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Cassidy felt super bored. Tech class was beyond one of his favourites. The teacher would ramble on and on... for what seemed like forever. He picked up his pencil and began sketching in his book. Cassidy wasn't an artist, definitely not; but he wasn't bad. He had recently picked up on drawing flowers, sometimes he and Keith would go into the gardens and Cassidy would try to draw some of the flowers in there while Keith made his cute little flower bracelets.

His mind went off into the dreamy world of the gardens. 'Such a pretty little place of silence... He's so pretty...'

"Cassidy Shea!"

"Huh!?" Cassidy looked up to see Mr. Jadestone staring right at me. He could hear a few girls snicker from the back of the class.

He crosses his arms "You need to pay attention in class! Stop that doodling at once and tell me what you upcoming test will include."

'Test!? When did he say anything about a test...' "I don't know, sir..." 

"Exactly." The teacher strolls back to his desk at the front of the room. "You won't make it far here with that lousy attention span young man!"


Cassidy groaned, a pile of tech books stacked on his desk in his and Keith's room. With a test coming up Cassidy knew he wouldn't be able to rely on memory alone. Especially since he didn't pay to much attention in class...

The door swung open and Keith walked in, sighing. "Hey Cassidy. Rough day, huh?"

Cassidy turns fast as lightning to face Keith. "Rough? What's wrong?"

"Nothing much..." Keith frowned. "Mr Jadestone keeps picking on me for no reason. He asked me something he hadn't even taught yet!"

"Don't worry about it! I'm sure you'll wow him from the test. You're so smart!" Cassidy grinned.

Keith smiled back. "Thanks Cassidy. What are you doing by the way?" He points to the books on Cassidy's desk.

"Oh." Cassidy looked at the floor, a little embarrassed. "Just... revising for the test we have next week. I think I missed a chunk of what the teacher said."

Keith giggled, amused. "Oh come on, I'll cut you some slack. His lectures are really boring."

"They sure are." Cassidy felt a little reassured. "So... where were you?"

"OH!" Keith yelped. "I was meant to invite you to a little study session me and some friends are putting together for Forestry. Do you want to come?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Cassidy beamed at Keith, clearly quite excited.

Keith smirked. "I thought you didn't like school work?"

"Well..." Cassidy shrugged. "I'm not going to turn down an opportunity to not do any studying here alone. It's boring."

"Smart!" Keith laughed and walked off to the bathroom. "I'm gonna go get changed, it's getting late. Don't stay up too late, okay Cassidy?"

"You know I won't." Cassidy smiled and returned to the books, his face flushing almost immediately after Keith had left.

What is wrong with me recently... sorry about inactivity everyone

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