Story 2 (Part 1)

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Tags: BakuDeku, Quirkless AU, Omegaverse
Warnings: Heavy angst, past abuse, past r.ape/noncon, trauma

Izuku and Katsuki had always been together. Since the moment they saw one another and were introduced to each other, they'd been stuck together like glue. However, that all changed the day they entered 1st grade. Katsuki slowly tried pushing Izuku away due to him being a dumb Deku, but Izuku persisted. And even if Katsuki kept pushing Izuku back down whether by physical means, threats, or others, Izuku kept following him.

Even enduring all the bullying through the later years of elementary school and all throughout middle school, Izuku remained persistent. But then, everything went further downhill on the day of their graduation of middle school.

Izuku never showed up.

Katsuki and everyone else believed the nerd chickened out or planned on skipping today to avoid being picked on more. It was the only thing that they believed could ever happen, little did they know that the body of a beloved mother lay at the Midoriya home and the only son had been taken away.

Just a few weeks later into his third week of UA, he overheard his parents speaking in low, hushed voices. Katsuki wouldn't usually care, but the way they spoke quietly to one another, which they almost never do as part of the Bakugo family, and the way they both had grief and despair in his tones caught his attention. So, he listened around the corner of the hallway.

"What do you mean they don't know where Izuku went? He'd never disappear on his own!" Katsuki could hear his mother whisper to his father, he could practically see the deep frown carved on her face.

"I don't understand either. I tried giving them all the information we know and where we think Izuku might've gone, but they searched all those areas and found nothing," Masaru said in a grim tone that Katsuki had rarely heard.

Mitsuki sighed shakily. "How could we let Inko down? Izuku meant everything to her, and to find out that she was not only murdered in her own home, on the day of his middle school graduation, but her son is now missing, it's....." His mother never ever shed any tears, and like himself, show vulnerability, but here he was, listening to his mother sob into her husband to which he could faintly hear his father rubbing her back and trying to comfort her.

However, Katsuki was more stunned upon the news that Inko had been killed the day of their graduation and Izuku was no longer seen since then. He felt more sorry for Inko than Izuku, still hating his guts, but he didn't really understand how to feel, so he decided to push it off until some other time.

Years had passed since then. Katsuki had went to UA, a prestigious school of the best students from the surrounding provinces. He had shoved the old memories of Izuku into the far corners of his mind, focusing only on his studies and working out. He initially didn't really need to work out, he already had a decently fit body but lately, his inner Alpha has been bothering him a lot more than usual, so he tried to ignore it by working out.

He was now living on his own, having graduated from UA two years ago. Katsuki had become more refined and his temper simmered down over the years of harsh competition, discipline, and punishment during UA. He made a few good friends, not that he'd openly admit it, and he could say things were doing well for him right now.

Until today.

Katsuki spent three extra hours at the gym, staying until closing and walking home late around 10:30 at night. He had his ears open for any idiot who would try and challenge him, he didn't need much of his strength if it came down to things because his Alpha could subdue nearly anyone. Anyway, he stayed late tonight because his Alpha wouldn't shut the hell up and kept howling and whining within him. He internally scolded and steeled himself to ignore it, but to no avail.

And he was about to growl out loud in frustration and annoyance until he spots something small laying on the side of the dark but dimly lit sidewalk.

Katsuki becomes wary and glanced to the other side of the road, debating on crossing to the other side to avoid whatever it was, but his Alpha suddenly snarled at him viciously to remain on this side of the sidewalk. He figures it was maybe some trash bag in the wind that got stuck or worse case, probably some dude kicked out of his spouses house.

The blond Alpha continues walking closer, his eyes peeled for strange movement either around him or from this thing on the ground, but then he caught a whiff of something that assured him that this wasn't a trash bag. He recognized the very, very faint sweet scent of Omega. Katsuki let out a small huff and continues walking towards the Omega, even crouching beside them and reaching out to grab their shoulder.

But then he pauses, because what Katsuki sees is that this Omega was curled up tightly into a ball, shivering hard, butt-naked, and deathly skinny.

The Alpha had never seen anyone this skinny before, never thought that a human could get so skinny without dying first anyway, but here he was, staring down at this small Omega he presumed to maybe be a young boy.

Katsuki felt disgusted that someone would treat a kid like this, and figured he must've been part of some kind of Omega trafficking. The Alpha crouches down to the small boy when he was standing beside him, just the slightest frown upon his face at the sight of what the world and some people could do for their own selfish desires.

However, something caught his eye, and Katsuki froze instantly.

This boy.....he had just the faintest of green hair.

Okay, it's fine. There are a lot of people who could have green hair, that doesn't necessarily mean anything—

Then Katsuki looked closer and as if on instinct or maybe his Alpha helping him, his eyes found themselves looking at the little boy's sunken in cheek.

Freckles.......four very distinct but faded freckles on each cheek.

Dread immediately filled the Alpha as he remained frozen on the spot until he shakily swallowed once and his body moved on its own to try and see something that would either confirm his horror or reassure him.

Katsuki slowly and carefully pulled the boy towards himself while moving over him to see his upper back and lower neck, not feeling stable enough to stand and move around him to see from that side.

And there it was....a scarred patch of skin that looked like it had suffered a severe burn mark that spanned his upper back and lower neck where he had been looking specifically. It was old but it was still forever scarred tissue that would never properly heal.

Katsuki had to force himself to not shake at the sight of Izuku. He hadn't seen the Omega in around six-seven years, having thought he ran away or at least was taken in by someone, but no, this was worse. Snapping himself out of his stupor, the blond male quickly tried to pick Izuku up, knowing that he needed help right away, he needed to go to the hospital.

The sound of chain rattling and dragging against the cold concrete made Katsuki jump, and he thought someone was coming up on him until he saw that there was a thick metal collar around Izuku's neck with a heavy chain attached to it that was chained to the chainlink fence not too far from him. How had he not noticed that before?

Katsuki growled in fury and so did his Alpha. How could anyone chain someone, let alone Izuku of all people, to a fence like some kind of dog? Was this punishment for him? The malnourishment clearly screamed that he hadn't gotten proper nutrition in a long time, so whatever Izuku had to endure, he's been enduring it for a long time.

In his fury, he uses his anger to grab a nearby metal rod that seemed already used before. Katsuki knew he wouldn't be able to sever the chain, it was too strong, so he decided to break the next thing. The fence.

After assaulting the fence and freeing Izuku from it, he's forced to carry the chain with him in order to not cause attention to him through the loud dragging, metallic sound it would produce. Katsuki picks up the small Omega with the chain and begins rushing him to the hospital on foot.

Another thing that frightened Katsuki was how light Izuku was. He basically weighed nothing in his arms, especially compared to the heavy chain and collar he had on him. He began to wonder what exactly happened, what led up to Izuku looking like this over the past years? But most importantly, he wondered if Izuku would even remember him.

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