67.Prepping for the School festival is the funnest part

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Another day of school has passed as we see the students of class 1-A leaving and heading off to the dorms but then work study group staying for extra lessons. While that's we see the others walking with Mina yelling in excitement for their dance.

Mina: The dance choreography and costume.. there's a lot to decide!
Shoji: what do you think people will like?
Denki: we should do what's popular. Right, jirou?

Meanwhile Bakugou saw two student from general studies and heard about his class making a concert, and think that there too much of themselves and too carefree due to the attack on USJ, the summer camp, Nightwing vs Stain and also Nightwing and all might vs All for one. It has come to realize that the general studies aside from one student thought that everything that happen was 1-A's fault.

Tenya: the school festival is exactly one month away! We don't have much time so we should decide various things today!
Toru: first we need to decide on a song, huh? What should we do?
Ojiro: I don't know much about stuff like that so I'll go along with what you guys think.
Shoji: same here
Denki: Anyways since it's for everyone, shouldn't we do a song most people know? We should do something with a beat.
Mina: something you can dance to!
Kyoka: If I put together everyone's opinions, then we're looking at a four-on-the-floor new rave type of club rock song. For dance music we should really be playing EDM, but you guys want to play instruments, right? Has anyone ever played bass or drums or anything?
Mina: well we know Midori plays.
Sero: we can ask him when he comes back.
Jirou: well that's good, but first the backbone of a band is the drums, But I mainly play guitar, so I honestly , Im still learning drums.

Just then denki had a idea in his head about someone who knew how to play drums.

Denki: oh, didn't you say you were made to take music classes as a kid?

Everyone looked at the direction he was facing and all eyes were facing Bakugou.

Bakugou: huh?
Mina: really? That's surprising!
Sero: Bakugou, try playing the drums a little.
Bakugou: like I'd do that

As he turn to walk to his room Sero has a ace in his sleeve and said that playing the drums was very hard so...Bakugou turned back and showed everyone his skills on the drums. As everyone saw this. Awe of his talents.

Bakugou: well?
Kyoka: p-perfect...
Mina: There he is—mr. talented!
Denki: Bakugou's gotta be on the drums!

As he was done he stood up and began walking back to his room.

Bakugou: I'm not doing anything so stupid.
Kyoka: Bakugou please! I mean if you do it it'll definitely turn out good!
Bakugou: there's no way it'll be good!

He says how it's just some way to get the other course student to blow off steam just because all the stress that has been happening lately and since the general study students from earlier don't like the class but turns out he actually is gonna participate in this band and kill everyone with their sound since now he's carrying a heavy burden.

Later at night.
Momo: as part of my education, I studied the piano from a young age. Will that be any help?
Shoto: we all listen to your many songs when we were young.
Mina: it'll be perfect for the band!
Kyoka: we've gotta have a synth for the music club.yao-Momo it'll be a big help.
Momo: I'll do my best.
Mina: I was gonna have a girls dance group  all the girls...but you'll be cute so it's fine!
Kyoka: i'll play bass so we just need guitar and vocals done.
Ojiro: So everyone else will be in the dance?
Tenya: yeah. But what will that be enough to fire everyone up?
Shoto: in that video-
Mina: we've gotta put in some effects!
Shoto: that.

Mina then proceed to go to the computer and showed the same video that had the band and showed the many effects there was like using sparks and streamers and a disco ball so she came up with a idea where Uraraka can make Todoroki and Kirishima float, and the. Kirishima scrapes at Todoroki's ice to chip away at it and then Aoyama can be a disco ball... and it'll look like lights twinkling down the Stardust.

Mina: I call it "Team Snowmen"!
Mineta: A human shaved-ice machine!
Denki: it's like the teaming up we were talking about before!
Aoyama: I'm a disco ball? That's not bad!

Just then they heard the door open and saw the study group arriving and see Kouta with a red face and his hat covering his eyes.  Turns out Mirio told them about koutas date and finally caught up with everyone.

Kouta: can you guys stop talking about it now!
Mina: what's up with Kouta?
Kouta: don't you dare!
Tsu: he's got a date!
Mina: oooohhh young love! Who's the lucky girl?
Toru: you must tell us!
Kouta: look I'm not gonna say!
Izuku: I think it's enough teasing for you today anyway did you guys got anyplans for the concert.

After a explanation.
Kouta: how unexpectedly that Bakugou plays drums.
Bakugou: you got a problem with it bird boy?!
Kouta: no.
Tsu: so who's gonna sing the all important vocals?
Kouta: I think it should be Izuku, Hey! We can use that song that we've been-
Izuku: actually Kouta I think someone else should sing.
Kouta: but Izuku what about that song it actually-

But as Kouta look in his eyes he could tell that Izuku was gonna use that song for something else so he trusts Izuku.

Kouta: ok anyone else can sing? Jirou? You know music so it's obvious you can sing.
Kouta: I'm serious I think you can make a great singer!
Mina: So it can be perfect for your date~
Kouta: *blushing* quiet pinky!
Mineta: if it's vocals you want I can do it! It'll make me popular!
Kouta: you still need to learn how to be a good person.
Aoyama: I can be a disco ball and sing!
Kouta: it's best for you to be just a disco ball.
Eijiro: yeah! I can't play any instruments but I'm a pretty good singer! 🎶Man of the ship🎶-🎶you go get that🎶
Ochako: isn't that different genre?
Kouta: that's not even sing you're just yelling
Aoyama: Aaahhh~
Ochako: falsetto
Mina:*to izuku* hey midori are you sure you don't to lead sing.

Kouta didn't say anything but insta grabbed the mic away from Mineta and walks towards jirou.

Jirou: huh?
Kouta: just give it a try.

Just looking at the boy she took the mic took a deep breath and...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

A/n stop at 0:44
Everyone was awestruck they never heard such a beautiful voice while both that Izuku and Kouta both smiled as they gave their friend a chance to shine. After she was done the entire class 1-a was cheering as they finally found a lead singer.

Kyoka: So we still need guitar. I want two!

Denki showed that he can play guitar as for Mineta he wanted to play as well but due to his size he can't reach the strings so he had to set it out. While some others decided to dance as well they heard the sound of another guitar playing and saw Tokoyami playing the guitar Mineta left behind.

Tsu: Tokoyami that's amazing how come you don't say anything?
Tokoyami:I quit once at the F chord
Izuku: hey I had trouble on the f chord as well but after more tries I got the hang of it and I know you can too Tokoyami so I'll let you take the guitar spot as well.
Tokoyami: thank you.
Kouta:So it's decided right
Izuku: yep everything's written down.


Effects team:

And Dance Team:

Momo: wait a min Midoriya how come you're not on either
Izuku: I would love to join you guys but I got some busy stuff to do.
Mineta: like what?

Izuku said no response and only glare at the small midget.

Izuku: none of your business and I believe..*looks at kouta* we need to help you with a date*smirks*
Kouta: What....

Kouta looked as everyone had a smirk as well as he started to blush as well

Kouta: nononononNONONONO ITS NOT A DATE!
Mina: we should find something for you to wear and don't worry we'll make the concert very perfect for you and that special girl.
Kouta: I'm doomed...

To be continue.....

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