Chapter 3: An Awakening

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I honestly don't think you guys are prepared for what is about to go down! It's going to be so awesome! I don't think you'll see what happens coming. Though I don't really know how your minds work. Oops! There I go being weird again! I'll just shut up and let you read now!

Disclaimer: Sadly, I'm not the owner of the beloved Pokemon, I am only a fangirl, who enjoys writing and reading fanfiction about the show!


May struggled to get on her solid black one piece. It kept twisting up, in areas with holes cut out. Finally after about a couple minutes of tugging, she got it on. She put her cocoa brown hair up in a high ponytail. It was the night of the pool party and she was really nervous. Luckily she had Leaf there for her, as well as some of her new friends. She put on black athletic shorts and a random t-shirt, slipped on a pair of flip flops, and grabbed a towel.

She walked down stairs into her kitchen. Her mom had to work the late shift and had left a note on the counter saying she'd be home at around 10. She sighed before heading out the garage door and closing it behind her. Leaf was giving her a ride so she waited in the driveway. Soon a silver Honda Civic cruised up and Leaf got out of the passenger's side to great her.

"Hey we aren't getting any tanner waiting out here! Let's get going slowbro! I'll sit in the back with you!" Leaf said. May walked up to the car and got in the back seat behind the passenger seat. Leaf's mom was behind the wheel and she gave May a wave, remembering her from when they were younger. The car ride was about ten minutes at most, and soon, the girls were climbing out and collecting their belongings. Soon Leaf's mom left and they stood at the entrance.

"Leaf, I don't know if I can do this, so many people, and the awkwardness with Drew..." May trailed off. Things had gotten pretty awkward with Drew, seeing as she always seemed to end up running into him. He would get mad at her, she would get mad at him, and then Leaf would scold Drew and drag May away, usually telling May that she told her to stay away from him. May took in a deep long breath before opening the gate. Leaf trailed after her and they found two seats open, so they took them. She sat down on her pool chair next to Leaf. That's when she realized Leaf saw her mark. She quickly hid it.

"Ooh, have a secret tattoo you're hiding May?" Leaf asked, suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

"No it's nothing like that, it's a birthmark!" May explained, embarrassed. That's when her ears perked up at a conversation going on in the water.

"Woah Drew, Nice mark," Gary said.

"What?! How can you see that!? It's hidden in in my hair!" Drew said, rubbing his neck where the mark was, and May realized her foot was hurting too. She realized that his neck hurts when she's around him, that's why he is always rubbing his neck! Then, she also realized, this happened in one of her dreams.


May was sitting next to Leaf on a beach chair. She was trying to hide her foot but Leaf noticed.

"Hey? What's that mark on your foot?" Leaf asked. May grew red and hid her foot from Leaf's view. Leaf's face turned smug.

"You have a tattoo your hiding?" Leaf asked.

"No way! I was born with it," May explained. Her attention was sucked from Leaf to a certain green haired boy.

"Woah Drew! nice mark!" Someone said.

"Why are you looking at the back of my neck! Besides you shouldn't be able to see that through my hair!" Drew snapped.


Sure it wasn't the same, but it was similar. That's when the school plastics came up to her. Brianna and her two followers. May realized that she recognized the blunette from her third dream the other day. Maybe that's why she always looks so scared and nervous. Brianna waved at Drew and giggled before turning to May. May then realized she didn't have her foot covered, and almost hid her foot, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Oh what's that on your foot May? A sticker to make you look cool, well it makes you look pathetic!" Brianna said. The honey haired girl laughed. The blunette didn't.

"How do you even know my name?" May asked.

"Your quite popular amoung Drew's fans, and not in a good way, so everyone despises you," Brianna smiled bitterly. "I don't appreciate you draping yourself all over him, he's mine!" Brianna scowled.

"I'm not even trying to 'Drape myself all over him!' He's all yours, I just always seem to run into him and it's annoying!" May said, trying to shake her off. Brianna talked about her birth mark again.

"Is that thing even real?" Brianna asked, she touched May's foot where the mark was, (NASTY) and all the sudden, May's veins were on fire. She gasped out and squeaked as the pain flooded through her body. Brianna laughed and said as she walked away, "Ha, guess it was actually real!" May tucked her legs in her chest, but the feeling of burning wouldn't go away. It surged through her, almost charring her veins.

She yelped as she felt the feeling rise up to her face. That's when all the tears she was holding let loose. Everyone was laughing at her, while her whole body felt like it was engulfed in flames. Between her sobs she would occasionally yelp. Smoke was coming off of her body, and no one noticed. Except Drew.




The moment Brianna lifted her finger off of May's 'supposed mark' he knew something was really wrong. Immediately. That's when he saw her face, and when she curled in a ball. Then came the tears and small screams. People started laughing at her. He slowly began to boil over in rage at them. Then he saw the smoke coming off of her.

"Hey man you ok?" Gary asked. Drew ignored him.

"Stop laughing now!" Drew yelled at everyone.

"Leaf, get her in the water now!" He ordered. May kept wincing in pain, and was still crying.

"No way am I listening to you!" Leaf growled at him.

"DO IT!" He said getting worried.

"Shut up!" She glared. Drew snapped.

"PUT HER IN THE FREAKING WATER BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF!!" He roared furiously. Catching everyone's attention. A terrified and shaking Leaf helped her up and wrapped May's arm around her neck. That's when she cried out.

"She's flaming hot! Like she's on fire!" Leaf exclaimed.

"Get her in!" Drew snapped. Leaf managed to shove her in, and a huge hissing sound was heard. For a few seconds she didn't resurface, it made everyone a bit nervous. She resurfaced gasping for breath, and coughing up water.

"You alright?" Drew asked.

"Getting there, felt like someone was slow cooking me for dinner," She laughed forcefully.

"That's not normal, you know that?" Drew said concerned.

"No duh! Of course it's not, but why would you care anyway. Though, I guess I should say thank you, I guess you saved me, again. So, thanks," May said genuinely.

"It is my job to be amazing," Drew smirked. May playfully slapped causing that shock AGAIN.

"Hey, I got a question for you? When you hear the name Nicholas, what's the first thing you think of?" Drew asked. His neck thrumming in response to the name.

"I think of Nicholas Shu from The Lover's Curse, it's an old children story wives tale sort of thing," May answered.

"Thanks," Drew said.

"Any reason why?" May asked.

"Ehh, there is but-"

"You don't feel comfortable telling me, I respect that. Anyway, see you," May said, leaving the water, and grabbed her towel, sitting back down.




"What was that all about?" Leaf asked.

"I don't know! It was terrifying!" May said. "It felt like I was burning alive!" Suddenly, she realized something and gasped. April Haruka was burned alive in the story. Maybe it had something to do with that. But why did it happen when Brianna touched her foot?(which was weird)

"Do you know why now," Leaf asked.

"I think, but I don't understand it myself," May pouted.

"Could you tell me?" Leaf scowled.

"If I don't understand it with the puzzle pieces I have, you won't understand it at all," May sighed. Leaf harrumphed.




He shut his laptop off after finishing reading The Lover's Curse. So those dreams he had,

the one where they got hanged and burned, which was the most common one, was The Lover's Curse. Same names, same ending, but more detailed. Those other dreams must be the other incarnation's death.

His neck hurt at the thought of it. Wait, Nicholas was hung, he was on the verge of a breakthrough and his neck was humming in response. The dreams, April, his neck, could he be one of the incarnations? Could he be Nicholas in another life? His neck hummed and felt hot all of the sudden.

He didn't realize his eyes were closed until they opened and saw the vortex of air swirling around him. He yelped a boyish sound. The wind stop and his roselia who was on his bed cocked its head at him.

"Roselia Rose Rose?" It asked.

"What just happened! Wait, who is the girl I have to find? Aw shoot, now I can't have any other girl friends! Meh, none of the other girls are good enough anyway," Drew said to himself.

"Roselia," Roselia said, sweatdropping at Drew's remark. (What is this boy spouting on about now?)




It was civics, and the teacher was explaining the project they had to do. Drew payed close attention to the directions, and took notes. Usually he would smirk at some of the girls staring at him, but he didn't need to do that anymore.

"OW!!" Suddenly came out of nowhere. An upset Gary cried out, nursing his foot, glaring at a fuming Leaf.

"Flirt with me again, and you'll have a date with the wall, or maybe the floor!" Leaf snapped.

"Leaf! Gary! You two never stop arguing! As your punishment, you two are partners!" the teacher raged.

"What! He'll make me do everything! I'll fail!" Leaf said.

"Should have thought about that before you interrupted my class!" The teacher snapped. Leaf apologized, then glared at Gary.

"We can work at my place," Gary winked at her.

"Shut it, you dog," She growled. Drew suppressed a chuckle.

"Now, I will be announcing partners for the project, Dawn and Paul, Ash and Mi. . . Calem. . . May and Drew. . . Serena. ." The teacher said calling out partners. He was with May. Somehow, he felt kind of happy. He couldn't, he had to find April's incarnation, he can't be getting feely with another girl in the meantime. The bell soon rang, so Drew waited outside for May, his neck not bothering him as much at her presence as it used to.

"So, where do you want to work?" Drew asked, falling into step with her.

"Is my place ok? I'll give you the address," May said, hanging him a slip of paper. At least she was on top of things, he'd give her that.

"Sounds good, how about we start working on it tomorrow so we can learn more about it," Drew said.

"Yeah sounds good, here, I can give you my number so we can keep in touch about meeting up and all that," May said. Ripping a piece of paper, and writing digits on them. Drew took it from her with a smirk.

"You were just waiting for a change for you to give me your number weren't you?" He said coyly. She growled.

"That was not my intention you jerk!" She huffed.

"Sure it wasn't," Drew said flirtatiously, Lifting her chin with his index finger. "See you later February," He said, walking off. May's face stained red.

Drew was raging internally. He shouldn't have flirted like that, but then again, why was he flirting with May of all people! He needed to find that girl. No matter what. Walking down the hall, he didn't notice that he passed a blonde girl and green haired boy walk past him.



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I had fun making it, and I hope you enjoyed reading it! I'm just hoping I don't make it to short. At the rate I'm going, before the main plot happens, it would probably be, around chapter 8-9 at the rate I'm going. Oh well. I could make it more chapters if I didn't make my chapters this long. Anyway, Keep Reading, Keep Smiling,


-•*Word Count*•- (2,092)

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