Getting the rest of the demigods hooked

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Lea: so is everyone on?

Everyone/ the seven plus Nico and Reyna and Clarrice and Drew: yeah.

Lea: oh ok. Welcome to my world... And this is it!

Leo: ha! Just a lever? Really?

Lea: oh just you wait.

She pulls the lever and she disappears.

Lea: pull the lever guys!

They all pull the lever and get teleported into a huge underground city.

Leo: how did you do this?

Lea: I may have had help from a certain twin and Athena camper.

Everyone looks at Will

Will: guilty.

Everyone looks at Annabeth

Annabeth: wasn't me.

???: it was me!

They all turn around and see Riley

Lea: hey Riley! Welcome! We were all playing minecraft, wanna join?

Riley: sure! Want me to get Jessica?

Lea shrugs

Lea: last I heard of our half sister she was cursing people to sing about a cup of dirt.

Riley: groan really? Again?

Percy: wha?

Will: we have a life outside of you guys you know.

The door opens and comes out a dirty Jessica.

Lea: what did you do this time?

Jessica: note to self, don't curse the Demeter cabin about dirt. They find it offensive.

Will: Percy!

Percy douses Jessica in water and dries her off making all the dirt go away.

Jessica: thanks.

Percy: np

Nico: did you just say 'np' out loud instead of no problem?

percy: yus

Lea: ok well, let's start playing!

The end!

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