Act One: Epilogue

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The rising sun pierced the early morning mist that blanketed the ground, heralding in the new day. The company had gathered just outside the gates and were already prepared to leave. Gerithor was at their lead, with Glorfindel at his side. The ranger was clad once more in his traveling clothes, and his grey hood was pulled over his head. Gloin was quietly talking with Halbarad, who was at the head of the other rangers. Their horses were whinnying excitedly, not knowing the danger that lay ahead. Edhael and Taliel sat atop their steeds just behind Gerithor, neither of them speaking. Edhael seemed excited about the coming journey, whereas Taliel seemed to be steeling herself for it. Gerithor himself was apprehensive, for while he had been on his share of journeys he had never been on one this crucial, let alone leading one.

A small group of elves had gathered nearby to watch them leave. There was no laughter, nor any song or music. Elrond stood with them, a grim expression on his face.

"Know that this quest will be far from easy. You will be journeying far from home, and the forces of Sauron will attempt to hinder you every step of the way. If you do not stay true to each other, you will not survive. Remember that. But also know that the good will of all of the Free Peoples is with you."

He raised his hand in farewell as the company set off. Before long he and the other elves disappeared behind them, and the forest closed in around them. Other than the quiet whispering of some of the rangers speaking amongst themselves, the company was silent. Gerithor looked behind him, surveying the group. Caledorn was riding to the side of the group, his sharp eyes gazing into the forest. The elf was rarely at ease, and as such Gerithor assumed that he was watching for potential danger.

The ranger cast his own gaze upon the road ahead. The path was sure, and white stones marked the way. But Gerithor knew that by day's end they would be in the Wild, and there was no telling what it held.

"Through river, root and stone," he whispered quietly to himself as they rode along the winding road.

"We shall have passed through much more than just that by journey's end," Glorfindel said with an encouraging smile as he reigned his white steed in beside Gerithor.

"Indeed we shall," Gerithor replied, returning the smile. The road was long, and most of it still lay before them. But the ranger knew that it was worth it, and if they did reach the end of it at all, they would be the stronger for it. And so it was with brave heart and strength of will that the journey began, the journey that would change all of them forever.

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