My Blossom Campers

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Japanese Demigods:

Marva (Wonder) Soot
16, Daughter of Fudo
Camp Blossom
Powers: Fire
Magic Item: A cuff that acts as a shield as she can be vulnerable to water
She's sweet, caring, protective and extremely loyal. She attaches easily and will always be by your side. She always puts in 100% and loves to be around others.

Ayana (Beautiful) Tuma (Everlasting)
Jabari (Courageous) Tuma (Everlasting)
16, Children of Hoori
Camp Blossom
Powers: Sharp Instincts and Senses
Magic Items: None
Their both loyal to each other and confident in their actions. They're not just twins, but also best friends. They find the best way to work together and with others. They're both strong, brilliant leader types.

Else True
17, Daughter of Konohana
Camp Blossom
Power: Can make plants bloom
Magic Items: None
Unlike her mother she's quieter. She's sweet and isn't afraid to speak when spoken to, but won't often be seen initiating contact. She's very close to nature and extremely well-read.

Magnos Cobble
14, Son of Ninigi
Camp Blossom
Power: Grows Fruit
Magic Item: None
He's always hungry and usually eating some sort of fruit that he pulled from the air. He's curious, a bit of a wanderer, but overall a nice kid.

Ernesto (Serious minded) along
17, Son of Taukiyomi
Camp Blossom
Powers: Night
He's got his father's dark side. He's fierce, easily annoyed and overall a typical bad boy. He got cursed when he tried to steal from a witch lady and that's where the horns come from. During the normal year he always has to wear a hat to hide them from the outside world, but at camp he isn't afraid to flaunt them.

Jamarcus Anthony
16, Son of Benten
Camp Blossom
Powers: Can draw attention
Magic Item: Has a guitar that plays itself
He's a bit of romantic, but doesn't want to waste it flirting around so he tends to just daydream. He's very talented with an exceptional singing voice.

Kokoro (Heart, mind and soul) Katashi (Firm)
17, Son of Fukurokuju
Camp Blossom
Power: Strength
Magic Items: None
He's extremely hard-working and focused. He's not big on being in crowds, he'd rather stick to his work out alone. People are just too much work. He prefers solo sports like track, surfing, cycling and swimming.

Hotaru (Firefly) Ping
16, Son of Tsukiyomi
Camp Blossom
Powers: Shift into a firefly
Magic Items: A shrinking and growing bag. It allows him to carry it and all it's contents when he shifts to and from being a Firefly.
He got the more relaxed side of his father. He doesn't take things too seriously, but rather than a carefree laugh at everything sort of way he does it in a more chill, laid back sort of way.

Mio (Beautiful) Kyo
15, Daughter of Bushamon
Camp Blossom
Power: Precise Aim
Magic Items: None
She is cold and quick to judge. She has her father's love for head bashing and isn't afraid of a fight, in fact she'll often start them. She can seem really heartless, but once you gain her loyalty she'll always be by your side.

Anita Wu
14, Daughter of Dainichi
Camp Blossom
Power: Can make her voice go to extreme volumes
Magic Items: None
She's extremely bossy and judgmental. She thinks everything should be her way and if it's not to the utmost perfection then it's pathetic and horrible. She doesn't like many people and is very picky.

Haloke (Salmon) Trout
15, Daughter of Ebisu
Camp Blossom
Power: None
Magic Item: Fishing rod that attract fish easily
She's a quiet fisher just like her father. She likes to keep things simple. Her passion is fish. Knowing fish, owning fish, fishing, cooking fish, eating fish. It's all fish, all the time. Her mother owns a fish market.

Elan (Friendly) Craddle
12, Daughter of Kishijoten
Camp Blossom
Powers: Good Luck
Magic Item: Hair brush that does quick hairstyles
She's sweet and adorable and likes to spread joy. She's talented on the piano and loves to dance.

Kalum (Dove) Little
13, Son of Kannon
Camp Blossom
Powers: Calming
Magic Item: None
He's a sweet kid that loves his teddy bear. He brings it everywhere and loves to skip around and be happy. He likes to help and make new friends.

Jake Susans
17, Son of Susanoo
Camp Blossom
Powers: Storm
Magic Items: None
He's protective, a bit cold and extremely serious. He's not very fond of his father, but he does quite like the power. He's not good at relaxing, he's more of a doer than a thinker and often acts quickly.

Sydney Hanks
14, Daughter of Amaterasu
Camp Blossom
Powers: Controls Heat
Magic Items: None
She's usually bubbly and perky, but her emotions can change in a matter of seconds. She's very emotional and it's not unlikely to see her cry. She's a bit slow and sometimes has trouble remembering things. Part of that is because she always gets distracted.

Isamu (Brave) Kouta
17, Son of Jurojin
Camp Blossom
Powers: Sense
Magic Items: None, but always carries a katana
He's known as a protector. He's a warrior who hopes to spread peace by only defending and never attacking. He's very dignified and stoic.

Bogdon (Gift) and Adia (Gift) Amadora (Love)
15, Daughters of Hotei
Camp Blossom
Magic Powers: Can pull gifts and goodies or of hats
Magic Items: The hats they have enhance their powers so they can pull out bigger and more expensive items
Bogdon is a bit more serious, she thinks people should get what they deserve, meaning some people get dead fish while others get entire islands.
Adia is sweet and perky and just loves giving. She's often throwing out candy and coins to anyone she can find.

Cyril Type
16, Son of Hotei
Camp Blossom
Magic Powers: Soul-Seeing
Magic Items: None
He's a sweet boy who is usually well-behaved, but sometimes just wants to have fun.

Easton Rich
16, Son of Tsukiyomi
Camp Blossom
Magic Powers: Stronger at night
Magic Items: None
He's a quiet boy, except at night.

Hayden Gustav
17, Son of Ninigi
Camp Blossom
Magic Powers: None, just a really good cook
Magic Item: Pan that never burns anything and self-cleans
Bit of a flirty cook

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