Leaving Hell

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Leaving Hell

Later at the Yagi Residence, everyone except Izuku were celebrating Izumi's Birthday, the ones who were there were the Bakugo Family, Shota Aizawa, Emi Fukukado, Present Mic, Nezu, Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, Ectoplasm, Hound Dog, Midnight, & Sir Nighteye. The Uraraka Family, Yaoyorozu Family, Asui Family, Koda Family & Jiro Family we're also there, but they were there for Izuku since it was his Birthday too. 

"Toshi, Inko, where's Izuku?" Nighteye asked

Toshinori & Inko tensed when he asked them about Izuku

"Yeah, where is the Little Listener, isn't it his Birthday too?" Mic said

"Um..." Toshinori said nervously as he began to sweat

"Hm, looks like they forgot about him again, as usual." Ganma Asui said bitterly

"Forgot about him again?" Ectoplasm repeated "What are you talking about?"

"Well, we promised Izuku not to tell anyone, but I guess the cat is out of the bag." Beru Asui sighed "Toshinori & Inko have been neglecting Izuku for the past year." 

"They've been what?!" Hound Dog barked 

"The reason why we know this is because Izuku told us himself." Ganma said

"Yes, & he also told us as well along with the Uraraka's, Jiro's, & Yoayorozu's,." Mrs. Koda said

"Toshinori, Inko, is this true?" Nezu asked

"I...Um..." Toshinori stammered as he was sweating bullets until everyone saw Izuku entered the living room with a packed bag "Ah, there you are, Izuku, Happy Birthday."

"Hmph." Izuku turned his head

"Izuku, the Asui's told us that your parents have been neglecting you." Nezu approached him

"They did?" Izuku said

"I'm sorry, tadpole, but I couldn't keep it a secret any longer." Ganma apologized 

"It's alright, it doesn't matter now." Izuku said as he walked towards the door

"Sweetie, where are you going?" Recovery Girl  asked

"My ride's here." Izuku said

"Ride? What ride? Izuku?" Gran Torino said 

Everyone followed Izuku outside where they saw Hisashi & Rick

"That man, he look like exactly like Izuku, could he be?" Nezu thought

"Hisashi, what do you think you're doing here!?" Inko demanded angrily

"I'm getting my son back, what's it look like?" Hisashi said calmly with a slight glare

"Your son?" Nighteye said "I'm sorry, but who exactly are you?"

"I'm Hisashi Midoriya, I'm Izuku's father." Hisashi said to everyone's surprise 

"What? But I thought Toshinori was Izuku's Father." Gran Torino said

"Well, have you ever wondered why Izuku's hair & eye color aren't the same as Toshinori along with Izuku having freckles." Hisashi said

"Yes, we asked Inko & Toshinori about them, but they told us that it was family genetics." Gran Torino said

"Of course they would tell you that." Hisashi rolled his eye "Believe it or not, I am Izuku's Father & my son has telling me that you've decided to neglect him because he's Quirkless."

"What? That's why you've been neglecting him?" Recovery Girl said to Toshinori & Inko

"No, don't listen to him." Inko panicked 

"Not only that but that brat daughter of yours along with the Bakugo Twins bullied him all because he wanted to be a hero even though he's Quirkless." Hisashi said

"You're lying! Our kids will never do a thing like that!" Mitsuki snapped

"I'll be the judge of that." A voice said

Everyone looked & saw the Public Safety Commission President & Detective Naomasa

"Madam President." Toshinori said 

"Toshinori & Inko Yagi, I had my suspicions when I first saw Izuku since he looked so much like Hisashi." Madam President said

"Please Madam President, it's all just a misunderstanding." Toshinori said nervously 

"A Misunderstanding, you say? Then explain to me why Hisashi told me that Izuku is being abused & neglected." Madam President said

"Because he's a pathetic liar, why should you believe him?" Inko said 

"Because Hisashi Midoriya is my grandson." Madam President said

Everyone gasped in shock except Hisashi & Rick

"The moment I saw that Izuku had the same hair, eyes, & freckles as Hisashi, I knew something was going on." Madam President said 

"Damn it, I knew we should've changed Izuku's DNA."  Toshinori & Inko thought

"Now, Izuku, Hisashi told me what happened, but I want to here from your words." Madam President said

Izuku told Madam President what happened the past year ever since he was diagnosed as Quirkless & he took his shirt off & showed his scars.

 Everyone was shocked & horrified when they saw his scars, especially Aizawa & Emi

"Oh my god, Izuku was telling the truth." Aizawa & Emi thought shockingly as they began to regret not believing Izuku

"Izuku is telling the truth, Madam President." Naomasa said using his Lie Detector Quirk

"I see." Madam President said as she glared at the Yagi's "Toshinori & Inko Yagi, you two are unfit to be Izuku's mother & stepfather, I am putting Izuku under permanent custody of Hisashi Midoriya."

"What!? No, I won't let you!" Inko shouted as she raised her hand & Izuku started floating 

"Inko, what are you doing?" Emi said wide-eyed

"I'm not letting Hisashi take my son!" Inko said as she glared at Izuku "As for you, you'll be facing a very serious punishment."

"No!' Izuku cried as he struggled to get out 

"Izuku!" Hisashi said as he was about to use his quirk to save his son


"Agh!" Inko screamed as her arm was shot & dropped Izuku

Everyone looked & saw a man in an army uniform pointing a M16 Assualt Rifle at Inko

"Reyes." Hisashi smiled

"Good to see you, Cuz, I heard my little cousin was in trouble so I came to help." Reyes (OC by JuanDeleon250) smiled

"Hey, you can't shoot my wife like that, who the hell do you think you are?" Toshinori said angrily

"The names Reyes Midoriya, but my friends & family call me Soleman, I'm from the Utopia State Army Black Ops." Reyes smirked "Now, I advise you let my cousin take his son under his custody."

"Oh yeah, you & what army?" Toshinori said

Reyes pulled out a remote & pressed the button, then a portal appeared & a dozen army men came out as they went to Reye's aide with guns

"This army, now we can do this the easy way..." Reyes said as he used his quirk to summon a Stoner 63 Light Machine Gun in his hands "or the hard way."

"No, you're not taking Izuku anywhere!" Toshinori said as he turned into All Might

"All Might, stand down!" Nezu demanded

"No, I don't care if Hisashi is the President's grandson." All Might said "Hisashi Midoriya, we warned you what would happen if you ever showed your face here, now you will suffer the consequences! After I'm done with you, you'll never see Izuku again!

"Over my dead body." Hisashi glared

"Toshinori, stop, you're making things worse!" Nighteye said

"Get ready to fire." Reyes said as he along with his men pointed their machine guns at All Might

All Might started to charge but stopped as he started to be in pain

"Agh!" Toshinori yelled in pain as a white ball of light came out of his chest 

The white ball of light shined brighter & brighter until it faded revealing a woman with black hair  & a man with white hair

"It's Nana Shimura & Yoichi Shigaraki." Gran Torino said shockingly

Nana glared at Toshinori as she punched directly in the face 

"M-master—." Toshinori said in shock

"You've lost every right to call me that after what you did to my son & grandson." Nana said 

"W-what?" Toshinori said wide-eyed

"You heard right, I am Hisashi's mother & Izuku's grandmother, I am also Madam President's daughter." Nana said as everyone except Reyes, Rick, Hisashi, & Madam President gasped in shock

"N-no, t-that can't be." Toshinori stuttered

"She's telling the truth." Naomasa said

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Toshinori broke down

"How could you do that, Toshinori, have you forgotten that you were Quirkless too yet you still ignore your stepson due to him being quirkless while trying to crush his dreams?" Nana said

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." Toshinori whimpered

"Hmph, save your breath." Nana said as she & Yoichi approached Hisashi & Izuku

"Hello mom." Hisashi said

"Hisashi, I'm so sorry for what happened to you & Izuku, I'm also sorry that I abandoned you, I only did it so I could protect you." Nana said shamefully 

"Mom, it's alright, I understand." Hisashi smiled  "I have never thought bitter of you, I thought about you everyday when I was growing up & I'm damn lucky your my mom,." 

"Thank you." Nana smiled back as she looked at Izuku & kneeled to him "Hi Izuku."

"Are you really my grandma." Izuku said

"I am, I'm so sorry for what Toshinori did to you, I never should've have chosen him as my successor." Nana said 

"Don't believe in any of Toshinori's words, you always had the heart & determination of a hero." Yoichi said

"Grandma, do you think I'm worthy of being a hero especially without a Quirk." Izuku asked

"Izuku, being a hero isn't just about fighting villains & saving citizens, all the citizens are a part of me just as I am a part of them. Being a hero means believing in the citizens just as they believe in you." Nana said

"Guide the people & believe in them, for it's from among them that the one will come who will carry on when your time is done." Yoichi said "Beginning today."

"You can be a hero." Both said 

Izuku was surprised as they used the words he wanted to hear & began to cry tears of joy.

"Thanks Grandma." Izuku hugged Nana

"You're welcome, my sweet grandchild." Nana smiled as she hugged him back

 "But Izuku, the reason why we're here is because we along with the other wielders have decided that you should be the next wielder of One For All."

"Really?" Izuku said surprisingly 

"Hey, that Quirk is supposed to be mine!" Izumi said

"As if we want to give One For All to a spoiled brat with a heart of a villain." Nana glared 

That statement shattered Izumi as she ran back into the house crying

"Master, how could you say that to her?" Toshinori said

"Why not? You & Inko are doing a terrible job in raising that brat." Nana said

"But you can't leave, what about All For One?" Toshinori said

"Forget it, you're on your own, so I hope he finishes you off the next time you fight him, because to me you're nothing but a fraud." Nana said

Toshinori stood in silence & shock when she said that

"Mom, Reyes, Rick, thank you for helping Hisashi get Izuku back." Nana said 

"You're welcome, my dear." Madam President smiled

"It was nice seeing you again, Aunt Nana." Reyes said

"See you on the other side, Nana." Rick said

Yoichi & Nana turned back into a white ball of light & merged into Izuku.

"Wow." Izuku said softly in awe as he saw the red markings in his hands

"Izuku, why didn't you tell what was happening." Nezu said approaching Izuku

"Ask them." Izuku pointed at Emi & Aizawa as everyone looked at them

"Aizawa, Emi, what did you two do?" Ectoplasm asked

"We...um..." Aizawa said

"I told them about them about the bullying, but they didn't believe, they also said I was exaggerating & called me a jealous brat." Izuku said

"They what?" Nezu said shockingly "Aizawa, Emi, is this true?"

"Nezu, we didn't know, we thought he was doing it to seek attention, we didn't think he was telling the truth." Emi said

"Are you two really that blind, how could you two not take the situation seriously & do nothing about it? You're heroes for crying out loud!" Nezu said in outrage

"If that's what you two thought of me, then you don't know me at all." Izuku glared

"Problem Child, we're—." Aizawa said

"Don't call me that, you two are not my aunt & uncle anymore." Izuku said 

Aizawa & Emi looked down in shame knowing they screwed up

"Grandma, I would like to place a restraining order on the Yagi's, so they won't go anywhere near my son ever again." Hisashi said

"What!? How dare you keep me from seeing my son!?" Inko yelled angrily

"Well, you kept me from seeing my son for 5 years, you also threatened to put a restraining order on me." Hisashi said

"Grrr, fine, keep the brat, he's no use to me or this family anyway! Besides, it's not like he'll amount to anything!" Inko snarled

"Will do." Hisashi said

"Daddy?" Izuku said

"Yes, what is it?" Hisashi said

Izuku whispered something in Hisashi's ear.

"Okay." Hisashi said "Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Jiro,  Koda, & Asui Family, could you all come here please."

The family's approached Hisashi & Izuku

"I want to say thank you for caring about my son, you all raised your children very well." Hisashi said gratefully 

"Think nothing of it, Midoriya." Kyotoku Jiro smiled

"Mr. Uraraka, my son tells me that you have money situations." Hisashi said

"Yes, we do." Mr. Uraraka said

"Well, I'm the manager of a successful company back where I live & I'm looking for someone to hire, will you be interested?" Hisashi said

"Oh yes, definitely." Mr. Uraraka said 

"Mr. Yaoyorozu, you own a a company too, right?" Hisashi said

"I do." Mr. Yaoyorozu said

"How would like to be partners with me & my company." Hisashi said

"You really mean it?" Mr. Yoayorozu asked

"Certainly." Hisashi said

"Then I accept." Mr. Yaoyorozu said as he shook his hand "Thank you, Midoriya."

"Don't thank me, thank Izuku, after all your kids did help him." Hisashi said "As a matter of fact, why don't you all move to the state where I live."

The families accepted as they exchanged phone numbers with Hisashi while the others minus the Yagis, Bakugos, Aizawa & Emi put Izuku's presents in the van. After saying goodbyes, Hisashi & Rick left with Izuku while Reyes left with his men.

"Toshinori & Inko Yagi, you will be punished for what you've done, your pay will reduced by 80%, half of it will go to the Quirkless shelter while the other half will go to Izuku's bank account. As for your Daughter & the Bakugo Twins will be wearing Quirk Canceling Ankle Braces, if they're are seen bullying again, they will be blacklisted from all Hero Schools." Madam President said "As for you, Shota Aizawa & Emi Fukukado, your pay will be reduced to 50%, half of it will go to the shelter while the other half will go into Izuku's bank account."

"I hope what you did to Izuku & Hisashi was worth it, Toshinori." Nighteye glared

"You are a disgrace to hero society." Recovery Girl said

"Nana was right, you are a fraud." Gran Torino said

"I hope you two are happy for allowing Izuku's suffering to continue, Eraserhead & Ms. Joke." Ectoplasm said

"I hope Izuku will be happy in his new life with his real father." Nezu said

"Yeah, me too." Hound Dog said

Everyone left, leaving behind the Yagi & Bakugo Family along with Aizawa & Emi

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