Chapter 12: Sugary Sweet

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May yawned tiredly as her alarm screamed at her. Another night with barely any sleep, racking her brain for any intel on what she was missing. She looked around the room. Still not used to Leaf's guest bedroom, but it was startling to look like her room with all her things.

She opened her closet full of many different clothing choices, before deciding to go with her usual outfit that was laying on the ground. After apologizing to her closet, May brushed her hair, put on deodorant, and perfume before heading downstairs to eat.

Leaf's mom prepared bacon and cheese omelets, which filled May up. Taking a last drink of milk, she cleaned her dishes and went to brush her teeth. It seemed like it would be a pretty normal day. Wrong, but May didn't know that yet. Leaf's mom drove them to school before heading to work and that's how the whole mess got started.

"Come on! Let's go find Gary and Drew!" Leaf said eagerly. She latched onto May's hand before dragging her down the hallways behind her. After what seemed like 30 seconds, they had arrived at Drew's locker, which had somehow become the meet up place of their little group. Lucky for Leaf, the boys were already there.

"Alrighty, so, I know we've all been kind of stressed, most definitely the two lovebirds-"

"Hey!" May and Drew said in sync.

"Tch, anyways, I found this!" Leaf explained, slamming a flyer on Drew's locker. Drew and Gary immediately sweat dropped.

"A baking challenge for couples?" Drew read unamused.

"Does this mean we're official?" Gary asked hopefully. Leaf narrowed her eyes at him.

"No," she said flatly. Rolling her eyes at him, she switched the hand she was holding up the flyer with.

"There, now can you see it? Couples and best friends!" Leaf said.

"Oh," Gary said softly.

"Wouldn't a baking challenge be more stressful?" May pondered aloud.

"See, I thought about that, but then I realized, if you're stressed about the baking, you're not thinking about you're other problems are you?" Leaf grinned slyly at her.

"What time does it start?" Drew asked, secretly hoping to do it with May, but he would never admit to it.

"5 o'clock here at the school, since it's the cooking club that's hosting it! It's 5$ to participate and the money goes to a charity that provides food to places in need!" Leaf said.

"I say sure, why not?" May said. Gary and Drew nodded along with her.

"Now, teams," Leaf said mischievously.

"Uh oh," Gary said.

"You are going to be on my team right?" May asked Leaf suspiciously. Leaf started to chuckle quiet evilly.

"Nope, I'm going with Gary!" She said with a bright smile on her face despite the fact she was being very menacing 2 seconds prior.

"What!" May said in shock.

"What?" Gary said, whipping his head towards Leaf. Leaf grinned at him, causing him to sweat.

"Okay, guess we're partners," Gary said, a small blush on his face.

"Don't get any ideas, Lover Boy," Leaf whispered into his eat. He gave an awkward laugh.

"Well, guess we're partners," Drew said, patting May gently on the head, causing the electric feeling every time his palm connected with the top of her head.

"Yup!" May said, though her heart was doing backflips for a reason unknown to her.

The day carried out a pretty usual day, and May was very happy to see Ash and Dawn walking hand in hand smiling at each other as they walked down the hall in a deep conversation. Unfortunately, while May was walking with Drew to a class they had together, they ran into Brianna.

"Hi Drew!" She said very bubbly.

"Uh, hey.. Brianna.." Drew said, his tone slightly laced with annoyance. Without a warning, she reached into the back pocket of her ripped jeans and pulled out a flyer and shoved it in his face.

"Would you like to do this with me?" She asked, a shy smile on her face.

"Uhh, were not a couple, or friends, besides, I'm doing it with May here," Drew said quickly, throwing his arm over May's shoulder and bringing her closer to into his chest in a friendly sort of way, but both parties had a slight tinge of red to their cheeks. Brianna's smile fell.

"Oh, okay," she said, staring straight into May's eyes with a look of spite. May suppressed a shiver as Brianna walked away from them.

"Don't worry about it now," Drew said after seeing the look of distress in May's eyes.

"Okay," May said slowly, turning her head towards him. Looking at the clock snapped them into reality.

"We got to go or we'll be late! Drew exclaimed.


Finally the school day was over, and the four decided to just stay after school until then. Within time they found themselves in the large cafeteria where one dozen tables were set up. It was first come first serve, and they were lucky to be the second and third ones in line.

"Still, that's only 120$" Drew said. May frowned.

"Well it's better than 0 I guess," May said. "I'm sure you could get quite a few things at a grocery store for the price," Drew shrugged.

"Yeah, guess you're right," he agreed. They were up next, and they dropped their money in the basket before heading to the table one of the club members led them to. Once everyone was at their tables, the president of the cooking club began to speak.

"Thank you for coming and participating! Now, today, we will be making cupcakes, presentation and taste is key. But still, don't get to over competitive, it is supposed to be fun. Alright, when you're ready, you have and hour starting now!" He said.

"Drew! The recipe is right here! All the materials we need are on the table," May said.

"Alright, I'll measure you read and dump it in!" Drew said.

"Alright!" May said. "Preheat the toaster oven to 350!"

"Got it!" Drew said, selecting the numbers on the oven.

"Now get the batter bowl and I'll start reading off the recipe!" May ordered. Drew obliged.

"First we need 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of brown sugar, and 1/2 a teaspoon of vanilla. Drew got to work measuring the ingredients and when he was done, he cracked the eggs as May dumped in the ingredients. Cupcakes took quite a while to bake, plus frosting so they had to be efficient and fast. May grabbed the whisk and began stirring as she read the next ingredients for Drew to get ready.

"A teaspoon of baking powder, 3 and 1/2 cups of flour, and that should be it!" May said.

"Got it! Drew said as he handed her the teaspoon and began dumping in the cups of flour, as May began mixing.

"Start lining the pan, this will take a little," May said. When she finished stirring the batter to the right consistency, she began pouring the golden batter into the liners. As she was, the oven went off.

"Perfect!" She said as she finished pouring in the last of the batter. Drew opened the door of the toaster oven as May set the pan in. Drew shut the door.

"What should I time it for?" He asked. May looked over at the recipe.

"28 minutes," May said. That's what Drew said.

"Now onto the frosting!" May chirped.


They were well done with the frosting when the cupcakes were done. Using a tooth pick, May tested and decided they were good, so using oven mitts, she took the pan out and let the cupcakes cool for 2 minutes. As May was digging the cupcakes out of the pan, she asked Drew.

"How good are you at frosting?"

"I'm not very good at it," Drew said sheepishly.

"Alright, you hold the cupcake steady then," May said. Using the frosting knife, she scooped up frosting and spread it on the cupcake. It wasn't perfect, but it was decently frosted. Once all the cupcakes had a top covered in white icing, May went to town on the sprinkles.

"May! We want to be able to see the frosting!" Drew said, taking the shaker away from the trigger happy girl. She frowned at him. They walked their plate up to the judges table after they had finished and discover they were the third ones done. Out of all the cupcakes there, theirs didn't look so great. May just shrugged as they went back to their table. May got a plastic spoon and began to eat the leftover frosting.

Smirking, Drew dipped his finger in the bowl and out of no where, smeared the frosting on her forehead. May looked in shock at him as her jaw dropped. She snapped back into it, and growled at him before dipping her own finger and dragged it down his right cheek.

Collecting the extra on his cheek with his finger, he chased May around the table before pressing his finger to the tip of her nose. Of course the feelings were amplified due to the strange shocking. They were right in front of the bowl, so May gave Drew a matching dot on his nose. They both laughed at each other.

Meanwhile, Leaf was watching them, with a creepy satisfied smirk on her face.

"I don't understand, you used to hate his guts and now you're trying to get him and you're best friend together," Gary shrugged.

"Shut up, they are having a moment !" Leaf shushed him.

With May and Drew the laughter had subsided and they were looking at each other in a way they never had before. Drew didn't know what came over him when he kissed her nose, but he didn't regret it at all. There was such a pleasant tingle when he did so. May blushed furiously.

"D-Drew what the heck!" May said, stumbling on her words slightly.

"I'm not sorry, I don't regret it," he said to her honestly, brushing a piece of hair from her face before grabbing a paper towel off the roll provided on the table before wiping the frosting off her face, and disposed of it when he was done.

"Hold on!" May said as she grabbed another towel and she wiped off his face. She felt lost in his emerald gaze once she finished, but she quickly snapped out of it and threw the towel away.

"You're time is up! Thank you so much for participating! We will have a sheet with the results up tomorrow! Have a good evening lovers and friends!" The president said. May and Drew were the first ones outside.

"Hey May?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, what is it?" She answered.

"Can" He said, his eyes searching hers for permission. Drew began to lean towards her as May stood on her tip toes. Their lips just a centimeter apart. Then Leaf came flying through the exit. The two scrambled apart, cherry blushes taking over their faces.

"Wasn't that fun guys!" Leaf exclaimed, stretching.

"Mhm/uhuh, yeah," May and Drew stuttered at the same time.

"Well boys, May and I got to go home! See you tomorrow!" Leaf said, as her mom pulled up. May waved shyly before getting into the car and they drove away.

"Hey man," Gary said, resting his hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Leaf interrupted you're kiss with May," Gary apologized.

"It's fine, we didn't even get to anyway," Drew said dejectedly. Gary patted him on the shoulder.

"Later man," Gary said before leaving.




*wipes sweat from forehead*

That took forever and too much out of me!! Also, I'm sure you could tell that I don't know the recipe to cupcakes and ESPECIALLY frosting so I came up with something random for the recipe, and skipped over the frosting part. Heheh. Anyways, I hope I didn't make you guys too mad at the end!! I love you guys!


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