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Like a soothing balm, the glory of the wedding and its grand celebration relaxed any resentment Helen Truax - now Helen Parr - had felt earlier towards her new husband.

The joyous occasion and its infectious atmosphere soon left a wide smile on every face present at the reception, from quirky little fashion designer Edna Mode, to the serious agent Rick Dicker, and all of their Superhero friends from the NSA. Helen never felt so carefree in all her life, with a belly full of wedding cake and her feet elegantly gliding across the ballroom floor, guided along in Bob's strong arms. She was quite surprised by his agility, actually. With strength being his primary attribute, she imagined his coordination would be no better than having two left feet. But instead, he moved with a smooth fluidity, graceful and steady, not once stepping on her toes or stumbling. Bob would move them expertly, as though he'd had years of experience dancing rather than crime fighting. She wasn't complaining. It was a nice change of pace, and she could look forward to the days where they'd be more akin to civilians than Supers. Superhero work, while she loved it, could be a bit tiring, not to mention exhausting. Unlike the regular nine to five job, crime had no start or end times. It could happen wherever and whenever, meaning it was prone to cutting into one's regular life - as it had with Bob that very evening when the man arrived a whopping half an hour late to his own wedding.

Inwardly, she sighed. She knew the commitment of Superhero work, but a part of her was hoping that he would've made a little more of an effort to make it there on time. It was a special occasion after all. Instinct was to brush it off, as she had for when he arrived late to their outings during the dating phase. But tonight she was genuinely curious as to what happened. She knew the man well enough to see that something was bothering him, something he couldn't just forget and had his brows furrow every so often, sparkling blue eyes flashing with darkness. Something he continued to try to hide with smiles and light conversation throughout the whole night. Something she was going to find out about, one way or another.

As she opens her mouth to ask, however, Bob dipped her down at the same time, a peal of laughter ringing out instead as he brought her back up and planted a sweet kiss on her lips, at least the eighth of many he had been sneaking in since he became her husband. He then swept her off her feet, holding her up by the hips and twirling her around in a graceful move fit for a ballet performance. She glanced at him incredulously when he finally placed her down and resumed the waltz they had been doing.

"Well, you seem to be enjoying yourself," Helen snickered.

Bob shrugged. "It's a wedding, you're kind of supposed to. Why, are you not?"

"Oh, no no, I am," she assured. "I just had some... concerns."

"Concerns? Already?" He chuckled at this. "Like what?"

Helen raised an eyebrow at him. "For a minute there, it sure seemed like you were going to bail out."

He pulled her closer to him. "And leave the perfect woman at the altar? I wouldn't dream of it," he answered.

Helen chuckled. "Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere, mister."

Bob wiggled an eyebrow. "You sure about that?"

She rolled her eyes, moving in to press a quick kiss to his lips before continuing in their conversation.

"Come on, Honey. I can feel you're a bit tense. Tell me what happened."

Bob huffed out, his mood darkening. "Do I have to...?"

"Yes. Besides, I can tell you want to get it off your chest."

He sighed, seeming to go over it in his mind for a moment before he began to speak aloud. "It was nothing much, really. Just that robbery from the rooftop, and also running into Bomb Voyage. He... he got away."

Helen blinked. "You weren't able to catch him?"

"If I hung around any longer, I would've been even more delayed, honey," he explained. "I promised the police that I would catch him, though. Eventually."

Helen nodded. "Right." Bob nodded too, but he still looked discomforted. She narrowed her eyes, skeptical. "Anything else?"

He instantly replied with "No," thought it was very unconvincing, and he had averted his gaze. Helen sighed, lifting an arm that was on his shoulder, cupping his cheek, and turning his head so that he could look her in the eye.

"Robert Parr, we're going to have to be honest with each other," she said. "Now please tell me what it is already."

He looked deeply into her burning amber eyes, and released a breath he was holding, reluctantly admitting what it was that he was withholding.

"Well, I... ran into Buddy earlier."

She pulled back some, brow scrunching in confusion. "Who?"

He stared back at her, baffled. "You know, Buddy? That one kid from the Mr. Incredible fan club? Short, kind of pudgy, freckled..."

"Ohhh," she exclaimed, nodding her head in understanding. "You mean that self-proclaimed 'Incrediboy.'"

Bob rolled his eyes. "Came decked out in some home-made Supersuit too. I suppose he thought we were going to cruise around in the Incredibile all day."

She gave him a questioning look. "I take it you sent him on his way?"

"Heh," he chuckled, rubbing his arm on the back of his neck. "I may or may not have used the ejector seats to help."

"The ejector seats?!" Helen parroted, shoving his shoulder. "I told you not to!"

He hung his head in mild shame. "I know, I'm sorry."

"You better be! I suppose if our kids wanted to take a joy ride with their father, you'd eject them?"

"Of course not, honey."

She gave a sharp nod. "Good!"

Things grew silent between them, Helen allowing a couple minutes for what she had said to hopefully sink in for Bob. And it did, though it wasn't what she had intended.

"Sooo," he said, grinning widely. "You want to have kids?"

Helen blushed. "I-it's not such a bad thought."

He shook his head in awe. "Wow."


"I just didn't think you were the type," he said. "With your independence, and all."

"I think that's a little redundant now, don't you think?" she asked, gesturing between him in reference to their marriage. Then she snorted. "If anything, I'm surprised you're even interested. With that EGO."

"Oh, come on, a guy can't appreciate the great work he does?" he asked, flashing a cocky smile.

Helen rolled her eyes, suddenly feeling worry blossom inside her chest. "Sweetie... I know I said this before, but if we want this to work, you - "

"I know, have to be 'more than Mr. Incredible.'"

She gave him a look. "I'm serious," she said.

"I am being serious," he assured. "You don't believe me?"

She gazed at him, unable to count how many times she could remember that he behaved so infuriatingly conceited, every single time as his superhero self. She knew it was wrong to pick favorites per say, but she liked it better when he was civilian Robert Parr, the guy who was easygoing and would find small, everyday ways to be 'heroic,' whether it was opening a door, carrying heavy bags for someone else, or reaching something on a higher shelf for someone. But oh, what was she thinking? Mr. Incredible and Robert Parr were the same person... right?

"Yes, honey, I do," she finally replied, leaning her head against his shoulder and falling into the sensation of the slow dance once more. Bob held her close, his arms embracing her and his eyes shutting blissfully.

"How many kids, by the way?" he asked suddenly.

She considered his question, and spoke when she was sure of the answer.

"About two."

Bob nodded. "I was hoping for three."

She tilted her head. "Three?"

"More to carry on my legacy, right?"

She smacked him on the shoulder again. "Bob!"

"Right, right, sorry, our legacy," he laughed.

She shook her head, a fond smirk tugging one corner of her lips. "Perhaps it's just best if you don't speak anymore."

And, agreeing with an amused shrug, Bob did just that, the young couple instead enjoying the rest of their matrimonial celebration and eagerly anticipating what the future was to bring.

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