Chapter 14

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Warnings: Write all the feels!

     ~Preston's P.O.V.~

Rob, as he calls himself, turns around and laughs. I surprise myself by laughing along, finding myself unable to fight it-not that I want to. But it's honestly just the strangest sensation... It's only a small laugh, nothing like a stomach hurting roll-on-the-ground laugh, yet it still feels so good, so.... Right. In the moment of comfortable silence that follows, I come to a somewhat startling realization. I can't remember that last time I actually laughed. Or even truly smiled for that matter. Or even had someone to talk to! It's hard to believe but... I think this is the first time, in what seems like forever, that's I've actually really truly felt happy. Even though I know Rob can't see it, what with my cloak covering my face, a soft smile rests on my lips rather than a depressed poker-face. Silver yips, seeking to sense my heightened mood, and leaps back into my lap. Giggling, I let her curl up, and once again begin combing my fingers through her luxurious fur.

      "So now we're left with two problems." Rob states, moving a few paces before plopping back down in his chair. "The first one, is we need to figure out a way to find everyone else, before it's too late. Luckily, I think I have an idea, but it'll use a lot of magic and a lot of my remaining energy. But on the other hand, I might be able to use it to find the hybrids guarding the keys to Herobrine's castle, too.
      I nod. "Well after that fight, it's only natural you'd be tired. What's the other problem?"
      "I mean, this ones more of a want more than a need but... It'd be nice if I could see your face, seeing as we're going to be together for a long time. Of course I could always use magic to forcefully remove your cloak, but I'm really not into that kind of stuff, y'know?"

      And there comes that sickening gut feeling again. Immediately my throat runs dry, and I gulp, tensing up. Silver, sensing my unease, whimpers quietly and nuzzles into my hand. From under the hood of my cloak, I glance at Rob nervously, weighing the possibilities. I know I have to show him eventually, it's a given. But am I ready to do it now? What if he hates me? Sure he can get over the whole 'I used to have a red gem' thing easily, but he still hasn't seen me yet. His opinion could change in an instant. And not to mention- Okay stop Preston. You're stressing over something pretty insignificant again. Just... Take it off and get it over with. I scold myself. And so taking a deep breath, and pushing all those anxious thoughts aside, I reach up and hesitantly pull back my hood.

As the piece of fabric drops behind me, I instinctively squeeze my eyes shut, turning my head away, and waiting for the insults to pour in. For him to call me a freak. Beat me up. Kick me out. Anything. But... Strangely... They never come. Letting one eye flutter open just slightly, I let my gaze turn to Rob, to gauge his reaction. My eyes open wide as I see not a disgusted expression on his face, but rather a gentle, kind, and welcoming one. My mouth opens and closes a few times, but the words fail to arise. This is the first time someone hasn't freaked out over my appearance... It's... Overwhelming almost. Against my will, bright orange tears begin to blur my vision, and any words I was attempting to say catch as a lump in my throat. The first of undoubtedly many sniffles arrives, and I bring my palm of up my cheeks, attempting the wipe away the tears just to have them replaced a second later.

      Out of the corner of my tear filled eyes, I watch Rob chuckle slightly, and smile. Walking the few paces between us over to me, Rob leans down, and wraps his arms around me in a reassuring embrace. Silver wriggles out from between us, yipping and wagging her tail.

     "Y-you're not afraid of me?" I stutter, as Rob pulls away after a second.
     He slowly shakes his head. "Not at all. I can see how at a glance people might think your scary, but after getting to know you, I know there's no reasons to be frightened. If I'm being honest, I think you look pretty cool! I mean a lava-creeper hybrid? It's so interesting and awesome!" He reassures, leaning down and scratching Silver between the ears.

      I let out something between a sob and laugh as she flops onto her back, lolls out her tongue, sticks her feet in the air, and letting Rob rub her belly. Sniffling and wiping away the last of my tears, for the first time in my entire life, I feel truly and utterly accepted for who I am. As Rob straightens once again, Silver jumps to her feet, barking in glee and running circles around Rob's legs. He laughs, picking his feet up and stepping carefully over her snowy-white form.

      "Now then, with that out of the way, comes the hard part. I have a faint idea on what I'm trying to do here, but it's going to be some serious trial and error before I'll get it. In the end though, we should have a reliable way to let the other four know where we are. Then later, I should be able to use a slightly altered version of the spell to find the key-holders."
      "Key-holders?" I inquire, tilting my head.
       "The four hybrids with no gems that Dream a Notch mentioned." He elaborates, turning and stalking over to his enchantment table.
       "Oh yeah. Those guys..." I recall. "So tell me, how do you think the spell is going to work?"
       Rob's eyes light up, "I thought you'd never ask! Using a combination of a variety of different spells, along with something related to the six of us, I should be able to cast a spell that will send out five lines made of light for each of us. The lines will be invisible to anyone but us, and they'll connect to each one of us, too. To add to that, the farther away someone is, the fainter the line will be."
        "Gotcha. Sounds cool. But... When you say 'something related to the six of us', what exactly do you mean?"
       A sly grin sneaks onto his face. "Well, I guess it doesn't really have to be in common with all of us... Just... And item or sample per se. And, if you don't mind, I'll be using you as my experiment to find out just what that is."

Question of the chapter:

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

Note: I'm actually looking for a specific answer which I'll reveal next chapter ;)

Cheat and look it up if you'd like, but let's see your answers ^_^




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