Chapter 1: Believe in the impossible

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Our story begins with a boy who is always running. Izuku Allen Midoryia. He usually is getting into trouble with the bullies. Wither it was because he was weird. Or different. Or because he was trying to do the right thing.

On a playground

Kid izuku: S-stop being so mean to h-him. He didn't do anything w-wrong.

Kid 1: Why do you care so much DEKU.

Kid 2: Please who cares what he thinks he's just a Deku.

Kid Kacchan: What are you going to do about it DEKU you're just a quirk less loser.

Kid izuku: Ill, Ill, I'll stop you myself.

Kacchan then pumps his fist in his hand and creates a small explosion.

Kid Kacchan: This is going to be fun.

Cut to 30 mins later at Midoryia's house.

Izukus mom inko is patching up bruises along Izukus face and arms and well everywhere.

Inko: Why did they pick on you now.

Izuku: They were hurting this kid because he had a quirk that made him not able to talk. I told them to stop and they kept doing it. It wasn't right.

Inko: I know baby.

Izuku: I tried to stop them, but I just got myself beat up instead BUT at least that other kid got away. Although still I guess I wasn't strong enough.

Inko: Oh, sweetie no .... You have a good heart Izuku and its better to have a good heart than a strong quirk.

Henry: I'm home from work.

Henry looks at Izuku with a worried look but tries to play it off and be his usual silly self. Mean while Inko does not hide the worry look as she is very worried about her Izuku baby.

Henry: Oh, hey slugger what happened to you.

Inko: He got into a fight with some kids again.

Henry: Bullies?

Izuku just nods and looks down at the floor in disappointment. So, Henry tries to be the good dad that he already is and cheers him up with a smile.

Henry: Did you win?

Inko just looks at him with a "really?" look.

Henry: What *chuckles* from the looks of it he got what he wanted right.

Izuku just smiles because he did get what he wanted. He helped that kid from earlier. Henry notices this and feels accomplished.

Henry: *chuckles* there's my Izuku who can find a smile in any worst case. You know who else can do that.

Izuku is then revived with joy with the mention of his favorite super hero. The number 1 pro hero named.


Izuku then starts jumping/running/ air fist pumping around the house with such energy and just over all innocence that if anybody hurt that smile on his face you would not be able to promise the safety of the person who hurt it. (Sorry but Kid izuku has the cutest and precious face that can be biologically made and is so freaking innocent and pure that it can turn the darkest people into awing messes.) Inko just stares at Henry with a why are you like this look.

Inko: How am I supposed to get him settled down now. He always gets this excited when you talk about All Might.

Henry: relax he will run out of energy in about 12 mins top.

12 mins later Izuku is passed out sleeping on the couch

Inko: How in the

Henry: Told you.

Inko then slowly picked up Izuku and brought him to his All Might theme room. Right when she was done tucking him in and she was about to leave she heard her son call to her.

Izuku: M-mom.

Inko: Yes sweetie

Izuku: Do... do you think I can be a hero... l-like All Might.

Inko didn't know how to respond. Well she did but she didn't want to tell him no. So, she did the next best thing.

Inko: Izuku we live in the world where anything can happen. So of course, you can be a hero Izuku, but you only need one thing... actually two.

Izuku: W-what is it mom.

Izuku looked to his mom with such aw and innocence it could just stop a heart beating right then and there or make it sky rocket with such love for the boy.

Inko: You just need hope Izuku. Hope that things will get better and hope that everything will be ok.

Izuku: What's the other thing.

Inko: You already have it my sweet little baby. A good heart.

Izuku then hugged his mother and never wanted to let go. Neither did his mother. After a few mins of hugging though Izuku was falling asleep. Slowly but surely Izuku drifted to sleep and into bed. With Izuku in bed and ok Inko turned the lights off and wished her little boy good night.

Inko: Sweet dreams my Izuku baby.

Later that night

Izuku woke up to hearing a crash in the living room. As izuku got up he saw his glass of water start to float. Izuku was amazed and curious to why this was happening. At the same time though he knew something was wrong. He then went to his living room where the noise originated. When he got closer how ever he saw a bunch of flashing lights. He looked into his living room and saw Green/ Blue/ Yellow/ Red lightning shooting everywhere in a spinning circle around his mother. He looked closer and noticed a man in yellow, but he didn't see him fully. He was just a blur and as quickly he saw him he disappeared again. He cried out for his mom like a lost and scared child.

Izuku: M-MOM


He then felt his father grab him and then heard him yell at him in pure fear.


Suddenly Izuku felt a whoosh and was enveloped in green and blue lightning. As quickly as it happened though it passed. Izuku was then outside and out of his house. 5 blocks down. He calls out for his mom and dad still.

Izuku: M-MOM.... D-DAD. Where are you guys.

Izuku then begins to run back to his house. Once he showed up though he saw red and blue sirens and cop's cars. He sees his dad being pushed into a cop car. Henry sees him and pleads for him to stop his son from going inside the house.

Henry: IZUKU *talks to cops* (don't let him in the house) IZUKU DON'T GO IN THE HOUSE (PLEASE he's just a kid).

It was to late though Izuku was already scared and worried and fear was the only thing driving his thinking process now. It wasn't fear for his safety though. It was fear that something bad has happened. Izuku runs into his house and walks into the living. Once he walks in he stops dead in his tracks. What he sees haunts him for the rest of his life. It traumatizes him for ever and will always affect him in some way. What he saw was his mother dead in a half-zipped body bag. She had a knife in her chest and was pale as a ghost. The officers saw Izuku and immediately zipped up the bag, so he didn't have to see his dead mother for any longer.

Izuku: D-dad? Where's dad? what happened to him.

Police officer: He is going to be gone for a while he won't hurt you or anyone anymore.

Izuku: W-what no it wasn't him. It was the man in the yellow suit the yellow blur. He had some weird lightning quirk that made yellow red blue and green lightning shoot everywhere.

Police Officer: Kid you need to come with me ok?

Izuku: NO, it wasn't him I swear it wasn't my dad it was the man in yellow IT WAS THE MAN IN YELLOW.

Hey thanks for reading DTF and if you have any thoughts please leave a comment and as always I hoped you enjoyed...... OK BYE

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