❤Part 19❤

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Thank me later !! 😉

Another surprise ❤❤🙈


Bela's POV 

i open my eyes, and found myself lying on the bed alone.. where is  mahir jii?? i see the time and it's almost 8 o'clock, my eyes widen i get up in hurry 

did he left me ?? 

i stand up from the bed to see a note kept on my side table, i read it 

Good morning! 

I know you were tired  yesterday so, i didn't wake you up, i know  you don't even have habit to wake up early in the morning so come to the office when you wake up there is no hurry and please don't sleep in office. 

your lovely husband ❤ 

i smile looking at the little heart he had made, god! he's so caring.  i finally woke up from the bed went to washroom and fresh up.. 


i reach office.. i went to cafeteria to take coffee as i skip breakfast today, i went to mahir jii's cabin while going someone bumped into me and my coffee get spilled on his suit 

"Oh!! i am so sorry" i apologize though the mistake is not even mine cause he bumped into me 

"you bloody employer, do you even know how much this suit cost?? " he started to yell. 

" i am sorry, but mistake is not even mine sir you bumped with me" i said to him calmly.. 

" what the hell!! do you even  know who i am?? i am new manager of this company and you bloody a simple employee will teach me that mistake is mine" he yell even more loudly 

Now, we both become the center of attention every employee there was looking at us 

"Mistake is not mine you bloody idiot" i don't know from where i got this much courage i cursed him him and shout at him 

" you bitch, shout at me-" i see his hand, he's going to slap me i hid my face with my hands and close my eyes tightly. 

when i feel silence everywhere, i open my eyes. and see someone holding his hand.. yeah he is mahir jii, i hide behind him.. 

" you are fired on your first day Mr. mehta " he shout with full anger.. 

" but sir, she spilled her whole coffee on me and you are firing me for just a simple employee?? " he said in full attitude 

" she's not any employee, she's my wife 'bela mahir shegal' and your boss..  " he shout, mangers eyes widen as he has seen ghost.. 

"  i.. i am sorry, S-sir s-sorry M-mam " he finally apologize but it's too late now !!  mahir jii was holding his collar.. 

" bela go in my cabin" mahir jii said to me, i nodded and went in his cabin.. i was almost in tears and just going to bust out anytime 

Author's POV  

As soon as bela left.. 

mahir slap that manger tightly on his face that he fell on the ground..  mahir sit on ground reaching to his level 

" what you just called her bitch?? " he said while he slap him hard again on his cheek that blood from corner of his lips started oozing.. 

he hold his collar, and again slap him..  " bring me a cup of coffee" he ordered his peon his peon gave him hot cup of coffee.. he pick up the  coffee cup and pour the whole cup of coffee on him.. 

" this is what she did? right??, now will you abuse me as well ?? do it then  "  

he again hold his collar.. " now, get lost from here, and i will make sure you don't get job anywhere else too, and if by mistake i found you in this city i am going to kill you" he shout at him

" i-i am so-sorry sir, i will apologize to mam too, please don't fire me i-i need this job" he beg.. 

" Just GET LOST" He shout at the top of his lungs..  " and listen, no one will tell bela about what just happened here " he told  to all the staff they nodded and he went from there 

after he went all employee started talking about the incident just happened 

" we never seen mahir sir like this!! he really love his wife" one of the employee said other's nodded 

Mahir's POV 

i enter in my cabin to see her sitting silently on sofa, i sat beside her " just forget it! " i said.. she put her head on my shoulder without saying a word. 

" have you done Yesterday's work that i had given" i said to change the mood and tease her, she look toward me, i was smiling at her face.. he trow pillow on my face.. 

" i hate you" she said folding her hands sitting with angry pout, i giggle ah! she's still a kid.. 

" i didn't understand anything in those files" she said with tired face, i smile..  

" okay, okay you want me to make you understand this ?? " i asked, her face suddenly light up she nodded like a 5 years old baby got his chocolate  

" okay, so let's start " i said, she again nodded.. i started to explain about our current project that is about some restaurant purpose.. 

i was telling her everything, she seems really active and interested now.. 

suddenly we heard a knock .. " come - in"   i said my personal assistant enter.. 

"sir, meeting is ready everyone waiting for you"  she said " okay, i am coming " i said to her, she left i look toward bela 

who was tired even by the name of meeting , i giggle.. 

" you don't wanna go ?? " i ask, she nodded.. " vo.. actually i am having headache" she said doing drama she's still a kid *my kid* .. 

" okay, okay " i said, i call someone. 

after sometime rahul my employee enter my cabin  " yes sir" he asked..  " rahul, i am going in meeting will you please made bela explain this project " i said to him he nodded very happily.. 

i put my hand on his shoulder "maintain some distance, if you love your job" i whisper in his ears.. he gulp his saliva nervously and nodded.. 

"okay, i am going now" i said and went from there.. 


ahh! this part is boring! i know, i almost fall asleep while writing 😂 *lazy me* 

anyway.. i think you guys forgot something very important related to story  🙃🙃 

Think-Think... if you don't get the answer that wait till next update.. 

Byee byee 

meet you in next part  

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