9. Combat Training (Dekuwing vs kacchan)

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The next day

I rode my motorcycle to school again using my pass except this time other students saw me and watch in awe as I walk pass them to my class. The day went pretty normal well except for present Mic trying to entertain us in English. It now for our heroics lesson and you never guess who's our teacher


Denki: I can't believe it it's really all might

Kirishima: so he is a teacher

Tsuyu: hey look is he wearing his silver age costume

All might: hello I will be your heroics teacher and for today's lesson we will be doing combat training

As we were all excited all might pushed a button and we saw suit cases on wall which have our hero costumes

All might: wear your costumes and meet me at the battle arena

As we grabbed our cases we head to the locker room

Boys locker room

Kirishima: man Midoriya you really got my outfit it's just like I wanted

Shoto: he's right mine is the exact way I wanted it to be

Izuku: your welcome guys I wonder how the girls feel about their costumes

Girls locker room

Mina: Midoriya actually submitted my costume the way I wanted it to be

Momo: we should thank him when we get to the battle field

Tsuyu: so let get this straight *ribbit* Midoriya actually drew and made a description of your costumes and he submitted it for you

Ochako: yeah he's such a nice guy

Toru: sound like you have a crush on him

Ochako: well after this I was actually gonna confess to him

Mina: well good luck Ochako

Ochako: Thanks Mina

At the battle field

All might: glad you all could make it and your costumes look fantastic

(A/N: ignore deku in the picture)

Ochako: hey guys

Kirishima: oh hey girls

Shoto's mind: OMG why does momo's costume look so cute

Mina: hey where's Izuku

Momo: yeah I don't see him anywhere

Shoto: well one minute we were thanking him for the costumes then the next he disappeared

???:hey guys

Class 1-a look up we're they enter ans I did a front flip and land on the ground with my hero costume

Once I got up they saw in awe of how my costume looks like.

Ochako: wow Deku your costume looks amazing

Izuku: thanks Ochako and how you girls like your costumes

Momo: their great

Ochako: I'm a bit embarrassed about mine


Ochako: well it's because this suit is skin tight and it's not my style

As I was about to say something mineta said something perverted.

Mineta: I love this school

As uraraka felt more embarrassed I said

Izuku: shut up mineta

Mineta: ok I'm sorry

Izuku: listen Ochako you don't have to be embarrassed with a costume like that you can be a great hero

Ochako: Thanks Deku

All might: now here is the objective you will be in pairs one team will be heroes the other team will be villain. The villain team must protect the bomb from the heroes and if the heroes touch the bomb they'll win. Now let's get you in teams

Teams go as canon

All might: now the first team to go are team a and team d. Team A will be the heroes and team d will be the villains the rest of you will come with me to the camera room to see the fight.

Ochako: Hey Deku are you excited

Izuku: *sigh*

Ochako: Are you ok

Izuku: listen Ochako I don't want you to get hurt knowing kacchan he's gonna go after me

Ochako: don't worry even if something does go wrong I got your back

Izuku: thanks you and gang are what keeps me going

All might: all right the hero team can now enter the building

Izuku: Ochako hold on to me

Ochako: ok

Ochako puts her arms around my neck as I use my grapple gun to get us in the window and we went through looking for the weapon kacchan tries to sneak attack us so I got in front of Ochako and took the blow

Ochako: Deku are you ok

The smoke clear to see that I was unharmed

Bakugou: what!? How were you able to resist that

Izuku: my armor is bullet knife and explosion prove so your quirk won't affect it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Izuku: Ochako go get the weapon I'll handle kacchan

Ochako: ok Deku be careful

In the observation room

Kirishima: wow Midoriya took a blow from Bakugou

Jirou: For someone who's quirkless I'm impress how how much power he took

Aoyama: it seems that madam uraraka has gone to get the weapon

Back to the battle

As kacchan charge at me I pull out my eskrima sticks and jump over him and hit him at his ribs. He turn around to kick me but I block it and active taser mode at the eskrima sticks and got him on his chest


Observation room

Kaminari: did he just shock Bakugou

Sato: what kind of weapons does he have

Back at the battle

After kacchan was shock it gave me time to escape and blend in the shadows as the blue on my suit turn black I trie to communicate to Ochako

Izuku: hey Ochako what's the situation did you find the weapon

Ochako: yeah it's in the fifth floor Iida is protecting it

Izuku: ok I can leave kacchan here

Just then I heard a noise behind seeing it was kacchan

Bakugou: very stealthy Deku but now I'm chargee

Izuku: what are you talking about

Bakugou: well you see these gauntlets aren't just for show. My quirk lets me a a nitroglycerin type sweat which fills up the power of the gauntlets to make a bigger explosion all I need to do is to pull this trigger so deku you scared now

Observation room

Kirishima: all might Bakugou gone crazy

Mina: he's gonna hurt Izuku

Back at the battle

All might: Bakugou you'll kill him

Bakugou: he'll be fine as long as he dodges

I put the eskrima sticks back on my back and stood there

Izuku: take your best shot

He pulled the trigger and the explosion came right at me but that was part of the plan I activated my tech on my hand and upper cut the explosion to where Iida and Ochako was

Izuku:Ochako hold on to something

Ochako: right
After the explosion there was a hole in the ceiling I use my grapple gun to go up made it to the next floor and use a net to trap Iida. I saw kacchan flying towards us and was about to use an explosion

Izuku: uraraka touch the weapon

Ochako: ok

Before she could touch it kacchan hit me with a massive explosion after that all might said


Ochako: all right we did it......Deku

Ochako saw that I was on the floor unconscious with Bakugou also as beat up as me and unconscious Ochako fell on her knees as Iida got out of the net and grabbed our bodies to recovery girl

Time skip

I woke up in a bed at recovering girls office

RG: oh you're awake for a quirkless you really are strong anyway you can head back to class

I walk back the class 1-a and as I open the door everyone came to me

Kirishima: Midoriya welcome back

Sero: I can't believe you hold your own against Bakugou he's super strong

Mina: your dodging was amazing

Momo: but you should take care of yourself

Izuku: I know btw you guys know where Ochako is

Shoto: why do you want to see her

Izuku: well I have some feelings for her and I decided maybe today I can confess to her

Mina: I knew it you both like each other

Tsuyu: I think she's coming back

Kaminari: Anyway what you like to eat uraraka

Ochako: maybe moch.... Deku

Ochako ran up to me after rejecting denki

Izuku: hey Ochako

Ochako: omg omg omg are you alright Bakugou did a number on you

Izuku: I'm fine I need to talk to you privately

We walk out of the class room and we were both nervous

Izuku and Ochako : I want to say that, oops I cut you off you go first, no you, ok stop that

We both blush so I spoke first

Izuku: Ochako what I want to say is ever since I save you from falling being together as friends I been developing some kind of feelings for you

Ochako: Deku I was gonna say the same thing you've been the nicest person in my life and I also developed the same feelings Izuku I....I .....

She never got to finish because I was close to her face and but my lips on hers

Izuku: I love you too

We kiss again this time it lasted longer

Izuku: does this make us boyfriend and girlfriend

Ochako: yes

We were together finally confessing to each other I wonder what's gonna happen tomorrow?

Else where

????: shigaraki are you ready

Shigaraki: yes

To Be Continue.....

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