spilled milk

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12 Nov 2017 - 22 Jan 2021


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방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS


Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin


Jeon Jungkook

Park Jimin (BTS)

Additional Tags:

Alternate Universe


Heterosexual Sex

one teeny tiny scene of it!


Dirty Talk





Come Swallowing


Hate Sex

but not rly

Kitchen Sex

Couch Sex

Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot


spilled milk



The problem with Jungkook's step-brother was that there was no problem at all — right up until Jungkook walks in on him with a vibrator up his ass.


step-brothers jikook. u kno i had to do it to em.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

When Jungkook is twelve, his mother and father sit him down and tell him they're getting a divorce. He's more grateful than anything. He hates his dad, can't wait to have him out of his life.

When Jungkook is fifteen, he stops visiting his dad altogether, living with his mum from Monday through to Sunday, twenty-four-seven.

When Jungkook is seventeen, his mum tells him she's been seeing someone for a couple of years now that she likes. Jungkook shrugs, happy for her he guesses, and resumes his Overwatch game.

When Jungkook is nineteen, they move in with said someone. Jungkook barely knows the guy, but he seems nice enough and he knows his mum well enough to trust this guy. He likes him, he guesses. Who he doesn't like, however, is his new step-brother. Not the younger one, he's cute enough, but the older one.

He's so fucking annoyingly sweet, annoyingly pretty, annoyingly existent. Everybody just seems to gravitate towards him, treating him like a baby — bloody hell, even his own mother babies Jimin. She doesn't even baby Jungkook, and Jungkook is both her own son and also younger by two years.

Frankly, Jungkook doesn't trust him. You can't trust pretty people at all, to be honest. Especially ones that seem so pristine and perfect. They have the deepest and the darkest secrets.

So, very passive-aggressively, Jungkook keeps an eye on him. He doesn't talk much to him — he never has, right from day one when Jimin invited himself on Jungkook's bed and tried to cook up a conversation. Jungkook was having none of it. Though, at that point in time it was mainly because Jungkook had just been through an exhausting amount of unpacking and cleaning and trying not to stare at his step-brother's unnecessarily fat ass and thighs in the stupid shorts he was wearing. Jimin was stubborn, and stayed by Jungkook's side for a good five to ten minutes before he huffed, pouting defeatedly but shrugging it off and skipping out of the room. Yes, skipping. That was when Jungkook first decided he was a complete weirdo.

Now, many many weeks later, Jungkook is sitting watching him curled up on the sofa opposite Jungkook, phone close to his face as he reads. He's always reading something or another on his phone, or so he claims.

"Jungkookie," he says with a slight dip at the end of the word. Jungkook doesn't jolt, only squints his eyes harder. He wants to hate the way Jimin's overly pitched, overly sugary voice breathes his name out but he can't and that only makes him angrier.

"What," he replies flatly. Jimin shifts so he's lying more on his back and Jungkook's eyes flicker down to where his stripy shirt rides up a notch, exposing the line of his waist. It's narrow and slim, barely there. Jungkook wants to hate that too, and he does — but only because he likes it so much.

"You're staring."

"'Cause you're fuckin' ugly."

Jimin pouts. "Liar. Don't be mean," he sighs, locking his phone and letting it slide somewhere beneath him as he stretches. He does so exaggeratedly, arching his back and pulling his knees up to his chest, mouth parted in a high moan. Fuck him, the voice in Jungkook's head grits. "Why are you so mean to me?" He asks when he's done, shifting again so he's facing Jungkook. Jungkook lets his lips pull up into a snarl, glaring down at him like he was filthy.

It's not a question Jimin hasn't asked before. He asks it all the time, actually. It's basically part of his idiolect at this point. But he's never asked it this way — not with his entire and complete attention on Jungkook and his brows furrowed like he's genuinely waiting for an answer.

Honestly, Jungkook wants to have an answer. He's always wanting Jimin to fuck up so bad. He's tried abruptly letting himself into Jimin's room too many times now, hoping to catch him impaled on an object or something. He tries pressing his ear to the wall at nighttime, listening out for the sounds of a creaky bed, or maybe some moans if he's lucky enough. He's tried looking through Jimin's messages, tried rummaging around in his room while he's at university, tried everything. But nothing.

Jungkook stares blankly at Jimin for a bit before standing, walking out to the kitchen as he says, "I told you. It's 'cause you're ugly."

He's pouring some milk into a wine glass when he feels a firm fist smack between his shoulder blades, not enough to wind him or anything but enough to make him overfill the glass and gasp as the milk splashes out everywhere.

"What the fuck?"

"I'm not fucking ugly, so shut the fuck up," Jimin says, voice almost coming out as a whine. Jungkook's jaw clenches, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before he turns and faces him. Jimin stands there, for some reason looking incredibly small as Jungkook looms over him.

"Swearing twice in one sentence? Daddy's gonna have to wash your mouth out with soap," Jungkook sighs, wiping a hand sticky with milk down his middle. He sees an incredible blush on Jimin's cheek when he pushes the milk carton to his chest, not paying Jimin's yelp any mind. "You made me do that," he nods back to the mess of milk on the counter, "so clean it up."

He makes to walk away, before a hand grabs at his upper arm, pulling him back. "Jungkook, can you just talk to me?" Jimin really does whine this time, and Jungkook peers over his shoulder to watch. He's pouting. God, Jungkook hates him.

"About what?" He grits, snatching his arm away and facing him completely — but only because he knows Jimin'll bring the whole house on him if he keeps whining like that, spoiled bitch.

"Why are you like this with me, huh? I've been nothing but nice to you," he frowns, putting the milk back on the counter and Jungkook's a little too satisfied with the way he has to tilt his head back to stare up at him.

"What, you need everyone to like you? Everyone to treat you like some fuckin' prince?" Jungkook replies, bored as he leans against the wall. He's enjoying this a little more than he's letting on, actually. He didn't know he was effecting Jimin this much.

"That's not what I said!" Jimin exclaims, frown deepening. He looks about ready to stomp a foot. "It's not like you're just not nice to me, but you genuinely hate me for no reason," he pouts again, and Jungkook finds himself licking his lips instinctively. "Did I do something wrong? 'Cause you're not like that with dad, or Jihyun or anyone else. Just me."

"Dunno. You're jus' annoying," Jungkook responds monotonously. It's not a lie. Jimin's peering up at him through his lashes and the blush from earlier still taints his cheeks. For a while he just stares and then Jungkook pretends he's done, rolling his eyes and walking away before Jimin can stop him again.

Up in his bedroom five or so minutes later, he's jerking at his cock fast and hard. He consciously tries extremely hard to think of anything but Jimin, but the visual of him blushing and staring up at Jungkook with a mouthful of spunk while he's on his knees somehow flashes into his mind right as he comes. Jungkook hates him so fucking much.


Jungkook grunts, balls deep inside some girl he's talked to twice from his art class as she whimpers with her own hand over her mouth. He's got her on her front in his bed, ass up and back arched unimpressively. Jungkook chooses to stare at the slide of his cock in and of of her wetness instead.


"Don't mind him," Jungkook says over the sound of Jimin calling his name for a third time and jerking the handle of his bedroom door loudly. Thank god for locks.

Eventually Jimin leaves and Jungkook fucks her peacefully, coming with a groan into the condom and then flipping her over. He eats her out through her own orgasm, flicking hard at her clit with his tongue and feeling his chest swell with pride at how loud she comes.

"I should leave," she says after a few long minutes of just panting while Jungkook discarded of his condom and got into a pair of briefs.

"Yeah," Jungkook says, rubbing awkwardly at his nape. "Thanks."

"No problem!" She smiles, sitting up with an arm over his tits as she reaches out for her shirt. "Your uh... brother? He's a weird one."

"Step-brother," Jungkook corrects her, "but yeah. Tell me about it," he groans, embarrassed. "Sorry about him."

"Nah, don't sweat it. I've had worse. See you around?"

"Yeah, thanks again. Want me to walk you out?"

He does walk her out, slamming the front door when she leaves and lightly thudding his forehead against the wall beside it.

"Mum and dad leave for two weeks and you're already bringing some bitch home on the first fucking day?" Jimin hisses somewhere behind Jungkook. Jungkook's jaw tightens. He hates the way Jimin calls his mum mum.

"What the fuck was all that about? Why were you doing that, you fuckin' freak?" He turns around, glaring at Jimin from where he stands at the bottom of the stairs.

"This is my house too! You can't just bring some bitch in and fuck her and expect me to be okay with it!"

It's the first time Jimin's raised his voice at him. Jungkook's impressed. "You're being real annoying, you know. Why do you care if I'm bringing someone home and fucking them or not?"

"I don't!" Jimin snaps back immediately, mouth pressed together tight in anger. Jungkook raises an eyebrow at him, snarling.

"Yeah, you fuckin' do. If you brought someone home I wouldn't give a shit."

"Oh, fuck off," Jimin scoffs, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "First of all, I don't bring people home. Second of all, you know damn well you'd give about five thousand shits. You're always on my fucking back."

"First of all, it's 'cause you're a sad little virgin. And second of all, no I'm not."

"Uh... yeah, you are," Jimin says matter-of-factly. Jungkook's eyebrow quirks at how Jimin completely avoided his acquisition of him being a virgin. Maybe he is. Most probably is.

"What would you have even done if my door was unlocked, huh? Creep."

"I'd have told her to fuck off," Jimin bites back. Jungkook laughs, an angry little exhale of air as he stares Jimin down.

"Sure, Jimin, sure," he says, smirking condescendingly and hoping to piss Jimin off as much as Jimin pisses him off.

"Oh, whatever. I'm done. Go wash, you fucking stink," Jimin spits, cheeks an angry red as he pushes off the wall and stomps his way upstairs. Jungkook glares some more at Jimin's retreating form, feeling uncomfortably hot with anger, and accidentally admiring the shape of his ass in those sweatpants in the process.

Even after his shower, Jungkook is pissed. Not necessarily or directly at Jimin, but at just about everything. He doesn't know what's wrong with him, but today he's especially moody. He lies down in his bed wearing nothing but his sweatpants, thinking it might be the summer heat messing with him, and hoping the anger slips out of him while he fucks around on his phone.

When it doesn't, Jungkook pushes himself out of bed and goes straight to Jimin's room for no reason in particular. Unlike him, Jimin doesn't have a lock on the door and he barges right in without a problem.

The first thing he notices is the odd scent. The second thing he notices is the slight breath of humidity in the air. The third thing he notices is a yelp coming from his right, followed by Jimin turning around on his back from where he's lying under his duvet in his bed. The fourth thing he notices is the faint, low whir of vibrations in the background. The fifth thing he notices is Jimin's naked shoulders from where they peek out from under the duvet. The sixth thing he notices is Jimin's thoroughly debauched hair, the messy blond locks sticking up wildly at random spots, sweat glistening across his hairline. The seventh thing he notices is Jimin's incredible blush and dazed gaze, eyes wide and shocked and tinged a light shade of red, projecting embarrassment and shame.


"Wha- — w-what are you doing?! Get out!" Jimin squeals, voice shaky and cracking.

Jungkook shouldn't. He really shouldn't, he knows. But he just can't believe it all, and he wants to walk out of this room knowing what the fuck he's just witnessed, because he's been waiting for it for too long now.

So he does, mind going blank for a moment as he steps over and yanks Jimin's duvet off him. He wasn't prepared for the sight that greets him — Jimin's complete body bare before him. He's flushing all the way down to his nipples, which are swollen and hard, his pecs only slightly defined. His slim waist is all on view now, displaying a light but firm set of abs. His cock lies hard and wet against his torso, small and chubby and curved towards Jungkook. Jungkook can't see much of his ass, but he can make out the base of something thick and a garish shade of pink lodged up it, a wire dangling out of it.

He makes sure to stare hard enough at it all, because as expected, Jimin's snatching the duvet back up with a squeak, wrapping it around himself and hiding his face under it, only his unruly mop of hair visible.

"Get out!" He cries again, voice tight and strained in embarrassment.

Jungkook's stunned to silence for the next few seconds, before he snatches the hand still hovering above Jimin's figure away and stumbling backwards.

"I — I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"Leave — get out, get out, get out, get-"

"Okay! I-I'm sorry, I'm going, I'm going. I-"

"Please," Jimin says one last time, lifting his head just enough to expose his eyes, wide and filled with tears. Jungkook gulps, guilt burning through his chest, as he steps away and nods furiously, all the way out of Jimin's room and into his own room.

He can't, for the life of him, understand why he sits back in his bed and feels like pure trash for the next whole fifteen minutes. Well, he can. He guesses he was a huge fucking dick back there, but at the same time this is what he's been waiting for for so long, right? So why, now that he has it, does he wish he didn't?

Okay, another lie. He doesn't regret it all that much, which only makes him feel even worse, but Jimin looked so... so thoroughly wrecked, completely fucked up through and through. It was fucking art. His pretty little body, all exposed and out on show. The image is burned into Jungkook's skull, and he doesn't need to close his eyes to picture Jimin's tiny, needy cock pointing towards him, wet like it was sobbing for him. His cute little nipples — clearly pulled at and tormented from the way they were swollen and drooping a little and tinted pink around the areoles. God, the girth of the fucking toy inside him. Jimin took it so well, just lying there while it was lodged right inside him, vibrations and all.

At least now he knows his doubts were all true. Of course Jimin is gay and of course he likes it up the ass. Jungkook groans at his own words of choice, tilting his head back and wanting to punch his own semi in agitation.

He freezes up at the sound of Jimin leaving his room, heading straight to the bathroom. The wet pitter-pattering of the shower running has Jungkook sighing a moment later, hands clenching at his bedsheets to stop himself from pulling his cock out and jacking off to the thought of his step-brother. But then he wonders if Jimin continued to fuck his fat little ass with the toy after Jungkook left, and his cock twitches and Jungkook almost, almost fucking breaks.

He still refuses though, and somehow manages to succeed because he's pushing himself out of bed after scrolling through twitter for a while, heading straight downstairs and pouring himself a glass of milk.


Jungkook jolts, milk overflowing the glass and splashing out all over the counter. He curses under his breath, slamming the milk down and just breathing for a while.

"O-oh — sorry," Jimin says quietly, awkwardly standing by the kitchen door and pulling tight at the hem of his poor shirt. Jungkook sighs, peering over his shoulder at him and smiling ever so slightly despite it all.

"It's fine," he mumbles, grabbing a rag from the drawer and wiping at the spilled milk.

Jimin waits until Jungkook's got the milk back in the fridge and the dirty rag in the sink before he clears his throat and speaks up again. "Look... about before-"

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't think you'd be... whatever. And I dunno why I... y'know. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay," Jimin mutters after a few seconds. Jungkook frowns, fully turning around and giving him his whole attention. There's one hell of a blush high on Jimin's cheeks and he's refusing to look up, eyes fixated on his toes. Jungkook sighs.

"No, it's not and you don't have to pretend to be okay with it. You can be mad at me, Jimin. I was out of pocket," he says, voice soft. He can see Jimin frown, pursing his lips together before he shakes his head.

"No... no, really. I'm not mad. It's fine," Jimin shrugs, eyes flickering up only for a second to meet Jungkook's eyes before he gulps visibly and looks back down.


"It's fine, Jungkook."

"Fucks sake Jimin, can you just — I fuckin' violated you. You have all the right in the world to be mad at me, I deserve it. Not just for today but for every single day since we moved in here. Can you stop pretending the way I treat you and the way I act is fuckin' okay? It's not, and-"

"I liked it!"

Jungkook shuts up almost immediately, the words making his mouth fall open slack and his chest tighten. He sucks in a breath through his front teeth, reaching back to hold onto the counter. Jimin's looking about ready to cry, eyes squeezed shut and his entire face a light shade of pink.

"I-I... I like the way — I like the way y-you treat me, okay?"


"It..." he pauses, looking around and licking his lips. "Nobody's ever treated me the way you treat me a-and... it was — it's hot, okay?" He admits, wrapping his index finger around the hem of his shirt and pulling so hard that it exposes his chest. He's trembling just slightly, and Jungkook knows he's about to break.

"Jimin," he breathes, stepping away from the counter and towards Jimin. When Jimin purses his lips together and slightly presses himself against the wall behind him with his eyes shut, Jungkook stops in his tracks. But then he's opening his eyes a second later, looking up at Jungkook curiously and Jungkook smiles, knowing Jimin well enough to know he wants this a little more than he's letting on. He crowds right up into his space, trapping him against the wall. "Say that again."

Jimin makes a sound from the back of his throat that Jungkook doesn't really know what to call — a squeak and a whimper, an embarrassed little thing. He's let go of his shirt, palms flat against the wall behind him as he stares up at Jungkook with pretty eyes. "I... I like the way you treat me. It turns me on."

Jungkook breathes out through his nose, biting back a growl and almost feeling dizzy from how overwhelmed he is. "Fuck."

Jungkook's eye catches Jimin's tongue peeking out, swiping between his fat lips and he leans in to catch it between his teeth before it disappears out of his sight. He bites lightly at it, finally letting himself groan before shoving his own tongue between Jimin's parted lips, licking into him with the thirst of a dehydrated man.

Jimin grabs at his bare sides to pull him in closer at the same time as he arches up into him, swiping his tongue against Jungkook's and moaning wantonly. It feels wrong and dirty and more sinful than it should as Jungkook presses tighter against Jimin, running a hand through his hair and then yanking it back to take control over the kiss. Like this, Jimin's made to tilt his head back, mouth open and pliant for Jungkook to do as he pleases with it.

"Jungkook," he breathes while the younger sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, tongue licking across the cracks caused by his own teeth and tasting the salt of blood. He whines at this, eyes squeezing shut and hands scrabbling to clutch at Jungkook's shoulders.

"Hm?" Jungkook hums as he pulls away, just enough so that they're still breathing in each other's air. He runs his thumb along the blood-red marks against Jimin's nether lip, making Jimin hiss and keen. "So pretty. God, you're so fucking pretty. You want it?" Jungkook's not sure what it means, and he's not sure if Jimin's sure what it means but he's nodding either way. "Whaddya want, hm? Tell me."

"G-god — fuck off, don't do that," Jimin whinges, glaring up at Jungkook. Jungkook laughs because it's cute. Jimin's cute.

"Do what? I didn't do anything."

"Don't — just kiss me," he grumbles, arching up against Jungkook desperately.

"Sure thing, baby."

Jungkook kisses Jimin until the both of them are struggling to breathe, trailing a hand up to hold him still by the jaw. Jimin's a nuisance, of fucking course, constantly squirming and preening and moaning into Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook doesn't necessarily dislike Jimin's obvious desperation for him, but he wants to savour his lips and he's making it increasingly hard to do so. Jungkook gives up eventually, pulling back with a growl when Jimin starts rutting up against his thigh.

"Nasty boy," he hisses, the hand cradling Jimin's jaw slipping down and around his neck. Jimin gasps at this, hands flying up to clutch at Jungkook's wrist and his hips twitching when Jungkook squeezes around him between his thumb and fingers. "You like that, don't you? You're such a nasty little thing. You wanna be defiled so bad, don't you?" Jungkook rambles, eyes wandering from Jimin's lips to his eyes to the blush on his cheeks to his own hand tight around his neck to his hips fucking against his thigh like some bitch in heat.

"Yeah," Jimin wheezes, shocking Jungkook a little. He wasn't really expecting an answer. "Want you to fuck me."

"I can do that," Jungkook grins, leaning back down to bite harshly at Jimin's jaw just to hear him moan. He's pulling back and lifting Jimin up, hands under his thighs, in the next second. Jimin gasps, burying his head in Jungkook's neck to bite at and locking his ankles around Jungkook's waist. "You're so small, kitten," Jungkook murmurs, eyes fluttering when Jimin runs his tongue over the juncture between his neck and shoulders. "Gonna fuckin' wreck you."

Jimin gasps for an nth time as Jungkook turns towards the kitchen, hands gripping tight at his thighs, and places him down on the counter, beside the glass of milk.

"W-what — you're gonna fuck me here?" He asks, eyes wide and lips parted in disbelief. Still, he shudders at the thought of being defiled right in the kitchen, tainting the whole room.

"Gonna fuck you in every single room, kitten, so everywhere you go you'll be reminded how much of a dirty little slut you are," Jungkook answers, a feral grin pulling at his lips, as he rubs his hands up and down Jimin's thighs.

"You're disgusting," Jimin says, but his breath is hitching even as he speaks and he's pulling Jungkook in by the shoulders and kissing his lips all hot and open-mouthed and needy before he's even finished speaking.

Jungkook's careful not to get distracted this time round, and he pulls away with a soft wet smack after only a short while. Jimin chases his lips, whining and he's pouting when Jungkook opens his eyes. For the first time, Jungkook accepts his pout for what it really is: downright fucking adorable.

"I'll kiss you later, baby — promise," he smiles, hands reaching down to tug at the hem of Jimin's shirt. "Right now, I'm gonna fuck you, yeah?"

"Yeah," Jimin moans in response, eyes blinking slowly like he's out of it already and his spine going rigid to allow Jungkook to pull his shirt off.

"Good boy," Jungkook mutters, incredibly pleased with Jimin's loud response.

He directs his attention to Jimin's nipples now that the shirt is off, erect and still swollen. He coos as he brushes his thumbs over the both of them, raising a brow when Jimin's arches against his touch while his chest twitches at the contact. Sensitive.

"Ah — Kook," he whines, face scrunching up cutely and hands flying up to circle around Jungkook's wrists when he presses down on them, pushing at them in circular motions. He keeps making pitched little noises and Jungkook likes them too much. He leans down and takes the right one in his mouth, staring up at Jimin as his head tilts back and his mouth drops open. He pinches the other one between a thumb and a forefinger while he bites the one in his mouth, wanting to see little indents of his teeth when he pulls back. "F-fuck! Jungkook!"

Jungkook huffs a laugh out around his nipple, reaching a thumb up into Jimin's open mouth and pressing down onto his tongue as he squirms and moans. He makes sure it's all wet while he sucks hard and flicks his tongue against the hardened bud, using his saliva-slick thumb to flick against the left one seconds later. Jimin makes a hiccuping sound and Jungkook relents, pulling back with a slurp loud enough to make his own cock twitch.

"Sensitive kitty," he muses, tilting Jimin's head back down with his fingers at his chin. He's got tears in his eyes and Jungkook groans when he leans into lock his lips shortly with his, pulling back quickly with a light bite against his swollen bottom lip. "Off," he commands, taking a step back and giving Jimin some room.

Jimin just stares at him for a while, confused, and Jungkook laughs at his flustered expression when he finally hops off. He's back on him in seconds, whirling him around and pressing his hard cock through his sweatpants against the curve of Jimin's fat ass through his leggings. Jimin gasps, gripping onto the countertop and letting his head hang between his shoulders as Jungkook ruts against him slowly, letting Jimin feel the entire length of his hardness.

"Fuck," Jimin murmurs under his breath, falling to his forearms and pushing back against Jungkook.

In a flash, his leggings are around his thighs. Jimin barely manages to get a squeak in before Jungkook is spreading his ass open.

"Your pretty little ass," Jungkook grunts, gripping the firm flesh of his ass cheeks tight between his hands and parting them as far as they'll go. Jimin's breath hitches, his hole loose and clenching and unclenching repeatedly. "Look at you. So fuckin' desperate, aren't you, kitten?"

"Jungkook," Jimin whines breathily, embarrassed.

Jungkook laughs, breathing against Jimin's skin and making him shiver, before he presses a chaste kiss to Jimin's clenched hole. Jimin's reaction is instant as he moans softly, the muscles on his back clenching and his head tipping back. Pleased, Jungkook repeats the action, though this time open-mouthed. Jimin hiccups, instantly giving under Jungkook's mouth and loosening up for him. Jungkook laughs again at his eagerness as he slips his tongue right into Jimin, his teeth biting lightly around the tight muscle of Jimin's rim as he does.

"S-stop laughi- — oh, Jungkook!"

Jungkook laughs once more, just in spite, as he presses his face closer. His nose is buried in Jimin's crack and his tongue in his hole as he curls it in him, slapping his ass cheeks again and again in turn just for the fun of it. And maybe because he wants to see his handprints, red and pretty against Jimin's lightly tanned skin. He keeps making these sobbing, hiccuping type of noises and Jungkook finds that they increase in volume when he sucks around his rim.

"God, you love this, don't you? Dirty little slut," he pants when he pulls back, his cock pulsating in his sweatpants and drool all over his chin. He gives himself just enough time to swallow down some much needed air before he dives back in, holding Jimin's asshole open with his thumbs at either side. He fucks him with his tongue this time round, starting off deep and slow and long and then gradually becoming faster and harder the more impatient he gets, the louder Jimin moans out for him.

"So good, s-so good," he mewls, subconsciously parting his legs wider and giving Jungkook more to work with. When Jungkook presses his tongue in particularly hard, Jimin begins to shake, his entire body going rigid and tight and his cock leaking enough precum to have it rolling down to his balls.

Jungkook pulls away when his jaw starts to ache in a way he can no longer ignore, pressing two fingers against Jimin's rim instantly just to feel him tighten and suck against the pads of them. "Pretty kitty," he smiles, wiping at the spit on his chin with his free hand and looking up at Jimin to see him gazing down at him. "Get on your knees for me, baby," he orders, standing up and slipping his sweatpants down around his thighs at the same time that Jimin kicks his leggings off completely, leaving himself stark naked for Jungkook.

He turns slowly, legs shaky, and manages to knock the forgotten glass of milk over. Neither of them pay it any mind as it spills down past the countertop, dripping steadily with soft splashes to the kitchen floor. Jungkook runs his fingers through Jimin's hair as he takes his cock into his small hands, making it look even bigger than it already is.

"So big, Jungkookie," he breathes, mouth gaped in awe as he runs his thumb firmly backwards and forwards just under the head of his cock. Jungkook smiles, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Mm. You like that?"

"Love it," Jimin answers immediately, finally leaning in to take the cockhead into his mouth. Jungkook's fingers tighten in his hair, and he looks up with wide, wet eyes as he steadily sinks further and further down around him.

Jimin doesn't relent even as he gags on it, eyes squeezing shut as tears roll down his cheeks while heavy choking noises resound beneath Jungkook's moaning. His fat lips are wrapped snug almost around the base of his dick, just an inch or two above, and he just takes it so well that Jungkook feels like he's already close to blowing his load.

"Where'd you learn to suck dick like this baby?" He grits, one hand tight in his hair and the other stroking along his jaw. Shallowly, he fucks his cock further down into Jimin's mouth, slow enough to give him time to back off if it's too much. "Such a good little kitten. You want my cum, kitty?" He asks sweetly, thumbing at the tears in the corner of Jimin's eyes as he looks up at him, moaning and nodding. "Good boy. In your mouth or in your ass?"

Jimin slides off Jungkook's cock, drooling all over over and down his chin, thick strings of saliva dripping, and panting for a long while before he answers. "Both, Jungkook, I want both, please."

"Don't be greedy now. Such a slut. Choose one."

"But Jungkook," he whines, jutting out his bottom lip and closing his eyes. Jungkook refuses to break at the sight, tightening his hold in his hair and forcing him to look back up at him.

"You were being so good," he tuts, running his knuckles up and down Jimin's wet cheeks. "If I come in your mouth, I can't come in your ass, understand?"

Jimin whimpers, licking his lips before he speaks up. "Ass, please."

"There's my good boy," Jungkook smiles, pulling harder at the hand in his hair and making him hiss but ultimately stand to his feet as he pulls his sweats back up.

Jungkook holds onto his hips as he kisses him deep, pressing himself right up against him. It's Jimin that pulls back first this time, surprisingly, burying his face into Jungkook's neck and pleading for his cock.

"Come on, Kook, fuck me," he whinges, shivering when Jungkook's hands go to his ass cheeks and spread him open again, rubbing his fingers against his wet hole.

"Need lube, baby," he mumbles, licking a thin stripe up the shell of Jimin's ear.

"I want you to fuck me here, though," Jimin draws back to pout up at him, hands around Jungkook's shoulders. Jungkook laughs, bending his knees a little to scoop Jimin up into his arms.

"I'll fuck you on the couch."

Jimin shivers, wrapping himself bodily around Jungkook as he walks. "Okay."

"You gonna be a good boy while I go and get us some lube, kitten?" He asks as he sets Jimin down flat on the couch, one of his thighs thrown across his hips.

"I'll try," Jimin says, smiling mischievously. His eyes are twinkling, Jungkook notes.

"You better," he whispers, brushing his thumb against Jimin's lips one last time and then turning to walk out.

He returns to the sight of Jimin lying right where he left him, sprawled out on the couch with one hand between his legs to rub at his hole with two fingers, his other hand pinching at his nipples. He holds eye contact with Jungkook when he notices him, looking up with his lips parted and his gaze lidded.


Jungkook throws himself over him with a groan, kissing him on the lips and smacking the fingers at his nipple away to replace with his own. Jimin mewls, tilting his head back to bare his neck. Jungkook wastes no time leaning in and biting hard, listening out for Jimin's loudest and most pitched moans to suck harder at his sweet spots.

"God, you're so fucking beautiful," Jungkook leans back after a while, swiping a thumb over the darkest bruise at the base of Jimin's neck while a hand travels down to grip under Jimin's knee. "Little kitten," he murmurs, lifting the hand under Jimin's knee and stretching his leg up, his knee almost touching his shoulder by the time he stops pushing.

Jimin whimpers, shamefaced as he covers his eyes and burning cheeks with his hands. "Oh, god."

"What?" Jungkook smirks, doing the same to his other leg with free hand. "You shy, Jimin? Don't lie. You fucking love this. Look how flexible you are baby," he points out, pushing harder and harder at Jimin's knee-pits, his ass raising higher and higher off the couch. "You were made to spread your legs."

"F-fuck off," Jimin whimpers, peeking between his fingers and then mewling when he makes direct eye contact with Jungkook's hungry gaze.

"Hold yourself open for me," Jungkook ignores him, pressing down harder for a millisecond and then retracting his hands altogether so Jimin gets the idea.

It's quite the sight, watching his lube slick middle finger sink right into Jimin's tight pink hole. He has to keep a hand on one of Jimin's ass cheeks to spread him wide open and be able to comfortably do it — as well as to give himself a good view. He finds himself hissing at the tightness, the way it sucks him in and clenches snug around him. He peers up at Jimin to see him with his head lolled to the side, mouth open and eyes rolling back into his head.

"You like that?" He asks, voice breathy, smiling. Jimin closes his mouth, humming out a moan as affirmation. "Such a little slut, god."

He fucks that single finger in for a while, pressing deeper and deeper and curling until he finds Jimin's prostate, watches him try to arch his back and push his ass up further to take more of Jungkook's finger in.

The second finger slides right in too, easily allocating his prostate and rubbing at it enthusiastically, watching Jimin's cock twitch and leak as he cries out.

The third finger slips in almost just as easily, and Jungkook twists the three of them inside him gently, groaning at the way Jimin lets out a soft sob.

"Enough, please. Gimme your cock, Jungkook, I want your-"

"You want my cock, kitten? Beg for me," he grins, sliding his three fingers in and out of Jimin slowly, only grinning harder when he whines in response.

"Please, Jungkookie, please give me your cock. Want your cock so bad, want it so deep in m-me — oh, please, baby, c'mon," he finishes with a huff, blinking slowly up at Jungkook.

"My good little kitty," Jungkook whispers, leaning down to peck Jimin's lips once, twice. "My perfect little kitten, taking everything so well. You want my cock so bad, don't you?" Jungkook teases, and Jimin finds him so mean. "Poor baby," he pouts mockingly, "you're so needy, aren't you? You fucked yourself loose on your big fat toy and it still wasn't enough for you, was it? Poor, needy little kitty."

Jungkook pauses, watching tears of embarrassment well up in Jimin's big doe eyes, lips downturned in the corners and heat radiating from his pink cheeks. He looks ready to whimper and sob, but too afraid to do so. Jungkook draws his fingers almost all the way out before fucking them all the way back in, hard.

He leans on his haunches again with one last peck, wiggling his three fingers inside Jimin before retracting them altogether. "You asked so nicely," he sighs out, reaching for the lube on the ground and lathering himself up. "How could I say no, hm?"

Ever the tease, Jungkook smiles as he rubs his slicked up cockhead over Jimin's hole, tracing around the rim, slapping hard at the hole. He's looking for a reaction, and he can tell Jimin's holding back from the way he's furrowed his brows together and pursed his lips. This makes Jungkook growl, holding his cock by the base and smacking it harder against his asshole, watches him flinch and then rubs soothingly over where he smacked while simultaneously fucking between his ass cheeks.


"J-Jungkook — stop, just put it in me-"

"Beg, slut."

Jimin whimpers, hands clearly growing tired of holding himself open from the way they slip every now and again. "Please fuck me, please Jungkook, l-love your cock so much. Wanted it in me for so long, oh, please please please — ah!"

"There. You see? Wasn't so hard, was it?" Jungkook grins, having fucked his cock all the way in, his balls pressed against Jimin's lower back.

"Ah — so big, Jungkookie, s-so so big," he cries, neck bared as he throws his head back and squeezes his eyes shut.

"You can take it. You're my good little kitten, aren't you?" Jungkook says, unmoving inside him but carefully shuffling and leaning over to kiss down the length of Jimin's neck. "My good little cocksleeve, right? You say I'm too big but you still gag on me, still spread your legs wide open for my cock," he grits, for some reason feeling an immense wave of victory wash over him.

He's won. He's defiling Jimin right on the very same couch where he first saw him. He was right all along — Jimin's not the little angel everybody makes him out to be, and Jungkook has him impaled on his cock, degrading and humiliating him.

"Fuckin' slut," he murmurs, reaching a hand up to wrap around Jimin's neck and pulling out slowly, leaving only half of his cock inside Jimin before he fucks it back into him. Jimin lets out a shaky moan, and Jungkook can feel him gulp against the palm of his hand. "Gonna make a fuckin' mess out of you. Gonna take pics too, jerk off to them every night."

There's something so immensely satisfying about watching Jimin cry and struggle to breathe — maybe because Jungkook's a little fucked up in the head like that, maybe it's because he's still a teeny tiny bit ticked off at him, or maybe it's because Jimin's so fucking pretty like that. Either way, Jungkook's watching him go even redder, watching the tears slide down from the corners of his eyes and letting the sight help him fuck harder and faster into him. He looks down, observing the sight of his cock disappear and then reappear from inside Jimin and also catching an eyeful of Jimin's cock lying hard and heavy and so wet against his pubic bone.

He retracts his hand from around Jimin's neck, groaning at the way Jimin gasps and chokes for air as soon as he does so, and sits back up yet again to take his cock into one of his hands. It's a pretty, pink little thing, and Jungkook's more holding it and swiping his thumb in the mess of the precum beading at the tip than he is stroking it. He reaches his free hand up to slip his thumb into Jimin's parted lips in the meantime.

"Wet like a fuckin' girl," Jungkook whispers under his breath, feeling Jimin twitch in his hand. At the mentioning of the word girl, something clicks in Jungkook's head and he bottoms out in Jimin, smug smile pulling at his lips as he gently rotates his hips with his cock buried all the way in. "Say, Jimin, is that why you were so pissy about me fucking that girl? Were you jealous, huh baby?" He asks, finding Jimin's responding whimper paired with the way he tries to bury his face in his own shoulder quite adorable. "Hm? Did you want me to be fucking your pussy instead of hers, huh?" He prompts, tapping the thumb inside Jimin's mouth against his tongue before pulling it out and letting it trail down to circle a nipple.

"Yes — w-wanted you to fuck me," Jimin whines, pushing his ass up against the cock circling into him.

"Mm, you're so cute," Jungkook hums, pleased with the answer. He's pulling out with a gasp in the next second, watching Jimin's hole gape and tense around nothingness. "C'mere, kitten," he pries Jimin's hands off himself, ignoring his whining and begging and crying as he slides off the couch, the hand on Jimin's wrist bringing him down with him.

He has Jimin facing the couch on his knees, legs spread wide apart and his head on his arms where he's resting them against the couch. He shuffles up behind him, kissing down his nape as he eases his cock back up his ass. Jimin mewls, reaching one grabby hand back to cling onto the hairs at Jungkook's nape as he fucks up hard and fast into him with a death grip on his hips.

"Cl-close!" Jimin barely manages to gasp out between the little staccato moans he's making on every thrust against his prostate, his cock rubbing up against the couch as he's pressed against it. "O-oh my g-god, Jungkook-"

He's cut off by his own abrupt cry when Jungkook reaches around to hold his cock in his hand, shaking it from the base in a humiliating way that makes him want to curl in on himself and has his tummy muscles going tight with pleasure.

"Come, kitten. Come into my hand," Jungkook mutters, his own voice tight and strained and raspy and Jimin shudders, clenching down around him hard to feel every single vein and every single ridge inside him.

It takes Jungkook squeezing hard at his balls and a tongue licking up a fat stripe behind his ear to have him coming, right into Jungkook's hand. It has his eyes squeezing shut, body going rigid and tight and tense as he moans long and loud one last time. Jungkook doesn't relent, though, merely growls and fucks harder and faster. Jimin barely registers the hand gripping his cheeks tight between a thumb and a finger and the other hand coming up to force his own cum into his own mouth through his own daze and tears of oversensitivity, but he goes along with it all the same. He slurps up his own cum from Jungkook's hand, licking between his fingers and down his palm and feeling much too worn out to be embarrassed by it all.

"Want y-you — want your cum," he whines over the sound of skin slapping against skin and Jungkook's moaning. That's all it takes for Jungkook to sit back and pull Jimin down with him, seating him on his cock as he comes with gasps and grunts right into Jimin's ass, filling him up just how he asked.

"Fuck... fuck..."

"Ah," Jimin gasps, feeling the cum inside him all wet and warm and whimpering at how filthy it feels — how filthy it is. Jungkook shifts a little and Jimin panics, reaching down to grip Jungkook's thighs tight in his hands.

"Baby, relax. Jus' getting more comfortable. Don't want me to pull out yet?" Jungkook whispers, sounding tired.

"Mm-mm," Jimin says with a shake of his head, cheeks burning up in shame. "Just — just for a little more. 'M not ready yet," he says, head hanging low. Jungkook kisses at his nape.

"Tha's okay. Think you can hold on till I move us a little? Wanna lean against something," he mumbles, rubbing his hands up and down Jimin's sides. Jimin nods, grimacing as Jungkook carefully relocates them until he's resting his back against the couch and holding Jimin tight against him. "There."

There's a long, long while of quietness and Jungkook starts to get a little worried, before Jimin finally speaks up with a petulant, whiny lilt to his tone that just simply screams pouts and big puppy eyes.

"You said you'd kiss me after you fuck me. Where are my kisses?"

Jungkook can't stop smiling as he yanks Jimin's head back by the hair, kissing him hard and deep on the lips. He hates him so much.


dont drink cow milk kids that shit nasty
also uhhh follow me on twt (@kittypouts) if u wanna!


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hobichim, cypherpt3, shippingforlife, ambervalue, jeonkkuuk, IncredibleIrma, AlexQueenoftheRiver, namguk, sheepbaby, Lily_rose, RainbowRider0305, eclecticat, Jk143, Sugashooky, BangtanTeaParty, bogosipda, accioalltimelow, Justwall, akasagi_yoohee, Conhayth, lawsforcreation, lacekookie, DollsAlive, EtherealEssence, Yoonkitty, hayhay03, HoranPrincess_Xx, yok, 7wabi_sabi7, strawberryvapor, Qess, marshmallmeow, otterseoul, melikekpop25, bynnmj, allisaac, BunnyLilith, Nicodefencesquad, empress, sunflowerjimin, Sparky_crazymofo, khaleesi00, sophiegllm, kyungsoo_bxbe, Naxrena, busanbuns9597, River_Ink, ChibiKitsune15, jikookXtaemin, Mschatterbox16, and 514 more users as well as 316 guests left kudos on this work!

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