Chapter 3: Entrance exams

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10 months later

Its been 10 months since Izuku has started his training by cleaning the beach up. Those 10 months were absolute hell with Midoryia throwing up or exerting himself so much to where he almost passes out. Even when he was training himself he had to also train with All Might in how to use his watch and other forms. He has become quite good with them to. Even along the way figured out how to gain better control of the watch and unlocked higher functions. Izuku didn't know exactly how he did it but all he knows is that he was tinkering with the watch and accidentally did something and ever since than he was able to transform into his other forms faster, had a longer time to use the watch and could also change into another form while he was a different form.

At Dagoba Municipal Beach park

All Might was getting out of his truck to see Izukus progress with cleaning the beach as his training. To his surprise though the beach was completely cleaned up. He than could see Izuku shirtless and screaming into the air while standing on a giant pile of trash.

Toshinori: Hey hey hey...... There's not even a speck of trash left on the beach. You even cleaned up outside the area I told, you to and you finished at the last moment to...... Holy ....... Stinking......

All Might than suddenly transformed into his buff form.


Izuku than started to lose his balance and fell off the pile of trash only for All Might to swoop in and catch him.

All Might: Great job Midoryia.

Izuku: T-thanks hehe.

All Might than put Izuku back on his 2 feet and showed him a picture on a phone. It was him 10 months ago.

All Might: Look at you.... Its you 10 months ago...... Such improvement you have had. Not to mention at that last minute to.

Izuku: S-so I did it?


Izuku than looked at his hand and was even tearing up a bit.

Izuku: A-all Might. Do I really deserve this? I just feel so lucky to have you help me.

All Might's head: Seriously? He is asking himself that after all this work and time?

All Might: Young man it was your hard work that got you here.

All Might than plucked a piece of his hair.

All Might: Someone once told me the difference between being lucky and deserving is one is an accident the other is a reward. You have earned this with your own valued efforts.

Izuku than held out his hands ready to take All Might's power.

All Might: Eat this.

Izuku............ Nani?

All Might: To inherit my power you have to swallow some of my DNA that's just how it works.

Izuku: Uhhh this isn't how I imagined it.

All Might: THERES NO TIME hurry or else you'll be late for the exam.

Izuku than hesitantly took the hair from All Might. He than slowly started to put the hair to his mouth until-

???: Omnitrex alert new alien DNA found. Omnitrex alert new alien DNA found.

Izuku and All Might than looked at what made the sound and it was the watch Izuku was wearing.

All Might: Uhhh what's it doing?

Izuku: I-I don't know. It's never done that before.

Izuku looked at his watch and it was glowing yellow this time which is something it never did before. He didn't know what it meant though. What really confused him though is that it said it alien DNA was found.

All Might: Hmm what do you think it means.

Izuku: I don't k-know. Although it said it was called the Omnitrex. Nice to have a name for the watch now.

All Might: Young Midoryia you said it came from space, right?

Izuku: Uh yeah?

All Might: Do you think its possible that device on your wrist is possibly extra-terrestrial?

Izuku whole entire mind was just than BLOWN.

Izuku: HOLY KRAPP YOU COULD BE RIGHT. If you are right though than that mean, there is other life in space. Not only life but intelligent if they could make this watch? Wait does that mean all the other times I've changed into a form I was really turning into an alien. OH MY GOD that would mean I've literally turned into a bunch of different aliens. *Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter**Mutter*.

At that point Izuku was just a spiraling mess trying to wrap his head around aliens being real. All Might wasn't doing so good either though. He was actually also just trying to wrap his head around aliens existing to. I mean seriously if you found out intelligent life is out there to it'd take you awhile to process to. Though when they both were trying to wrap their head around aliens and Izuku being able to turn into them the watches dial popped up.

Izuku/ All Might: Huh?

The watch than shined out a yellow wide beam at All Might. All Might flinched a little and was surprised. Than the light started moving up and down on All Might as if it was scanning its body. After the watch scanned up and down All Might's body a few times the watch stopped scanning All Might and the dial on the watch went back down.

Omnitrex: New DNA scan complete. Approximate analyzation and usage time is 3 hours.

The watch than went back to turning green and All might and Izuku just looked at each other shocked and confused.

All Might: Uhhhhhh what just happened.

Izuku: Uh I think it just scanned your DNA. Wait so does that mean I can use One for All now?

Izuku was looking at All Might like he was expecting an answer. He didn't get one.

Izuku: W-Well?

All Might: How am I supposed to know? This has never happened before. How you are supposed to get One for All is by me giving you my DNA by consuming it like my hair and then once your body processes the DNA you would be able to use it. I don't know what that means in your case though.

Izuku: Well I don't know?

All Might: *Sigh* Well that doesn't matter right now. For now, though you need to hurry to the exam or else you'll be late.

Izuku: Oh r-right.

Izuku than started to grab his stuff and head home to change and get ready until All Might stopped him.

All Might: Midoryia.

Izuku: Y-yeah?

All Might: Please keep in mind that though you have made your body in to a proper vessel for One for All you did it in a hurry so be cautious. The physical back lash of One for All is very intense.... So, prepare yourself before you use this quirk and yell this from the depth of your heart Smash.

Izuku: O-Ok All Might. Although if I can't use it just yet I could always use my other forms. Or I guess my other aliens to fight them. Since I have aliens......... Just that thought is going to get some getting used to.

With that note Izuku left and made his way to U.A.

At the entrance of U.A.

Izuku was making his way to U.A. and finally made it just in time.

Izukus head: Ok good I made it just in time.

Izuku than started to walk into the entrance of the school ready for whatever comes next.

Izukus head: This is it. This is my next step into becoming a hero.

Izuku than tripped on his own foot and started to fall.

Izukus head: Or I'll just die that's cool to.

Izuku than fell right on top of someone who was in front of him.

???: GAH grrrrr HEY watch were you're going.

Izuku: AH I-I'm sorry I didn't m-mean to fall on you.

He than looked up at who he fell on to. She was a skinny girl and had purple shirt hair. She also had a tom boy/ goth punk look going on. She also had aux cords where her ears where supposed to be.

???: *sigh* No its fine. You good?

Izuku than got up off of her and then finally got a good look at her. When he saw her though he just blushed really hard and was aw struck for words. She noticed this and was a little irritated.

???: What are you looking at?

Izuku than snapped out of it and was completely embarrassed.

Izuku: AH oh uh um uh m-my name is Izuku Midoryia I'm sorry I f-fell on you.

The girl just chuckled and put her hand out.

???: My name is Kyoka Jiro. Its nice to meet you.

Izuku shook her hand and was still just blushing and staring at her in awe. Which once again just made Jiro feel a little uncomfortable.

Jiro: Uh well I got to go. Hope to see you again Izuku.

Izuku: I uh m-me to.

Jiro than started to walk away and said something over her shoulder.

Jiro: Hopefully next time we meet its not you falling on me *giggle*.

Izuku was than left standing heart racing and face blushing still trying to gather up everything that just happened.

Izukus head: Holy krap I just talked to a girl.

(Present Mic explaining the entrance exam is the exact same as canon)

Later at the practical entrance exam

Izuku was wearing a green jumpsuit with white outlines in it. He was also looking through his watch thinking of possible aliens he should use during the exam. He finally made a decision and decided to use and alien he called XLR8.


Everyone though just stood confused.


Everyone than started to book it and ran to the entrance of the fake city. Izuku than slammed onto the dial of his watch and he began to transform again.

Izuku than zoomed past everyone else who was still running into the fake city. He than started to speed past 5 different 1 pointers and destroyed them as he ran past them as a blue/white/black blur. He than saw the same kid with blue hair and glasses who pointed him out in the lecture room. The kid said his name was Ilda. So Izuku decided to be a little funny. Ilda right now was about to destroy another 2-pointer robot with his quirk. (his quirk is engine and makes his leg move really fast). Before Ilda could destroy it though Izuku ZOOMED at the robot and destroyed it leaving it in pieces. Ilda was completely confused thinking that he didn't do that.


Ilda than looked at who said his name and saw a weird creature with balls around his feet. It also had a blue and black striped tail along with black claws. Izuku than retracted the face mask in his built-in helmet.

Xlr8: Try to keep up. *wink*

The helmet than covered Xlr8 face again and ZOOMED off again leaving Ilda speechless and confused. Mostly because he doesn't know that thing he just saw was actually Izuku. Izuku than kept on destroying robots as he ZOOMED past all of them. So far, he had up to 30 points.

Xlr8: Ok if I keep this up ill have enough to pa- *WACK*.

Izuku was than punched by a 3-pointer robot. Izuku was knocked into a building and made a crater into the wall.

Xclr8: ....... Ow.

Izuku than fell out of the crater that he made and then got back up.

Xlr8: Krap you're a bit to big for me. Although....

Izuku than was surrounded by a green light and once again transformed into a form he liked to call Upgrade.

Upgrade: You guys could use a bit of an Upgrade.

Izuku than jumped onto the 3-pointer robot and then slowly formed around the machine and became it. The 3-pointer robot was now covered in a black paint job with neon green tech styled highlights. Except somehow when Izuku became the machine it got even better. The machine now had a giant death machine gun on it.

Izuku now as the upgraded 3 pointer robot, walked over to where other robots were.


Izuku than began to shoot at the other robots with the death machine gun shooting FREAKING LASERS making rapid pue pue sounds. Izuku than once done with those robots moved on to the other ones around the fake city.

10 minutes later

Present mic: 10 MINUTES REMAINING.

Izuku was still controlling and using the 3-point robot to destroy other robots.

Upgrade: Ok that's 50 so far. That should be enough to pass. Just as he said that though loud rumbling could be heard.

Upgrade: Oh no what now.

A giant 0 pointer robot could than be seen slowly destroying buildings and even running over them. Izuku than changed back into Xlr8.

Xlr8: I got to get out of here.

Just as he was about to though something stopped him.

???: OW

Izuku looked back and saw a girl with brown hair stuck under a pile of rubble. Izuku than started to ZOOM at the girl.

???: W-what are you doing?

Xlr8: Saving you obviously.

???: No save yourself just run.

Izuku didn't listen though and tried moving the rubble off of her but to no avail. The thing about Xlr8 is that he is fast but not strong. Izuku was than surrounded by a green blinding flash again and even the girl covered her eyes, so she wouldn't go blind. Izuku once again transformed.

Izuku was now transformed into an alien he called 4 arms.

4 Arms: Sorry cant leave someone behind who looks like they could use a hand.

Izuku than picked the rubble off the girl with ease and started to carry her and run away. When Izuku was finally at a safe enough distance he put the girl down. He than started to run back at the 0 pointer.


4 arms: If I don't it will hurt others.

Izuku than jumped as 4 arms high into the sky and at the robot. Only for the robot to than punch Izuku back and down into the ground. Izuku than crash landed on a car and completely destroyed it. Izuku than transformed back into his old self again and started to get off the car. He than looked up at the 0 pointer.

Izuku: Krap I don't have anything that can take that thing down. 4 arms is my strongest alien and it took me out like nothing.

Just as he said that though his watch started to do something.

Omnitrex: DNA Analysis complete. New Alien DNA Available. DNA Analysis complete. New Alien DNA Available.

Izuku: Huh?

Izuku than looked down on the watch and this time instead of one of his other 10 aliens showing up on the dial a picture of an All Might posing showed up.

(Ok you know the symbol that shows up for the aliens and how its all black and just a figure of that alien. Yeah imagine that except its this picture instead so just ignore the colors and imagine it completely black.)

Izukus head: What the? Wait is this what the watch meant earlier. Did it scan All Might's DNA and took One for All? Wait than that means I should be able to access one for all like I would with my other aliens.

Izuku than pressed on the dial of the watch. A green flash than surrounded him once again. Except nothing happened. Izuku was still the same and didn't really feel that different.

Izuku: Huh? What gives?

Izuku was snapped out of it though when he saw the 0-pointer robot getting ever so closer. Izuku didn't know why but for some reason he RAN at the 0 pointer. He wasn't even an alien yet. It was just like the time with the slime villain. His legs moved before he could think.

In the observatory room

All Might: There are no combat points rewarded for taking on that humungous villain...... But there is opportunity. A chance to shine.

Entrance exam

While Izuku was running he was getting ready to jump. When he was jumping though red veins covered his legs and were charging up his jump. Izuku than jumped and when he did he flew into the air and was flying straight up to the head of the 0 pointers head. Everyone could only watch in aw and amazement at what was happening as they saw Izuku flying in the air and at the 0 pointer.

In the observatory room

All Might: To show what you're really made of.

Entrance exam

Izuku clenched his fist while in the air and soon red veins started to appear on his arm again. His arm was being charged up with an insane amount of power. As he clenched his arm getting ready to use it his entire sleeve just ripped off of his arm.

In the observatory room

All Might: So, clench your butt cheeks kid and yell this from the depths of your heart.

Entrance exam

Izuku was now heading straight for the head of the 0 pointer. He than ready his arm and yelled from the depths of his heart.


Izuku than punched the 0 pointer so hard creating a crater at the 0 pointers head. The 0 pointer than began to fall over with chain explosions on his body happening making it crumble to the ground. Everyone could only watch in aw and amazement as they witnessed the sheer power from just one punch.

In the observatory room

All Might: That's right show them what it means to be a hero...... Because nothing is nobler than self-sacrifice.

Entrance exam

Izuku was still in the air staring down from above amazed at what he did.

Izukus head: Woah...... So that's what using All might's power is like.


Izuku was than brought back to reality by the loud announcement and sudden increasing wind on his face.

Izuku: OH, KRAP IM FALLING.... No don't freak out. I used One for All to get up and I can use to get do-

Izuku than noticed the very sharp pain in his legs and arm he used to punch the robot. He than looked at his arm and legs noticing them flopping around like noodles.


Izuku than continued to fall getting closer and closer to the ground.

Izuku: Krap I can't change into an alien either. I need both my arms to turn the dial and use the watch.

Izuku than continued to get closer and closer to the ground.

Izuku: WAIT what if I use a Detroit smash on the ground-.

Literally just as he said that his watch started to beep and flash red.

Izuku: NO NOT NOW.

His body than flashed a red light and was now stuck falling. He couldn't change into an alien and he couldn't use one for all anymore. He was basically screwed and was going to fall to his death.

Izuku: I failed.

Just as he accepted his fate and his failure though he was slapped in the face while falling. He than suddenly started to float above the ground. He looked at who slapped him, and it was the girl he saved. She was floating on a broken piece of a robot while concentrating really hard.

???: A-And R-release.

The girl than touched all of her fingers together and soon Izuku and the giant piece of metal she was on fell to the ground. The girl than started to hurl and throw up.

Izuku: Holy krap that was a lot of work.

The girl than got off the robot and started to make her way to Izuku.

???: H-hey are you o-ok?

Izuku: Um I t-think my legs and arm are broken.

???: I'm sorry you had to save me or if I cost you points.

Izuku: No, its fine I'm pretty sure I passed anyways and besides it's a hero's job to help people I need *chuckle* *regrets laughing because it hurts*.

???: My names Ochako Uraraka.

Izuku: My name is Izuku Midoryia.

After that entire thing Izuku passed out from pure exhaustion. Recovery girl (the school nurse) Used her quirk to heal Izuku and any other students who were hurt. After that Izuku made his way back home to wait for his results to see if he made it to U.A. or not.

HEY just wanted to post something for this story and next I will either work or Captain Deku or Deku the flash. Anyways if you have a comment please leave it and as always I hoped you enjoyed......... OK BYE

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