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Keith looked over at Cassidy and smiled. This study session felt better than the rest of them, but he couldn't figure out why. Cassidy yawned and glanced at Keith, noticing Keith was looking at him.

"Oh-uh... hey Keith. You good there?" Cassidy asked.

"Mhm," Keith nodded, taken by surprise, "How're you doing?"

Cassidy chuckled and looked back at his book, "Alright, I guess. I don't really get some of this."

"I can help you if you want?" Keith proposed.

Cassidy nodded and shoved the book between them. Keith bent over to read, and as Cassidy did the same, he looked up at Cassidy. Noticing how close they were to each other, Keith reverted his eyes to the book, a slight warmth building in his chest.

"What part do you need help with?"

Cassidy pointed to the third paragraph. Keith studied it for a little before concluding the meaning, "It basically says that magic is transferred through genes, but said genes stay dormant for eight to fourteen years. But the chances of receiving the magical genes are especially low unless both parents have the gene. And that sometimes people are blessed by a deity and just have the gene inserted into them. It can be really random."

"That's so simple! Why'd they word it so weirdly!?" Cassidy frowned.

"I don't know..." Keith replied, "Check the publish date."

Cassidy flipped the pages all the way to the front, "Hm... 52718! That's thousands of years ago! How is this book intact!?"

"I still don't know," Keith chuckled.

"Uh, everyone? Listen up please!"

Keith turned his head to find Coral standing in the middle of the room, holding a bunch of flyers, "Hi everybody. Hope you all are having fun, and I'm sorry to interrupt. But me, Ashlyn, and Cookie have organised a little-uh... party, I guess. You don't have to go, but we're hoping that we can all spend some time together outside of school work!"

Everyone looked at each other, nodding and mumbling.

Coral saw this as some kind of success and grinned, "Alright! We'll finalise everything soon."

And with that, she rushed back to her friends.

Keith sighed and glanced back at Cassidy who was looking down to floor more than he considered normal. There was a hopeful and stupid look to his face, like he was daydreaming. Keith looked at this face and felt some unnamed anxiety creep up his spine. It felt cold and bitter.

Cassidy then snapped out of this trance and his attention shot back to Keith, "Would you go to that?"

"I... I guess so. If Yarrow and the others were I suppose I would," Keith murmured.

"Oh, um..." Cassidy seemed a little taken back from the answer, "If you go, I will too."

Keith smiled, "Thanks. I'll go check with Yarrow, so I'll see you back in our room?"

"Mhm," Cassidy nodded and watched as Keith walked away.

Cassidy groaned, his head dropping onto the desk. That was... an alright answer? He tried so hard to process everything he could say and it still ended up corny.

Samuel happened to notice this and walked over, taking a seat next to Cassidy, "Didja mess up?"

"Um, kind of?" Cassidy slowly tilted his head back up to face Samuel.

Samuel sighed and looked back at Keith, chatting away with his friends, laughing and joking.

"Look, you have to remember that even if he doesn't like you in that way, you've still got a good friend," Samuel put his hand down on Cassidy's shoulder, trying his best to be comforting.

Cassidy smiled, "Yeah, you're right. I guess it'll just be hard to let go."

"Oh, come on," Samuel smirked, "I never said it's certain! Keep some hope, okay?"

"Oh, fine," Cassidy chuckled and sat up, "When'd you become the wise guy, huh?"

"I was always wise," Samuel said; completely certain.

Cassidy laughed, "With romance? Yeah right."

"Well..." Samuel started the sentence but then dropped it.

Cassidy gasped, "Oh my god, do you have a love life?"

"I- well... almost?" Samuel chuckled.

"You're kidding. Who would go out with you!?" Cassidy started laughing, "Or did you ask?"

Samuel sighed, "I... we aren't dating. I just think she likes me... and I think I like her."

"And that gives you romance advice privilege's?" Cassidy tilted his head sideways.

Samuel crossed his arms, "... Yes."

"Sure, sure."

Keith glanced at the two, his entire body grew heavier watching Cassidy laugh like that. He didn't know why, or how. But it hurt.

It hurt.

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