Chapter 1: Where are you From?

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Winter of 2021

The busy Daegu town buzzing even in the coldest month of the year. The new year brought happiness and resolutions. The new year also lightened hope and expectations in everyone's hearts. Among them was a young adult ferdal black and white cat hybrid, Min Yoongi.

The twenty-seven year old hybrid ran the halls of the music institution since he was running late. He hurried feet come to an halt when he reaches the piano room. The professor shoots a glance at the hybrid before looking at his watch. Mr. Lim Kang-min. He eyed the hybrid who avoided meeting the gaze of the older and quietly sat on his seat.

"How many time have I told you that I don't like tardiness in my class!"

Yoongi's ears twitched from the professor's yell. The hybrid bowed apologetically. This was third time this week that he was late to his classes. Mr. Lim left, leaving the hybrid alone. Yoongi for sure felt guilty for not being up-to-mark despite being the top student of the class. But what could he do? He was a part-time basketball coach. He had to wake up at three in dawn, reach the junior high school and take basketball practices of the boys' team and then by seven in the morning catch a bus to reach the other part of the town to this institution.

Yoongi just had this job which paid him enough to keep up with his music learning. And fortunately, this was his final year, in two months he was going to be a professional pianist. The only thing that kept him going on. The hybrid was set to leave for his next class but stopped when he heard the unpleasantly familiar footsteps coming his way. He didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

Park Jae-In made his way to the hybrid. He tsked at the pale hybrid, eyeing him up and down. The man was a silver spoon and arrogant human who viewed Yoongi as nothing but a dirt of his branded shoes. His annoying smirked tugged on his lips.

"Late again Min? Tsk tsk... just two more months till graduation and you are already slacking off? Tsk..."

Yoongi didn't even spare the man another glance and started walking away to his next class leaving the man embarrassed. He called out to the hybrid but Yoongi gave no attention. Jae-In always saw Yoongi as his competitor. Yoongi always stood first in music class while Jae-In was second. He didn't like the he was just shadow to the shining Yoongi. But the hybrid didn't feel the same. He just wanted to do what he was passionate about, music. He wanted to make his late grandma proud and nothing else.

"And the first week of year is coming to an end... I hope you have made plans with your friends and family. Make sure to keep yourself warm. It's going to be a very cold weekend. This is Bongbong signing off with a warm song for our lovely listeners."

The radio jockey kept her headset on the empty and signaled a thumbs up towards the glass window. So-ra gestured back with a sweet smile on her lips. The rest of the team sighed in relief as the evening show was a success. So-ra was satisfied by the increase in the listeners this week. The twenty-seven years old Persian cat hybrid was the radio producer and show writer. She excused herself when her phone vibrated from a call. Her grandmother.

"Hello, grandma?"

So-ra's honey voice passed through the phone causing the old hybrid woman smile.

"My little meow, have eaten something yet?"

"Yes, granny. I had my lunch and I'll be in an hour."

"Come back safely."

Sora hummed before ending the call and getting back to her team. The clock had strike six in the evening. Sora made her way out of the building and waited for her cab. Sitting inside the cab, she looked out of the window, drooping her furry ears to protect them from the cold breeze. She loved the winter smell, it smelled like holiday, always soothing her stress. Suddenly, she was taken out of her thoughts when a foreign yet pleasant scent hit her nostrils. Sora hurriedly looked in the opposite way. She couldn't see the person behind that scent causing her to huff.

"Dude! Slow down! You are going to run into an accident!"

Yoongi whined at his friend Jisung. The hybrid wasn't very fond of lot of people but he found comfort in his classmate Jisung, his human best friend. They were riding back home on the boy's scooter and to Yoongi's displeasure, Jisung was rash riding through traffic to which the human apologized and slowed down.

Sora reached home and greeted her grandma half-heartedly which the older hybrid sensed. She waited till the young girl freshened up. The grandma laid the dinner table with mouthwatering food. Getting the delicious odour, So-ra rushed to the table and sat next to the older woman. Grandma caressed the young hybrid causing So-ra to purr.

"My little meow. What's wrong? Why do you feel soon distracted?"

"Grandma... I think... I sensed my mate..."

The old hybrid gasped at the information. She looked at the young hybrid who looked conflicted. Grandma smiled softly and once again caressed her granddaughter head.

"But why do you look so sad? Isn't it a good thing? You will find your love soon."

"But granny... will he be a good person? Will I be comfortable with him? Will I be happy with him? What if he is a human? What if he doesn't like me or love me? What if he is in love with someone else?"

Sora questioned to which the grandma smiled in response and patted Sora's back gently.

"Sora... a mate is someone we are destined to. A person who once enters our life, fills it with love, care and warmth. Even if it's a human, don't be afraid."

"I don't know granny... I am scared about the next step..."

"Don't worry about it now. Just focus on yourself and your job. You will meet him when it is meant to be. Okay?"

Sora tugged a small smile before nodding and starts feasting over the delicious food.

On the other part of the town, Yoongi was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He felt it too, the scent of his mate. He wasn't ready for it. He was nobody, he was broke, and had a plan and it didn't include dating or marriage. Yoongi thought it was best if he avoided those thoughts and just keep working towards his goal.

Radio Station

Sora was preparing for her team meeting. The team manager called up an emergency meeting to discuss the plans for the upcoming month. She sat in her chair and saw that her manager was going through memos hastily. She could see her manager was anxious and worried. Sora leaned to her left and whispered.

"What's going on?"

Her colleague simply shrugged. Sora flinched when she heard the loud slam on the table. The manager was breathing heavily looking at her employees. Though Mrs. Cha was known to be a drama queen but today it was something over the hill.

"Our competitors are gaining new listeners every single day! And we are losing ours!"

Sora dropped her furry ears down, protecting them from damage by the woman's loud screech. The poor hybrids present in the meeting rubbed their ears due to over sensitivity. Sora raised her hand causing Mrs. Cha to gestured her a nod to continue.

"Ma'am, since last show, we are getting a stable listeners... so what is the issue?"

"The issue is that our competitors are bringing new segments every new month and we have nothing new! We have stuck to the same old routine!"

Sora noted the older woman's words. She was right, ever since their last Christmas special segment, they haven't really made any new segments to hook listeners. The meeting ended and they all dispersed.

Sora's mind was in a haze, thinking about unique ideas for a radio show. She noted some but none felt worth it. She sighed and picked up the newspaper. Her eyes landed on the admissions advertisement for Daegu Music & Art Academy. An idea struck in her mind causing her to rush to Mrs. Cha.

"So... you want to hold a music competition?"

"Yes ma'am! Think about it. We'll do a collaboration with the academy and help the students get a chance to let the netizens have a sneak peek at their talent. Plus, we can keep it live, so that listeners can also participate and vote for their favorite one!"

Mrs. Cha was quite impressed by Sora's enthusiasm causing her to nod in acknowledgement.

"Fine. You are incharge of getting an approval by the academy and I'll handle the rest."

"Thank you ma'am!"

Mrs. Cha chuckled at the hybrid's endearing celebration. She shooed the hybrid out.

Daegu Music & Art Academy

Sora made her way to the academy. She had managed to get an appointment with the principal.

"This is a very nice proposal Ms. Nam. This can not only help our institution but also the students here."

"That is the goal sir."

Sora smiled charmingly to which the principal nodded and rose to his feet causing Sora to do the same. The older woman and the hybrid walked down the hallway and stopped in front of the staff room. She knocked on the door and a elderly man came out of the room. He respectfully bowed to the older woman and glanced at the hybrid who smiled at the man.

"Mr. Lim, this Ms. Nam Sora. She is from Dawn FM radio. She wants to hold a friendly competition between the students. Why don't you take her and show her our talented kids. Hm?"

"Sure ma'am."

Mr. Lim replied firmly and led the way. Sora followed the man but halted when she smelled the same scent from two days back. She turned around and saw a pale skinned black and white fur cat hybrid staring at her equally shocked. Mr. Lim came towards his student.

"Yoongi, call all the music students and ask them to gather around in the music hall."

Yoongi nodded and slowly turned around. His gaze not wanting to leave Sora's gaze but he did it anyway. Sora found him.


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