Episode 1:the new joruney of shinobi

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Outside of the temple have a two person one is wearing a dark armor and other was wearing purple armor he motifi is like a ninja,two of warrior are fighting to see who live and who will be defeat then they cry their battel cry as they charges each other behind them is their symobl one is corba is smyoblise of evil,other is a frog smyoblise of a good protecting helping everyone two of them are come closer each other then a title appeared as the name is the ninja warrior of future magic
(Year 2022)
In the trains have a young man looking the window as he are wondering how he young sister are and this young man is none other than rentaro kagura,now he is 18 years old

He are remember the old joruney of him being the protector of his villages from yami shinobi,as he are now go to accademy so that he can know everything about the outside world how it work,the train stop on everyone out of the train,even him too he get his stuff and he are out of the train he see that everything were like this

Rentaro: "wow so this must be a future outside world!okay i must go to find that accdemy"he about walking but suddenly someone bumped him make him and that person get on the ground,he see the person is a girls

Junko hattori

As he are amazed about her appeared,junko get up and help rentaro stand up

Junko: "i sorry for bumped in you!"she sorry to him

Rentaro: "that okay is just a usual situations"he smile that not matter in a dangerous situations even in this situations he still smile

Junko:look around that she just lost her weapons "oh no i lost my shinai"

Rentaro:look as he see the shinai he pick up "uh is this yours?"

Junko:see that rentaro have her shinai "yeah thank you whatever who you are"

Rentaro: "my name is rentaro kagura!"he introduce himself

Junko: "my name is junko hattori nice to meet you rentaro"

Rentaro: "nice to meet too junko!"they both shake hand together "uh what are you doing out here?"

Junko: "i here to find my grandma and i don't know where is she now"

Rentaro: "then maybe i will help you to yours grandma"

Junko: "why you want to help me?"she wondering why retaro want to help her

Rentaro: "becaues i see someone are in trobule i will come and help that person even you too"he said that becaues he see someone in trobule he will be there help them

Junko: "okay?"

Rentaro: "then lets go junko!"

As two of them going to find junko grandma,and the result they not found it,and junko were wondering why rentaro is here

Junko: "hey rentaro!why are you here?"she asked him

Rentaro: "i here so that i can learnd something from the outside world,and by doing that i must go to accademy"

Junko: "so that!wait that mean you are in a villages right"

Rentaro: "yeah i from a villages but my villages were use a ninpow to their life"

Junko:wondering what is ninpow "wait rentaro what is ninpow?"she don't know what is ninpow

Rentaro begin to explain as they are walking together
Junko were realize that his villages is a ninja villages and their use ninpow likes a ninja and rentaro have a sister but now she okay when she are living alone

Junko: "i can't believed that you live in a villages that have a ninja"she amazed

Rentaro: "yeah i know i very lucky to live there"he remember the time he live in the villages but he also a warrior name kamen rider shinobi

Junko: "hey rentaro one day i will going yours villages"she look at him

Rentaro: "why you want go to my villages ?"he wondering why she want to visited his villages

Junko: "becaues my family use to be a in a ninja cland unlikes you we use magic"

Rentaro: "magic?"

Junko: "yes we use magic in our live"

Rentaro: "well looks like your people use magic and my people use ninpow uh that really different"he puzzel up

Junko:giggel "yeah you can said that"she look at him as her heart were beat up really fast "why my heart beat up so fast"

Rentaro:look at junko as his heart also beat up fast too "why my heart beat up so fast"

Then they both hear a voice,junko recognize that voice as two of them follow the voice and they see a old woman and man are doing somthing to her maybe he is a theif

Junko: "grandma!your animal"She jump and kick the man in the face

Rentaro:doing his ninpo "megaton ninpow"he make a tornato to a man make him fly and down on the ground

Junko:just witness rentaro ninpow "so that is ninpo"she come to her grandma "grandma are you okay?"

Junko grandma: "junko why are you worry me so much?"

Rentaro:come to them "are you okay!"

Junko grandma: "and who are you!must be junko boyfriends"

Junko:blushed "grandma!"

Rentaro: "no i'm not i just a friends to her not a coupel"he help junko grandma stand up

Junko Grandma: "thank you uh...?"

Rentaro: "my mane is rentaro kagura!"

Junko grandma: "oh thank you rentaro and by the ways what is that magic you use it"she thought that ninpo is a magic

Junko: "uh grandma he not use magic he use a ninpow you just see"

Junko grandma: "oh!"

Then a man beging stand up as he are be hurt

Man: "ouch my head!"he come to rentaro,junko and junko grandma

As rentaro and junko prepare to fight but junko grandma stop it and told to two of them that this man help her and rentaro and junko fell gulity

Rentaro:come to the man "i sorry!"he bow as he are sorry

Man: "uh that okay!but hey that is yours magic"

Rentaro: "uh no that is my ninpow!"

Man: "ninpow?"he never heard that magic

Rentaro begin explain to him that he from a ninja villages that his people use ninpow in their live not like people in here

Man: "oh oh that's interseting!"

Then junko kneel down and bow to him as she are sorry,rentaro not going asking becaues he think that maybe this is junko traditional family when they accident hurt people they will kneel down and bow and he respect that after the bow of sorry

Rentaro: "oh by the ways my mane is rentaro kagura!"

Man: "uh my mane is akuto sai!and here lets me help you"he going get the vail of junko grandma to help her but junko grabs the vail

Junko: " i'm junko hattori a high school freshman at the academy of magical arts"

Rentaro:see that junko was study in the academy that he are finding "wait you study in the academy of magical arts?"

Junko: "yeah why you asked?"she look at him

Rentaro: "uh i going that academy!"

Junko: "oh so that then i will lead you there rentaro"

Akuto:come to two of them "i also going there to"

Junko: "oh then i will lead you too"she look at rentaro and akruto
Three of them were on the train,rentaro looking the window and he are amazed how beautifull this place are but they use magic to build a future,then junko come to him

Junko: "like what you see"

Rentaro: "yeah now i can know how future this world are"he back looking the views then he look at junko and he must admit that she really pretty

Junko: "oh by the ways i must do something"she take her sword

Rentaro:wonder what she are going do "hey what are you doing"

Junko: "take my sword"she hand her sword to rentaro as he grabs on top and she grabs on the down of the sword "i junko will be yours friends rentaro kagura and i will surported you"

Rentaro:know this must be a friendship traditional so he will said to "i rentaro will be yours friends junko hattori and i will surported you you too"

Two of them stop the traditional friendship and they both looking the veiws

Junko: "oh by the ways rentaro what is yours future occpuations ?"she asked him

Rentaro: "uh!why you said that?"he wondering why she said that

Junko: "becaues my academy is a school for some student have a future in their life"

Rentaro:were realize "oh so that well to be honset i don't know what is my future occupations is"he don't know becaues he just know that he is a ninja protect everyone in the shadow

Junko: "oh!well don't worry,i sure do you that you will have a good future"she look at him and smile

Rentaro smile too as he see junko smile made him want to protect her,as the trains stop rentaro,junko and akuto come out,junko step on the ground and she look rentaro and akuto

Junko: "welcome to a constant academy magical arts"she welcome two of them,then she lead two of them and told them how the school work and the nures office
After the tours junko told to them that if they figures out the class contract to her then she go as rentaro wave to her and she also wave to him too and two of them go to nures office,and they meet a woman wears a glassed maybe a teacher and she lead them and two of them see a lots student that are waiting to check their health in the glass that have a crow and it is smoking and the teaches explain that crow will said a future occupations,each of student have a future occupations and now next is rentaro

Crow: "transfer number #020 rentaro kagura!No health issues!future occupations:unknow"that make everyone shock that rentaro don't have future occupations,but rentaro don't care about that maybe he will soon find out his future occupations,next is akuto sai "transfer number# 021 akuto sai!no health issues!future occupations"the crow sweat that he know something "demon king" make everyone shocked,they really shock that akuto sai will one day become a demon lord but rentaro don't shock then teaches said the crow said again and it said again make everyone scared and run aways and akuto grabs his head
Demon king is the powerfull creatuers,he destroy every world of magic,even get all girls become his slave,people in the magic world were suffer and they have lost a hope!but something have come and bright their hope is a ninja warrior he defeat every servant of demon king,protect everyone,helping them,and set free all the girls be slave and defeat the demon king,now the magical world have been peace thanks to a brave ninja warrior as his name is shinobi and he are a lenged
Kamen rider shinobi:the ninja warrior of the future magic

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Rentaro were finding the class becaues his situations is not special likes akuto,he have found it and he remember that junko were studing in class 1-A

Rentaro: "this must be its!"he open the door and see everyone were talking and he see junko he wave to her as she wave to him and smile becaues she happy to see him same class with her then the teaches and akuto come as everyone scared akuto

Teaches: "okay class today we have two transfer student pleased intrudouce youreself"

Rentaro:come first "hello everyone my name is rentaro kagura i hope that we can know each other and helping each other"he bow and smile to everyone

Teaches: "okay nice introduce mr.kagura you can sit right next mrs hattori"she point the sit for rentaro

Rentaro: "thank you!"he bow as he are respect her then he sit down next junko

Junko: "hey rentaro have you know yours future occupations?"she asked him

Rentaro: "my occupations is unknown junko,but that is doesn't matter i will soon find out my future occupations"he look at her

Junko:heart is beat up fast again snaped out of it junko you just meet him"she is thinking

Then all class scared akuto becaues he is demon king
After the fight of junko and akuto becaues some reason,rentaro come to her droom to check it that is she okay and he also witness the power of akuto but he have shield himself by use force field ninpow,he knoch the door

Junko: "who is there?"

Rentaro: "is rentaro can i come?"he asked and he hope that she didn't said no

Junko: "you can come rentaro!"

Rentaro opend the door and see junko half naked he blushed and turns aways

Junko: "what does matter?"

Renataro: "uh you not wearing everything"he look a littel and turns aways again

Junko:was realize that she didn't wear anything she grabs a white clothes cover her body "you can turns back now"

Rentaro:turns back and asked "uh how do you felt now?"

Junko: "i felt like i be humiliated by a demon"she turns aways and sit down on her bed "why are you here rentaro"

Rentaro: "i here to check it out if you okay,and here to give you a present so that made you fell better"he doing his sign "making ninpow!"then suddenly in his hand have a flower he give it to her "here this is a present i give it to you"

Junko:surprise that he can do that and give her a flower made her happy to see him as a friends "thank you rentaro"she accpeted take the flower

Rentaro: "well then i will see you tomorrow"he walking out of the door

Junko were happy that she meet him becaues rentaro is a kind man,helping people that are trouble,even care about friends too
Rentaro:were on the trees as he are remember about his new joruney meet a friends and enroll in the school but the speical thing that he meet junko "i felt like that i'm in love now"then he heard a explosion he look that is from the forset he jump on all the trees and see what going on
Akuto,junko and have another young woman and she name was keena soga

Three of them be defeat by the moster motif mantis

Junko: "what are you?"she try to stand up

Monster mantis: "i'm the servant of the old demon king and now i don't need him anymor and i'm yami"

Akuto: "yami!"he have read that yami is a servant of old demon king and now they betray the old demon king

Yami mantis: "and now you going to die today demon king"he point akuto as in his hand have a blade he come to akuto slowly

Keena try to stand up but not working then she sleep,yami mantis prepare to finished akuto but junko have stop him by blocking her sword with him

Yami mantis: "what do you think you are doing?"

Junko: "i not lets you kill him,only i can kill him"she look at akuto then yami mantis

Yami mantis:felt this girls really annyoing he kick her aways "if you want to die soon then i will finished you"he laughed as he come to her,but someone kick him aways from her made him stumbles "who do that to me?"he heard a voice is none other than rentaro

Rentaro: "i was the one kick you and also the one going stop you"he bought a bottles

He open it as the water pour out and it forms around his waist turn to a mirai driver with the ninja star he takes his ninja and star doing and hand sign,doing his transformations

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He has become a protecter of everyone in the shadow he is kamen rider shinobi

Yami mantis:were shocked to see his old enemy "that is possible shi!shi!shi!shinobi!"

Shinobi: "that's right shinobi writted as heart and blade kamen rider shinobi"he doing his ninja pose

Yami mantis: "i will finish you right here"he charges and try to slash but shinobi dodges and bought his sword and slash yami mantis make him stumbles "kisama!"

Shinobi:doing his hand sgin "hide ninpow"(hide ninpow)

Shinobi turns to a shadow as he slash many place of yami mantis and he out of shadow and kick yami mantis

Yami mantis:don't believed that how can this new shinobi can defeat him "it can't be how can you do that old shinobi don't have that"

Shinobi: "old shinobi don't have but i have it"

Yami mantis use his power throw to shinobi,but shinobi doing his hand sgin (flame ninpow) he throw a fire to as the power of yami mantis is been destroy by fires of shinobi and the fire into him make yami mantis fall on the ground

Shinobi: "the finisher!"he spin the ninja star(finisher ninpow),he move fast punch yami mantis and punch again and jump doing his rider kick make yami mantis hold it and the final work of yami mantis

Yami mantis: "damn you shinobi!"and he be expolsion

As shinobi land on the ground safely and he turn back as rentaro,he come to his friends

Rentaro: "junko you okay!"

Junko:were shock and surprise that her friends is a ninja warrior that her parents told to her when she were young and she think that there is no ninja or shinobi is just a story but now she just see a ninja warrior in real life she heard him again as she snaped out and back to reality "i okay rentaro thank to help me"

Rentaro:smile "is okay what friends for"he hand forward to her as she accepted and he help her stand up

Akuto:come to them "hey what just i see it"he wondering becaues he never see a shinobi becaues in the chruch that shinobi were not reall is just a tell to a child and now is real

Rentaro: "uh you just what a ninja fight"he smile "and why you two are here"

Akuto and junko: "don't mentions it!"

Rentaro:smile "well lets back to our room"he about to walk

Akuto: "wait done you thing we should help her too"

Rentaro: "who?"he wondering who is akuto talking

Akuto: "is the girls name keena and she are right there!"he point the place where keena are but she not here

Rentaro: "uh i not see anything!"

Junko: "me either!"

Akuto: "you know what never mind!"

As three of them going to their room
The window of keena room were open and have a armor person carry keena in bride sytel and he place her on the bed as she are sleep now,the armor person out of the room as he are standing on the tree and he see rentaro

Armor person: "i finally find you know rentaro no i should said shinobi"he jump aways and who is this armor person what he want

The end close with the ninja star stop spinding
Next time kamen rider shinobi

Rentaro have star his study and what will happend next ninpow

And what's this a new girls into accademy too

Isamichi have return,and what he going do ninpow,and a new love story ninpow

Next ninpow:hattari returns and strike back

What will two of rival going to do  now ninpow

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