A Day With Eri

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It was noon on a bright sunny day, in the park was Jayori. She wore a purple button up plaid shirt with a white tank top under it, dark jeans, and black with purple accented tennis shoes. She was nervous because she was meeting Eri for the first time, "Is it okay if I got to meet Eri? And have a fun day with her?" She remembers asking Deku and he was more than happy to introduce her to Eri.

"Of course! She is going to love you!" He said with a bright smile. Jayori checked her hair again, it was braided and shiny (she wanted to make a good first impression). She was fixing her hair when she look and saw Deku with a certain white-haired girl, "Jayori!" Deku greets her, Eri shyly waved too. Jayori waves back and walks to them. "Hi." She greets. Deku looks down and finds Eri looking up at the brunette with curious eyes.

Jayori bends down to her level and extends her hand, "Hello. I'm Jayori Cocora. I have heard so much about you." She says gently. Eri stares at her hand and tilts her head. "Oh. Uh," Jayori stammers, not knowing if she knew how to shake hands or not. But Deku saves her, "She is just wanting to shake your hand Eri." He says. Eri then looks back at Jayori and grabs her hand shaking it gently. The older girl smiles and shakes her hand too.

Jayori stands up and looks at Deku, "So I was thinking we could get some ice cream, walk around the park and a little surprise later." She says. Deku looks at her, wondering what she meant by 'a little surprise later' but he smiles and nods. They find an ice cream stand and look to Eri, "What is this place?" The one-horned girl asked. "This is an ice cream stand. It sells, well, ice cream." Deku answers her. "And ice cream is a cold but delicious dessert. Go ahead, you can get whatever you want." Jayori says excitedly, she was already making good progress.

Eri picked a flavor, which was strawberry, Deku got mint chip and Jayori had cookies 'n' cream. Eri had hers in a cup while the teens had cones. When the dessert enter her mouth, her eyes widened and sparkle, "Wow! This is so good." She says with a smile. Jayori smiles too, "Off to a great start." She whispers and licks her ice cream. Deku looks at the two, pride swelling in his heart, "This is going to be great." He thinks to himself.

After ice cream, the three walked around the park. There was a woman walking a lot of dogs and Eri starred at them with curiosity. They then went to a small pond and fed the ducks. One bit Deku by accident, (it was funny). After that the three sat at a bench with Eri eating a caramel apple that Deku made.

Jayori couldn't help but stare in awe at how Deku was practically a brother to the young girl. But when she saw a scar on Eri's arm, she wrapped her arm around her stomach. She knew what Eri had went through and couldn't help but feel sick and angry at the monster that did this. She felt a hand on her shoulder and look to find Deku and Eri with concern on their faces. "Are you okay Jayori?" The greenette asked.

Jayori shrugged off his hand, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." She says. Deku knew what she was thinking about but before he could say anything, Eri hugged the brunette. Jayori flinched at this then relaxed only to find the young girl hugging her. She didn't know what to do, but then Eri started talking, "You were hurt too?" She looks up with sad eyes. Jayori did not know what to say.

Deku was about to intervene but Jayori hugged Eri back, "Yeah, I was. But, it happened a long time ago." She whispers softly, her quirk activating and now small orbs of light around the three. "And I got through it and here I am. The scars bring back bad memories, but that doesn't mean I can't make new ones. Happier ones." She continues.

Deku softly smiles and joins in on the hug, "And the best part, is that you can share them with the people you love." He includes. They hugged a little more and then departed, the orbs disappeared after. "So, you want to see the surprise now?" Jayori asks Eri. The young girl smiles and nods her head. She and Deku got up and took hold of one of Eri's hands.

Deku looks at Jayori with love and the brunette looks at him with her sapphire eyes. "I told you she would love you." He whispers to her so that Eri wouldn't hear. Jayori giggles and leans over to plant a kiss on his cheek, "You did." She says. They soon arrived at a shrine, "A shrine?" Deku says, a little surprised. "Yep. Now we write our wishes." Jayori says and brought out three pieces of paper and pens.

"Huh? Why?" Eri asks. Jayori leads then to a table and has them sit down, "Because when I was a little girl, I would write wishes hoping they would come true. And Dad would tell me that they would turn into stars, 'providing light to those in the dark.'" She explains. Deku was a little surprise at her explanation but also couldn't help but be inspired.

Once everyone wrote their wishes, they tied them them to a wire on the fence with many other pieces of paper on it. After praying, they started heading back to the dorms. "I hope you had a great day Eri. And I'm really happy to know that there are still brave souls in this world. I hope we get to hang out again." Jayori says. Eri smiles widely and hugs her again, "I did! And next time can we have more sweets?" She asks. Jayori laughs and pats her head, "Sure, but not too much. I want to keep those teeth sparkling white." She answers, giving the white-haired girl a hoop on the nose.

After dropping Eri off with Aizawa, the teens walked back to the dorms. Deku grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, "I think she will be happy to play with you again." He says. Jayori steps closer to him and kisses him on the lips, "Yeah, and I am going to make her the most delicious mochi she will ever have." She states proudly. Deku chuckles at her enthusiasm and kiss her on the cheek, (he was blushing when she kissed him, he baby).

"I know you will. Well, off to bed. See you in the morning." They bid each other good night and went to their own rooms, "Today has been amazing." Deku, Jayori, and Eri all thought before they fell asleep. A good day indeed.

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