Chapter 1

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You guys wanted another chapter well here you go!

When Blake had said that greeny was hers...and hers only they began to feel a tang of jealously.
Now let's see what happens...

*Ruby's Mindscape*
Why do I feel like something is being taken away from me? Is my heart slowing down because of what she said?
Ruby shakes her head and is still trying to get those thoughts out of her head. Blake is her friend and teammate so why does she feel attacked?

*Yang's Mindscape*
Blake is already claiming the green haired cutie hers? As if..they don't even know each other! It should be me instead!...woah wait a minute Yang.. Calm down you barely even know him... I need to think this through...

*Weiss's Mindscape*
Now what is Blake up to now! She claims the green haired kid hers! Huh as If! I bet he will like me more!!
... Wait...huh!? When did I start caring for a boy I just met!? Calm are supposed to be calm and sophisticated..

*Izuku POV*
Izuku: Alright so where is my dorm Mr.Ozpin?
Ozpin: You don't have to call me Mr.Ozpin Izuku just Ozpin is fine and you'll be bunking in with my best of the best team yet. Hopefully they will accept you!
Izuku: Thanks... But who is this team that I'm bunking with?
Ozpin: Why Team RWBY of course!
Izuku: Team RWBY? Who are they?
Ozpin: Oh How silly of me... Team RWBY consists of Ruby Rose the leader of the group..Yang Xiao Long Ruby's older sister..Weiss Schnee..the heiress of Schnee Dust Company..Blake Belladona..the Calm and level-headed of the group.
Izuku: Woah...they sound amazing right Eri?
Eri just nodded her head in a very cute way.
Izuku: Hey Eri do you want a apple?
Eri just practically squealed with excitement...
Eri: Y-yes pl-lease..
She says in a low monotone voice with a head tilt..
Izuku: Alright..Hey Ozpin where is the cafeteria?
Ozpin: It's right down the hall. I'll give a message to the chefs that you will need a meal and apples for your daughter..say might I ask why do you have a daughter and how old are you?
Izuku: Thanks for the info and to answer your questions..she is my adopted daughter and I'm 15... about to be 16!
Ozpin was shocked.. This young boy had adopted a young girl.. How nice of him to take a role of a father..
Ozpin: Well I'll see ya soon. I messaged team RWBY of your location and how you look. Goodbye.
Izuku: Many thanks!

~Timeskip towards the cafeteria~
~Brought to you by a chibi Eri holding a chibi doll version of Izuku~
As we see our cinnamon roll and our other cinnamon but pink roll eating their lunches..
Team RWBY had arrived and saw them...with Blake currently about to pounce but quickly reminded herself that she had to act professional towards the green haired cinnamon roll..besides first impressions are needed.
Izuku: And who you ladies might be?
They blushed a bit but recovered..
Ruby: Well My name is Ruby! Do you have any weapons?!
Weiss: My name is Weiss and thanks for the dolt.
She said the last part quietly but Blake heard it due to her faunas trait.
Yang: My name is Yang and you are so cute! So what's with the kid?
Blake: The name is Blake...cutie..
She said the last part silently..
Izuku being the oblivious but cute cinnamon roll smiled.
Izuku: My name is Izuku! Nice to meet you all. To answer your question Ruby and Yang..I don't have a weapon I fight with my legs and arms...and this here is my adopted daughter,Eri!
Eri was currently holding a apple to her mouth...
(So Kawaii! Must protect!)

So it seems Izuku has met Team RWBY but now what? You have a choice to pick so here you go...

Izuku meets Team JNPR


Izuku test his strength in training.
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