My Life Changing Past

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   Hey there, readers. My name is Stella and I'm a Keyblade Master. I have two sisters; my big sister, Aqua, and my twin sister, Luna.

   There's actually a little problem with my twin. That problem is that her body was basically frozen in time for three years because of the powers that she got from a spell that was placed on us. When I was five she had the mind of a five year old, but she had the body of a two year old.

   About three months after we celebrated our birthday, she was taken to another world through a dark portal. I decided to work on using my keyblade, The Demon Fairy, to fight the Unversed. I also had my parents teach me advanced magic, so I can go find her and bring her home. But my plans changed in the worst way possible.

   It was two weeks after Luna was taken away when the town was attacked. When I was with my friend, Kairi, in Radiant Gardens, I saw a fire towards my village. I ran to save my parents, but when I got there I was too late.

   After that I found a man. He told me that his name was Master Xehanort and that he can take me somewhere I can train with other people that are like me. So I followed him to this world called The Land Of Departure, and I saw someone that I only saw pictures of. It was my big sister and she was fighting someone else that I don't know.

   Master Xehanort went to go talk to another man, who I'm guessing is another master based on the fact that he was watching the fight for any errors, while I watched the fight from the entrance. About five minutes later the two masters finished talking and walked over to me. Aqua and the boy in the middle of the room stopped their fight and walked over as well.

   "Stella," Master Xehanort said. "Yes sir?" I replied to show that I'm paying attention. "This is Master Eraqus. He will be teaching you everything you need to know about the keyblade. The two children are his students, Aqua and Terra. All three of them will be taking care of you until you become a master and start your own journey. Is that clear?" he said with a strict tone of voice. "Yes sir. I'll try not to be a disappointment," I said with confidence and determination.

   "Good. I must be off now. I will see you all again soon." Master Xehanort said as he left. "Hello there Stella. As Master Xehanort said, I'm Master Eraqus. Could you tell me how Master Xehanort found you and who your family is?" Master Eraqus asked.

   "Yes Master Eraqus," I said trying to think of a way to tell them without letting my emotions pour out, "My family has been separated in different ways, so I'm gonna become stronger to find the ones that are left. My parents died when my village was burnt to ashes. After that happened Master Xehanort found me and brought me here. The only family that is still alive is my big sister, who is training to use her keyblade somewhere else, and my twin sister."

   "Two weeks ago my twin sister was taken from me and my parents by a strange dark portal. Everyone that has met my family think that I'm older because her body froze for three years after we were born. We had a spell placed on us that caused it. The spell effected me differently. For most people their heart embraces the light or resides in the darkness, but darkness and light are completely balanced in my heart. Also the spell made me and my twin are only partially human. She's part wolf and dragon. I'm part demon and part fairy."

   "I was learning how to master advanced magic from my parents after Luna was taken away. I almost mastered how to use my keyblade. I just need to work summoning it's split forms. I don't want to be a burden on you so I'll mostly train by myself so you can focus on the two students you already have. Since I just need to master one more thing for my keyblade, you can just train me when you have some spare time," I said without any emotion on my face and in my voice only had seriousness in it.

   "Well. Since you put it that way, I can help you with your magic. Then all three of us could help you with getting that split form for your keyblade," Aqua told me with a smile. "I think that's a good idea. I'm in," Terra said while ruffling my hair a bit. "Aqua, Terra show her where her room is then show her around. Lunch is in an hour, so you have plenty of time," Master Eraqus said before walking out of the room. That's how my journey begun.

Timeskip: four years later

   I was watching my sister and Terra practicing from the railing on the sidelines since I don't need to train anymore because I passed the Mark of Mastery exam a month before my sixth birthday. I heard the door open with my sensitive hearing. Then I looked at the entrance and saw Master Xehanort with a blonde haired boy.

   When he went over to talk to Master Eraqus, I walked down the stairs to the boy with Terra following me. When I looked into his eyes they seemed empty. And I couldn't find his memories, light or darkness when I searched his heart. He seemed lifeless almost. So I did what any good person would do, put on a smile and introduce myself.

"Hey there. I'm Stella," I said with a positive tone of voice. "And I'm Terra. What's your name?" Terra asked. "Ventus." the boy, now known as Ventus, replied. "Phew. You can talk." Terra says then looks up at Aqua, "Aqua, come here!" Aqua comes down and looks at Ventus then says, "Hi, I'm Aqua." Ventus looks at each of us and say, "Stella... Terra... Aqua..."

"So, are you here to train with us? Where are you from? Who was that man with you? You good with a Keyblade?" Terra asks Ventus. Ventus starts to yell out in pain and falls to his knees. "Woah! What's the matter?" Terra asks. "Are you okay?" Aqua asks. "Ventus!" I says and kneel beside Ventus.

"What did you do?" Master Eraqus asks as he shows up with Master Xehanort. "Nothing. I... I just asked him some stuff." Terra says. "Ventus can't tell you anything...because he cannot remember anything." Master Eraqus tell us. "Makes sense. I didn't sense any memories in his heart." i said.

Little did I know that Ventus and I would be closer than I thought...

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