Chapter 6

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Hello it has been a minute (more like a month) since I've updated, but we will not speak of that. Im now a junior in highschool and with it being online my head is going to explode. I'm drained all the time but I promise Ill work hard to finish the book. But that wasn't the announcement. As some of you know, I tried starting an art insta with a friend but it turned out she was a bitch. Like a mega bitch so I  gave up on my dream of writing a graphic novel. But for some reason I, thinking about not giving up. If I were to make an art account, just me no bitchy friends, would you follow? At first I'd probably draw scenes from this series and then if you want other fandoms and my ocs. I'm relearning digital art and fixing my art style. You really don't have to say yes because, I mean what am I gonna do if you dont, literally nothing. But if miraculously the account does get some support, I'd open commissions because ya girl is broke and I need to start thinking about college. If you want, I could show you my latest piece (it was a quick demon oc checklist thing with my online friends) to show you that I'm not horrible at drawing.

Also a quick thank you, this series has 91.9k reads total. Which is friggin crazy, so thank you for your love and support!!

P.S it has been a while since I've spoke spanish so if I messed up please correct me


Hot Pocket

Y/n mumbled in Arabic while sleeping, especially when she was having a weird dream, it was something Damian noticed the first time he slept beside her. She had shifted into a different position and now had her legs wrapped around the pillow that was once under her head. Damian wondered why she always tossed and turned. Perhaps she was fighting her dreams.

As soon as his girlfriend fell asleep Damian opened his eyes, a heavy ball made out of something sat on his chest. While he knew he was where he needed to be, next to Y/n, his mind couldn't help but wonder to where he wanted to be: out there, looking for Terra. He looked over and studied Y/n's sleeping form. She was out of it and wouldn't be up until a few hours.

Plenty of time.

Damian sat up and moved to his utility belt where he saw Terra's tracker. She was moving around the city and he was fast enough to catch up to her. Looking back at Y/n he saw her drooling on the sheets, a small pool forming near her face until it was soaked into the sheets. Damian tore his gaze from her and back to the tracker and then to his uniform. He felt guilty but Damian knew he had already made his choice before Y/n went to sleep.

Robin found his teammate walking around the city. She went down back allies and twists and turns, stopping at convenient stores for the occasional snack. Robin watched her from the tops of buildings. He followed her down the pier, the smell of the polluted river filled his senses. It was almost humorous how ignorant people were. Ruining the thing that grants life.

Robin watched Terra start to run and he went to the edge of the roof to see what for when she suddenly appeared in front of him.

"It's not like I can't sense the vibrations of someone following me," she crossed her arms and stepped onto the building. "Even if they are on a roof."

"I know what it's like not to fit in with the group. What's wrong?"

Terra looked back, "Aside from Monkey Boy making me melt down, or Raven staring all the time," she stepped closer to Robin making him back up. "Nightwing, acting like a dem mother, Jaime and his freako bug, Miss Smiles-a-lot, and your precious little play thing, and you, my new stalker." She jabbed his chest with her index finger before crossing her arms. "Huh, nothing I guess."

"If you need to talk let us help you," Robin remembered how the team saved him in a way. How Y/n did.

Robin was about to continue when a dreaded voice filled the air. "Such an observant, considerate boy." It was the bastard who started this all. "You would think he truly cares."

Robin looked up at the man. "Slade? Look what hell just spit up." He drew his katana and told Terra to stay back as Deathstroke leaped onto the roof. Robin jumped out of the way and stood in front of the blonde girl. "Let me guess, they got you to a Lazarus Pit, just in time." That was the only way he could be alive.

Slade walked to him, "Yes, I've been bathing in it quite a bit, lately. You might say it's addictive." He threw a punch at the teen. Robin dodged as he slid down the roof. "Improves muscle tone too."

The man jumped to attack once more and the hero flipped onto the next building. The two fought, Robin using his sword and Deathstroke his armored fists. The metals clashed together as they came in contact. Robin swung and his opponent blocked until a smoke pellet was thrown in his face. Robin took this opportunity to strike from above. He didn't take down Slade.

"Losing your edge," the man commented as the katana was swung at him. "Your friends have made you soft. So has that little girlfriend of yours. How is Y/n by the way? It's been some time." He grabbed Robin's wrists and kneed him in the stomach multiple times causing him to spit up blood. "Like I said, soft." Deathstroke headbutted him before Robin flipped him over and pinned him to the floor. He almost had him when a flying boulder was thrown at him. Slade stood up and grabbed Terra's hand. "Took you long enough."

Robin growled. "You betrayed us, why?" He ran towards them when Terra warped the ground to draw him in and crush him.

"Betrayed?" She bared her teeth. "That assumes I was ever on your side in the first place."


Y/n's alarm went off and it was annoying. Why was it set in the first place? Oh right, Damian. Whenever he slept over, he insisted it was turned on despite both of them having a reliable internal clock.

The girl mumbled half asleep, "Dami, turn it off." There was no reply. "Dami, I said turn that crap off before I break it." She wacked Damian's side of the bed only to be met with soft sheets. Her eyes shot open and she whipped around, the blanket getting tangled around her lap. "Damian?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows with worry. Where was he? He always waited for her to wake up before starting the day.

Y/n looked at the bathroom door, it was open and the room was empty. Her eyes returned to the spot beside her, where her boyfriend was supposed to be. Where he said he would be. She was lost in thought when it struck her. She sighed and closed her eyes, not wanting to look because she knew it was true. She opened her eyes as she slowly turned her head to where the Robin uniform was kept last night.

It was missing.

Y/n made her way to the kitchen, to grab a mug of freshly made coffee after taking a long shower to clear her mind. It didn't work. The aroma filled the air and that alone was able to soothe the headache she was forming. Garfield was up, as was Kor'i. They were talking over the island as Jaime was putting on his shoes.

"Where are you going? It's only 8:47," Y/n yawned as she got her favorite mug.

"Voy al salir, ¿tienes algún problema con eso?" Jaime shot back as he stood up from his chair.

Y/n glared at him from across the room, placed her coffee down, and planted both hands on the island. "Cuidado con tu lengua chico, antes de que te la corte."

The teen stood back and slightly lowered his head in regret. "Lo siento," he walked through the doorway before muttering. "Puta."

Y/n gasped and looked at Kor'i to scold him but the alien didn't understand the language or what she was supposed to do. The fiery redhead turned back to the green boy and asked quietly what had happened.

Gar, very not subtly, responded with, "I think he called her a bitch."

Y/n rolled her eyes and went back to her coffee. Garfield snickered and Kor'i was still processing the scene. This was not a good thing for her headache. She sighed as she sat next to Garfield. Maybe they knew where her dumbass boyfriend went.

"Have either of you seen Damian? He wasn't there when I woke up."

Garfield wiggled his eyebrows and smoked, giving her a suggestive look. Y/n returned it with the middle finger as she took a sip of the miraculous drink. The team leader shook her head and offered Y/n to help look for him but she would be busy moving. Y/n rested her head in her palm. She had checked Terra's room but it was empty so she was still out. And Raven was...

Oh, Raven's right here.

Just in time, Raven walked in and sat down next to Kor'i. "As you all know, it is Terra's one year anniversary of joining the team." Kor'i nodded her head and Garfield smiled widely before interrupting her.

"Yeah! I was gonna bake a giant cake and hide in it and jump out and surprise her, only problem, I don't know how to bake. Do you think the store will have a big enough-"

"Garfield," Kor'i reminded him to wait his turn and he slumped down in his chair.

"As I was saying, what if we threw her a surprise party. With a regular sized cake. No one in it. It might make her more at home."

The two Titans agreed with nods and smiles, suggestions flowing through them (good suggestions coming from one). Y/n agreed but was barely paying attention because something out the window caught her eye. A floating rock. There was only one person in Jump City that was able to do that. So, if Terra was here...

Where is Damian?

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