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The clouds began to rumble, the clouds were grieving with her. I looked at Gaea, not a single hint of emotion can be felt on her steel eyes. Looking at her, I know that she wouldn't be able to use the same attack that she did earlier to terminate Riley.

I walked my way towards Ice, she was still grieving for Riley's unexpected sacrifice. I carefully held her cheeks and wipes her tears, "I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"Sky... why- why did he did that?" She asked.

I ruffled her hair and can't help but to notice the illuminating sapling on the ground, "Riley left something valuable, Ice." I said and showed her the sapling, her eyes glimmered which made me smiled.

Our moon is still shining.

She carefully stood and bravely looked at Gaea. Her eyes were burning as she looks at the woman before us. "I will drag you to hell," Ice firmly said.

A large magic circle lit up beneath us, "Ember Vale," she chanted.

The blue diamond on the hilt of her Crystalline Sword made a soothing glow, the sword floated above Ice and began to scatter its parts. After a moment, it was slowly attaching to her body like armor. Her beautiful ash gray hair turned into blazing red, half of her body was covered with fire while the other half was covered with ice.

"Ice..." Serena whispered. "You're not supposed to use that!"

"Shut up,"

Ice suddenly disappeared from my sight but her oozing magical energy can tell her location, she was releasing so much magic.

"Follow Ice!" Light shouted.

I grip at my sword tighter and galloped to the ground, Gaea was lifting and dropping the ground so we won't be able to reach her. "Serena, use your chances," I ordered.

Ice was the first one to meet Gaea, the clanging of their swords were echoing. "Sky, Lyn can't use that... she was forbidden to use that... it might kill her. Please stop her now," Serena begged through Light's Intelectix.

"I can't..." I can't stop someone who has a will to end someone. Instead of stopping her, I helped her in this fight.

I plunged my sword towards Gaea, she was caught off guard when I launched my attack and cut through her face. I gathered a large mass of water and covered Gaea with it, I glanced at Ice and she immediately understood what I was trying to tell.

The water froze.

"Ice..." I called.

One of her eyes was now close, she was catching her breath as she looked at Gaea who was trapped inside the sphere of ice. I was about to tell her to uncast her transformation when we heard a crack, I bit my lip as I watch the ice as it slowly cracks.

I pulled Ice near me so we can escape but it was too late when we heard a loud mighty roar. I looked behind and saw her steel eyes looking down on us, I saw how Ice gulped. Her hands were trembling as we look at the goddess in front of us.

A large magic circle appeared on the top of her head, the ground was trembling but it was different from before. This tremble was inviting someone to rise beneath us, she smirked. A sudden force pushed us back, it was something that we cannot fight; it was heavy and strong.

"That was cold," Gaea stated.

I groaned when I felt my body slamming from a huge rock. "I'm mad. Let me tell you why I chose the Cerxes as our battleground." she cunningly smiled.

I was struggling hard but my back was attached to the rock. I roamed my sight and saw my friends with the same state as I am.

My eyes widened when raspy winter ground was destructed from below, something huge was rising from the ground. Gaea began to laugh, "Welcome back, Hallow." After her greetings, a loud deafening roared echoed.

Little by little the uninvited guest began to expose his whole, it was a dragon; a three-headed dragon with sickening color, he resembles the mud. But what is sickening in his appearance is the head of the people moving inside him, their faces were attached to the skin as if they are still alive and asking for help.

And once again, he roared.

The dragon's eyes landed to both Phoenix and Sue, he wanted to devour them. "SUE! PHOENIX!" I shouted.

"Stay, Hollow," Gaea commanded the dragon stay still and the dragon shifted her glance to Gaea, "Do you want to know the secret behind the next prophecy?" she asked.

None of us was able to speak. Trust will be broken. A friend will suffer. "If you don't want that to happen, I can help you."

"Do you think we are going to trust a hoax like you?" Sue angrily shouted.

Gaea languidly looked at her, the ground began to move and encircled around Sue's neck. She was twitching but the bravery in her eyes wasn't fading.

"Aizen..." Ice whispered. "Find her, the only... Empyrean." I heard Ice said to Aizen.

Aizen's eyes glimmered, he began to shut his eyes and concentrate his magic.

Gaea clasped her hands. "Devour," she commanded.

I don't know how I was able to escape from the grasp of the walls. But I was able to block Hollow's roar using my sword, the mud coming from his mouth was deflected and came back to his direction.

I kicked the rock where Sue's body was being pinned until it was destroyed. She was coughing hard because of the grip on her neck earlier. I bit my lower lip, all of them were already tired especially that before we engaged in this battle, we all faced the other reapers.

"Sky?" Sue called.

I remained standing in front of Hollow who wants to devour me.

"Are you going to protect them?" Gaea playfully asked.

"I am the king and my job is to protect my people,"

Gaea laughed with my remarks. "Secret Art: Celeste Galarmor," I chanted.

The weight of the clouds poured down along with the large magic circle the envelops the capital, the rain was gushing towards my direction, every single drip was gathering around me. The water was carefully hugging me until it gave birth to an armor.

Gaea smiled while looking at me.

I didn't waste any more time, I run towards Hollow's direction.

I pierced his neck, he roared and angrily roared at me. The armor slowly made wings which enables me to soar the air, I smirked when Hollow began to follow me.

But I grimaced when Gaea jumped at the top of Hollow's head, she mockingly looked below and my friends were slowly sinking on the ground. I was about to plummet when Hollow's claws scratched to my arm.

"Defeat us and you can save your precious friends, so-called king."

I gritted my teeth. I need to finish them as soon as I can if my mother and the others defeated Kronos back then and it only means that we can also defeat her.

Gaea smiled and floated to the sky. She thrust her sword to my direction which I was able to deflect but I also felt a sting on my cheek.

Our swords were clashing as we fly in the sky. My attention shifted when I saw Hollow at the corner of my eyes, he was diving below the others. Gaea kicked my stomach which made me wince.

I bit my lower lip until I tasted my blood. I was about to plummet when Gaea pierced my shoulder using her sword, she hysterically laughed while looking at me.

I tried everything so I can save them from Hollow's wrath but I was stunned in the middle when Hollow devoured the ground together with my friends as if it was nothing.

I remained at my place while clenching my fist as I looked at Hollow. The pain from Gaea's attack was no longer present, the only thing that was registered inside my mind is how I will defeat them, how I will kill both of them.

"Come, show me the power of the renowned king."

I gritted my teeth and looked behind. A five-layered magic circle appeared above me, the Celeste Galarmor was also changing in its real form, from a transparent looking armor to a cerulean one, a peculiar brilliance embraces me and was abruptly healing all my wounds.

"I will make you pay. I don't care if you are a goddess or what. But I promise you, I am going to erase your existence."

"Secret Art: Obsidian Blade," I chanted.

The sword was absorbing all the magical energy around us, it was growing little by little. I can feel the surge of magical energy coming from the sword, it stops growing when it reaches its limit. Its size can be on par with Hollow.

"Ah, I almost forgot that you master three secret arts," Gaea stated.

I grip my sword tightly with my right hand, it was gleaming as the moon shone at it. I don't care if this attack will destruct the Cerxes, all that was registered in my mind was the bloodlust that was lurking within me as I looked at her.

I can feel Hallow's presence behind me.

And without looking behind my back, I sliced through him. Hollow's bloodstain was sucked by the sword until it turned black. At the corner of my eyes, I saw how Hollow's head was detached to his body as his body parts plummet to the ground.

My cerulean eyes coldly looked at Gaea, she was still smirking as she looks at me.

"Secret Art: Sea Dragon Roar!" I chanted. I pointed the Obsidian Blade towards her direction, at the tip of the blade the huge amount of water was released.

It has the face of a dragon and body of a serpent. Gaea smirked as she dodged it by flying sidewards but she was caught off guard the sea dragon followed her.

Half of her body was eaten. And because I am sure that she will regenerate, I charge towards her but I halted when someone pierced her heart.

My heart felt a sudden bliss. Her eyes were shining along with her sword that was illuminating a peculiar brilliance.

"This is your end, Gaea." She mumbled.

My armor and sword slowly faded due to the exhaustion, my body felt heavy as it dives below. But even with the burden of my body, I can't help but smile because they are safe.

I shut my eyes, someone caught me from the fall.

"Dude, you're a true king," Phoenix said.

I awkwardly laughed. I carefully opened one of my eyes and saw Ice running towards my direction, she tightly hugged me. I twitched when I felt a pang.


"I'm sorry."

"So, how did you-"

"We aren't fully eaten by that monster. The others inside were also alive, they are only trapped inside, and when you defeated him ay nagkaroon kami ng chance upang makalabas." Light explained.

"We saw everything, Sky." Aizelle mumbled.

"But... How did you defeat her, Ice?" I asked.

"Aizen found the Empyrean Soul inside Hollow's stomach. I asked her to bless my sword to send Gaea to the Tartarus." Ice smiled.

I tried my best to sit, and lightly pinched her cheeks.

"I am here to claim life,"

We all halted. I roamed my sight but saw nothing until Ice fell on me, she was squeezing her chest tightly. I was about to speak when Aizen fell on his knees while screaming.

"This is the Empyrean Sanctity, this is my curse."

"Ice? Aizen?" We called.

Aizen was now weeping endlessly, Ice was shivering as she held tightly at my arms. "Langit," she mumbled.

"Stupid of me, I almost forgot its curse." Ice smiled.

I quizzically looked at her, she suddenly held both of my cheeks. I don't know why but why tears began to fall, a sudden ache on my heart was killing me as I looked at Ice.

"No, please don't speak," I begged.

She genuinely smiled. I tightly held her arms, she placed her forehead on top of my mine. Her fingers brush across my face, she gently wiped the tears which were falling on my eyes.

Ice locked my cerulean eyes to her crystal blue eyes.

"I'm sorry, Langit."

"Please... Stay..."

"I'm sorry but I must leave..."

I tightly hugged her, a majestic light began to swirl around her. I don't want to lose her, she's staying by my side. She parted our hug and once again she smiled at me. "If the universe will give us a chance once again, I promise I will never leave you again."

"No... You are not leaving!"

"This is my prophecy, Sky. This is my ethereal peace."

I felt a cold liquid gushing at my cheeks.

I opened my eyes. It's been three years since that battle. It's been three years when Ice disappeared from my grasps.

I switch off the alarm clock beside my bed, it's been three years when we started living in the mortal world. The damages from the fight were still under construction up until now.

We used Shier University as our haven, it was Night's idea especially that the reapers were already incapable of hurting us with Kronos and Gaea already gone.

The sapling that Riley left was now a big tree, it was located at the back of the university.

I was walking in the hallway when a certain name captivated my attention. It was the only student who passed the examination made by my mother this school year.

Sapphire Mendoza.

I bitterly smiled- Sapphire, huh? A color associated with my moon.

My moon who brought ethereal peace to mankind but met her eradication.



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