Aquila Volans Shop Dialogue

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ChipShield (200 D$)- It's a shield designed to look like a poker chip. Raises defense.

Water (50 D$)- It barely heals, but it's the only age appropriate drink at the bar

Broke.bottle (Broken bottle) (100 D$)- A broken bottle that you're allowed to have for some reason. Raises attack

PlanetPin (150 D$)- For some reason, they're selling pins in the shapes of planets. Raises defense and magic.


Upon Entrance

Why the fuck are there children here. How many times can this happen?

In Shop

Don't disturb the patrons or touch any alcohol I swear to lights


Goodbye, don't return


[While purchasing] What the fuck do kids like?

[Not enough D$ for purchase] At least waste my time trying to steal it

[On purchase] Can't deny money to pay rent

[Item placed in storage] Don't expect me to put it in there for you

[Full inventory] Test my patience, do it

[Refuse to buy] Could this be loitering if all you do is stand and stare?


[While selling] I guess items from a lightner could be sold for a higher price

[While selling items/armor/weapons] Hurry up going over your stuff

[On selling items/armor/weapons] If this isn't worth my money I'm strangling you later

[Sell empty slot] Hah, empty like my soul

[Attempt to sell with nothing] I don't think you'd like to test my temper

[Refuse to sell] Having fun with your indecisiveness?

[Attempting to sell a free item] That seems worthless


I have not hit you yet because that is bad for business, but I will not stop myself if I have to


My only regret about leaving is I didn't read all the books

You can't find anything about the universe here. Only old, outdated stuff.

But otherwise the place can burn down

And if it does it was absolutely my fault


If fae is stabbed to death it was my doing

If anyone else takes credit they're lying, that bird dies by my wings

Now change topics before I start to have an existential crisis over my lack of self-confidence

Other kids

Well, there was me being a brat

Then the two child addisons who my bartender adopted

You three seem fine though so I'd wish you'd leave

I would kick you out but apparently throwing kids outside onto the concrete and "breaking one or two bones" is bad for business

It was five for the record. None of the newspapers got that right for some reason


I don't deal with customers. I actually hate dealing with customers but we're short on staff today

Which includes the two bartenders

What the fuck did I hire them for? To fucking work. What do they do? Not fucking work

Other beverages

I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression but I do actually have some moral code

So I will not be giving you "other beverages"

Fucking Queen and lights, at least say alcohol next time


You can't just say "Space"!

There's so much about space, I mean you have the constellations, planets, comets, universes, different astronomers throughout time and history!

The building of ships and the different types of science fields from astrobiology to cosmology! You even got the pseudo-science stuff like aliens or zodiacs, which are slightly less interesting in my opinion

Anway, saying "space" is too simple a topic, there's a billion things to discuss!

You have to be more specific, you-


I'm rambling. You don't care. You're just here to buy things. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be boring

Space [After talking about space the first time]

Don't pretend to care. I couldn't care that you don't. It's fine. It doesn't matter.

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