Chapter 10

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Warnings: Multiple deaths, blood, sad-ish

     ~Jerome's P.O.V.~

Walking up half buried in snow, with literally frozen fur, and frost bitten fingers, isn't the nicest of experiences. Gasping in shock, a fit of shivers overtakes me, and I instantly begin rubbing my frozen hands together to create friction. Thankfully the blizzard has subsided, but the sun does nothing to ease the bitter cold dwelling inside me. Chestnut is shaking, huddled close to the spruce tree, snorting in complaint.

     "Dear Notch, I've never been this cold in my life!" I mutter, rising to my feet on shaky legs.

'Dear Notch'. Notch... Notch. Notch? Notch! OH MY GOSH NOTCH! My eyes snap open as I glance at my gem, which is white, just like the dream told me. Literally jumping in shock, I whip around and squint off into the SouthWest-in the direction of Notch's kingdom. Whereas here the sky is clear, and the sun is shining bright, off in that direction ominous dark clouds loom in the sky. Swirling like a slow vortex, the huge grey clouds flash with streaks of lightning, ever so slowly beginning to expand. My heart begins to pound in my head, and I leap over to Chestnut, untying him form the tree and pulling myself up into his saddle. I need to warn everyone! I realize urgently, digging my heels into Chestnut's sides. He reads up, neighs, and then beings a wild gallop back towards the Jungle.


     The moment I pick up the scent of smoke, I immediately know something is wrong. Slowing Chestnut to a halt, I frown, and an uneasy feeling settles in my gut. The moon casts long shadows, filtering through the canopy, and providing concealment for lurking mobs. But strangely, I haven't encountered a single mob, when usually this Jungle is teeming with them at night. Squinting, there's a bright warm glow visible shining through the thick trees and foliage, coming from just up ahead where my village lies. I swallow dryly, cautiously sliding down from Chestnut's saddle.

     "Stay here boy." I whisper to him, tethering him to a tree.

     Chestnut snorts in reply, shaking his long silky mane, and pawing at the ground with a hoof. Silently drawing Betty, I creepy through the bushes, years of training as a warrior letting me slip through the bush without making the slightest of noises. Forcing myself breath steadily and quietly, I stay in the shadows as the orange glow brightens, and the smell of smog strengthens. I press my lips into a thin line, gripping Betty in one hand and moving to part the bushes in front of me with another. Please don't let what I'm thinking be true please don't let what I'm thinking be true please don't let what I'm thinking be true pl- oh no... All sensible thoughts suddenly vanish, and it's all I can do to stare at the chaos in front of me.

     The entire village in caught in an inferno of deadly fire, blazing and lighting up the night sky. Every single house and building is only a shell of what it used to be; most having burnt into a pile of ash, and some with only one or two sections of wall standing. Pillars and blocks of charred structures litter the street, and all the grass and trees in the area are wilting or burnt. And probably the most horrifying thing about it all, is the dead bodies scattered across literally every surface. Blood splatters and stains the ground, lying around the bodies of mobs and people alike. Not a single soul stirs, and I gasp as tears spring to my eyes, seeing one of my oldest friends-Quentin-lying limp in the dirt. A small shift of movement catches my eye, and I watch as the hairy figure of a spider scuttles into the Jungle, with for some reason glowing white eyes rather than red.

"What... Happened?" I croak, stepping out into the open, feeling the sting of tears in my eyes.

Gazing on in numb disbelief, my eyes wander over the husk of what I once called home, less than a day ago. It's hard to say if anyone escaped, but I do know for a fact, there's no one here anymore. Everything I've worked to achieve, everything I've served to protect, all my friends and family... Brought down in a single night. And only one name pops into mind, who no doubt must have caused this. Herobrine. I growl at the name, angry tears now toppling onto my fur as I vote right here and now, to end him in the most painful way possible for what he's done. Building fury and crippling sadness mix with confusion, and I cry out in frustration, kicking at a piece of cobblestone by my foot. It's sails off towards the 'village', rolling and bouncing until finally it comes to a stop by the front of the village, next to some burnt frame of a shop. I follow the pebble with my eyes, and when I see the checkered hoodie it lands beside, my eyes widen.

"Mitch...?" I breathe in shock, shaking my head in disbelief. "Oh no, please no!"

Tucking Betty away, I sprint over to the figure, pinned under a heavy fallen stone beam, most likely dead. Tripping over my feet, I fall to my knees in front of him. All I can see is his arm and part of his leg sticking out from underneath it, as well as a stomach turning pool of blood. Tears blurring my vision, I grab the large beam, and throw it to the side like its a stick. Adrenaline. I reason, not dwelling on the thought.

"Benja, can you hear me? Please bud, answer me." I beg, pulling the limp figure closer to me, and pressing two fingers to his wrist.


I let out a sound somewhere between a sob and a sigh of relief when I feel the faint pulse there. Or maybe it's my own heartbeat, pounding in my chest. I don't really care. Rolling Mitch over, I look over him for any injures, big or small, fighting the urge to simply cry out in relief and get him somewhere safe. There's are some painful looking burns on his face and neck, the skin red and seared and swelling. There's a tear in the upper arm of his hoodie, and blood seeps out from a deep gash where an edge of the beam the fell on him cut him. But thankfully, aside from some bruises and smaller cuts, he seems okay.

"Oh thank Notch, you'll be okay." I whisper, wiping a tear from my eye. "But I have to go see if I can find any surviving healing potions for you..." I mumble, standing and glancing around.

It's only when I turn to go scavenge for any remaining potions, that there's a soft glint, created by the good of fire shining off of Mitch's gem. I freeze in complete and total shock at the matching white gem on his hand. And it's in that moment, he shifts and begins to cough.

Question of the chapter:

Did anyone catch a hint of what Jerome's power might be?

Also P.S., I know Mitch was in the Nether, and I'll explain where he's here in the next chapter 😋

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