Chapter 12

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Sorry for the late-ish chapter, writers block really sucked for me in this particular chapter, and I couldn't decide how to write it for the life of me XD


Warnings: Slight blood, kinda sad

     ~Lachlan's P.O.V.~

"So Notch is dead cuz of this jag named Herobrine, and now the world is going to be destroyed if me and five other random people don't stop him. And it's literally impossible to do that without killing four hyrbid things. Sick." I sigh, clearing away the last few bits of sleep from my eyes and standing up. "But... Then again... Now I have powers, a white gem, and get to go on an epic adventure." I remind myself, smiling.

Stretching and yawning, I hold out my hand so the gem catches a glimpse of sunlight, shining through the thick leaves of dark oak trees. The white gem there glimmers brilliantly, and I grin, cracking my neck. Yeah, I could get used to this. And now there's no way my parents can stop me from going out on adventures, rather than cooping me up in a stuffy castle to preform Princley duties all day! Ha, I can't wait to see their faces when they see my gem. I snicker to myself, picturing the scene. Confidence and admittedly a little cockiness bubble up inside me. Picking up the sword I dropped when I was knocked out, I re sheath it, and pull out my compass. Despite the fact I should probably be keeping my gem a secret, I still turn, and begin to saunter back to the castle.

"I'll figure out my powers later. Right now, I just want to enjoy this moment." I tell myself, realizing too late my mistake.


     As I stroll through the courtyards, I relish in the looks of awe cast my way, as I walk along with my white gem in plain view. I'm not really trying to show off, but if people are gonna marvel over it, hey, I'm going to enjoy it. The guards watching over the drawbridge salute as I pass, clanking the ends of their spears on the ground, and trying their very best not to stare at my gem. I nod my thanks, and continue on into the castle, letting my feet direct me towards the throne room. That's where my parents usually are, when they aren't sleeping or eating or anything. The guards remain as still and silent as statues like always, making no movement to prevent me from pushing open the two heavy oak doors. My heart begins to beat quickly in excitement, and I stride into the room, smiling as my mom and dad look up in shock. Said shock quickly morphs into angered expressions, and they obviously haven't seen my gem yet.

"Lachlan Ross Power! I hope you have an explanation for your behaviour young man!" My mom instantly snaps, setting her scroll down stiffly.
I roll my eyes, scoffing. "You guys can't keep me locked up forever! It's basically torture."
My dad scowls, crossing his arms. "Lachlan, as Prince it is your duty to tend to your jobs, so you can learn and become suitable for the throne. We are one of the most powerful kingdoms to exist, and I will not have you goofing off and doing whatever you please! Not to mention, there has been a disturbing increase of mobs lately. I've just received word King Sky's kingdom has fallen due to these things! It is dangerous to go out alone, no natter how skilled of a fighter you think you are!"
"I dunno dad, I think you're underestimating me..."
"Lachlan! That is no way to-"

The words of my mom are abruptly cut off, and both of their eyes go wide, and their jaws drop. I grin widely, brandishing my gem for the world to see. But the last hing I except, if for my dads face to hear up in fury, and his fists to clench. The next words he speaks are filled with venom and malice, and for the first time in my life, I feel truly regretful and afraid.

"I don't know who you are, but you are not my son. I've heard rumours of a black gem running about, and only a black gem could pull off this sort of treachery-to impersonate my beloved son and pretend to bear the white gem of Notch. I didn't want to believe it, but here you are, daring to show yourself to me. Guards! Kill this monster!"
My eyes widen, and my stomach sinks. "What?! No dad, it's me! Lachlan! At least let me explain!"

But he does no such thing, instead jumping to his feet, and pulling the diamond sword form his sheath with a swish. My mom simply watches on in numb disbelief, quivering in her throne. Tears prick my eyes, and I take a hesitant step back, distancing myself from the slashing sword of my father.

"Dad, plea-"

Suddenly the oak doors behind me are bursting open with a loud CRASH, and dozens of guards or swarming in, carrying shields and weapons.

"GET HIM!" My dad bellows, pointing his sword directly at me.

I choke back a sob, shaking my head in disbelief. But realizing if I don't get out of here, I'll die, I turn on my heels and rush directly at my dad. He sinks into a fighting stance, holding his sword at the ready, but at the last second I sidestep and whiz past him. He lets out a shout of surprise as I wrap my arms around my head, and vault through the window behind him, smashing through it with ease. Shards of glass dig into my palms and arms, and I blink away tears, pain shooting through my knees as I land ungracefully on the ground. Alarm bells ring through the air as I scramble to my feet on wobbly legs, my vision blurred.

"I'm sorry..." I whimper, ducking as a barrage of arrows begins to rain down on me. "I'm so so sorry..."

Turning on my heel, I bolt in the opposite direction, towards the dark oak forest I roamed less than an hour ago. Arrows plunge into the dirt behind me, and I scramble under the shelter of the trees, tears stinging my eyes and blood seeping down my arms. My heart hammers in my chest, and my legs eat up the ground underneath me, as I run blindly into the shady forest.

And before I even know what's happening, the ground suddenly disappears from under my feet, and I'm spiralling uncontrollably through the air, down the gaping mouth of a ravine.

Question of the chapter:

So as right now, I'm rotating between the Pack's perspectives every chapter. But once they all join each other, what would you guys prefer: to continue switching the POV every chapter, or, write in 3rd POV? Let me know in the comments below!

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