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Never in my life.

Worry starts to turn into suspicion when I look up at the clock, to see that five minutes had passed. And I hadn't heard her call me still.

What is she doing now?

There's a slight frown on my face when I shift off from my bed. A heavy sigh passes through my lips as I walk towards the door, twisting the knob open.

She's struggling with my shirt.

I raise an eyebrow when I see my dark sweatpants tucked high to her waist. And she's tugging at the white shirt, having put it on backwards.

Shilla looks up at me.

"I didn't know if I was supposed to, uh, wearing this." She murmurs in a half-asleep voice, eyes blinking slowly. "Can you help me? This doesn't feel right, Jungkook."

"It's backwards."

"That's why." I murmur, finding a faint smile on my lips as I help turn the shirt back the right way.



She doesn't say anything, except to keep staring up at me with wide eyes. And for a second I hesitate, gaze flickering down to her lips.

A stupid grin spreads on her face.

"Jungkook. I want to kiss you. Can I kiss you?"

I place a hand on her waist, head slightly tilting at her disoriented state.

"I'll kiss you when you're sober."

"Sober?" She frowns, pressing her mouth together in a line. "I'm sober. I'm sober right now."

"No, you are not."

I push her away when she clings onto my shoulders. My touch is gentle— but I wouldn't kiss her, not when she was this vulnerable. If she woke up to still want what she is wanting while drunk, I'd give it to her.

"Go to sleep, Shilla."

"I don't want to." She rubs at her eyes, still looking unhappy. "Why are you so boring? Can we play? Do you have chess?"


"Yeah. I always get Amin to play, but she got too good after I asked her fifteen times." She mumbles, looking around. "Maybe you're more my level."

I laugh softly.

"I don't have chess. I'm sorry."

She yawns. And ignoring her hushed protests, I take her to my room. With all that she'd said, she climbs into my bed the moment she sees it.

"Where will you sleep?"

"I'll be in the living room." I say, standing by the doorway. But when I tell her that, she suddenly shakes her head and jumps right back off.

"I'll sleep on the couch."

"It's fine." I whisper, noticing her tired eyes and pursed lips. "Sleep. And call me if you need anything. I'll be right outside."

Before she can argue with me any more, I close the door and cross the living room to the couch. Exhaustion is pulling down on me more than I thought.

Of course. It was almost like taking care of a child for an entire day.

Pulling my sweatshirt over my head, I grip one of the blankets and lie down lazily on the largest couch. Sleep is there almost instantly.

I don't know how much time passes before there's a soft sound of a door opening, and muffled footsteps against the floor.

A warm figure presses lightly against my body.



My head feels like it's going to crack open. And I'm used to this feeling— the feeling of morning hangover. I'm used to the dull aching, the exhaustion in my body even though I've just slept.

But I'm not used to this.

I'm tucked into Jungkook's body. His arm is wrapped tight around my waist, pressing my back against his chest. There's a warm blanket covering the two of us.

And he's asleep.

What happened last night?

Sucking in a slow, hushed breath, I make the tiniest motion of moving my arm more in front of me. And then I pause, all my senses perked in his direction.

Why am I here?

It hurts to try and remember, with my messed up head.

Carefully, I wrap my fingers around his wrist and try to lift his arm off the curve of my waist. I still had no clue how I'd ended up tucked into him, in a place I'd never seen before.

Was this his house?

And I accidentally shift a bit too far.

The moment the couch dips unnaturally, I can feel him awake. I don't need to look— my eyes are just wide, as I sense his gaze sweep over our position.

His voice is a stunned murmur, husky with sleep.

"When in the world did you get here?"

My expression freezes in shock.

And I instantly turn around, still on the couch. I'd thought he'd brought me here. What in the heck?

"How am I here?"

"Did you..." His face deepens with realization. And then he sighs heavily, shifting me off of his body. "Shilla. Make me a promise that you won't drink ever again."

My cheeks blush with morning warmth.

"I....I came here by myself?"

"I brought you here." He says quietly, eyes slanting. "Because you would not remember your address last night. But that's all."

So I sleepwalked to him?

The blush already on my face turns brighter, and I stumble out of the couch— pressing the backs of my hands to my cheeks.

No wonder he didn't want me drunk anymore. I couldn't remember any of yesterday night, but from what he's telling me...

I'd been a complete idiot.

Then I look down at myself, blinking furiously when I don't recognize the clothes I'm wearing. It's oversized, and it takes me three seconds to catch on.

"Is this...yours?"

"Yes." He brushes his hair from his eyes. "I should be at least thankful you knew how to dress yourself."

I swallow thickly.


He breathes. "Do you do this a lot, Shilla? Go to clubs— and drink? Is this something that happens often?"

I nod slightly. And displeasure crosses his face, voice pressing harder.

"Has someone ever taken you home like I did?"

"Uh...sometimes?" I pipe up weakly, and he winces. "But Amin always got me before I did anything real stupid. So it's..."


Jungkook's jaw is flexed. "Promise me this, then. That every time you go to a place like that, you'll call me."

Confusion is the first thing that fills my mind.

"You want me to call you? But I thought you didn't like anything related with a club."

He shakes his head, and my voice fades away. And my brows furrow together, still lost as he talks softer.

"Just promise me."

My head drops into a hesitant nod.





My eyes flicker, before closing. But then the sound of my name comes again, and the sleep thick on my eyelids dissipates a bit.

"Noona, were you tired?" He whispers, and I feel his hands slip under my back— lifting me up from the couch. "You still can't sleep here. It's cold without a blanket."

I mumble. My eyes open into slits, and I see the windows dark.

Night already?

My gaze shifts to him. He's looking down at me, brown eyes curious and amused. I'm still in his arms, body pressed against his chest.

A slow smile spreads on his full lips.

"Hey. Are you awake?"

"Y-Yeah." I murmur, eyes flashing open when I realize the entire situation. Tired from work, I'd just crashed straight on the couch the moment I'd gotten home.

"Tae, when'd you get here?"

"A few minutes ago." He says, brushing his lips across my forehead. "Why didn't you sleep in my room?"

But I'm more interested why he'd made me go home earlier. Now it was nearly seven, almost two hours past the time he should've been back.

"Why are you so late?"

His eyes slightly darken. And I search his expression when he turns his head away, lips pressing into a stern line.

"I...I went to the doctor for a consultation, Noona."


"I mean, that's great." I exclaim, completely awake now as I scramble out of his hold. "Taehyung, really? When did you ever schedule an appointment?"

I'd thought he would hate to be even near a hospital, with his trauma. After that day when he'd told me about it, I'd promised myself to never force him to a doctor just because of the expression he'd had.

But he'd gone there, like that?

"There didn't seem to be any other option, Noona." He whispers, hand gripping mine.

"And I wanted to get better— for you."

Warmth settles in my chest, until his jaw flexes.

"But I'm not going anymore."


"They said that I needed to come to oxygen therapy at least three times a week." He growls, tone harsh. "So they could put machines on me to breathe to. It's dumb— it isn't worth it."

The corners of my eyes slant downwards.


He swallows heavily at my gaze. "Noona, I'm sorry. I know you want me to go."

"Then just once." I whisper, voice lowered. "Will you try going— one time? If you don't like it, then I won't say anything else, Taehyung."

And I can tell that he nearly says no, that the word comes up all the way up his throat.

But instead he sighs.

"I can do once. But that's only
because you're the one who's asking me."

A satisfied smile flickers on my lips. He needed this. Whether how much he hated treatment, Taehyung's asthma would only get worse if it remained untouched.

It was already getting worse.

Every night, he'd jerk awake at least three times with his breaths more rushed than normal. Even though the flares were less during the day, it wasn't rare when I had to pull him out from meetings and conferences because of his asthma.

Pushing up on my tiptoes, I kiss him softly on the lips.

"Just one time."

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