episode nineteen.

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The drama club managed to finish act one with Defying Gravity, which made the guests in the audience speechless. They were already enamored by Izumi and her voice from The Wizard and I but after Defying Gravity they were all Team Izumi.

It was obvious to everyone—except oblivious Izumi—that she had very high chances in winning the scholarship. She was singing better than in every single rehearsal and she didn't even flinch when she was lifted into the air during Defying Gravity.

Izumi was definitely the star of the show. And Donghyuck didn't even mind. He, of course, wanted to go to New York as well and study at the Julliard. But he was more than sure that Izumi was one of the lucky ones, who would get the scholarship.

The second act started with the engagement party of Fiyero and Glinda. Miss Lee knew this could probably become a hot topic at the school as they portrayed Glinda as a gay man with a fiancé—and Fiyero as a bisexual. Miss Lee didn't mind—it was her idea after all, but she knew this could probably become a bit problematic. 

The audience seemed surprise to see Glinda and Fiyero being a same-sex couple. This was so different than from the original play—but thanks to Donghyuck and Renjun's chemistry they portrayed it very well.

Especially the fact, that Fiyero wasn't interested in Glinda in any shape or form.

Donghyuck was currently wearing a white version of his gorgeous, glittery suit and Renjun was wearing a soldiers uniform. He pulled Donghyuck aside—the spotlight of the stage shining on the unlikely couple.

"I can't just stand here grinning pretending to go along with all of this!" Renjun let out and threw his arms in the air. Donghyuck let out a huff of air, making it seem very Glinda of him. "Do you think I like to hear them say those awful things about her? I hate this!", he answered. Renjun rolled his eyes.

The audience was fixated on the two of them. Jung Baram had her hand clasped in front of her mouth, watching her nephew with tears in her eyes. Even Sungchan was speechless. He had never been one for musicals and stuff—but Donghyuck's performance was mind-blowing. He was staring at the stage, at his cousin, as if he'd never seen anything more interesting in his life.

"Then what are we doing here? Let's go, let's go out of here!" Renjun grabbed onto Donghyuck's hands. "We can't leave now. Not when people are looking to us to raise their spirits." Renjun let go off his hand. "You can't leave, because you can't resist this. And that is the truth!" The two of them were looking at each other in utter shock. 

"Maybe I can't" Donghyuck let out with a loud voice, "Is that so wrong? Who could?" He threw his arms in the air. "You know who could. Who has" Renjun said, his voice echoing through the auditorium.

He wished his parents were here to see him like this. He wish his mother could sit in the audience and watch him play his first major role. But he was okay. Maybe Renjun just needed to win the scholarship and become a famous musical actor, so he could invite his parents to every single one of his plays.

Donghyuck gently grabbed Renjun's hand. He heard the audience gasp as he pulled his hand up to his lips for a gentle kiss. "Fiyero, I miss her too, but we can't just stop living. No one has searched harder for her than you. But don't you see? She doesn't want to be found. We have to face it."

Renjun took Donghyuck's hand off his. "You're right. I'm sorry, you're right. And if it's going to make you happy, of course I'll marry you." He grabbed Donghyuck's hand. Renjun felt how shaky his best friends hands were. He looked at him—fearing the nerves were taking over the tanned boy.

"But it'll make you happy too, right?" Donghyuck asked, his voice meek—perfect to show the insecurity of Glinda. "You know me... I'm always happy." Renjun let go off Donghyuck's hand and walked off. Donghyuck turned to the audience and put on a brave smile.

He looked beautiful. Baram was absolutely enamored by her gorgeous nephew and took a few pictures to send to Donghyuck's parents.

"Fiyero! Thanks plenty dearest! He's gone to fetch me a refreshment, he's so thoughtful that way." He walked to the middle of the stage. It was time for his big emotional part of Thank Goodness. He fumbled with his wand in his hand and looked at the audience.

The two scouts from the Julliard looked up. They knew this was a pretty difficult part to sing and a lot of female singers with high pitches had failed to sing. But seeing a young man sing this part, was definitely very different.

"That's wh~y I couldn't be happier. No, I couldn't be happier." He looked into the direction Renjun disappeared to. "Though it is, I admit the tiniest bit unlike I anticipated... But I couldn't be happier. Simply" he lifted his arms and shook his shoulders, "couldn't be happier. Well, not simply" he looked down.

He tried to get Glinda's emotions right. How would you feel if your best friend had disappeared and the man you truly loved, loved someone else from the bottom of his heart? How would you feel when you had to fake how happy and good you were all the fucking time.

A sassy smile plastered his lips as he continued to sing the bridge, moving to the difficult part of the song. 

"There's a kind of a sort of cost, there's a couple of things get lost, there are bridges you cross" Donghyuck filled his lungs with air, "you didn't kno~w you crossed until you've cross~ed!" He outstretched his arms, allowing even more air to fill his lungs, while the notes just perfectly leave his mouth.

The two Julliard scouts exchanged a glance and one of them wrote 'Glinda' with three exclamation marks on his notepad. 

Miss Lee and Izumi were grabbing onto each others hands watching Donghyuck ace Thank Goodness. Izumi had tears in her eyes. "Oh, Izumi! Please don't cry—" Miss Lee let out and Izumi opened her mouth.

Her heart ached in her chest and she felt like she was fainting. "Miss Lee, I think I'm having a heart attack" she gasped. She looked at her teacher. Miss Lee gently patted her back. "Donghyuck has this impact on people, you're alright. I promise!" She spoke and Izumi looked through the curtains at Donghyuck.

Izumi grabbed the fabric over her chest and nodded. "He's gorgeous" she gasped and felt her heart do weird little jumps in her chest. Was this still the effect of what Jaemin and Giselle had implanted in her or did she truly think that Donghyuck was... gorgeous?

After Thank Goodness the stage turned black and the Ensemble and Donghyuck ran backstage. Sadly there wasn't any time for Izumi to tell Donghyuck how amazing he had done. Izumi had to go on stage for the scene of her and Nessarose reuniting.

Donghyuck had a bit of time to calm down since the next few scenes only included Izumi and later Renjun and him, when they had to barge in the Wizard's Palace after she set free all the monkeys.

Renjun gently nudged his side. "You did fantastic" Renjun smiled. He was beaming. He had way too much fun playing Fiyero and doing this. He was born for this. "Don't" Donghyuck quietly let out. "My voice was a bit shaky at the end." He rolled his eyes and Renjun chuckled.

"You should've seen Izumi" Renjun suddenly said and Donghyuck looked at him. "What do you mean?" Renjun smirked and shook his head. "No, I'm not telling you. I just wanted to tease you a bit. I only say she was all ears and eyes for you during Thank Goodness." Renjun cocked his eyebrows and Donghyuck felt heat rush to his cheeks.

Could it be, that Izumi had watched him? That she had watched this whole scene of him flirting with Renjun and kissing his hand to finally singing the whistle notes of Thank Goodness? This girl was going to be the end of him, he knew.

The play continues. 

Donghyuck sang the reprise of Not That Girl, Renjun and Izumi almost made out during As Long As You're Mine and then Dorothy arrived in Oz. Now it was time for Izumi and Donghyuck's fight. During rehearsals the two of them always ended up laughing at each other.

Donghyuck entered the stage from the right. There was a house int he background and the edge of the Yellow Brick Road was seen. Donghyuck looked at something in the distance. "That's right, you just take that one road, the whole time!" He waved. "Oh, I hope they don't get lost. I'm so bad at giving directions." Donghyuck turns around and picks up some flowers from the side of the stage walking to the pair of legs, that were stuck under the house. "Oh Nessa" he said, his voice quiet and sad.

Izumi entered the stage from the left. "What a touching display of grief" she said sassily, her arms crossed in front of her chest. "I don't think we have anything further to say to one another" Donghyuck answered, standing up and holding his wand fiercely.

The two of them gave the other a look of disgust.

"I wanted something to remember her by, and all that is left were those shoes and now that wretched little farm girl has walked off with them! So I'd appreciate some time, alone, to say goodbye to my sister." Izumi walked up to the house, so Donghyuck stepped aside. 

Izumi apologized to her sister and Donghyuck stomped his foot on the ground, turning around with a huff. "Elphie, you mustn't blame yourself. It's dreadful, it is, to have a house fall on you, but accidents will happen." He lifted his hands and Izumi glared at him.

"You call this an accident?"

"Yes! Well, maybe not an accident..."

Donghyuck frowned and Izumi let out a sigh. "Well, what do you call it?", she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Well... a regime change. Caused by a bizarre and unexpected twister of fate." Donghyuck nodded—happy with his explanation.

"You think cyclones just appear out of the blue?" Izumi walked closer to Donghyuck. 

The audience was stuck to their lips, as if they were a couple in a Hollywood movie. Sungchan poked his mothers arm. "They have quite the chemistry, don't you think?", he asked and Baram rolled her eyes. "Sungchanie, my love, this is acting."

"I don't know" Donghyuck let out, "I never really..."

"No, of course you never! You're too busy telling everyone how wonderful everything is!" Izumi's voice got louder and she threw her arms in the air. The fight was about to happen. "I'm a public figure now! People expect me to—"


Donghyuck was taken aback for a second. Izumi's voice sounded way too Izumi for a split moment. He looked at her. She seemed surprised by this as well. "B-Be encouraging" he quickly said his text, "And what exactly have you been doing besides riding around on that filthy old thing?" Donghyuck pointed to the broom in Izumi's hand.

"Well, we can't all come and go by bubble" she mocked. "Who's invention was that, the Wizard's? of course, even if it wasn't I'm sure he'd still take credit for it." Izumi rolled her eyes and Donghyuck acted as if he was getting riled up. "Yes, well, a lot off us are taking things that don't belong to us, aren't we?" Donghyuck crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Izumi gasped. "Now was just a clock tick! I know it may be difficult for that blissful, ginger brain of yours to comprehend that someone like Fiyero could actually choose someone like me! But it's happened... it's real. And you can wave that ridiculous wand all you want, you can't change it! He never belonged to you, he doesn't love you, and he never did! He loves me!"

Donghyuck hated this part. He didn't wanted to do it, but Miss Lee had taught him multiple times how to do it without hurting Izumi. He walks up to her and slapped her.

The audience gasped. 

Izumi started laughing. "Feel better now?", she cackled and Donghyuck rubbed his wrist. "Yes, I do." He said with a pout and Izumi licked the inside of her cheek. "Good, so do I." Izumi lunged forward and slapped Donghyuck.

The boy skillfully twirled his wand and Izumi armed herself with her broom. The two of them look at each other for a hot second and then charge towards each other. Just before bumping into each other they drop their weapons and start beating each other senselessly.

Izumi had to hold her laugh, she couldn't believe she was actually fighting Donghyuck. Just as Donghyuck takes Izumi's hat off and started whacking her with it, the guards and Renjun run onto stage. 

The play continued with Fiyero being taken away by the guards and beaten up, to Izumi singing No Good Deed, giving it her all. The Julliard scouts wrote down something more on their notepads. They were surely keen of Izumi.

— ❄︎ —

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠!

𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞.

𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮.


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