Chapter 4

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Warnings: None

     ~Jerome's P.O.V.~

     "Beat it!" I growl, taking a threatening step forward.

     The man takes a hesitant step back, eyes wide with fear, the sword in his hand shaking awfully. To give him some more incentive to leave, I gnash my sharp teeth together, and that's all it takes for him to drop the sword, and run off in the other direction. I watch him go, the blue gem on his hand fading into red, and then he disappears into the jungle. I snort, slightly amused at the thought of a rookie Mage like that somehow believing he could beat me. He won't loose his magic now that he's a red gem, but he won't be able to learn any more.

     "You alright Brice?" I ask gently, extending a hand to my fellow purple gem.
     Brice takes it and rises to his feet, rubbing his now black eye. "Could be worse. Thanks for scaring him off like that for me."
      "Ah it was nothing." I shrug, waving off the compliment. "I just wish I was quick enough to stop him from taking that thing you were carrying. What was it, anyway?"
      "I'm not really sure what it was myself, but Seto had asked me to go deliver it to Chimeny." He mumbles, slouching, "If I was half the warrior you were, I might've been able to fight that guy off myself."
      I frown, clasping Brice on the forearm. "Cmon man don't talk like that. You aren't a purple gem for no reason. If you really weren't a good fighter, you'd just be a green gem like most other people. That sorry excuse for a Mage caught you by surprise, it's not your fault."

      Brice offers a small smile, and I return it, flashing my teeth. Brice has passed through here a couple times before, either to deliver something or complete a mission he's been set with by the King. Despite what he thinks of himself, Brice is actually a really good fighter, hence why he's in the higher leagues in his army. But today he was ambushed by a noobie Mage, and got pretty beat up. I scared the guy off, but not before he stole whatever Brice was delivering for Seto, and tossed it into an enderchest. Though whatever it was, I probably wasn't that important, seeing if it was Seto would be delivering it himself, considering he's one of the strongest mages to date.

     "Now then, let get you fixed up and then I'll lend you a horse, and you can go explain to Seto what happened." I state, walking back towards the village I live in, here in the Jungle.

     Brice nods and follows behind me, with a slight limp, as I lead him in the direction of our village healer. Along the way, however, our journey is interrupted as one of Sky's messengers runs up to me. I come to a stop, raining an inquisitive eyebrow, and the man-perhaps in his late thirties-gathers himself.

     "Sir, King Sky has sent me with a mission for you." He states, shifting around in his inventory and then pulling out a rolled up scroll. "He requests you deliver this message to Notch."
      I stare at the scroll, crossing my arms. "Couldn't he get Jason or someone to deliver it?"

      The messenger sighs and mumbles someone along the lines of 'he told me you'd say that', before shoving it into my hand.

     "Jason is off dealing with a squid infestation."
     "What about Ty?"
     "He's with Jason."
     "His leg is broken."
      "Quentin is dealing with another matter, and before you ask, Mitch is off with a raiding party in the Nether."
     "Ugh fine." I huff, stuffing the scroll away into my inventory. "What is your name?"
      "Horace, sir."
      "Alright then... Horace... Bring Brice here to the healer, and let him stay a night in one of our Inns for free. Then give him a horse in the morning so he can return to Oakview."
"Right away sir. Brice, please follow me." Horace closes, and then turns on his heel, walking briskly away.
"Thanks again, Jerome!" Brice calls, waving, and then tailing hastily after him.


     There's a soft thump as the vines fall to the jungle floor, the noise muffled by the lush grass growing there. Raising my favourite axe, Betty, high above my head once more, a final strike brings down the remaining vines. Panting and wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead, I regret ever brining this horse along with me. Because I'll tell you right now, trying to navigate a horse through a jungle is like trying to give a cat a bath. Gulping down a water bottle to quench my aching thirst, I lead the caramel coloured horse through the last stretch of brush, and out into the snowy plains. Snow crunches satisfyingly under my feet, and I take a deep breath of the fresh, crisp, cool air filling this biome. Having such thick fur, I'll take the frigid temperatures of this biome over the stuffy humid air of the jungle any day. Chestnut, the name of the horse I've dragged along with me, snorts and stamps his feet, his breath puffing up in a cloud due to the coldness. He seems to be happy to get out into open land, too.

     Vaulting myself into his saddle, I pull out my compass, fogging up the glass with my breath and then wiping the moisture off with my sleeve. Pointing myself to head SouthWest, I glance quickly up at the sky to see how much time I'll get in before sundown. Out here, the last thing I want to do is be stuck in the open with a ton of strays and other mobs. Though confident I'll make it to the ocean before the sun sets, I dig my heels into Chestnut's sides, and he sets off in a steady canter. Once reaching the ocean, I'll have to tether Chestnut up at the outpost there, and then hop into a boat and head strictly West, towards the Capital. Thankfully the Capital is only a day or two away, with only a short plains biome in addition to the ocean and snow plains in between my village and it.

     Blinking away the irritating snowflakes that fly into my eyes, I frown as flurries of snow suddenly begin to fall. That's the thing with the weather, there's really no predicting it. One second there won't be a cloud in the sky, and then you blink and suddenly it's pouring rain. It's kind of the same situation with the drastic changes between biomes. One second you can be in a scorching hot desert, and then you can walk two blocks over and you're standing in an ice spikes biome, with temperatures dropping to below freezing. At this point, I've learned not to question it. A bone-chilling wind begins to blow, and the cold air actually begins to seep past my clothing and thick fur, and soon enough I can hardly feel my fingers or toes anymore.

      "Argh, I wasn't planning on this..." I mumble through clenched teeth, squinting my eyes to try and shield them from the flurries of snowflakes. "I'll have to stop and wait out this blizzard."

     Seeing a lone spruce tree up ahead, silhouetted against the flat snowy ground, I slide off of Chestnut, rubbing my arms to creature friction and warmth, and tucking my head in to protect my face from the freezing wind. Chestnut follows tiredly behind me, panting quietly, and I shuffle my way through the knee-deep snow to the lonely spruce tree. Tying his lead to the truck of the tree, I turn and go to burrow into the ground for building material. But that's when the thing slams into me, tossing me back against the tree, and tearing away my consciousness.

Question of the chapter:


C) Idk that ship

My answer: OTP :3

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