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"Thank you, have a nice day!" Samuel waves off the driver of the limo as soon as he drives off.

"Seriously?" Cassidy nudged him. "You know he can't hear you, right?"

Samuel gave him one of those death stares. "Does it look like I care?"

"Yep." Cassidy took Ashling and walked over to the entrance of Deitne. If he didn't realise how amazing the campus was last time, he sure did now. The place appeared so old and grand, but untouched and spotless at the same time. The campus looked like a castle, towering above the land.

Samuel quickly caught up with them, and looked around, at the trees and buildings. Cassidy could feel nerves crawling upwards, but he tried to push them away. This really wasn't the time... 

They noticed other students crowding around a certain building, it was so strange to see so many different people here, each with something cool about them. One kid appeared to have flowers growing from her head. Weird...

"May all new students head to the cafeteria? Thank you!"

Cassidy, Ashling and Samuel supposed the cafeteria was the place that the other students were crowding over, so they walked inside to find possibly a couple hundred other students. There were so many people, Ashling gripped onto Cassidy's arm. It was little overwhelming for both of them. Not Samuel, though. He walked through completely unfazed.

"Hello students! Please quiet down!" Everyone almost immediately went quiet, and the principal smiled at behavior given. "Hello everyone! Welcome back to Deitne Academy!"

Everyone gave a respectful applause, keeping their eyes to the principal. "You all are here to follow the path laid out for us by the gods, or deities for you all. Your journey is only just beginning, and you all will shape the future of the generations after you."

Cassidy flinches. This was a lot. It was like telling someone that the fate of the world was in their hands, but then saying something like 'no pressure'. There was pressure, alright.

"But that is for later. Now, our top priority is to make sure you've all settled in well. Your luggage and items have already been transported to your dormitories, and you will all be ushered there after I'm finished speaking to you all. Inside will be you and another's living quarters, a map of the school, all the equipment that is supplied to you all and your timetables."

"So, may you all enjoy your time on the campus, and may you learn to thrive within the school."

Cassidy smiles, it must be over now. No more waiting. It was time. He had been so incredibly nervous about this whole thing, he was honestly excited to get it over and done with. A few staff members began calling out peoples names, giving them their key to the dorm room. "Ashling Shea!"

Cassidy turned to Ashling. "Do you want me to help you?"

"No," Ashling shook his head. "I'm going to need to learn how to handle myself."

"Alright..." Cassidy watched as Ashling went up to the staff member surprisingly well. They did walk off with him, considering Ashling wouldn't really know how to get to his room.

"Cassidy Shea!?"

That was him. Cassidy walked up to the staff and took his key. "Your room is in the Winter housing tower."

"Huh?" Cassidy frowned. "I thought mine was Fall?" *Note - we call it Autumn. This is weird to me...*

"Nope. Not anymore." The staff member shrugged. "We had too many in Fall, so you're with a person in Winters housing tower."

Cassidy let go of his frown. Winter... he had heard those people could be cold and unwelcoming. Ouch. "Alright..."

As he left the cafeteria, key in hand. Cassidy immediately felt extremely lost. Neither Samuel or Ashling were there with him... not that he needed them...

Cassidy looked around for a little when he came across a sign pointing across the campus. "Winter housing tower... that way." He looked over to the said direction and gulped. This would be fine...

He came across to the building eventually, looking up to the massive doors leading inside. Cassidy a deep breath in and pushed the doors past him and walked in. It was slightly cold inside, and he could see a few rooms already and a staircase leading to other levels. Looking to his key, which was labeled to Cassidy's relief, that his was room C3, Icecap. Even the names were themed...

He climbed the stairs to the second floor and looked around for the classified room. They each had the weird name then number below. Cassidy couldn't help but question the need for the dormitory names. Maybe they were easier to remember? Probably.

Cassidy quickly saw the door to his own and it sent a shiver down his spine (which wasn't too hard to accomplish with the temperature). He hesitated before inserting the silver key, shaking. 

The door opened with a slight creak, which really put Cassidy on edge. He dipped inside and shut the door behind him. The room was actually pretty nice. There were nice beds, a fancy window, desks with accommodating chairs, a closet and a door leading to what could possibly be a bathroom. Nice.

He immediately began to settle in, noticing his bags and things beside one of the beds, before he heard a voice from behind him.


Cassidy turned around to see one of the cutest boys he may of ever seen. He had fluffy light blue hair that faded to a subtle white, with matching light blue eyes like the ice of a winter wonderland. He was quite short, but had large white owl wings. Cassidy couldn't take his eyes off of him. 

"Uh... are you okay...?" The boy looked concerned. "Is something wrong? D-do you need a glass of water...?"

"Oh gods... cute and kind. And shy. Oh my gods."


Cassidy snapped out of his little trance. This wasn't what he expected. This was... possibly the best situation possible. "Uh... sorry I was just- I'm- I'm fine."

"Real smooth, Cassidy..."

"Oh! Okay then," He smiled weakly, as if nervous. "Well... I was t-thinking we could get to know each other? Maybe? If y-you want too..."

"Uh, yeah!" Cassidy smiled. "I'm Cassidy!"

"Ah! My name is Keith!" He said, subtle excitement in his voice.

"Cool. I guess we have all day, right?" Cassidy smiled. "To, uh... get to know each other."


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