episode eleven.

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It was during For Good that Donghyuck realized that Izumi was crying. He had randomly looked over to her, when he saw her poofy sleeved shoulders bop up and down. Elphaba on stage was holding Glinda's hand and the actresses were filling the audience room with their beautiful voices. The song was telling the story about how glad Glinda and Elphaba were that they met and became friends.

And here Donghyuck saw a beautifully dressed young woman, hide her mouth behind her hands, while thick tears rolled down her cheeks. Donghyuck gulped and looked around. Renjun seemed to be close to tears as well. The eyes of his best friend were stuck onto the stage. Renjun didn't seem to notice the way Izumi was shaking.

Gulping Donghyuck bit his lip. He looked around and sighed. He stretched his arm towards Izumi. The girl flinched when she was his arm enter her peripheral vision. "Hold it" Donghyuck whispered, not looking at Izumi at all. He watched the actress of Elphaba sing her falsetto.

Izumi sniffed and wiped the tears from her cheeks before holding onto Donghyuck's hand. Her hand was also shaking and Donghyuck sighed. He could feel that the musical meant the world to his co-actress. But seeing her this shaken up shocked him.

Izumi's hands were warm in his. They were dry and she subconsciously intertwined her fingers with his—just to calm down from the crying fit she had. Donghyuck rested his chin on his left hand and looked at the stage. He tried his best not to think about him holding Izumi's hand. He was just comforting her.

Renjun breathed out, when For Good finished and glanced over to Izumi. He saw how wet her cheeks were from crying and then his eyes settled on her and Donghyuck's intertwined fingers. A  chuckle left his lips and he pursed his lips. He would definitely tease his Gemini friend about this later.

The story on the stage continued and Izumi let go off Donghyuck's hand, when Fiyero ran over the stage and showed the audience, that Elphaba never died. A smile spread on Izumi's lips as she saw the two characters hug each other.

This rendition of Wicked was definitely not the Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth version, but it was good nevertheless. The cast started singing the Finale and Izumi found herself mouthing the lyrics. Her heart was full. She understood Elphaba way better now, now that she had seen the musical in front of her own two eyes. 

She knew how she wanted to portray Elphaba. And she knew that she could portray her perfectly with Renjun and Donghyuck as her co-actors. 

The cast bowed and Izumi, as well as other audience members, stood up and loudly cheered for the cast. Izumi screamed out her joy and Donghyuck looked at her fondly. His eyes got soft and he clapped while looking at the girl next to him. Renjun caught this act and smiled. "What a loser" he spoke quietly, before joining Izumi in cheering. 

Once the play was over the three college students got their stuff from the wardrobe and left the Blue Square Theatre. Izumi was holding onto the straps of her backpack. She had gotten a few bits of merchandise just before they left. The young woman felt happy and content.

Once outside on the plaza in front of the theatre, she turned to her co-actors. 

Donghyuck was still a bit bashful about the way he comforted her during For Good. He still couldn't believe he offered her his hand to hold onto. What kind of comforting was that? He should've thrown his arm over her shoulder or offer her a tissue—not hold her hand. How did that even help?

"How'd you guys like it?", asked Izumi and smiled. The boys could see that she cried during the play. Her mascara was smudged and her eyeliner seemed to have disappeared. A few tear stains were still visible on her pale face and her eyes were swollen and red.

"I have to admit" Renjun started, "that the Fiyero in this play was pretty dope. The way he carried his parts of the song and how he physically showed that he was attracted to Elphaba and not Glinda... wow! I'll definitely try to copy some of his attitude." He chuckled. "But from the fanboy point of view" he said and his smile grew in sizes, "that was absolutely amazing! If I could, I'd go back in and watch it all over again!"

Izumi chuckled and nodded. "I know, right?", she threw her arms in the air. "Sure, they weren't Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth... but the three main acts did so well. I was so sad when Glinda's reprise started." She pouted and turned to Donghyuck. "I swear to god, if you make me cry during the play I'll kill you" she joked and smiled at Donghyuck. "How'd you like it?", she then asked.

Donghyuck pursed his lips and balanced himself on his feet. "I definitely could learn a lot about Glinda as a character. But I have to portray Glinda as a male... it'll be difficult." He smiled and looked at the ground.

"We're going to help you through this" Izumi quickly added, when Donghyuck lifted his head. Their eyes locked for a hot second and Donghyuck chuckled. "As expected from Elphaba and Fiyero" he smiled. "But I liked the play a lot. It's not one of my Top 5 plays, but now that I've seen it in person it'll definitely grew on me."

Donghyuck smiled at Izumi and the girl nodded. "We're going to do so well, when it's time for us to stand on our school stage. Miss Lee will be so surprised when she sees the effort we're putting into this!", she furrowed her brows and smiled at the boys.

Izumi glanced at her wirst watch and sighed. "I'm sorry I have to leave so suddenly, but I promised Jaemin and Giselle to meet up with them as soon as the play is over. Giselle already texted me during the play" the black haired lass spoke and bowed to her new friends. "We'll see each other in school on Monday" she waved and started walking towards the subway station.

Before Izumi completely disappeared from her classmates view, she turned around. "Thank you for today, guys!", she called and smiled at Donghyuck and Renjun. "I can't wait to rehearse the play with you!", Izumi added and disappeared.

Donghyuck watched her run towards the subway station and sighed. His cheeks suddenly felt super hot and he breathed out loudly. Renjun nudged his side. "So?", the older male called and Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "I don't know what you want, Injun." Donghyuck started walking into the other direction, towards the bus stop.

Renjun followed him. "You know what I want" the boy said, "I want to know what was going on between the two of you. I saw you holding her hand." Renjun kicked a pebble and Donghyuck looked onto the ground—shyness washing over him.

"She was crying."

"So you held her hand?", Renjun cocked an eyebrow and Donghyuck sighed. "I blanked out, okay? I couldn't think straight and thought her holding my hand would calm her down or something." Donghyuck sat down on the bench by the bus station. Renjun sat down next to him.

"You could've offer her a tissue or ignore it. She probably cried because she was moved by the musical" Renjun concluded and Donghyuck nodded. "I'm aware of this, but I felt like I had to comfort her."

"Do you like her?" 

Donghyuck looked up and turned to look at his best friend. "What? Do I like her?", Donghyuck asked and Renjun nodded. "You heard me correctly, Donghyuck. Do you like her?" Renjun crossed his arms in front of shoulders and Donghyuck started laughing. "Of course I like her. She's our friend and co-actress."

"That's not what I meant and you know it, Donghyuck" Renjun repeated and Donghyuck looked at this hands. "I don't think that I like her romantically" the tanned boy finally said and folded his hands in his lap.

"I like hanging out with her. She's a great friend and super fun to be around. But no, there's no romantically interest between us." Donghyuck said and looked towards the direction his co-actress had disappeared to. He was still trying to move on from Jieon. How could he possible fall for Izumi? Park-Miya Izumi wasn't even his type!

Sure, her smile was dashing and her eyes were gorgeous... but her style was not as feminine as other girls in her age and she often wore ripped jeans and oversized hoodies—mostly in black. She ran around with a skateboard and often had her long black hair in a ponytail.

Donghyuck liked girly-girls. Girls who wore skirts, flowy blouses and cute colours. Girls who used warm colours and glitter on their eyes for their makeup and not heavy and eccentric E-Girl eyeliner.

Park-Miya Izumi wasn't his style. Not at all!

"Just wanted to make sure" Renjun said, "do you have anything to do this afternoon or do you want to hang out with me?" Renjun looked at his friend. "We could go and play at the arcade and then later get some food and drinks." The Chinese lad smiled at his friend and Donghyuck grinned.

"That's a great plan. Let me just text my aunt, that I'll be late." Donghyuck texted his aunt, whom he lived with, while the bus arrived. Renjun gently nudged him and the two boys board the bus, scanned their tickets and sat down. 

Donghyuck was typing away on his phone, when he exited the chat with his aunt and saw Izumi's name in his contacts. A smile crept on his lips when he clicked on her Kakaotalk profile.

Her background picture was a picture of Idina Menzel as Elphaba. She had a few gifs scattered around it. Her profile picture was her and her two best friends. Giselle pressed a kiss on her cheeks and her eyes had turned into crescent moons. Jaemin stood behind her making bunny ears. It was a very cute picture.

Izumi's status said Finally defying gravity with my co actors! See us at our uni's play!

Donghyuck's finger hovered over the chat button and he quickly locked his phone and stared at his Crayon Shin-chan lock screen before shoving the phone into the pocket of his pants. Did he like Izumi? Yes, as a friend and co-actor. Why would he be romantically interested in her? Renjun must be out of his mind to think something like that!

The two soon arrived their stop and made their way over to their favorite arcade.

"One round Dance Dance Revolution to warm up?" Donghyuck asked, already walking over to the machine. Renjun nodded. "I'll defeat you this time, I swear!" He chuckled and Donghyuck turned around to stuck his tongue at him.

When he turned around and reached the game console he stopped in his tracks. "For fucks sake" he hissed and heard a slowed and reverbed version of Grease's Hopelessly Devoted in his head. Standing on the left side of Dance Dance Revolution, with her long black hair tied into a loose sitting ponytail was none other than his ex-girlfriend Kwon Jieon.

Donghyuck bit his bottom lip. Why was he running into her so often these days? Ever since Izumi bumped into her at school, he saw her everywhere. And it annoyed him, that his heart was still swaying when he saw her. 

Jieon was laughing, when she finished the level with her friend and turned around, when she saw that two people were waiting in line to play the game. "There are already more people" Jieon said and scanned the two men that were waiting to play the game.

Her mouth opened when she saw Donghyuck standing there. He was holding on to the straps of his backpack and stared at her with an empty look on his face. It had been two months since Jieon had broken up with him. And it seemed like she was over him already.

"Donghyuck" she said and looked around, in case that black haired girl was with him. She quickly eyed Renjun and pursed her lips. "Is it just the two of you?", she asked and walked over to Donghyuck. The music in Donghyuck's head got louder as he scanned the beautiful features in his ex-girlfriends face.

"Yes, it's just us" Renjun answered and Jieon looked over to him. "Where's your friend?", she asked and Renjun furrowed his brows and looked at Jieon. Donghyuck was still unable to say anything. "Which friend?"

"The black-haired girl you've been with the last time" Jieon said and Renjun chuckled. "Why'd you care?", he asked and Jieon scoffed. "It's none of your business, Huang Renjun." Jieon looked over to Donghyuck.

"How are you?", she asked him and Donghyuck looked down. "I'm alright" he answered and she smiled and took a step forward. Donghyuck took two steps back. Why was he getting swayed? She broke up with him and he let her go. 

He should be over her... still his heart started beating faster when he looked at her face and all the familiar features in it.

"That's good to hear" Jieon said quietly. "I was worried that you were feeling too sad after we separated." Donghyuck looked at her. "You broke up with me, Jieon. You said I wasn't good enough for you. You deserved better. Don't act, as if we separated on good terms."

Jieon bit the inside of her cheeks. "You told me the sunset is beautiful. You let me go, Donghyuck."

"That doesn't mean I was ready to let go" He turned his face away. "I needed to choose something for me" Jieon said. "I thought you'd understand. Plus, you already moved on! I saw you with that girl! She openly hugged you! You never let me do that."

Donghyuck looked at Jieon. Her cheeks were red. "Listen, Jieon. We don't have to force ourselves to talk with each other. I think it's better if we become strangers to each other. You wanted me to let go, so I let you go."

Renjun looked at Donghyuck and nodded surprised. 

"Injun, I don't feel like playing anymore. Let's grab something to eat." Donghyuck turned around on his heel and walked out of the arcade. Renjun looked at Jieon once more. "You wanted him to let go off you, so you need to let go off him as well" with these words Renjun turned around and ran after his friend.

— ❄︎ —

A/N: The reason why Izumi cried during For Good is because I cried during For Good when I went to see Wicked in February. Wicked is seriously my all time favorite musical, it's so good... Even after all this time, haha.

Decided to update a new chapter because I got tickets to see CATS the musical next Friday, aaaah! I'm so excited. I love musicals—in case you haven't noticed yet. 

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.


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