Chapter 53: Winter Solstice (New Version)

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As time goes by, the fated day has finally arrived, December 21st. The middle of the day just occurs yet the chills of the evening can be felt; the trees shiver in the bitter wind, as the naked branches were covered with glistening winter frost. The roads were slippery, and everything was covered with white.

The melodious voices of the musical fairies can be heard in the Achaea, the demigods were embracing the last song that was dedicated for them as their enemies were yet to come. The walls of Achaea were now covered with thick walls of steels and at the top of it cannons made by the Alchemy Kingdom were positioned. And the residents of the Cerxes were evacuated to the Cerulean Kingdom.

The Olympians have two missions; the first one is to protect the Achaea, Belster, Cerxes, and Demigods Academy at all costs. And the second mission is to retrieve Dionysus' daughter, the Demigods Academy's headmistress.

Yet, the demigods were waiting for the arrival of the Primus Section, and even though they were personally trained by their godly parents not a single ounce of jealousy can be seen from the other sections. Because they were also trained by the remaining gods, and that is also a great privilege.

And now the role of the gods was done.

But little did they know that the students of Primus Section have already set foot in their beloved walls. At the outskirt of the Belster, Aizen was resting on top of the tree, he was simply watching the demigods who were getting ready in the Achaea. On the other hand, Phoenix was outside the Achaea together with Kaki who was now in a form of a child with little fox ears on top of his head.

Sue was blended in the crowd. She was roaming around, looking for her other friends. Sue flinched when a loud explosion occurred outside the Achaea, an indescribable heat was coming from the gate, and the magic energy being released was extreme. She decided to run towards the gate for she concluded that it might be an attack from their enemies.

Sue halted when she bumped into someone, both of them looked at each other with eyes widened.


"Aizelle!" Sue shouted and then she hugged her. "Pupunta ka rin ba sa gate?"

Aizelle awkwardly laughs as she scratches her head, "Yes, it must be—" Aizelle was interrupted when she felt a weight wrapped around her shoulder.

"You'll never be able to see the commotion with a lot of demigods going to the gate." Light smirked. Aizelle was caught in surprise, she unintentionally pushed Light, he smiled amusedly while looking at her. He pointed the wall of Achaea, "Let's go, up there." Light said.

Sue smiled and pulled the two of them, "Wait," Sue mumbled. The air becomes heavy around them, Sue was being surrounded by air and when she opened her eyes, they were glimmering. The air began to dance around as it slowly forms into cumulus clouds.

It made both Aizelle and Light awed. It was whiter than milk and fluffier than cotton, they followed Sue as she hopped in the cloud. "This is awesome, Sue," Aizelle said.

And when reach the top, they saw the other side of the Achaea.

"Aizelle," Light whispered.


"Iniiwasan mo ba ako?" Light asked. Aizelle grimaced, not wanting to answer his question.

Sue scowled, "Wow. Ano kayo mag-jowang hindi nagkita ng isang buwan? At talagang sa harapan ko pa kayo naglalandian ha."

"Shut up," Aizelle jeered. Her attention shifted at the bottom to the Geryons beneath them, who were smashing the walls of Achaea.

Both Sue and Light looked at where Aizelle was looking at, they noticed something odd at the Geryons. They were smashing the walls as if they were out of control, their eyes were crimson unlike the usual, and they were howling as if they are in pain. "Someone is controlling them," Aizelle stated.

And without second thoughts, she summoned her Legendary Bow, she released an omnidirectional attacked— she was eager to know what is the weakest spot of the Geryon is.

All of her arrows were deflected, the skin of the monsters was tougher than steel.

Light summoned his Intelectix and jumped off the wall. He landed on top of one of the Geryons head, it roared like it was whining in pain while going circle like a baby. Light lightly tapped its head, a loading screen appeared on top of the Geryon and when it reached the hundred percent, Light immediately jumped to the nearest tree.

"Target the eyes, Aizelle." Light commanded.

Once again, Aizelle concentrated, she slowly lifts her Legendary Bow and memorized the direction of the eyes of the monsters. She smirks as she releases the arrow and as it soars the air, the number of arrow multiplies as they plummet to the direction of the monsters.

When the crimson eyes of the monsters met the arrows, they immediately vanish into clouds of ashes.

Aizelle heaved a sigh and jumped out of the wall. Both Light and Sue looked at her with concern knowing how clumsy she is, but they were impressed when she landed successfully in the ground.

Sue followed her.

The three of them began to march towards the gate with Sue in front. Light was watching Aizelle patiently, he was waiting for her to notice him yet not even a single glance at him was given.


"What do you want, Light?" Light looked at her back for a second, her response was cold, it was unusual as if she was doing her best to avoid Light.

"Why are you acting cold? Did I do something wrong? I just arrived yet you are—"

Sue suddenly clapped her hands, she languidly looked behind just to see Light who was acting like a child, whining and demanding for Aizelle's explanation. "Ang masunurin niyong dalawa,"

"Not again, Sue." Aizelle uninterestedly said.

"Hindi nga kayo sa harap ko naglalandian, sa likuran ko naman." Sue teased.

"Hindi kami naglalandian." Her reply was cold. She coldly passed through Sue that made her and Light to be curious at her odd behavior.

They watched her as her silhouette slowly disappeared.

Aizen looked at the Achaea's gate curiously, he wasn't bothered with the cold because he was wearing a thick layered of clothes, "There was a loud explosion," A woman appeared in his front, her gray hair was waving because of the strong current of the wind.

"I know,"

"Shall we go, Master Aizen?"

"I told you to stop calling me master, Blue."

Blue laughed. She never failed to make fun of her master. And when Aizen stood up, she knew that they will march towards the Achaea.

And when they reached the gate, Aizen facepalmed. "That stupid bird," He mumbled. The golden gate of Achaea was still hot, slowly dripping like a piece of liquid, the heat was giving him warmth in the middle of winter. Yet he clearly knows that without his thick layered of clothes, he might be burned.

Aizen stepped out of the gate and languidly looked at Phoenix and Kaki, "Hoy, bobo." Aizen called.

Phoenix's amber eyes glimmers when he saw Aizen, "Aizen, my friend!" Phoenix greeted.

"What are you two doing?"

"Well, Kaki said it was cold so I warmth him," Phoenix explained.

Aizen massages his temple and cleared his throat, he silently pointed the gate that made to awkwardly laugh, "I'm sorry. Nakatalikod ako kaya hindi ko nakita. And it was Kaki's fault,"

"It is not my fault!" Kaki shouted.

"Sabi mo hindi ba sapat 'yung init!"

"Because it is really cold—"

"This is just like Sky said, watching them is like watching two Phoenix," Aizen whispered. Phoenix and Kaki stopped arguing when they notice Blue's presence.

"Wow, may bitbit na bebe girl," Phoenix said.

Aizen was about to speak when Aizelle's group arrived, "Hoy, Aizelle!" Phoenix called. Kaki immediately went to Aizelle's direction and silently get his treat on her bag. "At bakit mo kami iniwan?" Phoenix asked.

"Iniwan?" Both Light and Sue asked.

Aizelle and Phoenix began to talk without thinking of the demigods around them who were eyeing them with suspicious, "I told you to wait for me inside Achaea." Aizelle said.

"Dude, you left us outside Achaea!"

"Hindi ka ba makakapasok sa loob pagwala ako?"

"Amputa," The two demigods who were arguing failed to hear the loud footsteps and the thunderous roars coming to their direction.

An armored giant with a large hammer appeared in their front, Aizen looked at his sister and Phoenix with eyes widened. And they were about to move when a large number of pearls began to pile up in front, it acted as a shield from the giant's attack. The giant's body trembles as he felt the taste of his attack.

They all looked at the pearls quizzically. The royal gift seems familiar yet the color of the pearls was odd, it has a combination of black and pink.

Phoenix pursed his lips and pulled Aizelle out of the way when the pearls gathered around to a very familiar woman.

"Serena," Sue mumbled.

She looks paler than before. Her cerulean eyes look dead as she looked at them coldly, "Serena, you're back!" Sue squealed.

Serena mockingly tilted her head, "Ah, who are you?"


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