarse and wet, whether from the shower or the liquid that runs down his cheeks, it's unknown. He reaches for Jungkook's hands in his hair and places them around his neck, hands gripping his wrists tightly. "We can talk later, but for now just-"

Jungkook listens, hears Jimin loud and clear, and embraces the boy in his hold like he's afraid of letting go and having him vanish into thin air and away from Jungkook. They stay there in the shower, standing right underneath the showerhead as the water runs down their bodies for what feels like forever. Not a single word is uttered, only the mute sounds of lips locking to assist the silence.


"I heard they fucked outside Mrs. Choi's room."

"Shit... really?"

"Yeah, this guy who sits behind me in bio said he heard Park Jimin whine like a bitch that day. Said it was absolute jerk material. Man, you don't know how badly I wanna be Jeon-"

"Nah, you know that's not true. That Jimin? The goody two shoes?"

"That's what I was told!"

Jungkook snorts when he hears the same shit he's been hearing everyday for the past two weeks. People still haven't let it go. Bypassers gawk at them, still not accustomed to seeing Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook engage in any positive manner, much less something so intimate like hand-holding.

"You never told me why you weren't wearing any underwear that day," the question comes out of the blue as they walk to school. The students don't care enough about Jungkook or Taehyung to start a witch hunt on the jock for being unfaithful, and they know better than to mess with Jimin for homewrecking. His boyfriend's a six-foot tall buff quarterback with wads of cash in his wallet for easy bribing access.

"So I could sneak out of Victoria's Secret with a new thong," Jimin deadpans.

"Oh, god."


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