Chapter 39

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Warnings: slight feels?

~Jerome's P.O.V.~

From the centre of the jungle Mitch comes flying over the trees, his translucent wings beating lazily and glimmering in the fading sunlight. He swoops gracefully through the thick canopy above, landing softly in front of us on the ground.

"Is Rob alright?" I question, not being able to help but feel a tad guilty. "We really didn't mean to offend him."
Mitch sighs, fluttering his wings. Silver comes sniffing at his feet and he smiles wearily, stroking her between the ears. "He knows. I talked to him and he apologized, just saying he feels so stressed and overwhelmed with the whole thing that he couldn't help but feel a little attacked. He feels so much pressure to do well and live up to what he's meant to be that comparing him to someone as skilled as Seto kinda put him off. I think we're good to go, I just wouldn't mention anything to him."
        "Makes sense." I shrug, "He doesn't wanna lose his job."

        Mitch nods solemnly and we move on in silence, Mitch leading the way as he cuts aside the thick jungle brush with his sword. Eventually I spot a dot of blue in the distance, which quickly becomes the shape of Rob. Following Mitch's suggestion, none of us say a word about the incident as we approach him. He's staring out at the ruins of the kingdom I once called home. Memories play back in my mind, screams echoing in my ear, smoke filling my nostrils and clouding my vision, and flashes of my friends and family lying dead on the blood soaked earth, buildings crumbling to dust under an all-consuming fire. I shiver, the image of Mitch pinned under a charred stone pillar being the most vibrant memory of all. I look over at him, noticing his melancholy expression as he stares out at the wreckage, trees all along the edge of the clearing as black as the soot dusting the dry brown grass. A gust of wind breezes through the clearing, rustling the leaves and shaking the dead grass in this fallen kingdom.

       "This was your home." Rob states. It isn't a question.
       "At one time." Mitch sighs, a distant look in his eyes, his wings drooping.

       Subtly, I reach over and squeeze Mitch's hand in an act of sympathy. He looks up at me, offering a sad knowing smile.

      Suddenly an armoured zombie comes charging out of a crumbling building, breaking the solemn silence. Silver growls, fur prickling up, but Preston holds out a hand to command her to sit. Vikk instantly steps forward, gargling out words that none of us but the zombie seem to understand. It stops dead in its track, moaning out something that almost sounds like a question. Vikk groans in return and the zombie salutes, groaning out a few more 'words', and then shambling on its way past us towards Seto's base.

      "You're really getting the hang of that, Vikk." Lachlan commends, watching the zombie go curiously.

       After a few more seconds of silence, Mitch spreads his wings, shining like beacons as the sun begins to dip behind the towering jungle trees.

       "Com on guys," He beckons glumly, rising steadily into the air, "There's nothing left for us here."

       We follow the soft glow of Mitch's wings that cuts the spreading darkness as he sails across the clearing, weaving his way into the trees on the opposite end. Preston heats up slightly, becoming a walking torch as his luminous skin casts a warm light on ground all around us. I take it upon myself to trail slightly behind, not being able to help but glance back longingly.

       Suddenly movement catches my eyes and I freeze, my eyes squinting as I peer into the darkness, muscles tensed and fur bristling. I stare long and hard at a specific point by the beam of what used to be a stable, not daring to blink. But nothing moves. I quiet my breathing, ears straining to pick up on the slightest rustle. But again, there is nothing. Did I just imagine it?

      "You coming Jerome?" Preston calls out, everyone paused and waiting for me.
       "Yeah, sorry!" I yell back, casting one more suspicious glance into the darkness, and then turning and running to catch up with them.
       Vikk falls into step beside me. "What was that all about?"
       "Oh it's nothing, I just thought I saw something moving. Must've just been the dark playing tricks on me." I explain, waving it off.
        "Interesting." Vikk mumbles, brows furrowing.

        The troubled expression on his face worries me, but neither of us say another word.


      Somewhere high above the clouds I know the sun must be shining. But with the spiralling vortex of clouds and smog coming from the Castle covering the entire sky, not a single ray of light shines through onto this snowy wasteland. A bitter cold nips at our noses, so cold that I can feel it's full effect even through my thick brown fur. Preston heats up within his little magical bubble, attempting to spread warmth to our frozen bodies. It's dark and windy and Mitch has abounded the skies, instead leading the way as we wade through the knee deep snow, his wings illuminating a small area around us. But even with both Preston and Mitch producing light, I still can't see more than ten blocks in front of us, even with my keen eyesight. Vikk morphs into a torch which Lachlan carries, but this does little to help our situation light-wise. Once or twice one of us has nearly fallen into a pool of icy water, and we had to traverse around a ravine at some point as well. Vikk recruits a few strays as we advance, but otherwise all is eerily silent.

      "H-how much longer until we reach the ocean?" Vikk stutters, buffeted by the wind. "I-It feels like... l-like we've been walking for a-ACHOO. Ages."
       I turn back, glancing sympathetically at the red-nosed Vikk. "We should be nearly there."
       Silver whines, head lowered to the wind and stumbling along next to Preston, her tail tucked between her legs and her ears flat against her skull. Preston bends down, running his warm hands through her thick fur. Even Silver, who was built for this weather, is freezing.

       An eternity later and finally the soft lapping of ocean waves reaches our ears, just audible over the whistling wind.  The sound brings comfort to us and we pick up the pace, encouraged by the thought of being able to rest. As we approach the shore, snowy dirt giving way to snowy sand, we all gasp lightly.

     "Seto was right." Rob pants, exhausted from maintaining a protective bubble around Preston to shield him from the snow. "This is the place all right."

     The ocean in front of us is dotted with thousands of glowing red lights. Off in the distance, at the depths of the great ocean, comes the faint glow of sea lanterns, adorning a massive ocean monument. An even denser collection of red lights swarm the structure. Drowned and guardians. I gulp nervously. I've never seen such a massive gathering of hostile aquatic mobs in my entire life.

        Suddenly a pair of glowing red eyes appears right by the shoreline, and a trident comes spinning out of the water. If it weren't for the magical bubble surrounding Preston he would have been speared right between the eyes. He yelps, jumping back, the trident falling uselessly to the sand. A drowned gargles angrily, rising out of the water, another trident in hand. Silver snarls, rushing forward, and biting the drowned's hand clean off. Mitch then swiftly nocks an arrow, sending it through the heart of the undead mob. It's eyes dull, and it falls back into its watery grave with a splash.

     "Holy shrimp! Yeah this is the place all right!" He shouts, backpedaling well away from the water.
     "Let's build a dirt hut for now and rest before going in there." Lachlan suggests, following Preston's example and backing well away from the water. "I've got a feeling this is going to one Nether of a fight."

Question of the Chapter:

What could possibly go wrong with Preston staying alone on land while the others go fight Riptide?

Hint: Chapter 28



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