Chapter 14

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"Revenge?" Eva stared into the eyes of David Wilson, the man she shared a child with. She pushed him away, stepping out of his grasp, "Is it you?"

"I'm David," he gave her a pleading look, "I thought you believed me."

"No. Are you the one that's...that's killing people?" her eyes darted around the room, looking for a possible weapon.

David sighed, "Eva I am not a murderer! I have no idea who's killing those people."

"Why haven't you gone to the police to clear you name?" Eva asked.

David gave a bitter laugh, "And tell them what, exactly? Hi my name is David and I've been framed to be the Demon King? I think someone got a whole bunch of plastic surgery to pretend to be me and that's the person that was killed? Oh and if I don't sound crazy enough...that person was my dead half-brother Christopher McDaniels." David looked at Eva and asked a rhetorical question, "What do you think the police are going to do?"

"You could tell Sally Roux," Eva suggested. She walked to the kitchen with David in tow. She grabbed two mugs and poured some coffee in both. She handed one to David.

"The FBI agent?" David scoffed, "She thinks she killed me! She won't exactly be on my side."

"If you're who you say you are, she could do a blood test and check if you're the real David," Eva suggested looking away.

A moment of silence passed between them as David stared at Eva and she stared at anything but him.

"You still don't believe me?" He asked in a whisper. When she didn't respond he chuckled, "Of course you don't. I wouldn't expect anything less from the reporter Eva Lewis." He took a drink of coffee from his mug.

Eva shrugged her shoulders, "I don't understand why you haven't been trying to clear your name instead of getting revenge. What exactly is this revenge anyway? Who are you trying to get revenge with?"

"My father."

Eva knew that Vincent McDaniels was David's father. "Why?"

"Do you have to ask?"

"I know why I've been upset with him...but you?" Eva put her mug down and walked back to the living room.

"I used to worship him when I was a kid. Up until I went to college and then that fire happened," David sat down and sighed. "After Christopher was pronounced dead I expected Vincent to be angry. Do you know what he told me?"

Eva shook her head.

"Do you want to get some pizza? So casual. Like he didn't even care." David looked at Eva and shook his head in dismay, "His son just died and he didn't give a shit. I thought that maybe he was trying to be strong for me but then he got a call from some woman. I heard him making plans to hook up with some whore right after his son died. What kind of asshole does that, Eva?"

He stood up and paced around the living room, "He didn't care that Christopher had just died so why would he care about me? He was a phony. Ever since that day, things were different. I stopped taking his calls. I stopped going hunting with him. I was so angry that he didn't care about Christopher. It all makes sense now."

"What makes sense?" Eva asked.

"The reason he didn't care. Christopher didn't really die." David took another sip of coffee from his mug before putting it down.

Eva didn't quite follow, "Then who died in that fire?"

"I'm not sure. It could've been anyone. They might have planned the whole thing for all I know."

Eva still wasn't convinced, "Why would they do that? It makes no sense."

"I don't know Eva. For the insurance money?"

"Vincent's rich. He wouldn't need the money."

"But Christopher wasn't."

"Even if Christopher died, his life insurance money wouldn't go to him," Eva reminded David. It would go to his beneficiary.

David looked up and laughed, "Come on Eva. Who do you think Christopher's beneficiary was?"


"If not Vincent then it would've been Roger Fleming," David answered, "Christopher's uncle Roger wasn't rich. Maybe the two of them hatched up the entire plan."

"So what you're telling me is that Christopher McDaniels faked his own death only to kidnap you years later....pretend to be you and get killed as the Demon King," Eva's head was spinning she was so confused.

"That's about right."

"It still doesn't make sense David. Where have you been this entire time? How are you supporting yourself? And how exactly are you trying to get revenge?"

"I'm disappointed in you Eva. You should have put these pieces together already. Christopher and Vincent were working together as the Demon King! Don't you see? All of the victims were related to Tom McDaniels somehow. They wanted to frame him and then Christopher had surgery to look like me. Clearly they were going to get rid of me too."

"But why? Why not just kill you two and get it over with?" Eva asked.

David laughed, "Because then Vincent wouldn't have his newest bestseller, Raising the Demon King."

"You're telling me that Vincent McDaniels was involved with the murders and that he recruited Christopher so that he could write a bestselling book. Do you know how ridiculous you sound right now?"

"It makes sense Eva. All of it. Who would believe it? No rational person."

"Why didn't they kill you? You said you were kept in a cabin but why didn't they kill you?" Eva asked.

David shrugged, "I'm not sure why. I told you James visited me. I was being drugged at the time so things were hazy."

"James Smith the Deadly Disciple," Eva muttered.

"I'm sorry about Joelynn. I saw it on the news. I had thought about trying to reach out to you but it was too soon."

"Too soon?"

"Yeah. I was in a really dark place...mentally after everything went down. I was so angry and the only person that kept me sane was Donovan."

"Donovan?" Eva didn't recognize the name.

David nodded, "You probably never met him. He worked for Tom McDaniels."

"This is so bizarre," Eva muttered.

"I know it is Eva. Please...just hear me out. Before he died, Tom had done some kind of DNA test when he was looking for the Demon King. He found out he had a brother. Donovan was some guy that did his dirty work for him."

"Dirty work?"

"I don't know...not dirty work but the difficult jobs. Donovan said that Tom found out he had a brother and made plans. Donovan said that Tom didn't know that his new brother and the guy being accused as the Demon King were the same guy. Anyway, Tom made some kind of trust fund for this sibling he didn't know existed."

Eva frowned, "Poor Tom."

"I know. It's hard to believe he came from Vincent McDaniels. He was a good guy."

"Vincent said Tom killed his sister Beatrice," Eva murmured.

"And you believed him? Vincent would do anything if it benefited him in some way."

Eva nodded.

"Anyway, Tom set up some kind of trust and named Donovan the executer of his will. Donovan was to take care of the money for his sibling. I was pronounced dead but Donovan didn't believe that it was me."

"Why not?"

"I'm not sure. He said that he had gone by the hospital to check on me after I had been moved. The hospitals didn't have any records of me being transferred. It was like I just got up and left on my own which wouldn't have made sense since I was still recovering. He said everything happened so fast that he didn't have a chance to tell Tom I was his brother and not the Demon King. Then Tom died so he had to deal with all of his assets."

"How did Donovan find you after you escaped?" Eva asked suspiciously.

"I didn't know what had been going on while I was in that cabin. After I escaped, I tried using one of my bank cards to get some money out of the ATM. Apparently he had kept the account open and flagged the card. The rest is history."

"History?" Eva didn't believe his story, "This doesn't sound right."

"I'm telling you the truth. If you want details, you'll have to speak with Donovan."

"So what about the revenge?"

"Against Vincent," David sat down, "He had to have been helping Christopher kill. There's no way one person could've pulled off all those kills Eva."

"I think it's possible."

"No. The alibis and such don't match. They tried to frame Tom's friend Kevin but that's crap. I had looked into Kevin's history and alibis as well when I was still helping the FBI with the case. It didn't add up Eva. None of it did."

"So you think Vincent tried to frame you and Tom," Eva said, trying to process his words, "So how are you trying to get revenge?"

"I see that look in your eyes and no. It's not by killing people. I have something different in mind," David answered.

"So then who's this new murderer?"

David shrugged, "I don't know but it looks like I'm not the only one that wants revenge on Vincent McDaniels."

Eva sat down next to David. He looked at her and cleared his throat, " you believe me?"

"Honestly? I don't know."

David waited for her to continue.

Eva didn't disappoint him, "Your story sounds like it has a lot of holes in it but I want to believe you."

He held in a grin, "That's all I'm asking Eva."

She bit the inside of her cheek, "I won't let you around JD until I'm sure."

She could hear him sigh in resignation, "I won't force it. I know that you're going to help me clear my name Eva and then we can be a family."

Eva looked at him, "What? You want me to help you clear your name?"

"I can't approach them Eva. I need your help. Please."

Eva looked away, "You could talk to Sally-"

"No Eva. I want the proof first and then I'll go to the FBI or the cops or whoever I need to so that I can prove my innocence. But for now...will you keep it a secret that I'm alive?"

Eva nodded, "I hope you know what you're doing."

"So do I," David said standing up. "I should go before Jacob gets back."

Eva walked him to the door. David turned around to face her and smiled, "I'll keep in touch."

She didn't respond. Her mind was still reeling.

"I would kiss you right now but it might be too soon," David whispered.

"Definitely too soon." He was about to leave when Eva called out to him.



"I hope you're telling me the truth," Eva whispered.

He gave her weak smile, "I am." He started to walk away but then turned around, "Before I forget, I need to tell you something."


"I love you Eva Lewis. Since the day I've met've been stuck in here," David pointed to his chest.

Eva smiled as he turned around and walked to his car.

As she closed the door behind her she walked over to the mug of coffee that David had been drinking and picked it up. "Yeah we'll see just how much you love me."

She walked to the kitchen and carefully poured the remaining coffee out and slipped the mug into a plastic baggie.

She walked back to the living room where her cellphone was at and made a call.

"Eva why are you calling me this late?"

"Agent Roux you can order DNA tests right?" Eva asked.

"Yeah why?"

Eva smiled looking at the plastic bag with the mug David had been drinking from, "I think we have a lead."

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