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The apartment had filled with music, Courtney blasting Chase Atlantic from her room while Hunter had sang along to Taylor Swift. Mya hadn't arrived yet, the guys on their way from Trevors. They couldn't hear the knocks on the door, both preoccupied with looking their best.

Hunter's music stopped, her phone ringing as Trevor's name took over the screen. She quickly answered, setting it down on her vanity to finish her makeup.

"We're here."

"The doors unlocked." She told him, two triangles of concealer beneath her eyes. She tried to blend it in as fast as possible, the music starting up again as the call ended.

She heard the door open and close loudly, the boys announcing their arrival. Hunter finished applying the concealer, jumping up from her fuzzy purple chair without a care that she'd been in an oversized shirt. She ran out to the livingroom, seeing the three boys making themselves comfortable.

Trevor was in the kitchen, taking out several bottles from the paper bags. Cole had splayed himself out on the couch, a beer already in his hand. Jamie was the only one who hadn't walked in like he owned the place, his attention bouncing curiously around the apartment.

"Jamie!" Hunter exclaimed as she saw the brunette first, her arms wrapping tightly around him as if she'd known him for years.

"Woah, hey." He stumbled back at her attack, embracing her in his arms. "Huh." His brows furrowed at the girl as she pulled away.

"What?" She asked, a dumbfounded grin on her face as she was happy to finally meet him.

"You're shorter than I thought." He shrugged and her mouth fell open, softly hitting his shoulder before turning to Cole.

"I see you've taken no time to start pregaming." She laughed as the boy held up his drink.

"I had to listen to Taylor Swift for an hour, so yeah." Cole stated, taking a sip of his drink and she rolled her eyes. "And apparently I still have to." He pointed out the music that came from her room, blending with the song playing from Courtneys.

"Court! Your favorite person is here!"

Courtneys door swung open, her hair halfway straightened with a tube of mascara in her hands. She looked around frantically, frowning as she was met with the boys.

"That's mean, I thought Mya was here."

"She's on her way." Jamie said, glancing down at his phone and the two girls turned to look at him.

"You two texting?" Courtney asked, her brows wiggling at the brunette.

"It's not-it's not like that. We're friends." His cheeks were red, neither of the two believing him.

"Hunny!" She directed her attention to the kitchen, where Trevor stood pouting. "Not even gonna say hi to me?"

"Sorry!" She squeaked out, running to the kitchen, her socks sliding against the tile. She stopped, grabbing the side of his head and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I wanted to say hi to Jamie and Cole, I didn't forget about you." Hunter assured, glancing down at the drinks he'd displayed.

"Pick your poison." Trevor grinned, waving his hand at the various alcohols.

"Surprise me, I've got to finish my makeup and get dressed." She told him, "bring it to me?"

"Will do."

Hunter went back to her makeup, continuing to blast Taylor despite Cole's various complaints. She was applying eyeliner when Trevor walked in, holding two cups.

"Wildest dreams! Such a good song!" He exclaimed as he entered the room, setting a cup down in front of her.

She smiled back at him, "he's so tall and handsome as hell," she sang out, pointing to him with the liner in her hands.

"She wrote this song about me, didn't you know?" He joked, hovering behind her with a hand resting on her shoulder.

"Like you could pull Taylor."

"You don't think I could? I pulled you." She shook her head, mouth bitten into a line as she tried not to smile. She finished the liner, and grabbed her mascara.

"Does this look okay?" She asked, staring into the mirror as she applied the last of her makeup.

"You look good either way." He shrugged and she rolled her eyes, "yes, you look hot." She smiled at that, closing the tube when she'd finished and stood from the chair.

She closed her door, the blond watching her every move as she took off the shirt.

"If I knew calling you hot would get me—"

"I'm just getting dressed, don't get excited." She interrupted his dirty thoughts, taking out the outfit she'd planned on wearing. A low rised jean skirt, paired with a purple long sleeved corset top that had been cut perfectly to show off her clevage.

She changed quickly, feeling the eyes of the boy on her. She didn't care that he watched her, or else she'd have kicked him out. She only wanted to get dressed before either made a move and they didn't leave the room. Hunter faced him once she had been dressed, doing a small spin.

"You're so fucking hot." Trevor couldn't help but move closer to her, trying to bring her in for a kiss.

She broke away, "lipstick." She stated, denying him a kiss and grabbing her cup.

"I don't care if I get it on me." He said, following her as she exited the room.

"I don't want it to smudge." She retorted, walking down the hall and pausing her music from her phone.

"What's smudging?"

"Her makeup. She thinks if I kiss her it'll mess up." Trevor answered, Cole staring questionably at the girl.

"I don't understand women." Cole mumbled, their attention being brought to the door as it swung open.

"Hey, bitches!" Mya called out as she walked inside. "Okay, someone tell me who Mason Mctavish is, cause he followed me on insta and—Jamie!" She'd been too focused on her phone to see the boy as she walked in.

"Mase followed you?" Trevor laughed, his arm slinging around Hunter's shoulder.

"Is he on your team?"

"Yeah." Jamie answered, "he probably saw that I followed you."

"Or maybe you wouldn't shut up about her in the group chat so—" Trevor teased, earning one of the couch pillows thrown at his head. "Hey, man!" He let out a laugh, catching the pillow and throwing it back to Jamie.

"Is Court still hiding?" Mya asked, eyeing the drinks in the kitchen.

"Yeah, she's behaving like a feral cat." Hunter responded, taking a drink from her cup. It was sweet, she could taste the alcohol in it yet, it wasn't bad.

"Time to wrangle the beast, cause I wanna do shots." Mya sang out, making her way down the hall to Courtney's room.

Mya had managed to get Courtney from her room, bribing her with drinks that'd surely bring her from her shell. The shots were lined up, six glasses spread out on the counter.

"Z, what'd you pick?" Jamie asked, looking to the glasses Trevo had poured then the bottles he brought.


This'll be a hell of a night.

By the time the Uber had arrived the group had gotten their buzz, all giggling as they ran out to the car. Their driver had been in his thirties, hair slicked back with a creepy grin on his face. The girls had noticed it right away, cautious of the man as they piled into the car. The guys didn't seem to think anything of his wandering eyes.

Cole, Jamie and Mya got into the far back, Trevor, Hunter and Courtney sat in middle. Hunter had taken Trevors hand as they sat, sitting as close as possible as she felt the mans eyes on her.

"You kid's havin' fun?" The man asked, peaking through the mirror as he started to drive.

"Yeah!" Cole exclaimed, leaning over the seat and Courtney pushed him back. "Grumpy Court." Cole muttered, a playful grin on his face as she glared at him.

"She's naturally that way." Mya stated, reaching over the seat to pat Courtneys shoulder.

"Is this a triple date?" The driver asked.

"No, we're all friends." Trevor answered, though from the drivers perspective it looked like the pair in the middle were more than that.

"You ladies are single?"

"Not really your business, is it?" Hunter retorted a bit too harshly.

"Hunny, he's just being friendly." Trevor whispered, but she didn't like the way the man was repeatedly staring back at each of the girls.

"I just think three beautiful young woman like you should have a man to take care of you." That made them all uncomfortable, each of them falling into silence.

Trevors hand moved over Hunter, his arm covering her revealed body. He rested his hand on the outside of her thigh, still holding her hand in his.

"Hey, man, keep your eyes on the road, would ya?" Trevor spat out, catching the glances back.

"Oh, I was just—"

"Being a perv?" Courtney questioned and the man tensed behind the wheel.

They hadn't caught him looking back after that, the rest of the ride filled by whispers of the group in the back. They'd barely let the car park outside the house before the door was opening and they were getting out.

"Have a nice night!" Courtney yelled condescendingly, slamming the door closed once they all got out.

"Alright, give him one star and let's forget about it." Mya said as Hunter took out her phone, opening the app to leave her review.

"He wasn't that bad." Cole stated, the three girl's looking to him as if he had two heads.

They entered the crowded house, the three girls leading the way to the kitchen. The guys followed behind, looking around through the crowds. It was clearly a frat house, the kegs and for the boys posters spread around.

"There she is!" A whistle erupted from the kitchen as Hunter walked in.

"Hey, Jake." She smiled wide as she grabbed a cup.

"This place is like your wet dream tonight, so many bachelors looking for a hookup. I've got a few that—"

"I'm not looking tonight." She told him, glancing back to Trevor. "Z, come here." Hunter held out her hand, the blond making his way to her side.

"Look at you, Hunny. Did you finally decide to settle?" Jake teased and she rolled her eyes.

"This is Trevor, Trev, this is Jake, he's the head of the frat." Hunter introduced the two, she felt Trevor's arm wrap around her waist as his other hand went out to shake Jakes.

"Nice to meet you, man. Hunny's a good kid, just be careful cause she's a heartbreaker." Jake grinned, dropping Trevors hand as the girl rolled her eyes. "Caleb's out back by the way." He told the girl, turning back to look out the glass door.

"Alright, we'll be in the basement then." She said, pouring liquor into the cup she'd been handed.

"I can't meet this guy?" Trevor asked, still stood behind the girl.

"Man, if you think you could kick his ass, go on ahead." Jake laughed out, shaking his head as he drank from his beer.

"I think he could." Hunter stated, turning back to look at Trevor eyeing him up.

"You think that since I play hockey I could kick anyones ass." Trevor responded, reaching over her for his own cup.

"You play hockey? For what school?"

"I played for Boston." The blond answered, "that was before I was drafted though."

"Wait, you played for Boston? And.. shit are you Zegras?" Jake asked and the blond nodded, unable to hide his proud smile.

"Heard of me?"

"Yeah, man, I go to the games all the time. You play for the Ducks now right?"

Hunter let out a light sigh, taking a big drink as the two began to go on about Hockey. She liked that they were getting along but she wasn't sure to anything they were saying.

"Hunny!" Her name was called out in a squeal, her attention brought to the girl dancing in the doorway. "Come dance!" Carrie, Jakes girlfriend had waved her over.

"Um—" Hunter looked back to Trevor and Jake, both engaged into a conversation and she shrugged. "Coming!" She ran to Carrie, immediately being dragged to the center of the room.

"So, who's the hottie?"

"Trevor." Hunter answered nonchalantly, waving as she saw Courtney and Jamie stood near the hall, both with bashful smiles.

"And the other two you came in with?"

"Jamie and Cole. Which.. I have no idea where Cole went so—"

"I saw him go to the pong table." She assured and Hunter nodded, hoping she could get all her friends back together by the end of the night. "Are you hooking up with Trevor then cause I'd keep an eye on a guy like that. These little bitches are bound to stick their claws in him."

Hunter laughed at that, "if he wants to hook up with someone else tonight, it's whatever. I'm not really looking tonight anyway."

"Cause you brought him?"

"Nah, just not feeling it."

An hour later and Hunter was drunk, she'd had several drinks between songs. Her, Courtney, Mya and Carrie all deciding to sneak a full bottle of pink Whitney into the bathroom and leaving with it nearly empty. The guys had managed to make their way outside, all drawn to the beer pong table.

Hunter had found herself wandering outside, making her way to the table. Jamie and Cole were on a team, Trevor and Jake on the other. Four entirely too competitive guys competing to get drunk. She was bound to be entertained.

Trevor noticed her walking over, backing away from the table to take her beneath his arm. She smiled up at him, cheeks flushed from alcohol.

"You winning?" She asked, walking with him back to the table.

"Thanks to Jake, I'd be hammered right now if it were for him." He told her and she let out a giggle, "I heard a bottle of Whitney went missing along with you and the girls."

"What? That's a crazy accusation." The giggles wouldn't stop, her words slightly slurred and he let out a laugh.

"The craziest." He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Her head sank at the action, the affection taking her by surprise.

"I-I think it's your turn." She pointed to the table, where the three others were staring at the two.

"Shit. Sorry guys!" He picked up the ball, Hunter watching intently from the side.

"Hunny?" No.

Her eyes squeezed shut, "Caleb, not tonight."

"C'mon, baby, can't we just talk?" This wasn't good. She wasn't sober enough for this, not when he still had such a hold on her.

"Go on." She didn't look at him, her eyes on the game in front of her.

"I miss you and—"

"Nope." She shook her head, refusing to listen to an apology.

"You don't miss me?" She could feel him hover at her side, his hand inching towards her waist.

"Of course I do." She muttered, "but we're over."

"We don't have to be." She still wouldn't look at him and he didn't like that. "Hunny, look at me." Her head shook again, her heart speeding up.

"I don't want to."

His hand went to her cheek, forcing her to face him and she stepped back, eyes squeezing shut at the feeling of his hands on her. He was getting frustrated, she could feel it.

"Don't act like this." He was holding back, knowing he couldn't yell with a group around them. "Why are you moving away from me?" His voice went soft, and her eyes opened.

The tears pooled the second she faced him, "you scare me."

"I scare you?" The break in his voice scared her.

"Y-you.." the words fumbled against her tongue, his hand taking her wrist. She stared at his hands, the tight hold on her make her choke.

"I-I, what?" He mocked her shaky voice, and there he was.

"Please.. please don't be like this. I'm having a good time and—"

"What? With that stupid fuck you brought here? Does he know how much of a whore you are? You're just gonna—" she blocked out his words, pulling at his hands to get away.

"Caleb, let go." He held tighter at her struggle.

"You seriously think that—"

"Hey!" Suddenly Caleb was being shoved, the force taking him by surprise and he let her go. Hunter had joked about this happening but she never intended for it to. She didn't want it to.

"Mind your fucking business." Caleb spat at Trevor, "she's not worth acting all high and mighty for."

"Trevor, it's fine." Hunter croaked out, but the blond refused to listen.

"I don't give a fuck what you think about her. You put your god damn hands on her and that shows what a fucking piece of shit you are." Hunter backed away, until she had hit the chest of Jamie.

"Jamie, I don't want anything to happen." She knew she couldn't stop the fight that was bound to break out, not by herself.

Jamie nodded, "Z! Let's just go!"

"Aw, look, she's got her own body gaurds now. She sucking your dick too or—" and there it was, the hit that Hunter had anticipated.

Hunter was frozen, watching as it was soon three against one. Jamie and Cole were torn, trying to break Trevor's rage though they knew Caleb deserved every ounce of it. She felt a pair of arms go around her, and in her haze she didn't care to stop them.

One minute she was in the lawn, watching the fight and the next, she was being put into an uber. Courtney and Mya were with her, both doing what they could to regulate her breathing. The ride felt like forever, but a blink of an eye as well.

She couldn't remember getting home, still feeling Caleb's hands on her and the sight of Trevor attacking him. It wasn't until she hit her bed that she had finally started to calm down. Mya had stayed with her, Courtney getting water and snacks to sober her up.

"Let me see." Mya spoke soft, sat criss cross on the bed with Hunter's head in her lap. Hunter's arm rose, feeling the gentle hands of her best friend as she looked at her wrist.

"I say get a fucking restraining order and out that fucker in—"

"Court." Mya hushed the angry girl, "we'll talk about it in the morning, alright? Can you call the guys? Make sure they're on their way back."

"Is Trevor okay?" It was the first time Hunter had spoke since the party.

"I'm sure he is." Mya answered, her hand brushing through Hunters hair. "Jamie and Cole had his back."

"I didn't think it would be that bad." Hunter mumbled, a dead stare into the wall across from her.

"Caleb's unpredictable."

Hunter didn't say anything, she didn't move as she heard the door open and close. She stayed still, watching her bedroom door until she saw the tall blond walk in. His lip was busted, his face red, but his eyes were soft.

"Want me to stay?" Mya asked quietly and Hunter sat up.

"I'm okay." Hunter assured and the girl got up from the bed, watching Trevor closely as she left the room. "Are you hurt?" She asked him, he cracked a small smile.

"I can handle a busted lip." He told her, sitting beside her on the bed. "Has he put his hands on you before?" Trevor asked, glancing down at her red wrists.

"It doesn't matter, he won't do it again." She stared down at her lap. "You didn't have to do that, I-I was fine."

"I had no problem kicking his ass."

"I just don't want you to think you had to do it." Hunter laid back on her bed, her eyes heavy from tears and alcohol.

"What if I wanted to?" He kept an assuring smile on his face, laying beside her.

"Then I hope you made him bleed."

authors note.
y'all knew it was coming..
n e ways fuck caleb, all my homies hate caleb

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