Chapter 8: Familiar

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He couldn't sleep, so he decided to take a night stroll around town. He took his coat, realizing that Weaver had changed the style of it since it was too ragged when he arrived. Rogue smiled upon it and put it on along with the sling bag. He decided that taking a walk while trying to figure out the orb's purpose would help him think.

He walked out the door and made sure to close it, feeling the cold breeze against his clothed skin. He shivered, walking down a path. Lights were turning off from inside other houses and the sound of silence was loud. Every building in town was dark and silent, except for one.

Rogue couldn't help but hear music from far away. It was muffled, with cheers backing it up. Rogue decided to ignore it at first, focusing on the orb. He raised it up in the air slightly, the moonlight shining on it. Then, the moonlight created a beam, going straight down a certain path. Rogue was doubtful of first. This could just be a coincidence. Right?

He decided to follow it to make sure. He kept the orb up, walking until he bumped into a door. He winced, backing up to take a glance at the entire building. It was the building with all the noise and lights. Rogue sighed, taking a peek through the window. He spotted plenty of people inside, holding glasses and chanting.

Rogue put the orb away. "The orb stopped here so this place must have some purpose."

He checked if the door was locked, surprisingly enough he quietly opened up the door, walking in sneakily. He closed the door without a noise. Immediately, the neon lights blinded him.

He could barely see a thing. There was a stage upfront, a lady with a mic singing. She wore a puffy scarf, earrings that reached her neck and hair tied up in a ponytail. She was singing a song, her voice so smooth that it sends chill down your spine.

Rogue snuck behind the crowd, thinking to himself. He figured the only place that would be hidden was at least beneath or behind the stage. He continued to sneak through the crowd, attempting to blend in. When he passed by a man with a group of drinks, he smoothly took one and chugged it down, leaving the drink on a random table.

When the lady finished singing, she walked closer towards the crowd and raised her arms in pride, calling out to the audience. Rogue spotted a door that was authorized to employees only, quickly running towards it and entering.

Rogue panted, leaning against the closed door. The room was dark, and so Rogue pulled out the orb which lighted up the room. He saw papers hung up everywhere, some were blueprints.

Rogue walked up to them, examining it thoroughly. A battle ship was drawn onto one, including many features that claimed to strengthen it.

Rogue has been in Athena for almost a year and nothing in this room resembled Athena's peaceful and warm aura. The vibe in this room all felt cold and blood-lustful.

Rogue turned to another wall, seeing a man drawn onto a paper with a knife to his head. The man had bandages on one side of his face, his hair a mess. Rogue figured it was him, criticizing the artwork.

But with a sudden realization, Rogue snapped out of it and decided that this was a danger zone. Rogue ripped the blueprint of the ship off the wall, rolling it up and hiding it in his coat.

He put the orb back in the sling bag, stealthily walking out the room. Rogue checked if anyone was looking, quickly blending in with the crowd. Just then, he passed by a group of men sitting at a table. One of them laughed.

"Lady Azura really nailed it tonight!"

"Sure did. Sadly this is her last performance. I heard she was leaving Athena in a few days."

"Some say she has big plans involving leaving on water."

Rogue stopped, invested in the conversation.

A rather strange person in the table sat straight up, adjusting their hat. "How, might you say?"

Rogue hid in the crowd, looking at each of the men's facial expressions during the conversation.

"She has a group working for her to leave the island; a ship that protects themselves from any other danger. Rumors say that they will even have dangerous weapons attached to the boat! No living human being can survive each of the ship's content."

"Lady Azura is going through serious business and no authority can stop her."

"Rumors are rumors. Lady Azura wouldn't be involved with such violence. She has performed in Athena for years! As far as I know, Lady Azura has no idea what their plans are and she's a victim."

"We don't know that! I think it's best they talk it out and we leave them be."

Both the strange person at the table and Rogue backed away, shocked looks plastered on their faces.

Rogue accidentally bumped into a guy, causing him to spill his drink all over himself. Rogue turned around slowly to see the guy towering over him. 

"Hey, listen man—" Rogue tried reasoning with him, but was interrupted with a punch to the face that made Rogue hit the table harshly and giving him a black eye, sending all the drinks on the table shaking. He winced, meeting eyes with the strange person behind it. Rogue blinked, sure that the person's eyes were familiar.


"Ro?" Peri said, lifting up her hat to see his face clearly. Their eyes were focused on each other, hearts syncing up.

"THE BAR HAS BEEN SABOTAGED!" One of the employees screamed, bursting right out the door Rogue came from. "EVERYONE LEAVE! THE THIEVES COULD BE ANYWHERE!"

The entire audience panicked, leaving the building by running. Just then, Kilo came up behind Peri, breaking the two's moment.

"Captain, someone already took the blueprints! We need to leave. Now!" She said, never noticing the man on the table.

Peri was now being pulled away by Kilo, exiting through the door. Rogue got up from the table. "Peri! Wait!"

He immediately followed them, pushing through everyone else and trying to keep sight of Peri's hat. When they finally left the building, Rogue was searching high and low for Peri, panicking. "Peri!"

He became anxious, squeezing through other citizens and screaming her name over and over again. When he turned a corner, a hand grabbed him, pulling him to an alley way. He was then pushed to a wall, Peri's hand on his chest and bodies close since the alleyway was narrow. Peri was looking around to see if anyone saw.

Rogue couldn't take his eyes off her until they met eye contact, blushing. Rogue was speechless, their bodies gently presses against each other. They stayed like that for a moment, until they pushed each other away.

"What are you doing here?!" They both said in unison, both clearly frustrated and happy to see each other. They had mixed feelings, both angry but glad.

"I was—" they said at the same time, laughing. Rogue decided to let her go first.

"I was trying to uhhh 'find' these certain blueprints from a certain someone before they cause actual damage," she trailed off, avoiding eye contact.

"You mean steal?" Rogue raised an eyebrow.

Peri sighed and crouched down. "Yeah, yeah. I guess you can say that."

"Aaaand you mean, these?" He pulled out the rolled up blueprints, which sent Peri off guard. She quickly took it, unrolling it and scanning it through. She walked deeper down the alley, smiling widely upon the blueprint. "This is it! Thank you thank you thank you!"

She took him in her arms, lifting him off the ground. Rogue laughed nervously, smiling warmly.

"Ahem," Kilo said, both hands on her waist. The two backed away from each other quickly, clearing their throats.

"Oh my sails, Captain Rogue?" Kilo said, walking up to him and holding his face in her hands. She examined his facial features, which he began to get annoyed. "Alright, alright, that's enough. It is me."

He took her hands away from his face by grabbing her wrists gently. Peri couldn't help but smile. It felt like decades since she has last seen Rogue. They felt like they missed so many memories together.

"Now, what are you doing here?" Peri asked, holding her waist. Rogue turned to her with a smile. "The orb thing, known as the 'Heart of the Sea', led me here. I couldn't sleep at all so I just followed it."

"Where are the others?" Rogue continued, straightening himself up. Peri chuckled. "We'll talk about this later. First, we need to get out of here before they find us."

"Aye aye, Captain," Rogue replied, watching as Peri rolled her eyes with a smile.

The three looked out the alley way, seeing that no one was around. They ran to another building, hiding behind the walls. They walked through the pathway, keeping a low profile. Rogue was in front, leading them. Peri inched up, whispering. "Where are we going?"

"I've been staying at this place, quite cozy." He said, shrugging. Peri was excited to see this place he speaks of, remaining optimistic.

Rogue opened up the door, looking around to see if Weaver was around. "Miss Weaver?"

"Rogue!" Weaver popped out, smiling. She walked up to him, then decided to nag him. "What are you doing out this late? AND with the Heart of the Sea?" She gasped. "Your eye!"

"Miss Weaver, everything is alright. It's just a black eye. It was worth it anyway because if I didn't get it then I wouldn't be able to run into a few old friends," Rogue said, stepping aside to reveal Kilo and Peri, smiling awkwardly.

Weaver grinned widely, approaching them and reaching her hand out to them. "You two must be Rogue's crew that he keeps mentioning about! Which one is the girlfriend?"

"A-A-Ah, haha, let's not get carried away," Rogue blushed, interrupting their conversation. He cleared his throat and tried finding the right words to say. "There's this lady that the orb led me to. Her group has something planned and my friends are attempting to deal with her."

Peri handed Weaver the blueprint, watching as she took it and scanned through it. She sighed. "You kids and your drawings," She continued to look at it, examining the notes and structure of the ship is. "At least we have an idea of what the ship looks like. An exquisite idea."

"We will talk about this more in the morning. You three look like you could use some rest. I have tea somewhere in the kitchen. Go on and help yourselves, make yourselves at home. Not too much though," she joked and walked away.

Rogue rolled his eyes, hearing Peri snicker.

Peri and Rogue sat there at the back of the house, drinking hot tea and gazing at the stars. Kilo was inside, having a conversation with Weaver.

"So," Rogue started up a conversation, sipping his tea. "You became the Captain?"

"Yep. I'm surprised at how great you are handling it so far," she turned away, holding the cup close to her. "I hope it's okay with you."

"Of course!" He said, gently nudging her. "You fit for a captain. Better than I could ever be."

She laid a hand on his shoulder. "I can never replace you, Rogue. You held a special place in our hearts."

"Okay, Captain Cheesy. I get it," he laughed at himself, the tension rising. He tried backing away, but that didn't stop her. "I missed you, Rogue."

Rogue turned to her, a side smile on his face. He dropped his cup carefully and hugged her tightly, leaning his head on her shoulder. Peri smiled and hugged him back, pulling him closer. When they finally pulled away, Rogue gently flicked her hat. "Where'd ya get the new hat?"

"Frida," she said with a proud smile, taking pride. "We successfully attacked her ship and I got a hold of her hat to show her who's boss. Especially after firing you with a cannonball."

"That's satisfying to hear," he said, removing her hat and setting it aside. "But for now, I like you better without it. Reminds me of the old times."

The two both couldn't contain their soft laughter, acting like complete idiots. The two felt as if they were already catching up with the moments they missed out and they extremely enjoyed their time.

Rogue then just noticed the same dog tag hanging around Peri's neck. He glanced up at her. "You still have the dog tag?"

"What? O-Oh, yeah," She held the tags up. "My father gave this to me when I was such a little girl. He never came back home, so I struggled remembering about him. I don't even know how the old guy looks like! These tags are the only memories I have of him."

"I know that feeling," Rogue said, looking towards the sea that reflected the moonlight. Peri followed his line of sight, sighing. The two were silent, trying to find the right words to say but nothing came out.

Rogue turned to Peri, smiling as she was looking at the stars. He bit his lip. "Do you... ever think about-"

"Oh! Sweet! It's Sailor Boy, back from the dead!" Nira and the rest of the crew walked up, laughing at the two sitting down.

Rogue groaned. "How did you get here? And most importantly, why are you still here?"

Nira blew a raspberry. "You should be asking our new captain!"

Rogue stiffly turned to Peri, who was whistling. He held a hand out to gesture towards Nira, an unimpressed look on his face. Peri grinned nervously, shrugging. "She had nowhere else to go!"

"Captain Rogue!" The rest of the crew spotted him, hugging him tightly. Peri bit her finger, trying to contain her laughter as Rogue awkwardly tried pushing them away and sometimes hugging them back. "Yeah, yeah. I missed you guys too," he said sincerely, losing his breath as he was being squeezed to death.

They finally released him, watching as he struggled to catch his breath. Tris walked up to him, wrapping an arm around him. "Been a while!" Rogue looked up at the tall guy, seeing a scar on his cheek. "What happened?"

"When we invaded Frida's crew, a guy broke a wine bottle and attacked me. Turns out that not everyone is redeemable as I thought," Tris shrugged, a weak smile plastered on his face. Rogue patted his shoulder.

Rogue then turned, seeing Lee and Kilo hold hands. Rogue turned to Peri, whispering. "I knew they had a thing for each other, but when did this happened?"

"I don't know, if I were to be honest with you. It just happened!" She smiled widely, shipping the two immensely. Rogue rolled his eyes. "Wait, where's James?"

"Captain?" James stood there, completely astonished. Tris backed away from Rogue to give him space. Rogue smiled upon James, spreading his arms and raising his shoulders.

James laughed with tears in his eyes and ran towards him, hugging him tightly as they spun around. Rogue chuckled. "James! What's going on, my friend?"

They pulled away, resisting the urge to hug again. James was filled with joy. "I-I can't believe it! You're actually alive!"

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, chuckling and turning to Peri only to watch her run to Kilo and Lee. Kilo and Peri talked, laughing.

James noticed Rogue looking, nudging him. "So much has happened in a few months, it's almost unbelievable."

"Yeah," Rogue said, turning back to him. "Peri as Captain? It's... bizarre. Not weird, but amazing."

"I know, right? She has been handling everything well and we all learned something new. Peri almost reminds me of you." James smirked, watching Rogue's reaction.

"Really? I don't think I remember teaching her anything valuable," Rogue said, gripping the sling bag once again. "In fact, I feel like it was her who taught me something."

James chuckled, a question suddenly coming up his mind. "Are you planning on coming home with us?"

Rogue froze, his head racing with thoughts. "Well... it depends. Maybe Peri will have me assigned as her second mate."

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