64. Bright Future

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A loud crash can be heard throughout the city. The source came from the sky and two objects landed on the ground across of the other source that crash in the ground. These two objects were Izuku Midoriya also know as Nightwing and Kouta Izumi aka Robin who was inside of a giant mech called the justice buster and across from them was Kai Chisaki aka Overhaul who's eyes were white due to the fact he's just been defeated by the dynamic Duo but also by the help of Eri who made Izuku pushed passed the limits of OFA. But right now below in the underground of the Headquarters of the Shei Hassaikai we see Mr Aizawa aka eraser head and Jason Todd Aka red Hood who both were still kept by Chrono as he listen to the commotion happening outside.

Chrono mind:Too long...there's no way you'll lose right? Kai...I've been watching this whole time, how,in order to preserve the dignity of the organization ever since you were young, you were always willing to put in an exorbitant amount of effort.

With that's said Chrono took out a knife and was ready to bring it down to Aizawa only for his wrist to be stabbed. It was Amajiki who had mirio with him and came just in time to save Aizawa as the police also came in aiming their guns at Chrono.

Tsu: Suneater

Suneater, amajiki's hero name he looked to see Tsu hopping to hi as fast as she can.

Suneater:Ms Ribbit, hows it on your end?
Tsu: Nightwing...?

Outside we see Nightwing breathing heavily after that battle with Chisaki. Though there was only one problem Eri's power was still activated.

Nightwing: Eri are you hurt—

He couldn't finish just then his body was in pain! Eri's power was going out of control and her horn was growing as Izuku dropped to his knees.

Robin: Nightwing!

He exited out of the mech and tried to get close to him.

Nightwing: no stay back
Robin: but what about you?!

Just then Chisaki was still conscious and saw what's happening to Izuku. And he lifted one of the giant hands attempting to slam it down at them. But as soon he touched them Eri's power got to him as it separated both him and Rikiya.  They flew in the air only for Uravity to grabs his wrist and get him Down thanks to her gunhead martial arts and Ryukyu coming out of the hole.

Ryukyu: Uravity what's the situation?
Uravity: Nighteye is in the back! We call for a residence in vicinity to evacuate!

Froppy was coming out of the hole as well with mr Aizawa and red hood and Amajiki came out with mirio.

Robin: everyone! We got a problem!

They all looked at Izuku and the state he's  in.

Eri's mind: No..Stop...he's going to die!No! 

Remembering Chisakis words again she was losing control and can't stop. That's when Tsu was that Aizawa was awake and made him open his eyes and he deactivated Eri's quirk. As she dropped.

Uravity: it's over
Suneater: is it?
Kouta: Izuku

He rushed over to his partner and saw he was ok so was Eri. After all that the police search the rest of the underground, bubble girl saw Sir Nighteye as the police carried him to an ambulance, they found fat gum and Kirishima and they arrested Rappa and Tengai, the police also arrested the three of the eight bullets of death that's amajiki fought knocked out, and also arrested nemoto and sakaki they even found the real head of the Hassaikai who was in a secret room.   Nightwing was able to stand back up and had Eri in his arms walking back to the entrance of the HQ of the hassaikai with the others they saw Kirishima on a stretcher and became worried for his friends. When Kirishima saw his friend he smiled making them smiled as well. Then Nightwing gave Eri over to a Paramedic since she started to get a fever as they took her to the hospital. The police inform that both Izuku and Kouta should go to the hospital as well and Kouta saw other paramedics taking Nighteye in an ambulance and walked over to him.

Kouta: Nighteye! Nighteye. I forgot to tell you!
Nighteye: Izumi...he Midoriya was able to twist the future...
Kouta:All Might he still alive! He said he couldn't face you but you need to see him again! So hang in there!

As they took him away Kouta then went with Izuku as they made way to the hospital as well.

We see the van that was taking Chisaki to Tartarus which also had the finish product of the drugs. But than a van in front of them, it was league of villains they open the doors to see Dabi Mr. compress and Deathstroke. Dabi first unleashed fire but it was proven useless cause there was a hero there, the sand hero snatch. So Shigaraki first jumps but was catch by snatch but Deathstroke only took out a pistol and shot one of the tires of the van that had Chisaki and the van rolled over and crashed and mr compress threw a marble that was a giant boulder and crash the police car. He even when snatch was distracted fighting Dabi Mister trapped him in a marble. They walked walked up to the crash van and pulled out Chisaki. Mister compress compressed Chisaki's arm and Shigaraki touched his other as it was decaying so Deathstroke cut it off as Shigaraki grabbed the final product of the drug and walked away as Deathstroke looked at Chisaki and bend down to him

Deathstroke:though we may have had an agreement that we would cooperate we lied this is the only way we can succeed and that way is you failed it's our turn now. 

And he walked away leaving Chisaki Screaming.

We see Izuku and Kouta with the top part of their costumes off as the doctor told them their result and there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Kouta looked at the doctor with a question in his mind.

Kouta: More importantly. Where's everyone else?

That's when Aizawa came in through the door.

Aizawa:I went to check on them.
Izuku: hows your injuries?
Aizawa: only ten stitches, both of you come with me.

They both put back on their suits minus their mask and gloves. As they walk through the hallways of the hospital Aizawa told them how everyone was in the aftermath. Kirishima has bruises and lacerations in his whole body but he'll live, Amajiki cracked a bone in his face, but none of his injuries will leave a scar, Fat Gum has broken bones in a few places, but he seems fine and luckily the blade that stabbed Rick Lock didn't hit any vital organs, so his wound won't develop into anything serious.

Kouta: well that's a relief but what about Eri?
Aizawa: she's still feverish and sleeping She's being quarantined right now
Eri: So, I can't even see her?
Aizawa: apparently it was decided based on the information we got from you about her. She can't control her quirk that rewinds people. If something activates it again I'm the only one that can stop her.*to izuku* you were able to touch her by continually destroying your whole body right?
Izuku: yes
Aizawa: there aren't many people who could do that.

Going down B2 in the elevator they went into a room and surprise to see who showed up.

Kouta:All Might...! And Recovery Girl...

Also present in the room was a doctor, a nurse, bubble girl and centipeder as well.

Kouta: why...?
Bubble girl: I called them...because..*starts crying* Sir was always talking about All Might...

Centipeder pulled out a handkerchief for her to wipe her tears.

Doctor: there's nothing else that can be done... Honestly... It's mysterious how he's even still alive...
Recovery Girl: There's nothing I can do with my healing at this point...
Doctor: Unfortunately I don't think he will live to see tomorrow...

They looked into the too to see Nighteye on the bed multiple tubes on the hole his stomach and his missing arm bandage up. Toshinori Izuku and Kouta were all near his bed.

Toshinori: Nighteye...

He opened his eyes to see retired pro.

Nighteye:All Might... you finally feel like seeing me... on my deathbed...?
Toshinori: there's nothing I can say to that...
Toshinori: i've done terrible things to you...
Kouta: Nighteye! Live! Do your best!
Nighteye: you're being... Very respectful...*to izuku* I don't resent you at all. Because all I wanted was for you to be happy... If you decided to fight then-
Toshinori: You should fight too! Please let me atone for all I've done until now...
Nighteye: there's nothing to atone for... I wanted to change the future where you were killed, so I kept looking for ways to change it... But it was to no avail... But today Medalla showed me something. I think... It might have to do with energy... A strong vision with no room for doubt energy that wished for a future. I'm sure it wasn't just my diarrhea. Everyone believes strongly in it and brought it together. So I thought I could be the result of the energy conversion on Victoria... And being released... The future is uncertain you have changed my thinking... That's enough for me my only regret is...
Mirio: Sir!

Mirio came in through the door worried for his mentor.

Mirio: You can't! Please live! You can't die!
Nighteye: mirio...You suffered so much because of me... If only... I had been...
Mirio:it was... because you taught me that I was able to become strong! It was because he taught me that I'm living like this now! Please teach me more!
Nighteye: Mirio...Forgive me...*mind*at first I only lured you in as a vessel for OFA. But you followed me and and believe me and before I knew it you became my pride...

He use what's left of his strengths lifted his only arm touching mirio's check and using his foresight one last time looking to mirio's Future as a smile grew on his face

Nighteye: you'll be fine... you'll become a finer hero than anyone else... This is the only future... That shouldn't be changed. So smile... Smile... A society without sharing humor... Will not have... A bright future...

And with those words said Nighteye died with a smile on his face everyone around him tears out of their eyes all except one person who couldn't show his emotion after witnessing another death in his life......

The next day
We see Kouta out of his hero outfit and in his school uniform as he saw Aizawa and recovery girl looking at the TV as he looked as well.

News reporter:Kai Chisaki, arrested for the abduction and confinement of a young girl, is the young Head of the designated villain group Shei Hassaikai. As police were transporting him they were attacked by the league of villains. During this incident Sand hero: Snatch it was there as back up for escort was killed. there were also numbers of police officers injured.
Recovery girl: This is all they've been reporting on since yesterday.
Aizawa: it isn't something you should be responsible for you don't have to worry about it.You and everyone else should head back to school now Togata is gonna stay a little longer everyone else is already healed thanks to recovery girl. They should be here soon.
Kouta: can't I stay too, until Eri wakes up?
Aizawa: even if you stayed the situation won't change. All we can do is leave Eri to the doctors.
Kouta: ok...where's Izuku...
Aizawa: talking to Togata
Kouta: I need...I need to talk to him about something I'll be right back

Before either of them could say anything Kouta dropped his bag and left to see Izuku. Running through the hall he arrived at the room but didn't because he saw all might as well putting a finger on his mouth cause they were talking about something....

In the room
Mirio: if either you, me or Kouta  look gloomy then Eri would also feel bad.
Izuku: So we need to keep smiling....
Mirio: just like how Nighteye said and who knows he said I'll become a great hero like I'll be worthy for something....
Izuku: he's right...

Mirio looked at Izuku with a confused face.

Izuku: he said you would be worthy, I thought I was worthy but I'm not I never deserve this I only had it because I proved myself and you...you proved yourself as well you are more worthy than me, someone who can bring hope to people who can save them with a smile on you face showing that everything can be alright....
Mirio: What are you saying Izubro?

Izuku stood up from the bed and picked off a piece of his hair, holding his index finder and his thumb.

Izuku:.....eat this....

To be continue....
Thanks to Trajon27 for helping me on how to play this out.

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