25 Encounter

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Villains Bar

Shigaraki: who even are you two

Slade: shigaraki I can assure you that these two are anxious to join first is this girl to people she may look like a regular school girl but he committed many murders and hasn't been revealed to the public of her name and face

Toga: hi I'm toga, Himiko toga I'm looking forward to working here so much blood to collect

Slade: next is him he hasn't made any crimes but now wants to follow the path of the hero killer

Shigaraki: what's your name besides having matters I like the girl better cause at least she told me hers

Dabi: right now I'm going by dabi

Shigaraki: what's your real name

Dabi: the time will come when I tell

Shigaraki: ughh slade why these two want to join they just want to follow the hero killers path I'm always hearing this everyday it's pissing me off.

As shigaraki was gonna attack them as well as them attacking shigaraki, slade grabbed his sword and stop toga and dabi by putting the sword near their necks and kurogiri using his quirk to stop shigaraki

Slade: shigaraki you're missing the point think about it the more of them that show up the league will expand and we'll have a better army to take down all might

Shigaraki: ugh fine I'm going out

Dabi: I like you better because of how you were friends with the hero killer

Slade: ever since his death I wanted to go after the one who saw it up close that quirkless boy


Kirishima, Mina, sato, and Kaminari were depressed that they didn't pass the finals

Mina: I'm looking forward to hearing your stories

Izuku: guys come one maybe they'll let you come with us

Kaminari: how would you know

As denki tried to poke me in my eye I grabbed his arm.

Izuku: hey don't even try to attempt that I can predict every move also I sure you guys will go like I said don't doubt me

Mr Aizawa came in

Aizawa: alright listen since some of you didn't pass and so when it comes to training camp EVERYONE'S GOING

Mina kirishima sato Kaminari: WHAT A TWIST

Aizawa: btw the entire thing was just to push you to your limits

Tenya: he tricked us all

Izuku: I actually knew


Aizawa: also the five who fails will be taking extra lessons

And now Mina kirishima sato sero and denki were depress again

After school

Toru: say I have an idea since we're going to camp let's go shopping for supplies tomorrow

Class 1-A: YEAH!!!

The next day at the mall

Mina: man it feels great to be at mall again

Izuku: it does I remember how much information you guys told me of making your hero costumes

Kirishima: hey guys let's split up and go look for the supplies we need

Everyone left so fast it it was just me and Ochako

Izuku: I guess it's you and me

Ochako: yeah so deku what do you need to buy

Izuku: I don't really need to buy anything all the stuff I need is at my house

Ochako: oh so why did you come

Izuku: well I like hanging around the people I care about it's almost like.....

Ochako: like what

Izuku: like I'm with my parents again

Ochako: well I just need to get big spray you can handle being by yourself right

Izuku: you're looking at the person who defeated the hero killer

Ochako: I know we'll meet back at three

Izuku: ok see ya

I decided just to look around noticing other kids having fun with their parents making me have flashbacks to the good days I had with my parents

???: oh it's someone from UA I want an autograph

Izuku: oh hey

???: you're the one that won the sports festival and fought the hero killer

Izuku: you sure know a lot

???: it's funny how we meet again

Izuku: wait a minute

All of a sudden he put 4 fingers on my neck

???: we haven't seen each other since USJ why don't we catch up Nightwing

Izuku: Tomora Shigaraki

Earlier Shigaraki POV

Shigaraki mind: ever since your death you became super popular and all around people are just smiling it's all pissing me off but on the bright side you gave me new recruits so I guess it might work but still what make us different stain.

Shigaraki:*grabs phone* slade listen I'm at this mall and I want you here if anything goes wrong

Slade: I'm on my way

After I hang up I saw the kid from the attack at USJ and since he knows the hero killer so much why don't I have a little chat with him

Present Izuku POV

Izuku: I know what your quirk can do and if I fight you can kill innocent people I won't let lay a hand on them or my friends so if you wanna talk let's talk

Shigaraki: good you see I hate everything but the hero killer is what I hate the most

Izuku: I get it I heard the media said that you were working together but he killed your Nomu he also told that I should be the one to destroy the league of villains

Shigaraki: to bad you can't stop me but here's a question what the difference between me and the hero killer

With Ochako

Why did I walk away I should've talk with him we always felt bad for him losing his parents but also he quirkless that why people made fun of him because he's quirkless and alone no he has me and the others and he also has gunhead yeah I guess I could talk to him and maybe him and I can watch a movie.

Back to Izuku

Izuku: the difference is what stain is doing is that him and I were inspired by all might and for you, you just do it for fun but you whine about everytime something goes bad for you when something goes bad for him he stays true to his beliefs that the difference

All of a sudden shigaraki got happy

Shigaraki: oh finally I can see it the problem is all might it's all his fault thank you Izuku tell your parents I said hi

He started to squeeze my neck with his 4 fingers trying to make me fight back to he can kill me but I tried to stay calm then Ochako came

Ochako: Deku?

She saw that I was in danger

Ochako: let go of him

Shigaraki was distracted allowing me to be free and I kicked him but all of a sudden I heard a gun shot and turn around to see someone with a mask half his side black and the other half yellow with a eye

Everyone started to panic and started to run the guy tried to slash me with his sword so I grabbed Ochako and jump out of the way I reached into my backpack and grabbed my mask eskrima sticks tech gloves gauntlets utility belt and my modified boots and attack him.

Shigaraki: you made it slade come on let's go

Slade: I'm busy right now

Every kick I threw he blocks every slash he makes I dodge I managed to get on top of him and punch him in the face multiple times but then he reversed the position and grabbed my arm to make me punch myself it was almost like we were equal eventually he grabbed shigaraki and escape I was on my knees but in in the bright side my friends and the people were safe. I was then later hugged by everyone but I noticed Ochako was crying

Izuku: Ochako what's wrong

Ochako: I'm sorry if I didn't leave you wouldn't risk your life for the people

Izuku: Ochako it's hero's duty to protect everyone but I also wanted to protect you too you and everyone else are the only family I have left and I'm not losing them too.

She smiled and then kissed me

We left the mall since we have the supplies we need

The next few days our first was over but that doesn't mean it was officially over we continue to train and also I had many questions on my mind who was that guy I fought and where is red hood but all I care for now is my friends by my side and if shigaraki or any other villains show up they won't know what's gonna hit em.

Hey guys this is superstriker642 here and I hope you live the chapter I just hit 3k reads thank you so much for the the support and tomorrow I'm gonna get started on a new chapter so stay tuned any guys see ya and go beyond PLUS ULTRA!!

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