New Home

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New Home

Hisashi & Izuku were riding in the van with Rick driving it as they were headed home

"Man, glad that's over with." Hisashi said

"You said it, Hisashi." Rick said "I thought Izuku was a goner when Inko tried to get him back by using her quirk, good thing Reyes arrived just in time."

"Daddy, where are we going?" Izuku asked

"To your new home." Hisashi said

"How will we get there, are we going on a plane?" Izuku asked

"We won't be needing a plane." Hisashi said

"What do you mean?" Izuku said

Rick pushed a button & wings appeared on each side of the car

"Tighten your seatbelt, Grandnephew, Wubba-Lubba-Dub-Dub!" Rick said as he drove the van into the sky

"Wow, it's a flying car!" Izuku beamed

"You like it? I made this bad boy myself." Rick smiled

"You did?" Izuku said

"Yep, I'm an inventor & a scientist." Rick said

"That's so cool, will you show me your inventions?" Izuku said

"Sure, maybe someday." Rick said "You know, Hisashi, the moment I saw Inko, I knew that she was no good. But I wasn't the only one who knew Inko was trouble, everyone in our family knew, Diane knew, Ookami knew, Reyes knew, everybody knew she was no good."

"I know." Hisashi sighed

"Hisashi, it's not like we were glad that we were right, we wanted to be wrong & we wanted to tell you how we felt, but we didn't wanna hurt you considering how much you loved & cared about Inko." Rick said

"Thank you Uncle Rick." Hisashi said

"Daddy?" Izuku said

"Yeah, son, what's up?" Hisashi said

"Was...Inko really that bad?" Izuku said, refusing to call Inko 'Mommy'

"I'm afraid so, I never knew what kind of person she was until after she left me." Hisashi said before smiling "But hey, if I had never met Inko, I would've never had you."

"You mean that?" Izuku said

"Mm-Hm, giving birth to you was the only good that bitch had ever done." Rick said

"Rick, don't swear in front of my kid." Hisashi glared

"Oh *burps* sorry." Rick said

"Will I get a new mommy soon?" Izuku asked

"You already have, as a matter of fact you have 7 mommies." Hisashi said

"Say what!?" Izuku gasped

"You heard right, I'm married to 7 women." Hisashi said

"But will they like me, even though I'm Inko's son?" Izuku said in concern

"Of course they will, I've told them about you & they couldn't wait to meet you." Hisashi said

"Yeah, it won't matter if you're Inko's son." Rick said

"Also, you have a baby step-sister, a brother who is the same age as you, & a baby brother on the way." Hisashi said "They're all waiting to meet you at home."

Several minutes later

"Izuku, we're here." Hisashi said

"Welcome to Utopia." Rick said

Izuku looked out the window & gazed at Utopia

"Oh my gosh, everything looks so incredible." Izuku said amazingly

When they got to the location, Izuku saw a big mansion

"This is where you live? It's so big." Izuku said

"Yep, this is your new home." Hisashi said

When they entered the house

"Surprise!" A groups of people shouted

Izuku gasped in surprise

"Happy Birthday, Izuku." They said as Izuku smiled happily

"This is all for me?" Izuku asked

"Yes, my wives set up this whole surprise birthday party just for you." Hisashi said

"Hi Izuku, it's nice to meet you, I'm Delia." Delia said

"I'm Bayonetta, pleased to meet you, little one." Bayonetta said

"I'm Harleen, I'm so happy to finally meet you." Harleen said joyfully

"I'm Pamela." Pamela smiled

"I'm Molly, you look so cute, you definitely take after your father." Molly said

"I'm Mia, & this is your little step-sister Rose." Mia said as she was holding Rose

"& I'm Chun Li, we're your new mommies." Chun Li said

"It's nice to meet all of you, I—." Izuku said

Suddenly Izuku was pounced on which caused him to stumble back

"Hello, I'm Fern." Fern said as he was on top of Izuku

"Um...hi?" Izuku said awkwardly

"Fern, how many times have I told you not to pounce on people." Pamela said firmly

"Oh, sorry Mom." Fern said as he got off Izuku

"Izuku, this is Fern, your brother." Pamela said "He's just excited because he always wanted a brother."

"It's okay, it's nice to meet you, Fern." Izuku got up

"You too, we're gonna have so many adventures together." Fern shook Izuku's hand

"I like adventures." Izuku smiled

"Izuku." A voice said

Izuku looked & saw the Todoroki Family

"Shoko." Izuku said happily as he & Shoko hugged "You're here too?"

"Mm-hm, Utopia is where me & my family moved to." Shoko said

"Dad's the No. 1 Hero here in Utopia." Touya said

"Touya please, I don't condone bragging." Enji said as he looked at Izuku "It's good to have you back in our lives, Izuku."

"Enji & I were the ones who found your father & told him about you." Rei said

"Is that true, Dad?" Izuku asked

"Yes, It all started when I was at the park a few days ago." Hisashi said


Hisashi was walking through the park

"It's my son's Birthday in a few days, I wish I could see him to celebrate but if I tried to I will never again." Hisashi sighed sadly. "What am I gonna do?"

"Honey, are you alright?" A female voice said

"Yes dear, I'm fine, it's just, Izuku's Birthday is in a few days." A male voice said

"Huh?" Hisashi said as he looked & saw Enji & Rei

"Oh, that's right, Izuku will be turning 5 I think." Rei said

"Wait a second, do those two know my son?" Hisashi thought

"Exactly, but I can't help but wonder if he's doing alright." Enji said

"Excuse me." Hisashi approached them "I'm sorry, but did you just mention someone named Izuku?"

"Yes, we did, who are you?" Enji asked

"I'm Hisashi Midoriya, is Izuku a kid who has the same hair, eyes, & freckles as me?" Hisashi said

"He does, how did you know?" Enji said

"I'm Izuku's father?" Hisashi said

"What? You're his father?" Enji said surprisingly

"Yes." Hisashi said

"Hm, you do look just like Izuku, but just to make sure, when is Izuku's Birthday?" Rei asked

"July 15." Hisashi said

"Correct, who is Izuku's mother?" Rei said

"Inko." Hisashi said

"Good, & finally what's your favorite food?" Rei asked

"Katsudon." Hisashi said

"He is Izuku's father." Rei said

"Hold on, if you're Izuku's father then why aren't you in Japan with him?" Enji said

"It's complicated, please, I need to know how my son is doing?" Hisashi said

"...Hisashi, I don't know how to tell you this, but..." Enji said

"We don't think Izuku is doing well..." Rei said hesitantly

"What do you mean?" Hisashi asked

"..." Enji & Rei stood in silence

"What happened to my son?" Hisashi said

"...Well, he's being bullied constantly by his sister & a couple of his friends." Enji said

"What? Isn't Inko doing anything about it?" Hisashi said

"We don't know, we don't know if she & Toshinori found out about the bullying." Rei said "Hisashi, you need to go to Japan & check on your son."

"I can't." Hisashi said

"You can't, what do you mean you can't?" Enji said incredulously

"A few days after Izuku was born, Inko left me for Toshinori & took our son with her. She also cut off all contact with me & cut me out of Izuku's life. I've tried so many times to talk her into letting me be a part of his life again, but no matter what I've tried, she still refuses to let me see my son. She even threatened me that if I tried anything to see him, she would make sure that I would never see him again. That's why I can't go to Japan." Hisashi said

"What are you, some kind of a coward?" Enji said irritatingly

"What?" Hisashi said

"You're just gonna stand here & do nothing while your son is in need of your help? Your son is suffering & it's not going to stop until you do something about it, but you're not doing anything because you're afraid of a lousy threat like a coward. You should stand up & fight for your son like a man." Enji said

"...You're right." Hisashi said "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Enji said

"We haven't been introduced, I'm Rei Todoroki & this is my husband Enji Todoroki." Rei said

"It's nice to meet you." Hisashi said

After exchanging phone numbers & addresses, Hisashi left

"I don't care what happens to me anymore, I'm gonna fight for Izuku just like I should've done a long time ago. But first, I'm gonna need some help." Hisashi said "Hold on, son, Daddy's coming."

Flashback End

"& you know the rest." Hisashi said

"You did that for me?" Izuku said

"Mm-Hm, we owe it to you since you're the one who fixed our family." Enji said

"Alright, now let's celebrate your birthday, we even made your favorite, Pork Cutlet Katsudon." Harleen said

Izuku got introduced to his grandparents Henroin, Lucie, his uncles Arackniss, Angel Dust, & Ookami, his aunt Hana, his godparents Rodin, Jeanne, Cherri Bomb, Cammy, & Guile, his Grandaunt Diane, his cousins Ame, Yuki, Reyes, Morty, Summer, Beth & her husband Jerry. After they ate, Izuku & the kids were playing while the adults talked

"Mm, that was good stuff, Izuku has great taste." Angel said

"Izuku's love for Katsudon runs in the Midoriya Family." Diane said

"Honey, was there any trouble getting Izuku back?" Mia asked

"A little bit, but it was no problem." Hisashi said

"Yeah, we had grandma involved & I had to bring my troops there, I also shot Inko." Reyes said

"You shot Inko?" Hana said

"Yeah, she tried to force Izuku back by using her Quirk but I stopped her by shooting her arm." Reyes said

"I say she deserved it after what she did." Arackniss said "I still say we should've erased her."

"Niss, even after what she did, you know why they couldn't kill her considering Inko & Toshinori are the No. 1 & No. 3 Heroes in Japan." Molly said

"But didn't they get punished?' Arackniss said

"Well, from what grandma told me, their pay is reduced to 80% & 40% percent of it will go to Izuku's bank account." Hisashi said "Grandma also placed Izuku under permanent custody of me & I placed a restraining order against the Yagi's."

"Guess Inko got a taste of her own medicine." Rodin said

"Yep, also I got the whole thing recorded so if Inko tries anything we can expose her & that muscle-brained prick." Rick said

Excuse me, everyone." Hisashi said as he left

Hisashi went to the front porch & pulled out a cigarette box

"Hisashi." Enji approached him

"Hey Enji, care for a smoke." Hisashi offered

"Thanks." Enji said as took a cigarette from the box & lit it up with a flick of his thumb before taking a puff

"Enji, thank you for what you did in order for me to get my son back." Hisashi said gratefully

"Don't mention it, like I said, I owe it to the boy." Enji said "After all, he did fix my family."

"How so?" Hisashi said

"Well, ever since my daughter Shoko got her quirk, I'd been putting her through hell. I trained her abusively, I neglected my other children especially my son Touya for her, I even abused my wife." Enji said "I was so blinded by my goal of making something to surpass All Might that I had no idea I was destroying my own family. A month later, Izuku came over & told me off saying that villains can be made considering how I treat others & that I would be the No. 1 Villain instead of the No. 1 Hero. That night, I had a nightmare about Touya becoming a villain & killed us while he had this terrifying smile. When I woke up, I went to Touya's room & I embraced him like I was gonna lose him forever. I apologized to my family for my actions & things got better for us."

"It's a good thing my son intervened, otherwise it would've gone worse." Hisashi

"I know, I also cried when I hugged Touya, I haven't cried like that in a long time." Enji said "Tell me, Hisashi, how did you wind up with Inko?"

"Well, she's actually my stalker." Hisashi said

"Your stalker?" Enji said

"Yeah, she was so obsessed with me that she blackmailed every girl who I fell in love with into staying away from me in order for us to be together, she even blackmailed Delia who was my first girlfriend into breaking up with me." Hisashi said much to Enji's shock "A few days after the birth of Izuku, Inko left me with Toshinori."

"Hisashi, that's terrible." Enji said

"I know, but the jokes on her because I'm married to those women she blackmailed." Hisashi said

"Heh, yeah that's true." Enji chuckled. "So, how was Izuku when you saw him again?"

"Not good, turns out both Inko & Toshinori knew about the bullying but they decided not to intervene."

"...What?" Enji said shockingly

"Not only that, Inko told Izuku that he was an embarrassment & disgrace to her family along with telling him that she should have aborted him." Hisashi said "Toshinori told him that he didn't have the heart & determination of a hero."

Enji was fuming with anger as he burnt the cigarette in his mouth

"That's not the worst part, Toshinori was planning to pass on his Quirk to Izumi." Hisashi said

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!" Enji shouted as fire out of his body into the sky

"Enji, chill, you almost set my house on fire." Hisashi said in alert

"Okay, fine, fine, I'm cool, I'm fine." Enji calmed down 

"Let me get this straight, Toshinori planned to pass on One For All to Izumi even though he knew she was bullying Izuku?"

"Yes." Hisashi nodded

"Has that bastard lost his mind? I swear when I see him, I'm gonna—!" Enji said

"Honey, what's going on?" Rei approached him

"You're not gonna believe this." Enji said as he told what Hisashi told him

"They WHAT!?" Rei said angrily as she was surrounded by icy blue aura & ice started to form around her feet

(Pretend the red aura is blue)

"Calm down, Rei, they're not worth it." Hisashi said

"You're right." Rei calmed down "I can't believe the bullying was happening under Inko & Toshinori's noses, why didn't they stop it?"

"Because they stopped caring about Izuku, you know they have been neglecting him ever since he was diagnosed as Quirkless." Enji said

"Yeah, here's the recording of the incident when we got Izuku back." Hisashi said as he showed the recording on his phone

When Enji & Rei looked at the recording

"So, you're the son of Paragon & Madam President's grandson, that's something I wasn't expecting." Rei said

"So Izuku's the new wielder of One For All, thank goodness it's not Izumi." Enji said "It would've been a disaster, why didn't you call your grandmother & ask her for help."

"Well, to tell you the truth, I didn't know grandma was the President of the Hero Public Safety Commission until I got to Japan." Hisashi said "So I got a stroke of luck in getting Izuku back, she was suspicious when she saw Izuku the very first time."

"I see." Enji said

Later, after eating cake & opening presents.

"There's one final present I have for you, son." Hisashi said as he brought a big present "I saved the best for last."

Izuku opened the present & saw a puppy, a kitten, & a mouse

"Aww, they're so cute!" Izuku said "I love them."

"What are you gonna name them, sweetie?" Delia asked

"I'm gonna name them Tom, Jerry, & Spike." Izuku said

"Those are nice names." Chun Li said

At night, after the party was done & everyone went home, it was time for Izuku to head to bed.

"Okay, Izuku, this is your new room." Mia said as she opened the door

"Wow, this is mine?" Izuku said in awe

"Yes, love, it's all for you." Bayonetta said

Izuku brushed his teeth, put his pajamas on, & was tucked into bed by his new mothers as Tom, Jerry, & Spike cuddled up against him.

"Goodnight Mommies, goodnight daddy." Izuku said

"Goodnight Son." Hisashi said as he hugged Izuku

"Goodnight, our sweet angel." The mothers said as they each kissed Izuku goodnight

Hisashi & his wives walked out the room & Izuku fell asleep 

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